Chapter 2.04


2.04.001    General rules.

2.04.002    Types of meetings.

2.04.003    Chair and duties.

2.04.004    Order of business and agenda.

2.04.005    Consensus and motions.

2.04.006    Public hearing procedures.

2.04.007    Duties and privileges of citizens.

2.04.008    Filling council vacancies and selecting mayor pro tem.

2.04.009    Creation of committees, boards and commissions.

2.04.010    Resolutions.

2.04.011    Ordinances.

2.04.012    Enacted ordinances, resolutions and motions.

2.04.013    Suspension and amendment of these rules.

2.04.014    Councilmembers – Compensation for attending meetings.

2.04.001 General rules.

(As per RCW 35.27.280)

A. Meetings to Be Public. All official meetings of the council shall be open to the public with the exception of executive sessions for certain limited topics (as defined in Chapter 42.30 RCW). The journal of proceedings (minute book) shall be open to public inspection.

B. Quorum. Three councilmembers shall be in attendance to constitute a quorum and be necessary for the transaction of business. If a quorum is not present, those in attendance will be named and they shall adjourn to a later time, but no adjournment shall be for a longer period than until the next regular meeting.

C. Attendance, Excused Absences. As per RCW 35.27.140 a councilmember shall forfeit his/her office by failing to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the council without being excused by the council. Members of the council may be so excused by complying with this section. The member shall contact the mayor prior to the meeting and state the reason for his/her inability to attend the meeting. If the member is unable to contact the mayor, the member shall contact the town clerk who shall convey the message to the mayor. The mayor shall inform the council of the member’s absence, state the reason for such absence and inquire if there is a motion to excuse the member. Upon passage of such motion by a majority of members present, the absent member shall be considered excused and the town clerk will make an appropriate notation in the minutes. If the motion is not passed, the town clerk will note in the minutes that the absence is unexcused.

D. Journal of Proceedings. A journal of all proceedings of the council shall be kept by the town clerk and shall be entered in a book constituting the official record of the council.

E. Right of Floor. Any member desiring to speak shall be recognized by the chair and shall confine his/her remarks to one subject under consideration or to be considered.

F. Rules of Order. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the guideline procedures for the proceedings of the council. If there is a conflict, these rules shall apply. (Ord. 2000-06 § 1, 2000).

2.04.002 Types of meetings.

A. Regular Council Meetings. The council shall meet on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. When a council meeting falls on a holiday, the council may determine an alternate day for the meeting or cancel the meeting. The council may reschedule regular meetings to a different date or time by motion. The location of the meetings shall be at a location specified by ordinance in the Eatonville Municipal Code, unless designated otherwise by a majority vote of the council. All regular and special meetings shall be public.

B. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the mayor or in accordance with RCW 42.30.080 by any three members of the council. The town clerk shall prepare a notice of the special meeting stating the time, place and business to be transacted. The town clerk shall attempt to notify each member of the council, either by telephone or otherwise, of the special meeting. The town clerk shall give at least 24 hours’ notice of the special meeting to each local newspaper of general circulation and to each local radio and/or television station, which has filed with the clerk a written request to be notified of special meetings.

No subjects other than those specified in the notice shall be considered. The council may not make final disposition on any matter not mentioned in the notice. Special meetings may be called in less than 24 hours, and without the notice required in this section, to deal with emergencies involving injury or damage to persons or property or the likelihood of such injury or damage if the notice requirements would be impractical or increase the likelihood of such injury or damage.

C. Continued and Adjourned Sessions. Any session of the council may be continued or adjourned from day to day, or for more than one day, but no adjournment shall be for a longer period than until the next regular meeting.

D. Study Sessions and Workshops. The council may meet informally in study sessions and workshops (open to the public), at the call of the mayor or of three or more members of the council, to review forthcoming programs of the city, receive progress reports on current programs or projects, receive other similar information from city department heads or conduct procedures workshops, provided that all discussions and conclusions thereon shall be informal and do not constitute official actions of the council. Study sessions and workshops held by the council are “special meetings” of the council, and the notice required by RCW 42.30.080 must be provided. Regular study sessions shall be held at 5:00 p.m. prior to each regular and continued meeting at the Town Hall.

