Title 23


Division I. Zoning Code Enactment and Applicability

23.02    Purpose of Title 23

23.04    Title 23 Applicability

Division II. Administration and Permit Procedures

23.10    Identification and Responsibilities of Designated Planning Agencies

23.12    Interpretation and Enforcement of Title 23

23.14    General Application Processing Procedures

23.16    Permit Requirements

23.17    Affordable Housing Streamlined Approval

23.18    Implementation, Time Limits and Extensions

23.20    Modification and Revocation

Division III. Zoning Districts, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards

23.24    Establishment of Zoning Districts

23.26    Use Classification System

23.27    Allowed Uses and Required Entitlements

23.28    Repealed

23.29    Development Standards by Zoning District

23.30    Conversion of Single Residential Unit Development to Two (2) Residential Unit Development

23.32    Repealed

23.34    Repealed

23.36    Repealed

23.38    Repealed

23.40    Special Purpose Zoning Districts

23.42    Overlay/Combining Districts

Division IV. Site Planning and General Development Regulations

23.46    Accessory Structures

23.47    Billboard Signs

23.48    Building Height Measurements and Exceptions

23.50    Density Bonus and Other Developer Incentives

23.52    Fences and Walls

23.54    Landscaping

23.56    Lighting

23.58    Parking

23.60    Performance Standards

23.61    Private Party Signs on City Property

23.62    Signs on Private Property

23.63    Undergrounding of Utilities

23.64    Yard Measurements and Projections

Division V. Special Use Regulations

23.68    Repealed

23.70    Adult-Oriented Businesses

23.72    Automobile Fueling Stations

23.74    Big-Box Retail Design Standards

23.76    Condominium Conversion

23.78    Drive-In and Drive-Through Facility

23.80    Emergency Shelters

23.82    Home Occupations

23.83    Indoor Personal Marijuana Cultivation

23.84    Nonconforming Uses, Buildings, and Structures

23.85    Mobile Food Vendors

23.86    Outdoor Sales, Display, Storage, and Seating

23.88    Care Facilities

23.90    Accessory Dwelling Units

23.92    Temporary Uses

23.93    Urban Crop Production

23.94    Wireless Communications Facilities

Division VI. Zoning Definitions A – Z

23.98    Repealed

23.100    General Definitions