Chapter 17.74


17.74.010    Specific purposes.

17.74.020    Basic requirements for off-street parking and loading.

17.74.030    Off-street parking and loading spaces required.

17.74.040    Collective provision of parking.

17.74.050    Increased parking in senior citizens’ housing developments.

17.74.060    Reduced parking for other uses.

17.74.070    Parking spaces for the handicapped.

17.74.075    Electric vehicle charging.

17.74.080    Bicycle parking.

17.74.090    Parking space dimensions.

17.74.100    Application of dimensional requirements.

17.74.110    Aisle dimensions.

17.74.120    Specific parking area design.

17.74.130    Parking access from street.

17.74.140    Driveway widths and clearances.

17.74.150    Driveways and intersections – Visibility.

17.74.160    Parking area screening – Walls and fences.

17.74.170    Lighting.

17.74.180    Parking lot landscaping.

17.74.190    Vehicle parking – Design and location in R districts.

17.74.200    Additional design standards for parking lots and structures.

17.74.210    Location and design of off-street loading spaces.

17.74.220    Podium parking.

17.74.010 Specific purposes.

In addition to the general purposes listed in Chapter 17.04 BMC, the specific purposes of the off-street parking and loading regulations are to:

A. Ensure that off-street parking and loading facilities are provided for new land uses and for major alterations and enlargements of existing uses in proportion to the need for such facilities created by each use.

B. Establish parking standards for commercial uses consistent with need and with the feasibility of providing parking on specific commercial sites.

C. Ensure that off-street parking and loading facilities are designed in a manner that will ensure efficiency, protect the public safety, and, where appropriate, insulate surrounding land uses from adverse impacts. (Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.020 Basic requirements for off-street parking and loading.

A. When Required. At the time of initial occupancy of a site, construction of a structure, or major alteration or enlargement of a site or structure, off-street parking facilities and off-street loading facilities shall be provided in accord with the regulations prescribed in this chapter, except that for the purposes of these requirements, “major alteration or enlargement” shall mean a change of use or an addition that would increase the number of parking spaces or loading berths by not less than 10 percent of the total number required prior to the alteration or enlargement.

B. Nonconforming Parking or Loading. No existing use of land or structure shall be deemed to be nonconforming solely because of the lack of off-street parking or loading facilities required by this chapter; provided, that facilities being used for off-street parking and loading as of the date of adoption of the ordinance codified in this title shall not be reduced in number to less than that required by the provisions of this chapter.

C. Spaces Required for Alteration or Enlargement. The number of parking spaces or loading berths required for an alteration or enlargement of an existing use or structure, or for a change of occupancy, shall be in addition to the number of spaces or berths existing prior to the alteration, enlargement, or change of occupancy unless the preexisting number is greater than the number prescribed in this chapter. In this case, the number of spaces or berths in excess of the prescribed minimum shall be counted in determining the required number of spaces or berths.

D. Spaces Required for Multiple Uses. If more than one use is located on a site, the number of off-street parking spaces and loading berths to be provided shall be equal to the sum of the requirements prescribed for each use. If the gross floor area of individual uses on the same site is less than that for which a loading berth would be required by Schedule B of BMC 17.74.030, but the aggregate gross floor area of all uses is greater than the minimum for which loading berths would be required, the aggregate gross floor area shall be used in determining the required number of loading berths.

E. Joint Use. Off-street parking and loading facilities required by this chapter for any use shall not be considered as providing parking spaces or loading berths for any other use except where the provisions of BMC 17.74.040, Collective provision of parking, apply or a joint facility exists. Such a facility shall contain not less than the total number of spaces or berths as determined individually, subject to the provisions of subsection (G) of this section, or fewer spaces may be permitted where adjoining uses on the same site have different hours of operation and the same parking spaces or loading berths can serve both without conflict. A determination of the extent, if any, to which joint use will achieve the purposes of this chapter shall be made by the community development director, who may require submission of survey data necessary to reach a decision.

