Chapter 18.12
18.12.010 Ministerial review – Generally.
18.12.020 Construction permits.
18.12.030 Right-of-way use permits.
18.12.040 Certificate of appropriateness – Yelm Historic Register.
18.12.060 Ministerial site plan review.
18.12.070 Boundary line adjustment.
18.12.100 Final short subdivisions.
18.12.105 Mobile food vending.
18.12.130 Temporary use permit.
18.12.010 Ministerial review – Generally.
The purpose of the ministerial review process is to ensure that projects are consistent with applicable development, construction, and design standards of the Unified Development Code. Ministerial permits do not require public notice or public review, and include:
A. Construction permits (building, mechanical, and plumbing);
B. Right-of-way use permits;
C. Certificate of appropriateness (changes to Yelm Historic Register);
D. Civil plan reviews;
E. Ministerial site plan reviews;
F. Boundary line adjustments;
G. Home occupation permits;
H. Final subdivisions, final administrative subdivisions, final subdivision alterations, and final binding site plans;
I. Final short subdivisions;
J. Mobile food vending;
K. Sign permits;
L. Street tree permit;
M. Temporary use permits. (Ord. 1095 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 1022 § 1, 2017; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).
18.12.020 Construction permits.
A. When Required. Construction permits are required pursuant to the International Residential Code, International Building Code, International Plumbing Code, International Mechanical Code, and Washington State Energy Code, as adopted by Washington State and the city of Yelm.
B. Decision Making Authority. The building official or his/her designee shall process construction permits as provided in Chapter 18.10 YMC.
C. Criteria for Approval. Construction plans shall be approved if they comply with all applicable development, construction, and design standards of the Unified Development Code.
D. Term. Construction permits are effective pursuant to the terms of the International Codes, as adopted by Washington State and the city of Yelm. (Ord. 1095 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).
18.12.030 Right-of-way use permits.
A. When Required. A right-of-way use permit is required prior to any construction activities in the public right-of-way or for the placement of any obstruction within the public right-of-way.
B. Decision Making Authority. The public works director or his/her designee shall process right-of-way use permits as provided in Chapter 18.10 YMC.
C. Criteria for Approval. Right-of-way use permits shall be approved if they comply with all applicable development, construction, and design standards of the Unified Development Code and the Yelm Engineering Specifications and Standard Details, and if they do not negatively impact the public use of the public right-of-way.
D. Term. Right-of-way use permits are effective for six months, unless otherwise specified in the approval. (Ord. 1095 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).
18.12.040 Certificate of appropriateness – Yelm Historic Register.
A. When Required. A certificate of appropriateness is required prior to the commencement of any work, excluding ordinary repair and maintenance or emergency measures, on a property that is listed on the Yelm Historic Register, or within a historic district.
B. Decision Making Authority. The Yelm historic preservation commission shall issue a certificate of appropriateness.
C. Criteria for Approval. The Yelm historic preservation commission shall review the proposed changes to affirm that the changes do not adversely affect the historic characteristics of the property which contribute to its designation.
D. Term. The certificate of appropriateness is in effect until the property changes or is removed from the Yelm Historic Register. (Ord. 1095 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).
18.12.050 Civil plan review.
A. When Required. When improvements are proposed that are subject to the development standards of the Unified Development Code.
B. Decision Making Authority. The public works director or his/her designee shall process civil plans as provided in Chapter 18.10 YMC.
C. Criteria for Approval. Civil plans shall be approved if the proposal complies with all applicable development, construction, and design standards of the Unified Development Code and all construction details adopted by the city of Yelm.
D. Term. Approval of civil plans shall be effective for 12 months from the date of approval, unless construction has begun and all other required permits have been issued, in which case civil plans are effective until the expiration of all other permits, or upon project completion, whichever is first. (Ord. 1095 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).
18.12.060 Ministerial site plan review.
A. When Required. Ministerial site plan review approval is required prior to:
1. Changes of use on a property; provided, that staff may still require ministerial review in cases of parking expansion, exterior building changes, or other reasons that staff may deem necessary.
2. The construction of any new residential building containing between two and nine dwelling units.
3. The addition of a tenant within a space previously permitted for a single business.
4. The expansion of a commercial, industrial, institutional, or public building that is 25 percent or less of the building footprint at the time it was originally permitted.
5. Co-location or limited modification of an existing wireless communication facility.
B. Decision Making Authority. The site plan review committee shall process ministerial site plan review applications as provided in Chapter 18.10 YMC.
C. Criteria for Approval. A ministerial site plan review shall be approved if the proposal complies with all applicable development, construction, and design standards of the Unified Development Code.
D. Term. Approval of a ministerial site plan review shall be effective for 18 months from the date of approval, unless construction has begun or civil plans have been approved, in which case the permit is effective until the expiration of civil plan approval or upon project completion, whichever is first. (Ord. 1095 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 1089 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 1084 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).