E. Executive Sessions. Executive sessions or closed meetings may be held in accordance with the provisions of the Washington State Open Meetings Act (Chapter 42.30 RCW). Among the topics that may be discussed are (1) personnel matters; (2) consideration of acquisition of property for public purposes or sale of city-owned property; and (3) potential or pending litigation in which the city has an interest, as provided in the Revised Code of Washington. The council may hold an executive session during a regular or special meeting. Before convening in executive session the chair shall publicly announce the purpose for excluding the public from the meeting place and the time when the executive session will be concluded. If the council wishes to adjourn at the close of a meeting from executive session, that fact will be announced along with the estimated time for the executive session. The announced time limit for executive sessions may be extended to a stated later time by the announcement of the chair.

F. Attendance of Media at Council Meetings. All official meetings of the council and its committees shall be open to the media, freely subject to recording by radio, television and photographic services at any time, provided that such arrangements do not interfere with the orderly conduct of the meetings. (Ord. 2000-06 § 2, 2000).

2.04.003 Chair and duties.

A. Chair. The mayor, if present, shall preside as chairperson at all meetings of the council under authority of RCW 35.27.160. In the absence of the mayor, the mayor pro tem shall preside. In the absence of both the mayor and mayor pro tem the council shall elect a chairperson.

B. Call to Order. The meetings of the council shall be called to order by the mayor or, in his absence, by the mayor pro tem. In the absence of both the mayor and mayor pro tem, the meeting shall be called to order by the town clerk or clerk’s designee for the election of a temporary chairperson.

C. Preservation of Order. The chairperson shall preserve order and decorum, prevent attacks on personalities or the impugning of members’ motives and confine members in debate to the question under discussion.

D. Points of Order. The chairperson shall determine all points of order.

E. Questions To Be Stated. The chair shall state all questions submitted for a vote and announce the result. A roll call vote may be taken upon all questions.

F. Mayor – Powers. The mayor may request that a motion be stated by a councilperson but may not make or second motions. (Ord. 2000-06 § 3, 2000).

2.04.004 Order of business and agenda.

A. Order of Business. The order of business for all regular meetings shall be transacted as follows unless the council, by a majority vote of the members present, suspends the rules and changes the order:

1. Call to order;

2. Roll call;

3. Pledge of Allegiance;

4. Council discussion/agenda review/set time restrictions (see EMC 2.04.006 and 2.04.007 (D));

5. Comments from citizens;

6. Consent agenda;

7. Mayor’s reports;

8. Department head/council committee/ board/commission reports;

9. Old business;

10. New business;

11. Councilmember comments;

12. Adjournment.

The consent agenda may contain items which are of a routine and noncontroversial nature which may include, but are not limited to, the following: meeting minutes, payroll, claims, budget amendments, park use requests and any item previously approved by council with a unanimous vote and which is being submitted to council for final approval. Any item on the consent agenda may be removed and considered separately as an agenda item at the request of any councilmember or any person attending a council meeting.

B. Council Agenda. The mayor shall prepare the agenda for council meetings. A copy of the agenda and supporting materials shall be prepared for councilmembers and the press on or before 4:30 p.m. three working days before a regular council meeting if possible. Subject to the council’s right to amend the agenda, no legislative item shall be voted upon which is not on the council agenda, except in emergency situations (defined as situations which would jeopardize the public’s health, safety or welfare).

C. Mayor and Councilmember Comments and Concerns. The agenda shall provide a time when the mayor (“mayor’s reports”) or any councilmember (“comments from councilmembers”) may bring before the council any business that he/she feels should be deliberated upon by the council. These matters need not be specifically listed on the agenda, but formal action on such matters may be deferred until a subsequent council meeting, except that immediate action may be taken upon a vote of a majority of all members of the council. There shall be no lectures, speeches or grandstanding. (Ord. 2010-07 § 1, 2010; Ord. 2000-06 § 4, 2000).

2.04.005 Consensus and motions.

A. Consensus Votes. When a formal motion is not required on a council action or opinion, a consensus voice vote will be taken. The chair will state the action or opinion and each councilmember will state his/her name and vote by saying “aye” or “no.”

B. Motions. No motion shall be entertained or debated until duly seconded and announced by the chair. The motion shall be recorded and, if desired by any councilmember, it shall be read by the town clerk before it is debated and, by the consent of the member making the motion and the member seconding the motion, may be withdrawn at any time before action is taken on the motion.

