Chapter 18.89


Article I. General Provisions

18.89.010    Purpose.

18.89.020    Definitions.

Article II. Plan Components

18.89.030    Land use plan.

18.89.040    Scope.

18.89.050    Contents.

18.89.060    Plan elements.

Article III. Adoption, Administration and Amendment of the General Plan

18.89.070    Land use element documents, maps, policies and special areas.

18.89.080    Procedure to adopt the general plan.

18.89.090    General plan administration.

18.89.100    Major amendments to the general plan.

18.89.110    Minor amendments to the general plan.

Article I. General Provisions

18.89.010 Purpose.

A. In accordance with ARS 9-461, this chapter provides for a general plan, which is described in greater detail by a land use plan and strategic action plan.

B. The land use element of the town of Sahuarita general plan establishes, and the general plan makes specific, the goals of the town regarding future development in the town, reflecting as much as possible public consensus on land use issues.

C. The general plan is the official document for the planning and zoning commission, town council, and all town officials and agencies for accomplishing coordinated physical development consistent with the current and anticipated needs of the town.

D. The land use plan shall guide the planning and zoning commission and town council in rezoning and specific plan proceedings. An amendment to the land use plan shall be processed, in accordance with amendment requirements of this chapter and department policies prior to the filing of all rezoning or specific plan applications that do not comply with the land use plan. However, compliance with the land use plan shall not in itself warrant approval of the rezoning or specific plan. The final determination of the merits of the rezoning request or specific plan application shall be made during the rezoning or specific plan review process. [Ord. 2011-048 § 1; Ord. 1995-06 § 2.]

18.89.020 Definitions.

A. Certain terms used in this chapter shall be defined, for purposes of this chapter only, as follows:

1. “Land use element” means the land use element of the town of Sahuarita general plan, adopted by the town of Sahuarita town council on December 9, 2002, and as ratified by the voters on May 20, 2003, as may be amended.

2. “Major amendment” means a substantial alteration of the municipality’s land use mixture or balance as established in the general plan.

3. “Plan policy” means a written statement in the general plan which provides a:

a. Procedural recommendation; or

b. Development recommendation, which may be imposed as a special condition of rezoning.

4. “Special area” means a designation appearing on the land use plan identifying areas having unique characteristics or qualities. [Ord. 2011-048 § 1; Ord. 1995-06 § 2.]

Article II. Plan Components

18.89.030 Land use plan.

An adopted plan covering the town of Sahuarita and its environs shall be prepared by the town in compliance with the procedures outlined in state statutes. [Ord. 2011-048 § 1; Ord. 1995-06 § 2.]

18.89.040 Scope.

The land use plan shall further the purpose defined in STC 18.89.010 by:

A. Establishing boundaries for land use categories;

B. Establishing planned land use to guide planning and coordinate the timing and implementation of capital improvement activities, such as transportation, flood control, water delivery or wastewater management facilities;

C. Determining the relative suitability of individual geographic sectors for various land use types and development intensities;

D. Designating permitted zoning districts within each land use intensity category and gross density limitations for land use categories in order to determine whether proposed rezonings or specific plans conform to the general plan. [Ord. 2011-048 § 1; Ord. 1995-06 § 2.]

18.89.050 Contents.

A. The general character and location of major transportation corridors and transit systems;

B. The general location and recognition of need for community facilities, such as schools, water delivery and sewerage systems, and airports;

C. Land use classifications as established in the general plan;

D. Identification of recreational opportunities, such as hiking and riding trails, developed or undeveloped parks, and open space systems;

