Chapter 18.58


18.58.010    Model homes.

18.58.010 Model homes.

Following preliminary approval of each full subdivision or binding site plan of five or more residential units, the public works director is authorized to approve, and the building official may issue a permit for construction of one and only one residence to use as a model home. Prior to final plat or site plan approval, such unit may be occupied solely for purposes of promotion of the development and may not be occupied as a residence except by a real estate agent or other representative of the subdivider, and then only for the limited purpose of security. Such construction and subsequent occupancy shall only be authorized by the director upon written finding that the design and placement of the unit would conform with all standards of the city if for any reason the subdivision is not completed or is not granted final approval. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).