C. Votes on Motions. Each member present shall vote on all questions put to the council except on matters in which he or she has been disqualified for a conflict of interest or under the appearance of fairness doctrine. Such member shall disqualify himself or herself prior to any discussion of the matter and shall leave the council chambers. When disqualification of a member or members results or would result in the inability of the council at a subsequent meeting to act on a matter on which it is required by law to take action, any member who was absent or who had been disqualified under the appearance of fairness doctrine may subsequently participate, provided such member first shall have reviewed all materials and listened to all tapes of the proceedings in which the member did not participate.

D. Failure to Vote on a Motion. Any councilmember present who fails to vote without a valid disqualification shall be declared to have voted in the affirmative on the question.

E. Motions to Reconsider. A motion to reconsider must be made by a person who voted with the majority on the principal question and must be made at the same or succeeding regular monthly meeting. No motion to reconsider an adopted quasi-judicial written decision shall be entertained after the close of the meeting at which the written findings were adopted. (Ord. 2000-06 § 5, 2000).

2.04.006 Public hearing procedures.

A. Prior to the start of the “comments from the public” portion of the public hearing, the chair may require that all persons wishing to be heard shall sign in with the clerk, giving their names and addresses, the agenda item, and whether they wish to speak as proponent, opponent, or otherwise. Any person who fails to sign in shall not be permitted to speak until all those who signed in have done so. At any public hearing all persons who have signed in and wish to be heard shall be heard. However, the chair shall be authorized to establish speaker time limits and otherwise control presentations to avoid repetition. In public hearings that are not of a quasi-judicial nature, the chair may establish time limits and otherwise control presentations. The chair may change the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings (i.e., proponents, opponents, adjacent owners, vested interests, etc.).

B. The chair introduces the agenda item, opens the public hearing, and announces a summary of the following rules of order:

(1) All comments by proponents, opponents, or the public shall be made in a clear, audible voice and any individual making comments shall first give their name and address. This is required because an official recorded transcript of the public hearing is being made. If there is any appeal, the court must make its decision on the basis of what was said here.

(2) It is not necessary to be a proponent or opponent in order to speak. If you consider yourself neither a proponent nor opponent, please speak during the proponent portion and identify yourself as neither a proponent nor an opponent.

(3) If a podium is present for the meeting then no comments shall be made from any other location, and anyone making “out of order” comments shall be asked by the chair to cease and desist.

(4) There will be no demonstrations during or at the conclusion of anyone’s presentation.

(5) These rules are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public hearing, to give every person an opportunity to be heard, and to ensure that no individual is embarrassed by exercising their right of free speech.

C. When council conducts a hearing to which the appearance of fairness doctrine applies, the presiding officer, or in the case of a potential appearance of fairness doctrine violation by that individual, the mayor pro tem, will ask if any councilmember knows of any reason which would require such member to excuse themselves pursuant to appearance of fairness doctrine. The form of the announcement is as follows:

All councilmembers should now give consideration as to whether they have: (1) a demonstrated bias or prejudice for or against any party to the proceedings; (2) a direct or indirect monetary interest in the outcome of the proceedings; (3) a prejudgment of the issue prior to hearing the facts on the record; or (4) ex parte contact with any individual, excluding administrative staff, with regard to an issue prior to the hearing. If any councilmember should answer in the affirmative, then the councilmember should state the reason for their answer at this time so that the chair may inquire of administration as to whether a violation of the appearance of fairness doctrine exists.

D. At the outset of each public hearing or meeting to consider a zoning amendment or zoning reclassification the chair will announce the legal standards for zoning amendments and ask the parties to limit their presentations to information within the scope of the standards. The form of the announcement is as follows:

The following constitute the legal standards for zoning amendments under the law of the state of Washington:

1. The current zoning is presumed valid.

2. The burden of proof is on the applicant for the rezone to establish by proof in sufficient measure that conditions in the area have substantially changed since the enactment of the current zoning. This proof may, of course, come from any source; either the applicant, the administration, or the public. The important consideration is that the decision must be made on the basis of information provided at this meeting or any continued meeting.

3. A rezone must bear a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, morals or welfare.

4. Any terms of a concomitant agreement intended to neutralize the impact of the proposed property usage such as (without limitation) intermediate density, increased setbacks, screening, reduced building height restrictions, building or roads and sidewalks or other off-site requirements, and the like should be developed in writing upon the recommendation of the administration prior to the first public hearing on the application. However, the city council may introduce such terms on their own motions. In any event, no final action shall be taken until such terms are agreed to in writing.