F. Location and Ownership. Parking in an R district required to serve a residential use shall be on the same site as the use served. Parking required to serve a residential or nonresidential use in any other district may be on the same or a different site under the same or different ownership as the use served; provided, that parking shall be within the following distances of the use served, measured from the near corner of the parking facility to the entrance of the use served via the shortest pedestrian route:

Customer/Visitor Spaces

Residential Spaces

Employee Spaces

200 feet

300 feet

400 feet

Prior to establishing the off-site parking, a covenant record, approved by the city, must be filed with the county recorder guaranteeing that off-site parking will be maintained exclusively for the use served for the duration of the use.

G. R Districts. No off-site parking for a nonresidential use shall be permitted in an R district unless the nonresidential use served is permitted or conditionally permitted in the R district where the off-site facility is to be located.

H. Reserved Parking Spaces for Multifamily Residential Uses. No more than one parking space shall be reserved for the exclusive use of an individual unit unless additional parking is provided above the amount required by BMC 17.74.030. Such additional parking may be assigned for the exclusive use of an individual unit.

I. Common Loading Facilities. The off-street loading facilities requirements of this chapter may be satisfied by the permanent allocation of the prescribed number of berths for each use in a common truck loading facility; provided, that the total number of berths shall not be less than the sum of the individual requirements. As a requirement of approval, an attested copy of a contract between the parties concerned setting forth an agreement to joint use of the common truck loading facility shall be filed with the application for a zoning permit.

J. Computation of Spaces Required. If, in the application of the requirements of this chapter, a fractional number is obtained, one parking space or loading berth shall be required for a fraction of one-half or more, and no space or berth shall be required for a fraction of less than one-half.

K. Uses Smaller than 2,000 Square Feet. Deviations from regular parking standards may be approved by the community development director for uses smaller than 2,000 square feet. Circumstances which would warrant such consideration and possible approval include:

1. A shared parking arrangement which meets the findings in BMC 17.74.040.

2. Submission of data substantiating that a particular use meets the findings in BMC 17.74.060.

3. Ample on-street parking.

4. A reduction in the standard parking requirement would result in an on-site benefit such as preservation of heritage trees, substantial landscape screening, a unique structure, or other similar site attributes.

L. New On-Street Parking – Mixed Use Districts.

1. If a mixed use residential development in the MU-I or MU-L district creates new publicly available on-street parking, the number of off-street parking spaces required for the commercial use shall be reduced by the number of new on-street parking spaces. For example, if a commercial use otherwise requires four off-street spaces, and the project creates two new on-street spaces within excess street right-of-way or by dedicating to the city right-of-way, the commercial use would be required to provide two (not four) off-street spaces.

2. A development may create new on-street parking within the public right-of-way only after the city council has adopted a plan or policy specifying where this new parking is allowed and additional standards and requirements that apply.

3. The engineering division must review and approve all new on-street parking within the public right-of-way.

M. Use of On-Street Parking.

1. The planning commission may reduce required off-street parking for commercial uses in a mixed use residential project where on-street parking is available to serve the commercial use.

2. The applicant must submit a parking study prepared by a qualified professional, documenting existing on-street parking conditions and demonstrating that the use permit findings in BMC 17.104.060 (Required findings) can be made.

3. On-street parking must comply with the following:

a. The on-street parking space must be located no more than 300 feet away from the use it serves, measured from the near corner of the parking space to the primary entrance of the use served via the shortest pedestrian route.

b. For a commercial use that requires 10 or more parking spaces, no more than 50 percent of the required parking may be served by on-street spaces.

c. On-street parking spaces must be designated as limited time parking in accordance with the California Vehicle Code. (Ord. 22-03 §§ 6, 7; Ord. 01-6 N.S., 2001; Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.030 Off-street parking and loading spaces required.

Independently accessible off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided in accord with the following Table 1 and Schedules A and B. For off-street loading, references in Schedule A are to Schedule B, which sets space requirements and standards for different groups of use classifications and sizes of buildings. References to spaces per square foot are to be computed on the basis of gross floor area unless otherwise specified, and shall include allocations of shared restroom, halls and lobby area, but shall exclude area for vertical circulation, stairs or elevators. Where the use is undetermined, the community development director shall determine the probable use and the number of parking and loading spaces required. In order to make this determination, the community development director may require the submission of survey data from an applicant or collected at an applicant’s expense.

