Chapter 6.32


6.32.010    Restricted Areas Designated.

6.32.020    Stock Restricted Area Map – Adopted.

6.32.030    Stock Restricted Area Map – Administrator.

6.32.040    Notice.

6.32.010 Restricted Areas Designated.

The following described lands are hereby designated stock restricted areas pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 16.24 RCW effective January 1, 1987, and as subsequently amended by Yakima County ordinance:

(1)    Irrigation Districts.

(a)    All land situated within the following irrigation districts: Naches-Selah; Roza; Selah-Moxee; Terrace Heights; Union Gap; Yakima-Tieton; Sunnyside Valley; Buena; Grandview; Outlook; Granger; Home; Snipes Mountain; Zillah, plus

(b)    The Ahtanum irrigation district; except that portion of the district lying west of Lynch Road.

(2)    Areas Outside of Irrigation Districts. The following described additional areas:

(a)    The Naches River Valley between the SR 12 Twin Bridges and the west line of the east half of the east half of Section 36, Township 15 North, Range 16 E.W.M.;

(b)    The unincorporated portions of the Yakima and Union Gap Urban Growth Areas, and as amended in the future;

(c)    The Yakima River Valley from the mouth of the Yakima River Canyon to the Union Gap;

(d)    That portion of land surrounded by the Yakima-Tieton irrigation district and easterly of Pioneer Way and Old Cowiche Road;

(e)    That portion of land between the Roza and Selah Moxee irrigation districts;

(f)    That portion of land between the Terrace Heights and Selah-Moxee irrigation districts;

(g)    The south half of the south half of Section 28; all of Section 34 and that portion of Section 33 all in Township 13 North, Range 20 E.W.M. not in the Roza irrigation district;

(h)    That portion of land between the Yakima and Union Gap Urban Growth Areas and the Yakima-Tieton and Ahtanum irrigation districts;

(i)    That portion of Section 12, Township 14 North, Range 16 E.W.M., lying outside of the Yakima-Tieton irrigation district;

(j)    That portion of land lying south of the north half of the north half of Sections 20 and 21, Township 12 North, Range 19 E.W.M. and surrounded by the Yakama Reservation, the Union Gap, and the Sunnyside Valley irrigation districts;

(k)    That portion of land surrounded by the Roza, Union Gap and Sunnyside Valley irrigation districts;

(l)    That portion of land surrounded by the Granger, Snipes Mountain and Sunnyside Valley irrigation districts;

(m)    That portion of land surrounded by the Home, Granger and Yakama Reservation irrigation districts.

(3)    Areas Within the Yakama Reservation. All areas within the Yakama Reservation that lie outside of the Yakama Nation Closed Area and outside of incorporated areas.

(Ord. 3-2024 § 2 (Att. 1), 2024; Res. 382-1987, 1987; Res. 457-1986, 1986).

6.32.020 Stock Restricted Area Map – Adopted.

Yakima County’s Geographic Information Services Division shall create and maintain the GIS information necessary to depict the above-described areas, which are hereby adopted as the official stock restricted area map for Yakima County, Washington.

(Ord. 3-2024 § 2 (Att. 1), 2024; Res. 457-1986, 1986).

6.32.030 Stock Restricted Area Map – Administrator.

The county planning official is designated as the administrator for interpreting and considering amendments to the stock restricted area map.

(Ord. 3-2024 § 2 (Att. 1), 2024; Res. 457-1986, 1986).

6.32.040 Notice.

The clerk of the board shall cause notice of the above-described stock restricted areas to be published as provided by law.

(Ord. 3-2024 § 2 (Att. 1), 2024; Res. 457-1986, 1986).