5. After this body has heard all the evidence, there will be a motion to approve the rezone. This does not mean that the member so moving or so seconding is in favor of the rezone, but that we have been advised by town attorney that affirmative motions are preferable.

6. Following the decision, this body must make findings of fact and conclusions of reasons for its action. These findings may be drafted by administration or there may be a recess for the drafting of such items.

Bearing in mind the legal standards I have just described, please limit your comments to information within the scope of these standards.

E. The chair calls upon town administration to describe the matter under consideration.

F. The chair calls for proponents in quasi-judicial proceedings and for speakers in nonquasi-judicial proceedings. When considering a zoning amendment or zoning reclassification the chair shall announce:

Site plans, artistic renditions, and the like in support of the zoning amendment should be avoided except as they help explain the terms of a concomitant agreement. Any graphic representations should be used for illustrative purposes only and the planning commission or town council should avoid indicating approval or disapproval of such plans, since the town of Eatonville has established a design review process through town planning department for such purposes.

G. The proponents or speakers now speak. (Note: If the town of Eatonville is the proponent, a member or members of the administration shall be designated to give proponent and rebuttal testimony).

H. The chair calls for additional proponents or speakers three times.

I. In nonquasi-judicial proceedings the chair calls for opponents by announcing the following:

At this time the opponents will have an opportunity to speak. Should any opponent have questions to ask of the proponents, ask the questions during your presentation. The proponents shall note the question asked, and answer such questions when the proponent speaks in rebuttal. The proponent shall be required to answer any reasonable question, provided that the chair reserves the right to rule any question out of order.

J. Opponents speak.

K. The chair calls for additional opponents three times.

L. The chair calls for proponents to speak in rebuttal. A proponent speaking in rebuttal shall not introduce new material. If the proponent does, or is allowed to do so, the opponents shall also be allowed to rebut the new elements.

M. The chair announces the following:

At this time I will inquire of the administration as to whether there have been any misstatements of fact or whether the administration wishes to introduce any material as to subjects raised by the proponents or opponents or alter in any regard its initial recommendations.

N. The chair inquires as to whether any councilmembers have any questions to ask the proponents, opponents, speakers, or administration. If any councilmember has questions, the appropriate individual will be recalled to the podium.

O. The chair closes the public hearing.

P. The chair inquires if there is a motion by any councilmembers. If a motion is made, it shall be in the form of an affirmative motion. Following the motion and its second, discussion occurs among councilmembers. The chair may call on individual councilmembers in the discussion.

Q. The chair inquires if there is any further discussion by the councilmembers.

R. The chair inquires if there are any final comments or recommendations from administration.

S. The chair inquires of the councilmembers as to whether they are ready for the question.

T. The clerk shall conduct a roll call vote.

U. The chair directs administration to prepare findings consistent with the action. (Ord. 2000-06 § 6, 2000).

2.04.007 Duties and privileges of citizens.

A. Meeting Participation. Citizens are welcome at all council meetings and are encouraged to attend and participate prior to the deliberations of the council on any issue. Recognition of a speaker by the chair is a prerequisite and necessary for an orderly and effective meeting, be the speaker a citizen, councilmember or staff member. Further, it will be expected that all speakers will deliver their comments in a courteous and efficient manner and will speak only to the specific subject under consideration. Anyone making out of order comments or acting in an unruly manner shall asked by the chair to cease and desist. Use of cellular telephones is prohibited in the council chambers.

B. Subjects Not on the Current Agenda. Under agenda item “comments from citizens” citizens may address any item they wish to discuss with the mayor and council. They shall first obtain recognition by the chair, state their name, address and subject of their comments. The chair shall then allow the comments, subject to a three-minute limitation per speaker, or other limitations as the chair or council may deem necessary. Following such comments, if action is required or has been requested, the chair may place the matter on the current agenda or a future agenda or refer the matter to staff or a council committee for action or investigation and report at a future meeting.

C. Subjects on the Current Agenda. Any member of the public who wishes to address the council on an item on the current agenda shall make such request to the chair or presiding officer. The chair shall rule on the appropriateness of public comments as the agenda item is reached. All comments shall be limited to three minutes per speaker or other limitations as the chair or council may deem necessary.

