Chapter 15.20


15.20.010    Purpose.

15.20.020    Codes adopted.

15.20.025    Code precedence.

15.20.030    Modifications to adopted international codes.

15.20.040    Building permits required.

15.20.045    Building valuation data.

15.20.050    Standard Specifications adopted.

15.20.060    Certificates of occupancy.

15.20.070    Limitations.

15.20.080    Abatement of dangerous buildings.

15.20.090    Construction and installation of mobile/manufactured homes.

15.20.100    Roofing construction.

15.20.110    Temporary water meters.

15.20.120    Model homes.

15.20.010 Purpose.

It is the intent of the city to comply with the requirements of the State Building Code Act, Chapter 19.27 RCW, the State Energy-Related Building Standards Act, Chapter 19.27A RCW, the Washington State Energy Code, Chapters 51-11 and 51-13 WAC, and the Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code. (Ord. 1289 § 1 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 1202 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009. Formerly 17.88.010)

15.20.020 Codes adopted.

The following codes are adopted by reference subject to any amendments or modifications set forth therein:

A. International Building Code (2021 Edition). The International Building Code, 2021 Edition (IBC), published by the International Code Council, and as set forth in Chapter 51-50 WAC, or as it may be amended, and adopted by the State Building Code Council, which includes adoptions of the International Existing Building Code (2021 Edition), the adoption of Appendix E and ICC/ANSI A117.1-2017 and the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code. The city of Zillah further adopts Appendix J (Grading).

1. Amended Sections. The IBC sections referenced below are amended as follows:

Delete IBC Section 105.2 Building #2.

Amend IBC Section 113, Means of Appeals, to read as follows:

113.1     General. The City’s Hearing Examiner shall act as the board of appeals under the International Building Code. The Hearing Examiner may adopt rules of procedure for conducting business and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant, with a duplicate copy to the Building Official. Copies of all rules and regulations adopted shall be delivered to the Building Official, who shall make them freely accessible to the public.

113.2 Limitations on Authority. The board of appeals shall have no authority relative to interpretation of the administration of this code nor shall the board be empowered to waive requirements of this code.

113.3 Appeals. Decisions of the Hearing Examiner shall be the final unless timely appealed to the City Council. Any appellate decision of the City Council may be appealed in accordance with procedures and provisions of the Land Use Petition Act, RCW 36.70C.

Section 1612.3 shall read:

Establishment of flood hazard areas.

To establish flood hazard areas, the applicable governing authority shall adopt a flood hazard map and supporting data. The flood hazard map shall include, at a minimum, areas of special flood hazard as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in an engineering report entitled “The Flood Insurance Study for The City of Zillah” dated November 18, 2009, as amended or revised with the accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and Flood Boundary and Floodway Map (FBFM) and related supporting data along with any revisions thereto. The adopted flood hazard map and supporting data are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be part of this section.

B. The International Residential Code, 2021 Edition (IRC), published by the International Code Council, and as set forth in Chapter 51-51 WAC, or as it may be amended, and adopted by the State Building Code Council which includes adoption of Appendices F, Q and U and Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria (Attachment A). Chapter 11 and Chapters 25 through 43 are not adopted. Chapters 12 through 24 of the International Residential Code shall regulate the design, installation, maintenance, alteration, and inspection of mechanical systems that are permanently installed and utilized to provide control of environmental conditions within buildings. Energy Code is regulated by Chapter 51-11R WAC; Plumbing Code is regulated by Chapter 51-56 WAC as adopted by the city of Zillah and Electrical Code is regulated by Chapter 296-46B WAC and administrated by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I).

1. Amended Sections. The IRC sections referenced below are amended as follows:

Amend IRC Section R105.2 Building #1 to read as follows:

One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses, and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 120-square feet.

Replace IRC Section R105.2 Building #2 to read as follows:

Fences not over 6 feet (1,829 mm) high.

Amend IRC Section R112, Board of Appeals, to read as follows:

R112.1 General. The City’s Hearing Examiner shall act as the board of appeals under the International Residential Code. The Hearing Examiner may adopt rules of procedure for conducting business and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant, with a duplicate copy to the Building Official. Copies of all rules and regulations adopted shall be delivered to the Building Official, who shall make them freely accessible to the public.

R112.2 Limitations on authority. The board of appeals shall have no authority relative to interpretation of the administration of this code nor shall the board be empowered to waive requirements of this code.

R112.3 Appeals. Decisions of the Hearing Examiner shall be the final unless timely appealed to the City Council. Any Appellate decision of the City Council may be appealed in accordance with procedures and provisions of the Land Use Petition Act, RCW 36.70C.

