Chapter 18.63


18.63.010    Intent.

18.63.020    Yelm Register of Historic Places.

18.63.030    Standards for listing on the register.

18.63.010 Intent.

The intent of this chapter is to provide for the identification, enhancement, perpetuation, and use of the historic resources within the city. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).

18.63.020 Yelm Register of Historic Places.

The Yelm Register of Historic Places is the local listing of properties where a significant event or pattern of events occurred. It may be the location of prehistoric or historic occupation or activities that may be marked by physical remains; or it may be the symbolic focus of a significant event or pattern of events that may not have been actively occupied.

Listing on the Yelm Register of Historic Places is an honorary designation denoting significant association with the historic, archaeological, engineering or cultural heritage of the community. Properties are listed individually or as contributing properties to an historic district. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).

18.63.030 Standards for listing on the register.

Prior to the commencement of any work on a register property (excluding ordinary repair and maintenance and emergency measures), the owner must request and receive a certificate of appropriateness, or request removal from the register from the Yelm historic preservation commission pursuant to YMC 18.15.060 and 18.15.070. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015).