E. The general location and recognition of need for wildlife and natural resources conservation areas;

F. Identification of areas of natural constraints, such as hillsides and floodplain;

G. Recommendations relative to archaeological and historic resources, and community character and aesthetic issues;

H. Delineation of special areas;

I. Delineation of existing airport facilities; and

J. Delineation of the following base map information:

1. Public land survey system;

2. Jurisdictional boundaries;

3. Rivers and major washes. [Ord. 2011-048 § 1; Ord. 1995-06 § 2.]

18.89.060 Plan elements.

A. The plan shall include the following plan elements:

1. Land use; and

2. Transportation, including transit and bicycle systems.

B. The general plan may include the following plan elements:

1. Open space;

2. Growth area;

3. Environmental planning;

4. Cost of development;

5. Water resources;

6. Natural resources conservation;

7. Recreation;

8. Public services and facilities;

9. Housing;

10. Public safety;

11. Energy;

12. Neighborhood preservation;

13. Conservation and redevelop. [Ord. 2011-048 § 1; Ord. 1995-06 § 2. Formerly 18.89.100.]

Article III. Adoption, Administration and Amendment of the General Plan

18.89.070 Land use element documents, maps, policies and special areas.

A. Documents. The land use element designates the general location, distribution and size of uses of land, such as residential, commercial, industrial and open space. It shall, at a minimum, consist of a map with written plan policies and may include designated “special areas.” The land use element includes standards for density and intensity of the various land use categories identified in the general plan. Policies include encouraging a range of land uses to meet the needs of the community.

B. Plan Policies.

1. The general plan may include written development, design or procedural policies more restrictive than this code for the entire planning area (town of Sahuarita and environs), or subareas within the planning area (“special area” plan policies).

2. Adopted plan policies shall apply to properties being rezoned or considered for a conditional use permit.

3. Adopted plan policies may, within special areas only, provide for different, more restrictive or less restrictive zoning districts applicable in the area.

4. The general plan policies shall serve as guidance for long-term planning, capital improvement programming and budgeting for the town and shall provide for coordination within the town and with other private and public entities.

C. Special Areas.

1. One or more “special areas” may be designated on the land use map. These areas are referred to as subareas of the general plan.

2. The characteristics or qualities that make a special area unique shall be described in the text of the land use element. [Ord. 2011-052 § 2; Ord. 2011-048 § 1; Ord. 1995-06 § 2. Formerly 18.89.110.]

18.89.080 Procedure to adopt the general plan.

A. Inventory, Analysis and Plan Preparation.

1. The initial phase of general plan development or review shall be an inventory and analysis of present and anticipated conditions in the planning area, which shall be a major factor in determining preferred densities and intensities of development, location of special areas, and other plan components.

2. The inventory will include the number and location of existing, approved and planned residential, commercial, employment, recreation, public facilities and open space; current and projections of population; identification of community needs for land use, transportation, utilities and other infrastructure; adopted plans and development proposals in the surrounding region; water supply; and current cost of development.

3. The department may develop alternative scenarios for development during the process of developing land use plans. Alternative scenarios for development shall be consistent with adopted plan policies or shall propose new policy content for consideration. A component of such proposals will include an analysis of sustainability from an economic, environmental and community perspective.

4. The town shall consult with, advise and provide an opportunity for official comment by public officials and agencies, the county, school districts, associations of governments, public land management agencies, other appropriate government jurisdictions, public utility companies, civic, educational, professional and other organizations, property owners and citizens to secure maximum coordination of plans and to indicate properly located sites for all public facilities in the general plan.

B. Public Review.

1. Public comment shall be actively sought by the department during the planning process in accordance with the town’s adopted public participation policy;

2. The department shall, at a minimum:

a. Hold a public meeting to discuss the general plan, and receive public comment at least two weeks prior to the study session held by the planning and zoning commission.

b. Make available to the public a final draft of the land use plan, including all proposed land use intensity designations, plan policies, and special areas at least 15 days prior to public hearing by the commission.

C. Public Notice.

1. At least 60 days before the general plan, an element or a major amendment is noticed pursuant to subsection E of this section, the planning and building department shall transmit the proposal to the planning and zoning commission and the town council and shall submit a copy for review and further comment to:

a. The Pima County planning agency;

b. Pima Association of Governments;

c. The Arizona Department of Commerce or any other state agency that is subsequently designated as the general planning agency for the state;

d. The Arizona Department of Water Resources for review and comment on the water resources element, if a water resources element is required.

2. Notice of public hearing shall be given at least 15 days and not more than 30 days before the public hearing.

a. Notice shall include the time, date and location of the public hearing and information regarding the plan.

b. Public notice shall be published in a newspaper with general circulation within the town; by mail to interested persons who request it from the planning and building department; and on the town’s website.

D. Planning and Zoning Commission Review and Recommendation.

1. The planning and zoning commission shall hold at least two public hearings, each in a different location within the town.

2. Property owners and other interested persons may submit their comments at the public hearing or in writing prior to the public hearing by submitting them to the planning and building department. All public comments will be transmitted to the planning and zoning commission.

3. The planning and zoning commission may close the public hearing and make a recommendation to the town council, or they may continue the hearing should they require additional information or to resolve issues.