Table 1: Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Required

Use Classifications

Downtown Mixed Use Districts

Other Districts


See Downtown Mixed Use Master Plan

See Schedule A


See Downtown Mixed Use Master Plan

See Schedule A

– First Floor

– Above First Floor

– Loading Spaces

Use Classification

Off-Street Parking Spaces:

Schedule A

Off-Street Parking Spaces:

Schedule B

Group Number


Group Residential

1 per 2 beds; plus 1 per 100 sq. ft. used for assembly purposes


Work/Live Quarters

1 per unit


Multifamily Residential



Studio and One-Bedroom Units

1.0 spaces per unit


Two-Bedroom Units

1.5 spaces per unit


Three or More Bedrooms

2.0 spaces per unit


Residential Care, Limited

1 per 3 beds


Single-Family Residential

2 including 1 covered/unit


Senior Citizens’ Housing

0.50 spaces per unit. (Also see BMC 17.74.050)


Supportive Housing

Single-family residential projects are subject to single-family residential use parking requirements

Multifamily residential projects are subject to multifamily residential use parking requirements


Transitional Housing

Single-family residential projects are subject to single-family residential use parking requirements

Multifamily residential projects are subject to multifamily residential use parking requirements


Public and Semipublic

Adult Day Health Care

1 per 7 adults; maximum enrollment based on maximum occupancy load



As specified by use permit


Clubs and Lodges

1 per 100 sq. ft. used for assembly purposes


Conference and Meeting Facilities

1 per 100 sq. ft. used for assembly purposes or as specified by use permit


Convalescent Facilities

1 per 3 patient beds


Cultural Facilities

1 per 300 sq. ft.


Day Care Center

1 per 7 children; maximum enrollment based on maximum occupancy load


Detention Facilities

As specified by use permit


Emergency Shelters

1 per 5 beds


Family Day Care, Large

1 per 7 children; maximum enrollment based on maximum occupancy load


Government Offices

1 per 300 sq. ft.



As specified by use permit



1 per 1.5 beds


Maintenance and Service Facilities

1 per 500 sq. ft.


Park and Recreation Facilities

As specified by design review and use permit for private facilities


Public Safety Facilities

As specified by use permit


Religious Assembly:



In an R District

1 per 4 fixed seats, or 1 per 50 sq. ft. of seating area if there are no fixed seats


In a C District

1 per 8 fixed seats, or 1 per 100 sq. ft. of seating area if there are no fixed seats


Residential Care, General

1 per 3 beds; plus additional specified by use permit


Schools, Public or Private

As specified by use permit


Utilities, Major

As specified by use permit


Utilities, Solar

As specified by use permit



Adult Businesses

1 per 250 sq. ft.


Ambulance Services

1 per 500 sq. ft.; plus 2 storage spaces


Animal Sales and Services:



Animal Boarding

1 per 400 sq. ft.


Animal Grooming

1 per 400 sq. ft.


Animal Hospitals

1 per 400 sq. ft.


Animals, Retail Sales

1 per 250 sq. ft.


Artists’ Studios

1 per 1,000 sq. ft.


Banks and Savings and Loans:

1 per 250 sq. ft.


Drive-Up Service

Queue space for 5 cars per teller


Building Materials and Services

1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of lot area


Catering Services

1 per 400 sq. ft.


Commercial Recreation and Entertainment:

Bowling Alleys

3 per alley; plus 1 per 250 sq. ft. of public assembly and retail areas


Card Rooms

1 per 25 sq. ft. of card-playing floor area


Electronic Game Centers

1 per 400 sq. ft.


Skating Rinks

1 per 5 fixed seats, or 1 per 35 sq. ft. seating area if there are no fixed seats; plus 1 per 250 sq. ft. of floor area not used for seating


Tennis and Racquetball Clubs

4 per court



1 per 5 fixed seats, or 1 per 35 sq. ft. of seating area if there are no fixed seats


Other Commercial Recreation and Entertainment

As specified by use permit



1 per 500 sq. ft.


