10.870 School Crossing Guards.

(1) School Crossing Guards. The Police Chief of the City of Manitowoc shall hire, with the approval of the Common Council, qualified men and women who shall be assigned to duty at school crossings, and their salaries shall be paid out of the police budget.

(2) Qualifications. Each applicant for a school crossing guard shall be at least 18 years of age and shall be physically qualified to perform the duties of school crossing guard as determined by the Chief of Police.

(3) Salaries. The salaries of all school crossing guards shall be set by the Common Council. Each guard shall be on duty for a period not to exceed three and one-half hours per day for each day when public, private or parochial schools are in session. The Police Chief with the approval of the appropriate Council committee shall determine the qualifications and hours of service of such school crossing guards within the limitations above set forth.

(4) Duties. School crossing guards shall direct and guide school children at school crossings in the area to which they may be assigned from time to time on days when the public, private or parochial schools are in session. No school crossing guard shall have the power of arrest. Training and supervision shall be under the direction of the Police Department, subject to rules and regulations as provided by the appropriate Council committee.

(5) Uniforms. All school crossing guards shall be furnished a standard uniform consisting of a cap, coat, belt and a badge as prescribed by the Chief of Police, and these insignia will be furnished by the City.

(6) Volunteers. In addition to the provisions set forth above for school crossing guard employees, the Police Department is authorized to train and equip volunteer adult school crossing guards at the request of individual schools. Required equipment shall be furnished at the expense of the school making the request and only persons who have been properly trained and equipped by the Police Department shall be permitted to act as school crossing guards.

[Prior code § 10.18]