Chapter 18.65


18.65.010    Intent.

18.65.020    Use table.

18.65.030    Development standards.

18.65.040    Performance standards.

18.65.050    Clear view of intersecting streets and driveways.

18.65.060    Fences, walls and hedges.

18.65.070    Landscaping.

18.65.080    Signs.

18.65.010 Intent.

The LI-1 Limited Industrial Zone has been established for the purpose of providing a location where light manufacturing, processing, warehousing, and storage activities can be conducted without encroachment from incompatible uses and with minimum undesirable effects on surrounding areas of the community. This zone is characterized by a mixture of light manufacturing, processing, and warehousing establishments, each of which is served by adequate streets and utilities and located in an area that is readily accessible to major transportation facilities. Uses within the zone are generally incompatible with residential and general retail commercial functions, dwellings and most retail commercial uses are not permitted in the LI-1 Limited Industrial Zone. [Ord. 2010-5. Code 1988 § 11-5-8.1].

18.65.020 Use table.

The following buildings, structures and uses of land shall be permitted or conditionally permitted upon compliance with the requirements set forth in this code. If a use is not specifically designated then it is prohibited.



Permitted Use

Conditional Use

Business License

Manufacturing – Light




Storage Units




The Incidental Retail Sales of Materials or Products Produced or Utilized by a Principle Use within the Zone




The Display and Sale of:

• Mobile Homes

• Manufactured Homes

• Travel Trailers

• Recreational Vehicles

• And Facilities for the Servicing of Such Items




Heavy/Farm and Equipment Sales and Service Establishments




Caretaker Dwellings




Public Parks and Buildings




Planned Unit Development (PUD)




Accessory Signs




Subdivision of Property




Nonresidential Subdivision – Industrial




Automotive Service Establishments




[Ord. 2021-5 §§ 1, 2; Ord. 2010-5. Code 1988 § 11-5-8.2].

18.65.030 Development standards.

All structures shall be set back no less than 30 feet from any street. All setbacks must meet adopted building and fire code requirements. A 10-foot minimum setback is required for the interior sides of lots, except where a side yard contains a driveway, it shall be no less than 12 feet wide for one-way traffic and no less than 24 feet wide for two-way traffic. Where a building is adjacent to a residential zone a 10-foot minimum setback shall be required.


Lot Type




Height Restrictions

Manufacturing – Light

7,000 sq. ft.


Front: 30'

Side: 0' (see above)

Side corner lot: 30'

Rear: 0'


All Other Uses

7,000 sq. ft.


Front: 30'

Side: 0' (see above)

Side corner lot: 30'

Rear: 0'


[Ord. 2010-5. Code 1988 § 11-5-8.3].

18.65.040 Performance standards.

The following special provisions shall apply to uses within the zone.

A. All establishments shall be operated in a manner that no noise, vibration, smoke, odor, dust and fumes are emitted which is discernible beyond the boundary of the lot, except for customary vehicular noise.

B. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any development within the zone, a site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the city in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.15 HMC, Administration and Enforcement.

C. All front and side yard areas adjacent to a public street which includes any combination of curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be landscaped except for permitted driveways. A minimum of a five-foot buffer strip shall be landscaped on all areas abutting a public street.

D. No wall, fence, opaque hedge and screening material shall be placed in such a manner which would restrict the sight distance for vehicular traffic in a public right-of-way.

E. Adequate off-street parking and loading space to accommodate employees and customers shall be provided and shall meet the requirements in Chapter 18.80 HMC, Parking Standards.

F. All buildings used for human occupancy shall be constructed in accordance with the adopted building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical and fire prevention codes.

G. All manufacturing and processing activities shall be conducted in a manner not visible from a public street.

H. All open storage areas shall be enclosed by a sight obscuring security fence of not less than six feet in height.

I. All buildings and uses within this zone shall comply with all applicable supplementary regulations. [Ord. 2010-5. Code 1988 § 11-5-8.4].

18.65.050 Clear view of intersecting streets and driveways.

A. In all zones which require a front setback, obstructions which will not afford automobile drivers a clear view of approaching vehicles or pedestrians at street intersections shall be prohibited within a triangular area formed by the street property lines and a line connecting them at points 25 feet from the point of intersection of said street lines.

B. Such obstructions which will not afford automobile drivers a clear view of approaching vehicles or pedestrians at driveway entrances shall likewise be prohibited within a triangular area formed by the street property line and the edge of the driveway, with a line connecting them at points 25 feet from the point of intersection of the driveway and the street.

C. All driveways and roadways fronting on or intersecting with State Highway 6 shall prohibit all obstructions which will not afford automobile drivers a clear view of approaching vehicles or pedestrians within a triangular area formed by the State Highway 6 street line and the intersecting street line or edge of the driveway, with a line connecting them at points 45 feet from the point of intersection of State Highway 6 and the street or driveway. [Ord. 2010-5. Code 1988 § 11-5-8.5].

18.65.060 Fences, walls and hedges.

A. No fence, wall or continuous hedgerow within the front setback from any street as required in the applicable zone shall exceed a height of four feet. Fences, walls, and hedgerows at greater than the required minimum setback distance may be constructed to a height not to exceed eight feet. Under no circumstance shall any fence, wall or hedgerow be permitted which is in violation of HMC 18.65.050.

B. All fences and walls shall be constructed of substantial material and the design and construction shall be consistent with the quality of dwellings and other improvements within the surrounding area. Construction of fences or walls which exceed six feet in height shall be subject to the standards and requirements of the International Building Code as adopted by Helper City. [Ord. 2010-5. Code 1988 § 11-5-8.6].

18.65.070 Landscaping.

A. Front yards and side yards of all buildings which front on public streets must be landscaped except that up to 25 percent of the front or side yard which faces on a public street may be devoted to driveways and off-street parking.

B. On lots where front and side yards are not required, no landscaping shall be required. [Ord. 2010-5. Code 1988 § 11-5-8.7].

18.65.080 Signs.

A. Setback. All permanent signs, including billboards and advertising signs, shall be set back from public streets a distance at least equal to the distance that buildings are required to be set back, except that canopy signs, projecting signs, marquee signs, and awning signs may project into the required setback as stated in Article I of Chapter 18.95 HMC.

B. Screening Requirements. Except in those zones where billboards are specifically permitted, all signs shall display thereon copy and images pertaining only to products or services sold on premises.

C. Permits Required. No billboard or advertising sign shall be erected or placed within the city, without first making application for and obtaining a building permit therefor. In addition, all signs located within 660 feet of the right-of-way line of a federally designated highway shall conform to the standards and regulations for such signs established by the state of Utah. Any approval or permits required by said regulations shall be in addition to the building permit hereinabove required and construction or placement of a sign shall not be commenced until all approvals and permits have been obtained.

D. A-Frame Sign Permitted. One A-frame sign, each face of which is no larger than 24 square feet, will be permitted on city property at each business location in the central commercial and general commercial zones without requiring a building permit. Said sign must be removed from public property after business hours. No signs may obstruct the normal passage of pedestrian traffic on public sidewalks at any time. [Ord. 2010-5. Code 1988 § 11-5-8.8].