Eating and Drinking Establishments

1 per 4 fixed seats, or 1 per 50 sq. ft. of seating area if there are no fixed seats


Cocktail Lounge

1 per 3 fixed seats or 1 per 50 sq. ft. of seating area if there are no fixed seats


Mobile Food Vending

2 per vending vehicle, in addition to primary use requirements


With Live Entertainment

1 per 5 fixed seats, or 1 per 35 sq. ft. of seating area if there are no fixed seats; plus 1 per 35 sq. ft. of dance floor


With Take-Out Service

3 per 100 sq. ft. of gross area; plus queue space for 5 cars for drive-up service


Food and Beverage Sales

1 per 200 sq. ft.


Funeral and Interment Services

1 per 35 sq. ft. of seating area


Horticulture, Limited

1 per 2 acres



1 per 500 sq. ft.


Maintenance and Repair Services

1 per 500 sq. ft.



0.8 per berth


Marine Sales and Services

1 per 350 sq. ft.



1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of lot area for first 10,000 sq. ft., 1 per 5,000 sq. ft. thereafter; plus 1 per 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area


Offices, Business and Professional

1 per 300 sq. ft.


Offices, Medical and Dental

1 per 250 sq. ft.


Pawn Shops

1 per 250 sq. ft.


Personal Improvement Services:

1 per 250 sq. ft.


Dance or Music Studio

1 per 600 sq. ft.


Personal Services

1 per 250 sq. ft.


Research and Development Services

1 per 400 sq. ft.


Retail Sales Not Listed Under Another Use Classification

1 per 200 sq. ft. for less than 5,000 sq. ft.; 1 per 250 sq. ft. over 5,000 sq. ft.


Vehicle/Equipment Sales and Services:



Automobile Rentals

1 per 400 sq. ft.; plus 2 storage spaces


Automobile Washing

1 per 200 sq. ft. of sales, office, or lounge area; plus queue for cars per washing station


Service Stations

1 per 250 sq. ft. of floor area plus 1 per service bay


Service Station with Convenience Store

1 per 250 sq. ft. of floor area plus 1 per service bay


Vehicle/Equipment Repair

1 per 600 sq. ft. of service bay and storage area


Vehicle/Equipment Sales and Rentals

1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of lot area


Vehicle Storage

1 per 500 sq. ft.


Visitor Accommodations:



Bed and Breakfast Inns

1 per guest room; plus 2 spaces


Hotels and Motels

1 per guest room; plus 1 per 50 sq. ft. of banquet seating area


Warehousing and Storage, Limited

1 per 2,000 sq. ft.


Warehousing and Storage, Mini storage

2 per office; plus 2 per caretaker’s residence; plus 1 per 10,000 sq. ft. of storage



Industry, Custom

1 per 1,000 sq. ft.


Industry, General

1 per 1,000 sq. ft.


Industry, Limited

1 per 750 sq. ft.


Industry, Research and Development

1 per 500 sq. ft.


Industry, Technology

1 per 750 sq. ft.


Port Terminals

1 per 2,500 sq. ft. of lot area


Wholesaling, Distribution and Storage

1 per 1,500 sq. ft.



Gross Floor Area

(sq. ft.)

10' x 20' x 10'

Vertical Clearance

12' x 30' x 14'

Vertical Clearance

Use Classification Group 1



0 to 3,000



3,001 to 15,000



15,001 to 50,000



50,001 and over



Use Classification Group 2



0 to 10,000



10,001 to 20,000



20,001 and over



Use Classification Group 3



0 to 30,000



30,001 to 100,000



100,001 and over



(Ord. 21-09 § 8; Ord. 20-05 § 5; Ord. 15-02 § 11; Ord. 14-11 § 10; Ord. 14-06 § 6; Ord. 13-15 § 9; Ord. 11-04 § 9; Ord. 07-21 § 10; Ord. 01-6 N.S., 2001; Ord. 92-18 N.S. § 10, 1992; Ord. 92-9 N.S. § 21, 1992; Ord. 89-1 N.S. §§ 33, 34, 1989; Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.040 Collective provision of parking.

