Chapter 18.40


18.40.010    Intent.

18.40.020    Permitted uses.

18.40.030    Special uses.

18.40.040    Standards specific to the OS district.

18.40.010 Intent.

It is the intent of this chapter to protect and preserve land devoted to existing and future use for civic, cultural, educational and similar facilities, provide for the social needs of the community, and to provide and protect parks, open space and other natural physical assets to improve the aesthetic and functional features of the community. (Ord. 1086 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).

18.40.020 Permitted uses.

A. Parks, greenbelts, golf courses and open space for active or passive recreation or enjoyment;

B. Institutional buildings, including municipal or other governmental agencies, public safety and emergency response facilities, including police and fire stations, emergency medical centers, and hospitals, and may include public land devoted solely to the storage of equipment and materials, bus transfer stations and park and ride lots;

C. Community meeting or recreation halls;

D. Libraries, museums or similar cultural facilities;

E. Churches, temples and synagogues;

F. Residential uses as an incidental use to the permitted use such as caretaker’s quarters, or as an accessory use to institutional facilities such as housing for students, staff or faculty of colleges and hospitals;

G. Manufactured homes as an accessory use for security or maintenance personnel;

H. Manufactured buildings where a community need is demonstrated by a public agency such as temporary classrooms;

I. Churches and places of worship;

J. Essential public facilities. (Ord. 1089 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 1086 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 1022 § 13, 2017; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).

18.40.030 Special uses.

A. Cemeteries;

B. Funeral homes;

C. Convalescent care facilities;

D. Assisted living facilities;

E. Congregate care facilities;

F. Repealed by Ord. 1089;

G. Child day-care centers only as an accessory use to a use permitted in this chapter;

H. Short-term camping, e.g., RV camping parks. (Ord. 1089 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 1086 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).

18.40.040 Standards specific to the OS district.

A. Site Area. The minimum size and shape of the site shall be appropriate to the proposed use of said site and its relationship to abutting properties and traffic patterns in the vicinity of the site.

B. Maximum height of buildings: 40 feet.

C. Minimum Front Yard Setback.

1. Twenty-five feet from a collector or local access street.

2. Thirty-five feet from an arterial street.

D. Minimum side yard setback: 25 feet if the adjacent property is residentially zoned, otherwise 15 feet.

E. Ingress and egress at the site shall be limited to one driveway for each 200 feet of frontage. Where only one driveway serves a site, the driveway shall not be less than 25 feet nor more than 35 feet wide. All driveways shall be not less than 150 feet from intersecting right-of-way lines, measured from the centerline of the driveway. Curbs and gutters or permanently fixed bollards shall be provided to limit other vehicular access to the site.

F. Outdoor storage must have sight-obscuring screening around the storage area, and stored materials shall not exceed the height of the screening.

G. Short-term camping shall have the following additional development regulations:

1. Short-term camping is defined as a period of three months or less.

2. Any short-term camping sites shall be screened by a six-foot-tall wooden fence and an eight-foot-wide landscape barrier placed in front of the fence. The landscape barrier shall be composed of 75 percent five-gallon shrubs and 25 percent trees of at least a two-inch caliper.

3. Any short-term camping site shall be hard-surfaced with asphalt. Alternative pavements may be approved by the final review body as part of the special use process.

4. No permanent structures or skirting on vehicles used for short-term camping shall be allowed. (Ord. 1086 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).