7.010 Street Names and Numbers.

The names and numbers of all streets within the corporate boundaries of the City of Manitowoc shall be indicated on the current map on file in the City Planner’s office. New street name designations and changes in street names shall be effectuated by ordinance. Such ordinances shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk and the maps in the office of the City Planner shall be changed accordingly. The ordinances themselves, however, shall not be separately printed in the Manitowoc Municipal Code. Street name designations and changes shall be initiated by the City Planner or his/her designee and approved by the Chief of Police, the Fire Chief and the City Engineer. Efforts shall be made to avoid names that will lend confusion to the emergency services or names that are similar to existing street names in the City of Manitowoc or any municipality nearby.

[Prior code § 7.01]