A. Application. A use permit may be approved for the collective provision of parking serving more than one use of a site. The collective parking may be provided by the private acquisition and development of property or by a public agency in the manner specified by the use permit. A use permit application may include a request to waive all or some of the provisions of BMC 17.74.020(D), (E), (F) and (G). The planning commission may approve such use permit if it finds:

1. That the collective provision of parking and conditions of approval are in accord with the objectives of this title and the purposes of this chapter; and

2. That the collective provision of parking and conditions of approval are consistent with the general plan and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare of persons residing or working in or adjacent to the neighborhood of such use, nor detrimental to properties or improvements in the vicinity or to the general welfare of the city; and

3. That the collective parking will comply with all conditions attached to the permit.

B. Reduced Parking. A use permit for collective off-street parking may reduce the total number of spaces required by this chapter. Any applicant shall submit data prepared by a qualified professional substantiating a request for reduced parking requirements. A use permit may reduce the number of collective parking spaces required if the following additional findings are made:

1. That parking demand will be less than the requirement in Table 1 or Schedule A in BMC 17.74.030; and

2. That the probable long-term occupancy of the building or structure, based on its design, will not generate additional parking demand.

C. Special Conditions. In lieu of or in combination with all or a part of the parking provided under subsection (A) of this section, approval of the use permit may include conditions requiring the payment of fees, the participation in a future or existing parking district, implementation of transportation demand management (TDM) provisions, and/or other mechanisms deemed appropriate by the city to promote the collective provision of parking. The replacement of parking space requirements by such in-lieu fees shall not be considered a reduction in parking or a reduction in the number of spaces required by this chapter. (Ord. 22-03 § 8; Ord. 87-26 N.S., 1987; Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.050 Increased parking in senior citizens’ housing developments.

The number of spaces required may be increased above the number specified in Schedule A of BMC 17.74.030; provided, that findings are made for each of the following:

A. The extent of parking problems, if any, in the neighborhood;

B. The probability that the prospective residents will have more than two vehicles per dwelling unit;

C. The age and socioeconomic characteristics of prospective tenants;

D. The ability to alleviate and correct unexpected parking problems resulting from the proposed development in the future; and

E. The proximity of public transportation or the availability of a separate transportation system for the residents of the development.

Approval of reduced parking shall require that a covenant be recorded stipulating that all parking requirements of this title will be met in the event of a change in the use of the property. (Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.060 Reduced parking for other uses.

A use permit may be approved reducing the number of spaces to less than the number specified in the schedules in BMC 17.74.030; provided, that the following findings are made:

A. The parking demand will be less than the requirement in Schedule A or B of BMC 17.74.030; and

B. The probable long-term occupancy of the building or structure, based on its design, will not generate additional parking demand.

In reaching a decision, the planning commission shall consider survey data, prepared by a qualified professional, submitted by an applicant or collected at the applicant’s request and expense. (Ord. 22-03 § 9; Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.070 Parking spaces for the handicapped.

All parking facilities shall comply with the requirements of the California Administrative Code (Title 24, Part 2, Chapter 2-71) and with the sign requirements of the California Vehicle Code, Section 22507.8. (Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.075 Electric vehicle charging.

A. New Single-Family Dwellings and Townhouses. A UL-listed raceway to accommodate a dedicated 208/240-volt branch circuit shall be provided for each required parking space.

B. New Multifamily Building.

1. A minimum of 10 percent of the total number of required parking spaces on the site shall be electric vehicle charging spaces (EV spaces) equipped with an EV charger or electric socket to connect to EV charging cables.

2. An additional 20 percent of the required parking spaces (rounded up to the nearest whole number) shall be equipped with electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) capable of supporting future EV charging equipment, including a branch circuit overcurrent protective device.

3. All required parking spaces not equipped with EVSE shall be provided with conduit, raceway, or a combination of both, providing future access to EVSE.

C. California Green Building Code. In case of conflict between this section and the California Green Building Code, the California Green Building Code governs. (Ord. 22-03 § 10).

17.74.080 Bicycle parking.

A. Where Required. Bicycle parking spaces shall be provided as required by this section; the provisions of BMC 17.74.020 shall apply.