D. Manner of Addressing the Council – Time Limit. Each person addressing the council shall give his/her name and address in a clear and audible tone of voice for the record and, unless further time is granted by the mayor, shall limit his/her remarks to three minutes. Agenda items “comments from citizens” shall be limited to a total of 30 minutes each unless additional time or less time is agreed upon by the council (dependent upon the length of the council agenda). All remarks shall be addressed to the council as a body and not to any member thereof. No person, other than the chair, members of the council and the person having the floor shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through the members of the council. No questions shall be asked of the councilmembers, except through the chair. The council will then determine the disposition of the issue (information only, place on present agenda, workshop, a future agenda, assign to staff, assign to council committee or do not consider).

E. Severely Disruptive and Slanderous Remarks. Any person making disruptive impertinent or slanderous remarks or who shall become boisterous or take action disrupting the meeting whether or not addressing the council, may be requested to leave the meeting and may be barred from further audience before the council during that council meeting by the chair or presiding officer. Such action shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.00.

F. Written Communications. Interested parties, or their authorized representatives, may address the council by written communication in regard to any matter of city business or issue which the council controls. The written communication may be submitted by direct mail or by addressing the communication to the town clerk who will distribute copies to the councilmembers. The communication will be entered into the record without the necessity for reading as long as sufficient copies are distributed to members of the audience/public.

G. Comments in Violation of the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. The chair may rule out of order any comment made with respect to a quasi-judicial matter pending before the council or its boards or commissions. Such comments should be made only at the hearing on a specific matter. If a hearing has been set, persons whose comments are ruled out of order will be notified of the time and place when they can appear at the public hearing on the matter and present their comments.

H. “Out of Order” Comments. Any person whose comments have been ruled out of order by the chair shall immediately cease and refrain from further improper comments. The refusal of an individual to desist from inappropriate, slanderous or otherwise disruptive remarks after being ruled out of order by the chair may subject the individual to removal from the council chambers. These rules are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public meeting and to give every person an opportunity to be heard. (Ord. 2000-06 § 7, 2000).

2.04.008 Filling council vacancies and selecting mayor pro tem.

A. Notice of Vacancy. If a council vacancy occurs, the council will follow the procedures outlined in RCW 42.12.070. In order to fill the vacancy with the most qualified person available until an election is held, the council will widely distribute and publish a notice of the vacancy and the procedure and deadline for applying for the position.

B. Application Procedure. The council will draw up an application form, which contains relevant information that will answer set questions posed by council. The application form will be used in conjunction with an interview of each candidate to aid the council’s selection of the new councilmember.

C. Interview Process. All candidates who submit an application by the deadline will be given an opportunity to be interviewed by the council during a regular or special council meeting open to the public.

D. Selection of Councilmember. The council may recess into executive session to discuss the qualifications of all candidates. Nominations, voting and selection of a person to fill the vacancy will be conducted during an open public meeting.

E. Selecting Mayor Pro Tem and Alternate Mayor Pro Tem. The mayor pro tem and alternate mayor pro tem will be selected by the councilmembers in accordance with RCW 35.27.160. (Ord. 2000-06 § 8, 2000).

2.04.009 Creation of committees, boards and commissions.

A. Ad hoc temporary advisory committees may be appointed by the mayor; more permanent committees, boards, and commissions which shall be purely advisory, only to give written suggestions for the conduct of the operation of city government may be created by the council.

B. Membership and Selection. Membership and selection of members shall be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the council. Any committee, board, or commission so created shall cease to exist upon the accomplishment of the special purpose for which it was created, or when abolished by a majority vote of the council. No committee so appointed shall have powers other than advisory to the council or to the mayor except as otherwise specified in the Eatonville Municipal Code.

C. Removal of Members of Boards and Commissions. The mayor may remove any member of any board or commission created by the council or the mayor. (This rule does not apply to the civil service commission or any other such body, which has statutory procedures concerning removal).

D. Standing Council Committees. The council may appoint standing council committees to expedite legislative governmental processes. Standing council committees performing a legislative function shall be composed of currently serving councilmembers only. Standing council committees shall consist of a maximum of two councilmembers appointed by the council in January of each year or at any such time as new standing committees are authorized by a majority vote of the council. Standing council committees may make recommendations on proposed ordinances, resolutions and other matters of a legislative nature, within their area of responsibility before action is taken by the full council. The committee chair shall present the recommendations of the committee during the discussion of the item of business on a regular meeting agenda. (Ord. 2000-06 § 9, 2000).

