Chapter 13.16
13.16.010 Application for service.
13.16.020 Separate connection required for each unit.
13.16.030 Liability for meter or service location.
13.16.040 Pipe depth below ground.
13.16.050 Responsibility for leaks or damages.
13.16.010 Application for service.
All applications for water service installations and for water service shall be made at the office of the City Clerk on forms furnished by the City, which the applicant shall supplement with such information as deemed necessary by the Superintendent. All applications shall be made by the owner of the property to be served or his authorized agent, and all accounts shall be in the name of the owner of such property. No person shall make any connection with either the domestic system or add to an existing connection any additional unit without first obtaining a permit as required in this section. [1956 Code § 3-501, § 601.]
13.16.020 Separate connection required for each unit.
In making all future connections with the domestic water system, each residence, residential unit, individual business, business enterprise, or business unit, or industrial enterprise or unit shall be considered an individual consumer and shall be supplied through a separate service connection; provided, that the term “future connections” shall be deemed to include any and all connections hereinafter made or modifications to existing connections such as the installation of water meters onto domestic supply lines in those instances where such meters have not been installed. [Ord. 1946 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1277 § 1, 1980; 1956 Code § 3-501, § 602.]
13.16.030 Liability for meter or service location.
When it is necessary for the convenience of the City, or because of the installation of new water mains, or for any other reasons, to change an existing domestic water meter or domestic water service location, such new location shall be made at the cost and expense of the Water Department, except that the property owner reinstalls his domestic water service pipes to connect with the water main meter as relocated at his own expense. [1956 Code § 3-501, § 603.]
13.16.040 Pipe depth below ground.
All new service pipes shall be placed not less than 36 inches below the surface of the ground. [1956 Code § 3-501, § 604.]
13.16.050 Responsibility for leaks or damages.
Owners of services are responsible for all leaks or damages on account of leaks from privately owned services. Privately owned services shall be deemed to include all domestic service lines between the meter and consumer’s property and all domestic service lines lying in, on or under the consumer’s property. All water meters shall be and remain the property of the City and the responsibility of the City; such meters may be removed, replaced or changed as to size and type by the Water Department whenever deemed necessary. [1956 Code § 3-501, § 605.]