B. Number Required.

1. Public and semipublic use classifications: as specified by use permit.

2. Commercial recreation and entertainment: as specified by use permit.

3. All other commercial use classifications: five percent of the requirement for automobile parking spaces, except for the following classifications, which are exempt:

a. Ambulance services;

b. Animal boarding;

c. Animal grooming;

d. Catering services;

e. Commercial filming;

f. Horticulture, limited;

g. Funeral and interment services;

h. Swap meets, recurring;

i. Vehicle/equipment sales and services (all classifications).

C. Design Requirements. For each bicycle parking space required, a stationary object shall be provided to which a user can secure both wheels and the frame of a bicycle with a user-provided six-foot cable and lock. The stationary object may be either a freestanding bicycle rack or a wall-mounted bracket. (Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.090 Parking space dimensions.

Required parking spaces shall have the following minimum dimensions:


Type of Space

Large Car (ft.)

Small Car (ft.)


In separate garage or carport housing 6 or fewer cars, or with door at rear of each space

9 x 19



In garage or carport housing more than 6 cars with access via aisle, for multifamily residential, or for accessory dwelling unit

9 x 18

7.5 x 15


All spaces

9 x 18

7.5 x 15


Parallel spaces

8 x 22


(Ord. 19-02 § 6; Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.100 Application of dimensional requirements.

A. Up to 50 percent of required spaces may be small-car spaces. The community development director may grant an exception to criteria to allow all required parking spaces to be small-car spaces upon finding that the small-car spaces will provide adequate parking facilities for the uses that they serve.

B. Relation to Aisles.

1. Each parking space adjoining a wall, column, or other obstruction higher than 0.5 feet shall be increased by one foot on each obstructed side; provided, that the increase may be reduced by 0.25 feet for each one foot of unobstructed distance from the edge of a required aisle, measured parallel to the depth of the parking space.

2. An aisle providing access to a parking space perpendicular to the aisle shall extend two feet beyond the required width of the parking space.

DIAGRAM 17.74.100(B)


(The diagram is illustrative)

C. Vertical Clearance. Vertical clearance for parking spaces shall be seven feet, except that an entrance may be 6.67 feet and the front five feet of a parking space servicing a residential use may be 4.5 feet.

D. Wheel Stops. All spaces shall have centerline wheel stops 2.5 feet from a fence or wall. When a parking space abuts a landscaped planter, the front two feet of the required length for a parking space may overhang the planter. When a parking space abuts a walkway, the front two feet of the required length of a parking space may overhang the walkway if the walkway is at least seven feet wide; otherwise the full length shall be provided, and a wheel stop shall be installed two feet from the walkway. (Ord. 22-03 § 11; Ord. 19-02 § 7; Ord. 89-1 N.S. § 35, 1989; Ord 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.110 Aisle dimensions.

Aisle widths adjoining large-car spaces shall be as follows:

Increase in Parking Space Width (ft.)

Minimum Aisle Width for Specified Parking Angle (ft.)





45° or less





















1.00 or more






(The diagram is illustrative)

Aisle widths adjoining small car spaces having a base width of 7.5 feet, except where increased by adjoining obstructions, shall be as follows:

Minimum Aisle Width for Specified Parking Angle (ft.)




45° or less





(Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.120 Specific parking area design.

Where an applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the community development director that variations on the dimensions otherwise required by this chapter are warranted, to accommodate tandem spaces, for example, a specific parking area design may be approved under the following limitations:

A. Tandem Parking.

1. Tandem parking spaces are permitted for residential uses and designated employee parking.

2. Parking spaces in a tandem configuration for residential uses must be reserved for and assigned to a single dwelling unit.

3. Tandem parking spaces may not conflict with required parking spaces or aisles providing access to other parking spaces located within the parking area.

B. Parking Lifts. Required parking may be provided using elevator-like mechanical parking systems (“parking lifts”) provided the lifts are located within an enclosed structure.

C. Valet Parking. Required parking for nonresidential uses may be provided with valet parking. Where provided, valet parking shall comply with the following standards:

1. Valet parking lots must be staffed at all times by an attendant who is authorized and able to move vehicles.

2. A valet parking plan shall be reviewed and approved by the community development director in consultation with the city engineer.