C. Uniform Plumbing Code (2021 Edition). The Uniform Plumbing Code, 2021 Edition (UPC), as published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, and as set forth in Chapter 51-56 WAC, and as amended and adopted by the State Building Code Council which includes adoption of Appendices A, B, I and M. The following provisions of the Uniform Plumbing Code (2021 Edition) are not adopted: (1) Chapter 12 of the Uniform Plumbing Code (2021 Edition); and (2) those requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code relating to venting and combustion air of fuel-fired appliances as found in Chapter 5; and (3) those portions of the code addressing building sewers.

1. Amended Sections. The UPC sections referenced below are amended as follows:

Add the following as UPC Section 107, Board of Appeals:

107.1 General. The City’s Hearing Examiner shall act as the board of appeals under the Uniform Plumbing Code. The Hearing Examiner may adopt rules of procedure for conducting business and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant, with a duplicate copy to the Building Official. Copies of all rules and regulations adopted shall be delivered to the Building Official, who shall make them freely accessible to the public.

107.2 Limitations on authority. The board of appeals shall have no authority relative to interpretation of the administration of this code nor shall the board be empowered to waive requirements of this code.

107.3 Appeals. Decisions of the Hearing Examiner shall be the final unless timely appealed to the City Council. Any appellate decision of the City Council may be appealed in accordance with procedures and provisions of the Land Use Petition Act, RCW 36.70C.

D. International Mechanical Code (2021 Edition). The International Mechanical Code, 2021 Edition (IMC), published by the International Code Council, and as set forth in Chapter 51-52 WAC, or as it may be amended, and adopted by the State Building Code Council, which includes the International Fuel Gas Code and National Fuel Gas Code where referenced;

1. Amended Sections. The IMC sections referenced below are amended as follows:

Amend IMC Section 113, Means of Appeal, to read as follows:

113.1 General. The City’s Hearing Examiner shall act as the board of appeals under the International Mechanical Code. The Hearing Examiner may adopt rules of procedure for conducting business and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant, with a duplicate copy to the Building Official. Copies of all rules and regulations adopted shall be delivered to the Building Official, who shall make them freely accessible to the public.

113.2 Limitations on authority. The board of appeals shall have no authority relative to interpretation of the administration of this code nor shall the board be empowered to waive requirements of this code.

113.3 Appeals. Decisions of the Hearing Examiner shall be the final unless timely appealed to the City Council. Any appellate decision of the City Council may be appealed in accordance with procedures and provisions of the Land Use Petition Act, RCW 36.70C.

E. The International Fire Code, 2021 Edition, (IFC) published by the International Code Council, and as set forth in Chapter 51-54 WAC, or as it may be amended, and adopted by the State Building Code Council including those standards of the National Fire Protection Association specifically referenced in the International Fire Code; provided, that notwithstanding any wording in this code, participants in religious ceremonies shall not be precluded from carrying hand-held candles; and provided further, that notwithstanding provisions to the contrary in the International Fire Code in Sections 302, 307 and 105.6.31 thereof, open burning and recreational fires shall be prohibited. “Open burning” is defined as the kindling or maintaining of a fire on any public street, alley, road, or other public or private ground. “Recreational fire” is defined as an outdoor fire burning materials where the fuel being burned is not contained in a barbecue grill for cooking purposes. The following appendices are specifically adopted:

Appendix B, Fire Flow Requirements for Buildings.

Appendix C, Fire Hydrant Locations and Distribution.

Appendix D, Fire Apparatus Access Roads.

1. Amended Sections. The IFC sections referenced below are amended as follows:

Amend Section 111 of the International Fire Code, Board of Appeals, to read as follows:

111.1 General. The City’s Hearing Examiner shall act as the board of appeals under the International Fire Code. The Hearing Examiner may adopt rules of procedure for conducting business and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant, with a duplicate copy to the building official. Copies of all rules and regulations adopted shall be delivered to the building official, who shall make them freely accessible to the public.

111.2 Limitations on Authority. The board of appeals shall have no authority relative to interpretation of the administration of this code nor shall the board be empowered to waive requirements of this code.

111.3 Appeals. Decisions of the Hearing Examiner shall be the final unless timely appealed to the City Council. Any appellate decision of the City Council may be appealed in accordance with procedures and provisions of the Land Use Petition Act, RCW 36.70C.

