Chapter 5. Electrical Code

Sec. 9-5.01 Administration.

These regulations shall be known as the “electrical code,” and may be so cited, and will be referred to herein as “this Chapter.”

This code is one (1) of the technical codes of building regulations and is administered under this Chapter. (Ord. 539 § 3, 2022; Ord. 254 Div. 6 (part), 1987)

Sec. 9-5.02 Adoption by Reference.

The California Electrical Code, 2022 Edition (California Code of Regulations, Title 24 Part 3) based on the 2017 Edition of the National Electrical Code, as published by the National Fire Protection Association, as modified by the State of California and published in the California Code of Regulations, is adopted by reference and made a part of this Chapter as though fully set forth herein, subject to the additions and deletions set forth in this Chapter. (Ord. 545 § 6, 2023)

Sec. 9-5.03 Copies on File.

One (1) copy of the 2022 California Electrical Code as adopted by Section 9-5.02 is on file in the office of the Chief Building Official for inspection by the public. (Ord. 545 § 6, 2023)

Sec. 9-5.04 Amendments, Additions and Deletions.*

(a) Addition to Chapter 1, Section 101, Scope, to read as an additional paragraph as follows:

(1) The Administrative part of this chapter is in addition to the City of Hercules Building Regulations Administrative Code, Title 9, Chapter 1 of the Hercules Municipal Code. Where conflicts occur between this chapter and Title 9, Chapter 1 of the Hercules Municipal Code, the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 1 of the Hercules Municipal Code shall govern.

(b) The 2022 California Energy Code (“CEnC”) is amended by the changes, additions, and deletions set forth in this Chapter. Section numbers used below are those of the 2022 California Energy Code.

(1) Section 100.0(e)(2)(A) of CEnC, Subchapter 1 (All Occupancies – General Provisions), is amended to read:

A. All newly constructed buildings.

(i) Sections 110.0 through 110.12 apply to all newly constructed buildings and rebuilt buildings within the scope of Section 100.0(a), where rebuilt involves demolition and reconstruction of a building or structure involving the repair or replacement of fifty (50) percent or more of the exterior walls or involving work that exceeds one-half (1/2) of the appraised value of the structure. In addition, newly constructed buildings shall meet the requirements of Subsection B, C, D, or E, as applicable.

(ii) A newly constructed building that is any of the following building types shall be an all-electric building:

a. Residential

b. Detached Accessory Dwelling Units

c. Hotel

d. Office

Exceptions to Section 100.0(e)(2)(A)(ii):

• Laboratory- and research-specific functions within laboratories and medical buildings (general heating and appliance purposes within laboratories and medical facilities are not exempt).

• Emergency facilities and emergency generators;

• Development projects that have obtained vested rights before the effective date of this subsection pursuant to a development agreement in accordance with Government Code section 65866, a vesting tentative map in accordance with Government Code section 66998.1, or other applicable law.

(2) Section 100.1(b) (Definitions) of CEnC, Subchapter 1 (All Occupancies – General Provisions), is amended by adding the following definition:

ALL-ELECTRIC BUILDING means a building that has no natural gas or propane plumbing installed within the building, and that uses electricity as the sole source of energy for its space heating (including heating of all indoor and outdoor spaces of the building), water heating (including heating of indoor and outdoor pools and spas), cooking appliances, and clothes drying appliances. An all-electric building may utilize natural gas for emergency generators.

(Ord. 545 § 6, 2023)

*  Code reviser’s note: Through Resolution 24-020, adopted April 9, 2024, the Council has suspended enforcement of the City’s All-Electric Requirements, which are set forth at Section 9-5.04(b).

Sec. 9-5.05 Permits Required.

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to install, alter, repair, replace or remodel any electrical system or equipment regulated by this code. (Ord. 539 § 3, 2022; Ord. 288 Div. 1 (part), 1990)

Sec. 9-5.06 Unsafe Electrical Systems.

All electrical systems or equipment regulated by this code which are unsafe, or which constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life are, for the purpose of this section, unsafe. Any use of electrical systems or equipment regulated by this code constituting a hazard to safety, health or public welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, fire hazard, disaster, damage or abandonment is, for the purpose of this section, an unsafe use.

All such unsafe electrical systems or equipment are declared to be public nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings or such alternate procedure as may be adopted by this jurisdiction. As an alternative, the Building Official or other employee or official of this jurisdiction as designated by the governing body may institute any other appropriate action to prevent, restrain, correct or abate the violation. (Ord. 539 § 3, 2022; Ord. 288 Div. 1 (part), 1990)