3. Valet parking may not interfere with or obstruct vehicle or pedestrian circulation on the site or on any public street or sidewalk.

4. The use served by valet parking shall provide a designated drop-off and pick-up area. The drop-off and pick-up area may be located adjacent to the building, but it may not be located within a fire lane, impede vehicular and/or pedestrian circulation, or cause queuing in the right-of-way or drive aisle.

5. Valet parking spaces may be located on or off site. If off site, parking must comply with BMC 17.74.040.

D. No use for which a tandem or valet parking program has been approved shall be continued if such a program is abandoned unless the parking area is reconfigured to provide the number of independently accessible spaces required by this chapter. (Ord. 22-03 § 12; Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.130 Parking access from street.

A. Access to parking spaces, other than four or fewer spaces serving a residential use in an R district, shall not require backing across a street property line. An alley may be used as maneuvering space for access to off-street parking.

B. All spaces in a parking facility shall be accessible without reentering a public right-of-way unless it is physically impossible to provide for such access.

C. General.

1. Access to parking spaces, other than four or fewer spaces serving a residential use in an R district, shall not require backing across a street property line. An alley may be used as maneuvering space for access to off-street parking.

2. All spaces in a parking facility shall be accessible without reentering a public right-of-way unless it is physically impossible to provide for such access.

D. Mixed Use Districts. The following requirements apply in the MU-I and MU-L districts:

1. Parking Placement and Alley Access.

a. Surface parking spaces may not be located between a building and a front or street side lot line. Parking must be located to the rear or side of buildings.

b. For lots served by an existing paved alley, vehicle access to parking must be from the alley. The review authority may allow exceptions to this requirement where:

i. Use of the alley is shared with one or more existing single-family residential homes; and

ii. The alley dimensions and other existing physical site conditions (e.g., building location) conflict with city standards for alley width, sight distance, emergency vehicle access or other objective standards.

c. If an applicant paves and improves the alley consistent with city standards, parking access may be provided from the alley.

2. Driveways.

a. Except where allowed by subsection (D)(2)(c) of this section, no more than one driveway may serve any parcel less than 150 feet wide and no more than two driveways may serve any parcel exceeding 150 feet in width.

b. The number of driveways allowed for a corner parcel is calculated using either the front or the side dimension of the parcel, whichever is larger.

c. New development on a shopping center site that existed on December 31, 2022, may not increase the number of driveways providing vehicle access to the property; in addition, such development shall not be required to reduce the number of driveways, as established by subsection (D)(2)(a) of this section. (Ord. 22-13 § 5; Ord. 22-03 § 13; Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.140 Driveway widths and clearances.

Driveways shall have the following widths plus a minimum of one foot additional clearance on each side of a vertical obstruction exceeding 0.5 foot in height.

A. Serving a residential use

6 or fewer spaces

8 ft.

7 or 25 spaces

12 ft.

26 or more spaces

12 ft. 1-way


20 ft. 2-way

B. Serving a nonresidential use

14 or fewer spaces

12 ft.

15 or more spaces

12 ft. 1-way


20 ft. 2-way

In addition, all driveways shall comply with the fire department’s standards for access roads and fire lanes.

(Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.150 Driveways and intersections – Visibility.

Visibility of a driveway crossing a street property line shall not be blocked between a height of three and one-half feet and seven feet for a depth of five feet from the street property line as viewed from the edge of the right-of-way on either side of the driveway at a distance of 50 feet or at the nearest property line intersecting the street property line, whichever is less (see Diagram 17.74.150). For intersections, no structure, including but not limited to fences and gates, shall be maintained higher than three feet above grade within a triangular area bounded by the right-of-way lines and a diagonal line joining points on the right-of-way lines 25 feet back from the point of their intersections.

DIAGRAM 17.74.150


(The diagram is illustrative)

(Ord. 89-1 § 36, 1989; Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.160 Parking area screening – Walls and fences.