F. Washington Wildland-Urban Interface Code (2021 Edition). The International Existing Building Code, 2021 Edition (IBC), published by the International Code Council, and as set forth in Chapter 51-55 WAC, or as it may be amended, and adopted by the State Building Code Council, which includes adoption of Appendix B as Chapter 7, adoption of Appendix C as Chapter 8, adoption of Appendix D as Chapter 9, and renumbering of Referenced Standards as Chapter 10.

G. The 2021 International Energy Conservation Code, Commercial, and as amended as set forth in Chapter 51-11C WAC, and adopted by the State Building Code Council.

H. The 2021 International Energy Conservation Code, Residential, and as amended as set forth in Chapter 51-11R WAC, and adopted by the State Building Code Council.

I. The International Property Maintenance Code, 2021 Edition (IPMC), as published by the published by the International Code Council, and as hereafter amended.

1. Amended Sections. International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC). The city hereby amends the IPMC as follows:

Amend IPMC Section 107, Means of Appeal, to read as follows:

111.1 General. The City’s Hearing Examiner shall act as the board of appeals under the International Property Maintenance Code. The Hearing Examiner may adopt rules of procedure for conducting business and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant, with a duplicate copy to the Building Official. Copies of all rules and regulations adopted shall be delivered to the Building Official, who shall make them freely accessible to the public.

111.2 Limitations on authority. The board of appeals shall have no authority relative to interpretation of the administration of this code nor shall the board be empowered to waive requirements of this code.

111.3 Appeals. Decisions of the Hearing Examiner shall be the final City decision on the matter unless appealed to the City Council. Any appellate decision of the City Council may be appealed in accordance with procedures and provisions of the Land Use Petition Act, RCW 36.70C.

Delete IPMC Section 108.

Delete IPMC Section 109.

Add the following sections to IPMC Chapter 3, General Requirements:

Section 310. Drug Properties and Structures. It is hereby declared that any building, structure and/or associated property, identified by the City of Zillah Chief of Police, wherein or upon which the manufacture, distribution, production or storage of illegal drugs or the precursors to create illegal drugs has taken place in a manner which could endanger the public, such building, structure and/or associated property is not only a dangerous property as defined by the City of Zillah but is also a classification of property calling for the special procedures set forth in this section. The Building Official is authorized to abate such dangerous buildings, structures, and/or associated properties in accordance with the dangerous building procedures set forth in this code and Washington statute, RCW 64.44.010, with the following modifications:

310.1. Due to public safety hazard in drug production facilities, the utilities shall be disconnected;

310.2. Building(s) and structures shall be inspected to determine compliance with all City ordinances and codes;

310.3. Building(s) and any entry gates to the property shall be secured against entry in the manner set forth in this code;

310.4. No reconnection of utilities or occupancy of the building(s), structures or property shall be allowed until all violations have been successfully addressed, all dangerous conditions abated and a notice of release for re-occupancy has been received from the health department and Chief of Police; and

310.5. If dangerous conditions cannot be abated, occupancy shall be prohibited. Resolution of said property shall be in conformance with RCW 35.80A.010, condemnation of blighted property.

311. Blighted Property. In conformance with RCW 35.80A.010, the City of Zillah may acquire by condemnation, in accordance with the notice requirements and other procedures for condemnation provided in Title 8 RCW, any property, dwelling, building, or structure which constitutes a blight on the surrounding neighborhood. “Blight on the surrounding neighborhood” is any property, dwelling, building, or structure that meets any two of the following factors:

311.1 If a dwelling, building, or structure exists on the property, the dwelling, building, or structure has not been lawfully occupied for a period of one year or more;

311.2 The property, dwelling, building, or structure constitutes a threat to the public health, safety, or welfare as determined by the Mayor or designee; or

311.3 The property, dwelling, building, or structure is or has been associated with illegal drug activity during the previous twelve months. Prior to such condemnation, the City of Zillah City Council shall adopt a resolution declaring that the acquisition of the real property described therein is necessary to eliminate neighborhood blight. Condemnation of property, dwellings, buildings, and structures for the purposes described in this chapter is declared to be for a public use.

J. The 1997 Uniform Building Code, Table 1-A only, as published by the International Conference of Building Officials. Fence permits are required; however, no fee will be charged on a residential use fence permit.

1. All persons found to be working without a required building permit will be subjected to a double permit fee.

2. Fence (no fee) permit violations will be charged a standard $50.00 fee.

K. The 1997 Uniform Building Code, Section 3310, Tables A-33-A and A-33-B. New construction is exempt from grading permit fees. Plan review fees may still apply.

