2.04A.040 Councilor vacancies—Voting.

(1)    Interviews, nominations and votes to select a councilor to fill the vacancy shall not occur until the councilor position is vacant. The vacating councilor shall not participate in the interviews, nominations or votes to select a councilor to fill the vacancy.

(2)    Upon completion of applicant interviews, the council may convene in executive session to discuss the qualifications of applicants. Consistent with Washington State law, all interviews, nominations, and votes shall be conducted by the council in an open public meeting.

(a)    The chair shall ask for nominations by way of a motion and second from the council.

(b)    If more than one (1) candidate is nominated the chair shall proceed with a vote in the order in which they were nominated.

(c)    An appointment to fill a vacancy on the council shall be approved by an affirmative roll-call vote by a majority of the council, at least three (3) votes.

(d)    Elections will continue until a nominee receives a majority vote.

(e)    Nothing in this policy shall prevent the council from reconvening into executive session to further discuss the applicant/candidate information.

(f)    The chair shall declare the nominee receiving a majority vote as the new councilor and they shall be sworn into office at the earliest opportunity once the position is vacant.

(g)    If the council does not appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy within sixty (60) days after the vacancy occurs, the Governor shall within thirty (30) days thereafter, and from the list of nominees provided for in this section, appoint someone to fill the vacancy. (Sec. 1 of Ord. 2023-05-10)