Section 6300. Purpose.

It is the purpose of this Chapter to provide for the recovery of costs from users of the District wastewater system for the implementation of the program established by these regulations. The applicable charges or fees shall be as set forth in the District’s schedule of charges and fees as set out in Section 6303 of this Code.

(Added, §1, Ord. 88, 07-03-90)

(Amended, §1, Ord. 178, 06-05-18)

Section 6301. Adoption of Charges and Fees.

The District may adopt charges and fees to compensate the District for its activities which may include:

(a)    Setting up and operating the District’s Pretreatment Program;

(b)    Monitoring, inspections and surveillance procedures;

(c)    Reviewing accidental discharge procedures and construction;

(d)    Processing permit applications;

(e)    Filing appeals;

(f)    Preparing and processing requests relative to consistent removal (by the District) of pollutants otherwise subject to pretreatment standards;

(g)    Other fees as the District may deem necessary to carry out the requirements contained herein.

These fees relate solely to the matters covered by these regulations and are separate from all other fees chargeable by the District.

(Added, §1, Ord. 88, 07-03-90)

Section 6302. Penalties for Non-Payment.

Charges and fees are due and payable on the date shown on the District’s invoice. Payment not received by the due date shall be considered as delinquent, and a penalty of ten (10%) percent shall attach to the delinquent charge, and for each month that such charge remains delinquent, a further penalty of one and one-half (1-1/2%) percent of said basic charges shall be added.

(Added, §1, Ord. 88, 07-03-90)

Section 6303. Schedule of Fees for Monitoring and Wastewater Discharge Permits.

(a)    For categorical significant industrial users, the annual fee shall be $420.00 which fee includes application review and inspections. The annual monitoring fee for said users shall be $7,530 which includes all costs for 12 sample events, analyses, program administration and equipment.

(b)    For noncategorical significant industrial users, the annual fee shall be $420.00 which includes application review and inspections. The annual monitoring fee for said users shall be $5,580 which includes all costs for 12 sample events, analyses, program administration and equipment.

(c)    For intermediate users (revenue users), the annual fee shall be $420.00; for minor users, the annual fee shall be $210.00. Such annual permit fee includes application review and inspections. The annual monitoring fee for intermediate and minor users shall be determined by the District and shall be based upon the number of samples and type of monitoring required.

(d)    When resampling and/or reinspection are required, the following fees shall be charged:

(1)    For grab samples, there shall be a minimum charge of $420.00 plus actual cost of laboratory analysis plus 20 percent.

(2)    For composite samples, there shall be a minimum charge of $500.00 plus actual cost of laboratory analysis plus 20 percent.

(3)    For inspections, there shall be a charge of $420.00 or actual cost for time spent in inspection, whichever is greater.

(4)    For site visits, where no sampling takes place, there shall be a charge of $105.00.

These fees shall be payable at the time of request by permittee or when billed if additional samples are required by the District.

(e)    The annual permit fee for a special discharge permit for ground water/potable water shall be $420.00 and shall include the application review and inspections. The special discharge permit rate for such permittee shall be $5.60 per 1,000 gallons for fiscal year 2015/16; the rate for fiscal year 2016/17 shall be $6.25 per 1,000 gallons. The permit fee for special discharge permits issued for swimming pools and other discharges shall be a minimum of $50.00. The monitoring and service fee for such dischargers shall be determined by the District on a case-by-case basis.

(f)    The annual permit for truck hauled wastewater waste discharge shall be $1,000. The permittee shall pay a sewer service fee of $0.05 per gallon discharged into an authorized location. Only domestic type wastewater shall be permitted.

(Added, §1, Ord. 88, 07-03-90)

(Amended, §12, Ord. 100, 05-04-93)

(Amended, §1, Ord. 140, 03-07-06)

(Amended, §1, Ord. 162, 07-01-14)

(Amended, §1, Ord. 169, 05-03-16)

(Amended, §1, Ord. 178, 06-05-18)