4. The planning and zoning commission recommendation shall include the reasons for the recommendation.

E. Town Council Public Hearing and Adoption.

1. The town council shall hold a public hearing on the general plan adoption.

2. Notice of public hearing shall be given at least 15 days and not more than 30 days before the public hearing.

3. The town council shall consider the recommendations of the planning and zoning commission, town staff and public comments.

4. The adoption or readoption of the general plan shall be approved by affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the governing body of the municipality.

5. The adoption or readoption of the general plan or any amendment to such plan shall be by resolution of the town council.

F. The general plan, with any amendments, is effective for up to 10 years from the date the plan was initially adopted and ratified pursuant to ARS 9-461.06 or as otherwise required by state law. [Ord. 2015-098 § 1; Ord. 2011-052 § 2; Ord. 2011-048 § 1; Ord. 2008-12 § 1; Ord. 1995-06 § 2. Formerly 18.89.120.]

18.89.090 General plan administration.

A. The town shall develop a strategic plan to implement the policy objectives of the general plan.

1. The implementation plan will include the rationale for each strategy.

2. An estimate of cost and potential sources of funding will be established for each strategy.

3. A schedule of implementation will be established for each implementation strategy, with short-term timeframe of one to five years, mid-term five to 10 years, and long-term more than 10 years.

4. Responsible departments and potential partners will be identified for each strategy.

B. The planning and building department will review the status of the general plan implementation plan with the planning and zoning commission and town council bi-annually.

C. The development of the annual capital improvement plan (CIP) shall conform with the recommendations of the general plan.

D. Rezonings, specific plans and conditional use permits shall conform to the general plan. [Ord. 2015-098 § 1; Ord. 2011-052 § 2; Ord. 2011-048 § 1; Ord. 1995-06 § 2. Formerly 18.89.130.]

18.89.100 Major amendments to the general plan.

A. Major amendments are processed in accordance with the procedure for original adoption of the general plan, per STC 18.89.080. A “major amendment” means a substantial alteration of the municipality’s land use mixture or balance as defined in the general plan (refer to the introduction).

B. All applications for major amendments must be considered concurrently by the planning and zoning commission and at the same hearing before the town council.

1. Applications may be filed with the planning and building department between January 1st and April 30th of each year.

2. All major amendments to the general plan proposed for adoption by the governing body of a municipality shall be presented at a single public hearing during the calendar year the proposal is made.

3. Major amendments require the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the town council. [Ord. 2015-098 § 1; Ord. 2011-052 § 2.]

18.89.110 Minor amendments to the general plan.

A. Minor amendments may be filed at any time during the year.

B. Public Review.

1. The applicant shall hold a neighborhood meeting, inviting all property owners within 300 feet of the proposed plan amendment site at least 15 days prior to the meeting.

2. All public comments and names of attendees of such neighborhood meeting shall be filed with the submittal to the planning and building department.

3. The planning and building department shall make available to the public a final draft of the land use plan, including maps, at least 15 days prior to public hearing by the commission.

C. Public Notice.

1. The planning and building department shall provide public notice a minimum of 15 days prior to the commission and town council hearings.

2. Notice shall include the time, date and location of the public hearing and information regarding the plan.

3. Public notice shall be published in a newspaper with general circulation within the town and by first class mail to all property owners within 300 feet of the proposed amendment site.

D. Planning and Zoning Commission Review and Recommendation.

1. The planning and zoning commission shall hold a public hearing on any proposed minor amendment.

2. Property owners and other interested persons may submit their comments at the public hearing or in writing prior to the public hearing by submitting them to the planning and building department, zoning division. All public comments will be transmitted to the planning and zoning commission.

3. The planning and zoning commission may close the public hearing and make a recommendation to the town council, or they may continue the hearing should they require additional information or to resolve issues.

4. The planning and zoning commission recommendation shall include the reasons for the recommendation.

E. Town Council Public Hearing and Adoption.

1. The town council shall hold a public hearing on the general plan amendment.

2. The town council shall consider the recommendations of the planning and zoning commission, town staff and public comments.

3. The adoption of a minor amendment to the general plan shall be approved by affirmative vote of a simple majority of the members of the governing body of the municipality.

4. The adoption of a minor amendment to the general plan shall be by resolution of the town council. [Ord. 2015-098 § 1; Ord. 2011-052 § 2; Ord. 2011-048 § 1; Ord. 1995-06 § 2. Formerly 18.89.100.]