20.040 Biweekly Pay for Certain Employees.

(1) Employees Affected. Unless otherwise stated by collective bargaining agreement, all employees of the City of Manitowoc whose compensation for services performed for the City has been fixed by action of the Common Council at a rate of pay per hour of employment and for the payment of which funds have been duly appropriated by the Common Council shall be paid biweekly.

(2) Payments. The payments provided for in subsection (1) of this section shall be made only upon the following procedure. The head of each department of the City, by whatever name known, shall file with the Finance Department a payroll of his/her department covering services performed during the last preceding two weeks calendar period by employees on an hourly basis of compensation, reciting therein the name of each employee and the number of hours of service, which payroll shall be approved by such department head and submitted to the Finance Department for processing. This filing shall be at the direction of the Finance Director. Each such payroll shall contain such other information and be in such form as the Finance Director may prescribe. The Mayor and Finance Director are hereby authorized to draw upon any proper available City fund for the payment of all sums shown by such payrolls to be due.

(3) Noneffective When. This section shall not affect existing ordinance, rule, custom or practice in respect to the payment of City officers or employees other than those paid on an hourly wage rate basis.

(4) Intent. This section is intended to assign to the department heads, or their assignee, the clerical duty of reporting the hours of employment of the employees affected, and is not intended to be capable of the interpretation of attempting a delegation of authority to the department heads or their assignee or to anyone to exercise discretion to determine whether public funds shall, or shall not, in any instance be disbursed.

[Ord. 23-098 § 1, 2023; Ord. 11-823 § 3, 2012. Prior code § 20.04]