2.04.010 Resolutions.

A resolution may be put to its final passage on the same day on which it was introduced unless it provides for an increase in any type of utility rates or fees, which shall require two readings before final passage. The requirement of two separate readings may be temporarily suspended by a majority vote of all members present. The title of each resolution shall in all cases be read prior to its passage; provided, should the council request that the entire resolution or certain of its sections be read, such requests shall be granted. Printed copies shall be made available upon request to any person attending a council meeting. (Ord. 2000-06 § 10, 2000).

2.04.011 Ordinances.

The procedures for ordinances are as follows:

A. A councilmember may, in open session, request of the chair that the council study the wisdom of enacting a particular ordinance. The chair then may assign the proposed ordinance to a specific committee of the whole for consideration. The committee shall report its findings to the council.

B. All ordinances shall have two separate readings. At each reading the title of an ordinance shall in all cases be read prior to its passage; provided that should the council request that the entire ordinance or certain of its sections be read, such requests shall be granted. Printed copies shall be made available upon request to any person attending a council meeting.

C. The provision requiring two separate readings of an ordinance may be temporarily suspended at any meeting of the council by a majority vote of all members present.

D. If a motion to pass an ordinance to a second reading fails, the ordinance shall be considered lost.

E. Any ordinance repealing any portion of the Eatonville Municipal Code shall also repeal the respective portions of the underlying ordinance(s).

F. Any ordinance amending any portion of the Eatonville Municipal Code shall also amend the respective portions of the underlying ordinance(s). (Ord. 2000-06 § 11, 2000).

2.04.012 Enacted ordinances, resolutions and motions.

An enacted ordinance is a legislative act prescribing general, uniform, and permanent rules of conduct relating to the corporate affairs of the municipality. Council action shall be taken by ordinance when required by law, or to prescribe permanent rules of conduct which continue in force until repealed, or where such conduct is enforced by penalty. An enacted resolution is an administrative act which is a formal statement of policy concerning matters of special or temporary character, however this section is not meant to impose restrictions on the effectiveness of a resolution. Council action shall be taken by resolution when required by law and in those instances where an expression of policy more formal than a motion is desired. An enacted motion is a form of action taken by the council to direct that a specific action be taken on behalf of the municipality. A motion, once approved and entered into the record, is the equivalent of a resolution in those instances where a resolution is not required by law. (Ord. 2000-06 § 12, 2000).

2.04.013 Suspension and amendment of these rules.

A. Suspension of These Rules. Any provision of these rules may be temporarily suspended by a vote of a majority of the council.

B. Amendment of These Rules. These rules may be amended or new rules adopted by a majority vote of all members of the council; provided, that the proposed amendments or new rules shall have been introduced into the record at a prior council meeting. (Ord. 2000-06 § 13, 2000).

2.04.014 Councilmembers – Compensation for attending meetings.1

A. Regular Meetings. The compensation of each councilmember shall be $75.00 for attending each regular or special meeting or continued meeting of the council.

B. Other Meetings. The compensation for each councilmember shall be $50.00 for attending, as a town delegate or representative, meetings of organizations in which either (1) the town is a dues-paying member; or (2) any other official meeting authorized by motion of the council, including committee meetings, and provided the member does not receive compensation from any other government unit or agency for attendance at the same meeting. In addition, the mayor pro tem and the alternate mayor pro tem shall receive compensation of $25.00 for each day that he or she performs any duty of the mayor in the absence of the mayor.

C. Payroll Procedure.

1. A councilmember may submit a payroll voucher for attendance at regular and special meetings of the council where roll is taken and minutes are recorded.

2. Councilmembers may also submit payroll vouchers for attendance at other meetings by listing the date, place and purpose of those meetings. The voucher is subject to approval of the town council. (Ord. 2015-01 § 1, 2015; Ord. 2009-13 § 1, 2009; Ord. 2003-14 § 1, 2003; Ord. 2000-06 § 15, 2000; Ord. 97-12 § 2, 1997. Formerly 2.04.020).


Code reviser’s note: Section 2 of Ord. 2015-01 reads: “In accordance with Article XI § 8 of the Washington State Constitution, the adjusted councilmember compensation established by this Ordinance may not take effect for any Town Council Position during that position’s current term. The new compensation level set by this Ordinance shall therefore be implemented as follows: for Town Council Positions 1, 2, and 3, the new compensation level shall take effect on January 1, 2018; for Town Council Positions 4 and 5, the new compensation level shall take effect on January 2, 2016. Prior to implementation of the adjusted councilmember compensation as set forth in this Section, councilmembers shall continue to receive compensation at the previously established rate of $50.00.”