1. All persons found to be grading illegally without a grading permit will be subjected to a double permit fee.

In case of conflict among codes adopted in subsections (A) through (I) of this section, the codes adopted in subsections (A) and (B) of this section shall govern over other code provisions. (Ord. 1575 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1513 § 2, 2020; Ord. 1413 § 2, 2016; Ord. 1398 § 2, 2015; Ord. 1358 § 2, 2014; Ord. 1289 § 1 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 1268 § 2, 2011; Ord. 1255 § 2, 2011; Ord. 1202 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009. Formerly 17.88.020)

15.20.025 Code precedence.

The State Building Code Act, Chapter 19.27 RCW, establishes the following order of precedence among the documents adopted as parts of the State Building Code:

A. International Building Code, standards and amendments – Chapter 51-50 WAC;

B. International Residential Code, standards and amendments – Chapter 51-51 WAC;

C. International Mechanical Code, standards and amendments – Chapter 51-52 WAC;

D. International Fire Code, standards and amendments – Chapter 51-54A WAC;

E. Uniform Plumbing Code, standards and amendments – Chapter 51-56 WAC.

Where there is a conflict between codes, an earlier named code takes precedence over a later named code. In the case of conflict between the duct insulation requirements of the International Mechanical Code and the duct insulation requirements of the Energy Code, the Energy Code, or where applicable, a local jurisdiction’s energy code, shall govern. (Ord. 1513 § 3, 2020; Ord. 1289 § 1 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 1255 § 3, 2011. Formerly 17.88.025)

15.20.030 Modifications to adopted international codes.

The purpose of this chapter is to amend the International Building Code and International Plumbing Code subject to the modifications or amendments set forth for use in the city of Zillah. (Ord. 1289 § 1 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 1202 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009. Formerly 17.88.030)

15.20.040 Building permits required.

No building or other structure shall be erected, moved, added to, or structurally altered without a building permit issued by the city. Building permits issued on the basis of plans and applications approved by the administrative official authorized only the use, arrangement and construction set forth in such approved plans and applications, and no other use, arrangement, or construction. Use, arrangement or construction at variance with that authorized shall be deemed violation of this title and ZMC Title 17 and punishable as provided in Chapter 17.92 ZMC.

A. If work described in any building permit has not begun within 120 days from the date of issuance, the building permit shall expire and be canceled, and written notice thereof shall be given to the person(s) affected, together with notice that further work as described in the canceled permit shall not proceed unless and until a new building permit has been obtained.

B. The city of Zillah adopts the grading plan review fee and grading permit fee schedule attached as Exhibit A to the ordinance codified in this section. (Ord. 1289 § 1 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 1202 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009. Formerly 17.88.040)

15.20.045 Building valuation data.

The city of Zillah adopts as guidelines the building valuation data (BVD) published by the International Code Council (ICC) for purposes of evaluating and determining applicable building permit fees. BVD is published on a periodic basis and the building official shall utilize the most recent publication for purposes of establishing building permit fees. BVD is to be utilized as a guideline and the building official is authorized to take into consideration additional factors affecting construction costs including, but not limited to, market conditions, local economic and business factors, and such other matters as may reasonably influence or impact building and construction costs. (Ord. 1289 § 1 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 1255 § 4, 2011; Ord. 1224 §§ 1 – 3, 2010. Formerly 17.88.045)

15.20.050 Standard Specifications adopted.

The city of Zillah adopts the “2012 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction,” as amended from time to time, for all applicable public projects. Standards set forth in the 2012 Standard Specifications book shall be applicable and include any future amendments thereto. (Ord. 1294 § 1, 2012; Ord. 1289 § 1 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 1219 § 1, 2009; Ord. 1202 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009. Formerly 17.88.050)

15.20.060 Certificates of occupancy.

It is unlawful to use or occupy or permit the use or occupancy of any building or premises, or both, hereafter created, erected, changed, converted or enlarged in its use or structure until a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the city.

A. No permit for erection, alteration, moving or repair of any building shall be issued until an application has been made for a certificate of occupancy. The certificate shall be issued in conformity with the provisions of this title and ZMC Title 17 upon completion of the work.

B. A temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued for a period of up to six months during alteration or partial occupancy of a building pending its completion.

