
24.01    Land Use Definition

24.02    Use Regulations

24.03    Property Development Standards

24.04    Height Regulations

24.05    Setback Regulations

24.06    Additional Regulations

24.01 Land Use Definition

General industrial: this land use category applies to areas for industrial structures and uses having physical and operational characteristics which are neither offensive, hazardous, or which otherwise adversely affect the economic welfare of nearby residential and commercial uses.

All uses permitted in the regional commercial district, with the exception of retail and service uses, child care, cocktail lounges, and convention and government services, which require use permit approval; and clinics which are prohibited; and, in addition, equipment rental, heliports, construction industry, service industry, kennels, miniwarehousing, plant nurseries, research and development, truck terminals, and vehicle storage are permitted.

Uses requiring use permit approval in the regional commercial district, except for those permitted, and, as noted, cocktail lounges, child care, convention and government services, retail and service and, in addition, hospitals, and solid waste stations require use permit approval.

24.02 Use Regulations

A building or premises shall be used only for the purposes set forth in the city of Litchfield Park zoning matrix (Section 28).

24.03 Property Development Standards

a.    Lot Area

Each lot shall have a minimum area of forty acres.

b.    Lot Width

Each lot shall have a minimum width of three hundred feet.

c.    Lot Coverage

The maximum lot coverage shall be sixty percent of the lot area.

d.    Buffers

Buffer yards, consisting at a minimum of landscaping for the required setback distance, including pathways as appropriate, as approved by the design review board, shall be provided between dissimilar uses or other districts. (Ord. 04-91 § 1 (part))

24.04 Height Regulations

The height of buildings shall not exceed fifty feet above grade nor three stories.

24.05 Setback Regulations

a.    Front Yard

1.    There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than one hundred feet, unless approved as a part of a development plan.

2.    Where a lot is located at the intersection of two or more streets, there shall be a yard conforming to the front yard requirements on each street side of a corner lot. No accessory building shall project into yards required to conform with the front yard requirements.

b.    Side Yard

None required, except that:

1.    Where a lot is adjacent to a residential zoning district there shall be side yard on the side of the lot adjacent to such residential zoning district having a width of not less than one hundred feet.

2.    Where a corner lot abuts two streets there shall be a side yard on the street side of such corner lot having a width of not less than one hundred feet.

3.    If a side yard is otherwise provided it shall have a width of not less than one hundred feet.

c.    Rear Yard

None required, except that:

1.    Where a lot abuts a residential zoning district whether or not separated by an alley, there shall be rear yard having a depth of not less than one hundred feet.

2.    If a rear yard is otherwise provided it shall have a depth of not less than one hundred feet.

24.06 Additional Regulations

a.    Any exterior lighting shall be directed downward and away from adjacent property in accordance with the city code and this zoning code. See Section 31.15.

b.    Provisions for on-site stormwater retention/drainage and off-site stormwater drainage both entering and leaving the property shall be as required by the city and the Maricopa County flood control district, the procedures for which shall be approved by the council.

c.    When an application for site plan approval pursuant to Section 37 of this zoning code or minor land division or preliminary plat approval pursuant to Chapter 14 of the city code does not include all of the parcel(s) included in the adopted rezoning ordinance for the parcel(s), a master development plan shall be submitted that complies with this subsection. Such site plan, minor land division or preliminary plat shall not be approved except in conformance with this subsection. The planning and zoning commission shall review the master development plan and forward a recommendation to the council. The council may approve or deny the master development plan.

1.    The master development plan shall encompass all of the parcel(s) that were rezoned pursuant to one zoning ordinance.

2.    The design and development of the parcel(s) in the master development plan shall be consistent architecturally and materials and colors shall be harmonious.

3.    The master development plan shall be comprehensive, embracing land, buildings, landscaping and their interrelationships.

4.    The master development plan shall provide for circulation, off-street parking, drainage and related amenities. Buildings, structures and facilities in the parcel(s) shall be integrated, oriented and related to the topographic and natural landscape features of the site.

5.    Circulation patterns on the parcel(s) shall be compatible with circulation patterns on adjoining properties.

6.    The internal street system shall not be a dominant feature in the overall design; rather, it should be designed for the efficient and safe flow of vehicles without creating a disruptive influence on the activity and function of any common areas and facilities. (Ord. 12-178 § 1 (part))