A parking area for five or more cars serving a nonresidential use shall be screened from an adjoining R district, or a ground-floor residential use, by a solid concrete, solid wood, or masonry wall six feet in height, except that the height of a wall adjoining a required front yard in an R district shall be three feet. A carport or open parking area for five or more cars serving a residential use shall be screened from an adjoining lot in an R district, or a ground-floor residential use, by a solid wall or fence six feet in height, except that the height of a wall or fence adjoining a required front yard in an R district shall be three feet. (Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.170 Lighting.

Outdoor parking and loading area lighting shall not employ a light pole higher than 18 feet in industrial districts, nor higher than 12 feet in other districts; except as provided for in BMC 17.70.180(D). Parking lot light poles in industrial areas within 100 feet of residentially zoned property shall be no higher than 12 feet, unless the light source will be blocked from adjacent residentially zoned properties. No light source shall create a cone of direct illumination greater than 60 degrees from a light source higher than six feet, and shall not directly shine onto an adjacent street or an adjacent lot. Minimum illumination at ground level shall be 0.5 footcandles, and shall not exceed 0.5 footcandles in an R district. No light source within a parking structure in an R district shall be visible from a public right-of-way adjoining an R district. (Ord. 99-1 N.S.; Ord. 92-9 N.S. § 18, 1992; Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.180 Parking lot landscaping.

Parking lot landscaping shall be as prescribed by BMC 17.70.190. (Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.190 Vehicle parking – Design and location in R districts.

The following provisions shall apply to vehicle parking in an R District:

A. Vehicle Parking Surfaces. Parking surfaces for vehicles shall be constructed of concrete, asphalt or permeable paving materials (e.g., porous pavement, vehicle-rated driveway pavers, decomposed granite, and similar materials as approved by the city engineer).

B. Driveways. Driveways shall be paved and shall have widths and clearances prescribed by BMC 17.74.140, subject to the visibility requirements of BMC 17.74.150.

C. Carports. Carports shall be designed and located to minimize the visibility of parked vehicles from a public street. (Ord. 19-02 § 8).

17.74.200 Additional design standards for parking lots and structures.

Parking stalls shall be paved; parking lots shall have paving, drainage, concrete curbs, lighting, space marking, directional signs, litter collection containers, and queuing space for drive-in facilities or ticket-dispensing booths or machines. Maximum driveway grades shall be 16 percent. Wheel stops shall only be permitted where parking spaces directly abut a wall or fence, with no intervening walkway or planter, or along a property line where no perimeter landscaping strip is required. (Ord. 89-1 N.S. § 37, 1989; Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.210 Location and design of off-street loading spaces.

Required spaces shall not be within a building, but shall be on the site of the use served or on an adjoining site. On a site adjoining an alley, a required loading space shall be accessible from the alley unless alternative access is approved by the community development director. A required loading space shall be accessible without backing a truck across a street property line unless the community development director determines that provision of turn-around space is infeasible and approves alternative access. An occupied loading space shall not prevent access to a required off-street parking space. A loading area shall not be located in a required yard.

Except in a CG or I district, a loading area visible from a street shall be screened on three sides by a fence, wall, or hedge at least six feet in height. (Ord. 87-4 N.S., 1987).

17.74.220 Podium parking.

A. Landscaping Strip. Podium parking adjacent to a street must include a landscaped planter between the street and podium at least four feet wide with a planting height and vegetative cover sufficient to fully screen the podium edge and ventilation openings from view. At maturity, plantings must comprise a minimum of 75 percent of the total landscape planter.

B. Residential-Only Projects. The following standards apply to podium parking included in a building that contains only residential uses, including residential-only buildings on a property that contains other buildings with nonresidential uses.

1. The maximum height of a parking podium adjacent to the street is five feet from finished grade.

2. Units above a street-facing podium must feature entries with stoops and stairs providing direct access to the adjacent sidewalk.

C. Mixed Use and Commercial Projects. The podium parking entry shall be recessed a minimum of four feet from the street-facing building facade. This requirement applies to podium parking entries facing a private street or internal drive aisle that functions as the front building line as defined in Chapter 17.12 BMC. This requirement does not apply to podium parking entries facing service or loading areas. (Ord. 22-13 § 6; Ord. 22-03 § 14).