C. Failure to obtain a certificate of occupancy shall be a violation of this title and ZMC Title 17 and punishable under Chapter 17.92 ZMC, Violations, Enforcement and Penalties. (Ord. 1289 § 1 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 1202 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009. Formerly 17.88.060)

15.20.070 Limitations.

Building permits or certificates of occupancy issued on the basis of plans and applications approved by the city authorize only the use, arrangement and construction set forth in such approved plans and applications, and no other use, arrangement or construction. Use, arrangement or construction at variance with that authorization is a violation of this title and ZMC Title 17 and punishable as provided in Chapter 17.92 ZMC, Violations, Enforcement and Penalties. (Ord. 1289 § 1 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 1202 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009. Formerly 17.88.070)

15.20.080 Abatement of dangerous buildings.

A. For purposes of this chapter, a “dangerous building” shall be defined as any building or structure which:

1. Has been damaged by fire, flood, wind, or other disaster, to such an extent that the structural strength or stability thereof is less than the minimum requirements of the building code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose or location, and which poses a danger to life, health, property or safety of others; or

2. Has suffered deterioration or decay due to faulty construction, removal of a portion of the building or structure, or faulty maintenance and age, which poses a danger to life, health, property or safety of the public; or

3. Has inadequate sanitation facilities and filth tendering it unfit for human habitation or which is likely to cause a sickness or disease thereby posing a danger to life, health, property or the safety of the public; or

4. Has any other condition so as to constitute a public nuisance as known by the common law.

B. Notice and Order to Abate. Whenever the city building official has found and determined that a building or structure is a dangerous building as defined in subsection (A) of this section, he/she shall commence proceedings to cause the repair, vacation and/or demolition of the dangerous building as follows:

1. Notice and Order. The city building official shall issue a notice directed to the owner of record of the dangerous building, notifying said owner that he/she has found the building or structure to be a dangerous building in violation of this chapter along with a brief and concise description of the conditions and reasons which render the building or structure to be a dangerous building. The notice shall contain an order that the dangerous conditions be abated within 60 days from the date of the notice. The notice shall also provide that the property owner has a right to a review of the notice and order before the city council. The notice shall contain information that if review before the city council is desired, the property owner shall file a written objection to the notice and order within 15 days from the date thereof with the planning official. The notice and order shall also provide that by failure to file an objection in writing within 15 days, the property owner waives all right to a review by the city council.

2. Service of Notice and Order. Service of the notice and order shall be made upon the property owners of record by personal delivery or by mailing a copy of such notice and order by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested to each property owner at his/her address as it appears on the tax rolls of the county. If the property owner cannot be ascertained or if no address can be found for the property owner, the notice and order shall be served by posting a copy thereof upon a conspicuous place on the dangerous building.

3. Objection and Appeal. Any property owner receiving a notice and order under the provisions of this chapter who has filed a timely objection with the planning official shall have a hearing before the city council. The city clerk/treasurer shall set the hearing at the first regular meeting of the city council after receiving the written objection. At the time set for hearing, the objecting property owner shall present any and all evidence in support of his/her objection. The city building official shall then present evidence in support of his/her notice and order. The city council shall then consider the evidence and shall prepare a written decision which shall include findings and conclusions based on the evidence presented. The written decision of the city council shall be rendered and presented at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the city council. The decision of the city council shall be final subject to appeal to the superior court of Yakima County.

4. Enforcement. In the event a property owner fails to comply with the notice and order to abate a dangerous building within the time period provided in such notice, the city building official may elect to take one or all of the following enforcement acts:

a. Repair or Demolition of Dangerous Building. The building official may cause the repair or demolition of the dangerous building. Upon the completion of the repair or demolition, the city building official shall prepare an itemization of the total cost of such repair or demolition. The building official shall then cause such cost to be assessed against the property and shall record the same on the assessment rolls as a special assessment against and lien upon the property. Thereupon, the building official shall bring an action against the property owner to recover the cost of said repair or demolition or to foreclose upon the lien of assessment.

b. Misdemeanor Charge. The building official may charge the building owner with a violation of this chapter in Zillah municipal court in accordance with the penalty provisions set forth in Chapter 17.92 ZMC.

5. Violation – Penalty. Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount of not more than $100.00 for each violation. Each day in which any violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate offense. In addition, any violation of this chapter shall be deemed to be a public nuisance, subject to prevention or abatement by injunction or other appropriate legal remedy in a court of competent jurisdiction. (Ord. 1289 § 1 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 1202 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009. Formerly 17.88.080)

15.20.090 Construction and installation of mobile/manufactured homes.

A. Installation Permits. The definition of mobile or manufactured homes can be found in Chapter 17.04 ZMC. All owners or installers of a manufactured home shall obtain a building permit from the city for the installation of a manufactured home that will be used as a residence on a building site. A dealer shall not deliver a mobile/manufactured home until it has verified that the owner or the installer has obtained a valid building permit from the city. New installations of manufactured homes after the date of code adoption shall only include those homes with the manufacture date of the home no older than 10 years old at the date of the mobile or manufactured home’s application to the city. The following shall be a minimum required to install a manufactured home within the city:

1. The owner or installer must provide the following information on the application for the building permit:

a. The name, address and telephone number of the owner;

b. The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the manufacturer and dealer of mobile or manufactured homes be installed;

c. The manufacturer’s serial number of the mobile or manufactured homes;

d. The name, address and telephone number of the certified installer (Chapter 43.63B RCW), and the installer’s mobile or manufactured home dealer’s license number or contractor registration number;

e. The legal description, address and parcel number of the proposed building site, including the parcel number if the mobile or manufactured home is going to be installed on private property or a mobile or manufactured home park.

2. If the manufactured home is to be installed on private property, and not in a mobile or manufactured home park, the application must provide a detailed site plan drawn to scale showing the relationship of the mobile or manufactured home to property lines, rights-of-way, access and/or utility easements, other structures, and utilities.

B. Inspections.

1. No person may occupy, or allow or suffer another person to occupy, a mobile or manufactured home(s) before the installation of the mobile or manufactured homes has been inspected and approved by the building official.

2. The installer shall request an inspection after all aspects of the installation, other than installation of the foundation fascia, have been completed.

3. The building official shall approve the installation requirements of this section.

4. If the installation does not comply with the installation requirements of this chapter and the conditions of the installation permit, the building official shall provide the installer with a list of corrections that the installer must make. The list of corrections shall state a date by which the corrections must be completed. The building official shall reinspect the installation after the corrections are completed. If the items that require correction do not endanger the health or safety of the occupants, or substantially affect the habitability of the mobile or manufactured home, the building official may permit the owner of the mobile or manufactured home to occupy it.

C. Building Site Preparation. A mobile or manufactured home(s) may not be installed at a building site unless the ground at the site has adequate compaction and load bearing ability to meet the support requirements below. The installer or, if the building site is in a mobile or manufactured homes park, the park owner must ensure that the ground on which the mobile or manufactured home(s) is to be installed has been improved as necessary to provide a base for the mobile or manufactured home(s) and that the area beneath the mobile or manufactured homes has adequate drainage; the installer may need to slope the finish grade or install drain tile.

D. General Requirements.

1. Any mobile or manufactured home(s) which is constructed after June 15, 1976, and which complies with the following requirements, may be sited in the same manner, and subject to the same conditions, as a site built home, any other provisions of this title and ZMC Title 17 to the contrary notwithstanding:

a. Is a new mobile or manufactured home(s) which has not been previously titled to a retail purchaser and is not a “used mobile home” as defined in RCW 82.45.032(2);

b. Is set upon a permanent foundation, as specified by the manufacturer, and the space from the bottom of the home to the ground is enclosed by concrete or an approved concrete product which can either be load bearing or decorative;

c. Is in compliance with all local design standards applicable to all other homes within the neighborhood in which the mobile or manufactured home(s) is to be located;

d. Is thermally equivalent to the State Energy Code; and

e. Meets all other requirements for a designated mobile or manufactured home(s) as defined in RCW 35.63.160.

2. No mobile or manufactured home(s) shall be installed and/or occupied within the city except in compliance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, HUD Code Part 3238, Section 11, including all future amendments thereto, and is hereby incorporated into this chapter by this reference. Also the installation of the unit shall follow WAC 296-150M-500 through 296-150M-550, as it is adopted or amended in the future.

3. All HUD-labeled mobile or manufactured home(s) shall be installed in compliance with the manufacturer’s installation recommendations. The recommendations must be in compliance with the HUD regulations above. The manufacturer shall send two copies of its proposed installation recommendations to the purchaser of the mobile or manufactured home(s). The copies shall be in the home and available at the time of inspection. A mobile or manufactured home(s) not labeled by HUD can also be installed in accordance with written installation recommendations provided by a professional engineer or architect licensed in Washington.

4. All manufactured homes shall have permanent steps or inclined planes affixed to all entrances and shall have the toe tongue removed except that in identified floor plan areas, it may be camouflaged to the extent that it is unrecognizable.

5. No person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity may install a manufactured home unless he, she or it owns the mobile or manufactured home(s), is a licensed mobile or manufactured home(s) dealer, or is a contractor registered under Chapter 18.27 RCW.

6. In those areas that are recognized as floodplains or a sensitive area by the Washington State Department of Ecology, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the city, or hazardous because of the probability of earthquakes, ground slides, avalanches, or high winds, the building official may set requirements that are necessary to lessen the hazards or may require that the installation be designed by an engineer or architect licensed in the state of Washington.