18.12.070 Boundary line adjustment.
A. When Required. A boundary line adjustment is required to alter the boundary line between platted or unplatted lots, or both.
B. Decision Making Authority. The community development director or his/her designee shall process boundary line adjustments as provided in Chapter 18.10 YMC.
C. Criteria for Approval. A boundary line adjustment shall be approved if the resulting lots conform to all applicable development and design standards of the Unified Development Code and when there will be no adverse impact to access or easements.
D. Term. A boundary line adjustment is effective upon recording at the Thurston County auditor’s office. (Ord. 1095 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).
18.12.080 Home occupation.
A. When Required. A home occupation approval is required whenever a residential dwelling unit is utilized for any use which requires a state or city business license.
B. Decision Making Authority. The community development director or his/her designee shall process home occupation permits as provided in Chapter 18.10 YMC.
C. Criteria for Approval. A home occupation shall be approved if the proposal complies with all applicable development, construction, and design standards of the Unified Development Code.
D. Term. A home occupation approval is effective upon approval. A home occupation permit may be revoked upon determination that there has been a violation of any conditions of approval or standards of the Unified Development Code. (Ord. 1095 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).
18.12.090 Final subdivisions, administrative subdivisions, subdivision alterations, and binding site plans.
A. When Required. To create commercial or industrial building pads, to complete a subdivision alteration, or to create 10 or more lots in Yelm.
B. Decision Making Authority. The city council shall process final subdivisions, administrative subdivisions, subdivision alterations, and binding site plans as provided in Chapter 18.10 YMC.
C. Criteria for Approval. A final subdivision, administrative subdivision, subdivision alteration, or binding site plan shall be approved if all conditions of the preliminary approval have been met and all required improvements have been constructed and approved.
D. Term. A final subdivision, administrative subdivision, subdivision alteration, or binding site plan is effective upon recording with the Thurston County auditor’s office. A subdivision shall be governed by the terms of approval of the final plat, and the statutes, ordinances and regulations in effect at the time of approval under RCW 58.17.150(1) and (3) for a period of five years after final plat approval unless the legislative body finds that a change in conditions creates a serious threat to the public health or safety in the subdivision. Approved lots in a residential subdivision shall be a valid land use notwithstanding any change in zoning for a period of five years from the effective date of the final decision approving the subdivision. (Ord. 1095 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).
18.12.100 Final short subdivisions.
A. When Required. To create up to nine lots in the city of Yelm.
B. Decision Making Authority. The community development director or his/her designee shall process final short subdivisions as provided in Chapter 18.10 YMC.
C. Criteria for Approval. A final short subdivision shall be approved if all conditions of the preliminary approval have been met and all required improvements have been constructed and approved.
D. Term. A final short subdivision is effective upon recording with the Thurston County auditor’s office. (Ord. 1095 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).
18.12.105 Mobile food vending.
A. When Required. A mobile food vending approval is required to site a mobile food vending cart or vehicle not part of a special event in any commercial zone within the city and is also the right-of-way use permit for those applications in the city right-of-way.
B. Decision Making Authority. The site plan review committee shall process mobile food vending applications as provided in Chapter 18.10 YMC.
C. Criteria for Approval. A mobile food vending application shall be approved if the proposal complies with all applicable development, construction, and design standards of the Unified Development Code.
D. Term. Approval of a mobile vending application shall be effective for 12 months from the date of approval. (Ord. 1095 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 1022 § 2, 2017).
18.12.110 Signs.
A. When Required. Sign permits are required for the placement of any sign or banner not exempt from permit requirements pursuant to the Unified Development Code.
B. Decision Making Authority. The building official or his/her designee shall process sign permits as provided in Chapter 18.10 YMC.
C. Criteria for Approval. Sign permits shall be approved if they comply with all applicable development, construction, and design standards of the Unified Development Code.
D. Term. Sign permits are effective pursuant to the terms of the International Codes, as adopted by Washington State and the city of Yelm. (Ord. 1095 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).
18.12.120 Street tree permit.
A. When Required. Street tree permits are required prior to any planting, removal, topping and/or major pruning of any street tree.
B. Decision Making Authority. The community development director or his/her designee shall process street tree permits as provided in Chapter 18.10 YMC.
C. Criteria for Approval. Street tree permits shall be approved if the proposal complies with the standards set forth in this title, and the current American Standard for Nursery Stock Guide.
D. Term. Street tree permits are effective for six months, unless the permit is associated with another land use permit, then the restrictions and deadlines of that approval shall apply. (Correspondence from 2/1/24; Ord. 1095 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).
18.12.130 Temporary use permit.
A. When Required. A temporary use permit is required when a nonpermanent use of private property is made, as long as no permanent structures or buildings are being built.
B. Decision Making Authority. The site plan review committee shall process temporary use permits as provided in Chapter 18.41 YMC.
C. Criteria for Approval. A temporary use of a property shall be approved if the proposal complies with all applicable development, construction, and design standards of the Unified Development Code. (Ord. 1095 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023).