7. The owner shall apply for elimination of title pursuant to RCW 65.20.040 within 30 days of occupancy.

8. All wheels, tongues, and/or other transportation equipment must be removed from the dwelling.

9. Inside of exterior walls shall be faced with one-half-inch-thick sheetrock and the roof must be of a composition material or metal similar to other conventionally constructed site built homes.

10. Except for multifamily structures the following design standards shall apply to all newly constructed or newly placed dwellings in the R-1 and SR zones:

a. The main roof of all dwellings shall have a minimum 5:12 pitch; except dwellings with less than a 5:12 pitch legally established as of the effective date of the zoning code shall be permitted to be rebuilt, altered, enlarged or remodeled without the roof being changed to a 5:12 pitch.

E. Foundation System. All mobile or manufactured home(s) installations shall conform to the following requirements unless otherwise stated:

1. Except for mobile or manufactured home(s) within a licensed mobile or manufactured home park, all mobile or manufactured home(s) shall be pit-set at least 24 inches below finished grade. Finished grade is the distance between the structure’s footing, defined in subsection (E)(2) of this section, and the finished grade around the structure on sloped property 24 inches below finished grade shall include at least one side of the new mobile or manufactured home(s).

2. Footings or runners, defined as the primary support base placed under the home, shall (excluding approved mobile or manufactured home(s) that the building official has exempted) be constructed of solid concrete or an approved alternate that is at least six inches thick by 24 inches wide. Footings shall be:

a. Evenly bedded and leveled;

b. Placed on firm, undisturbed or compacted soil that is free of organic material;

c. Centered in a line directly under the main frame longitudinal members on both sides of a mobile or manufactured home(s); and

d. Spacing should not be more than eight feet apart, and not more than two feet from the ends of the main frame. A closer spacing may be required depending on the load-bearing capacity of the soil or the manufacturer’s specifications.

3. Except for mobile or manufactured home(s) within a licensed mobile or manufactured home park, all new mobile or manufactured home(s) installations shall include a perimeter stem-wall foundation around the exterior installed below the frost line and containing two continuous No. 4 rebar shanks from end to end.

4. A mobile or manufactured home(s) with more than one section must have center line blocking at end walls and at any other point of connection of the sections of the mobile or manufactured home(s) that are a ridge-beam bearing support. Blocking is also required at both ends of a door opening that is six feet or more wide in an exterior wall.

5. All structures shall be constructed so that 75 percent of the area under the mobile or manufactured home(s) has at least 12 inches clearance between the bottom of the main chassis members and structures footing. The area beneath furnace crossovers and fireplaces, however, must always have at least 18 inches clearance.

6. All mobile or manufactured home(s) foundations shall have ventilation openings as directed by the building official or manufacturer’s specifications.

F. Additional Foundation Requirements (System Piers). An installer must build and position piers and load-bearing supports or devices to distribute the required loads evenly. An installer may use manufactured piers or load-bearing supports or devices that are listed or approved for the intended use, or may build piers that comply with the following requirements:

1. All blocks must be concrete.

2. A pier may be made of a single stack of eight-inch by eight-inch by 16-inch blocks if the blocks are not stacked more than three blocks high. A pier made of a single stack of blocks shall be installed at a right angle to the main frame longitudinal member and shall be capped with no more than two two-inch by eight-inch by 16-inch wood blocks or one four-inch by eight-inch by 16-inch concrete block.

3. A pier may be made of a double stack of eight-inch by eight-inch by 16-inch blocks if the blocks are not stacked more than five blocks high. Each row of blocks in such a pier shall be stacked at right angles to the abutting rows of blocks. The wood blocks must be of hem fir, Douglas fir, or spruce pine fir. The pier shall be capped with two-inch by eight-inch by 16-inch wood concrete blocks. The pier shall be installed so that the joint between the cap blocks is at right angles to the main frame longitudinal member.

4. A pier may be made with more than five rows of blocks if the stacked blocks are filled with 2,000 psi concrete or mortar. A licensed architect or professional engineer must approve a foundation system that includes a pier that is higher than 72 inches (nine blocks) high, or in which more than 20 percent of the piers exceed 40 inches (five blocks) high.

5. All blocks shall be set with the cores placed vertically.

G. Foundation System Plates and Shims. An installer may fill a gap between the top of a pier and the main frame with a wood plate that is not more than two inches thick and two opposing wedge-shaped shims that are not more than two inches thick. A shim shall be at least four inches wide and six inches long. The installer shall fit the shim properly and drive it tight between the wood plate or pier and the main frame to ensure that the manufactured home is level and properly supported at all load-bearing points. A block that abuts a wedge-shaped shim shall be solid.

H. Anchoring Systems. All mobile or manufactured home(s) shall require anchoring systems that meet with the manufacturer specifications as provided in this title and ZMC Title 17.

I. Assembly.

1. Sections of a multiple section mobile or manufactured home(s) shall be aligned, closed and securely fastened at the required points along the ridge beam, end walls, and floor line. Heat ducts, electrical connections, and other fixtures and connections required between sections of a mobile or manufactured home(s) shall be installed. The floor of the manufactured home shall be level with the tolerance in the manufacturer’s specifications.

2. The installer shall provide adequate clearance to ensure that the crossover heat duct does not touch the ground and is not compressed. The installer shall insulate the crossover duct at the intersection. The installer shall insulate and shall seal areas of potential water leaks with metal flashing or trim, if required, and with putty tape or other approved caulking to ensure the mobile or manufactured home(s) is watertight.

3. Utility connections to mobile or manufactured home(s), including water, sewer, electricity and gas, shall comply with local codes. Accessory structures attached to or located next to a mobile or manufactured home(s), such as awnings, carports, garages, porches, or steps, shall be constructed in conformance with local codes and have all necessary building permits. (Ord. 1289 § 1 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 1227 § 3 (Att. C), 2010; Ord. 1213 §§ 28 – 30, 2009; Ord. 1202 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009. Formerly 17.88.090)

15.20.100 Roofing construction.

The city council for the city has determined that the requirements of the International Building Code, which are in effect and have been adopted by the city, do not adequately address safeguards for work on the roof of structures within the city. The city council has therefore determined that a permit should be required prior to the placement or replacement of a new roof on structures so as to ensure that the roofing work is done in a satisfactory and safe manner for the protection of all residents and property within the city.

A. Permit Requirements. All persons desiring to replace an existing roof or construct a new roof over an existing roof on any structure within the city shall be required to obtain a building permit from the city prior to the commencement and completion of the work. The cost of the permit, and the manner of application for said permit, shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the International Building Code which is in effect within the city; provided, however, that a separate permit for roofing work shall not be required where a building permit is applied for and obtained for the construction of a new residence or the remodeling or rebuilding of an existing residence when the building permit obtained includes the roofing work. (Ord. 1289 § 1 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 1202 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009. Formerly 17.88.100)

15.20.110 Temporary water meters.

It is customary in the city of Zillah, Washington, that when a contractor obtains a building permit, the contractor is provided with a water meter monitoring a temporary supply of water on the construction site which generally comes from fire hydrants. Recently, some contractors have not returned the borrowed water meter or it has been returned in a damaged state. Accordingly, a deposit shall be required from the contractor/builder which will only be refunded upon the return of the temporary water meter in the same operational condition previous to its use.

A. Requirement of Security Deposit. After the issuance of a building permit, a contractor/builder may request the use of a water meter on a temporary basis to monitor water flow from a temporary water source to the construction site. The contractor/builder shall be required to post a cash deposit in accordance with the city fee schedule in order to use the water meter and obtain a temporary source of water. Said cash deposit will be refunded upon (1) the return of the water meter in the same condition as existed, prior to its use by the builder/contractor; and (2) payment of all charges for water/sewer use incurred by the builder/contractor from the temporary source. In the event that the meter is not returned in satisfactory condition or charges/fees paid in full, city may apply such deposit to cost of replacement or repair of the meter or payment of delinquent charges/fees. (Ord. 1289 § 1 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 1202 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009. Formerly 17.88.110)

15.20.120 Model homes.

The city council has determined that it is appropriate to establish standards and guidelines for model homes. As many as four model homes may be constructed within a subdivision which has received preliminary plat approval. The purpose of model homes shall be to demonstrate a variety of housing designs together with all associated on-site improvements, e.g., landscaping, improved driveways, and patios. Model homes shall be established subject to the following criteria:

A. Model homes shall meet all applicable codes of the city of Zillah.

B. Only one model home may be occupied as a temporary real estate office.

C. Access and fire safety provisions shall be provided in a manner approved by the building official prior to construction of a model home. A model home may not be occupied as a dwelling unit or sold until the plat is recorded.

D. The building official may grant a variance to utility connection for any unoccupied model homes where it is determined not to affect public health, safety, or welfare. (Ord. 1289 § 1 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 1202 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009. Formerly 17.88.120)