Chapter 13-15. PC-R Planned Commercial Residential Mixed-Use District Amended Ord. 549

Sec. 13-15.100 Specific Purposes.

In addition to the general purposes listed in Section 13-5.100, the specific purposes of the PC-R planned commercial residential mixed-use district are to:

1. Provide the opportunity to accommodate both residential and commercial uses in a well planned mixed-use development.

2. Provide the opportunity for an integrated mixture of residential and commercial employment generating uses within the same structure or site.

3. Allow lower cost live-work opportunities for start-up commercial enterprises and other smaller scale point of sale enterprises that are compatible with the residential and commercial uses within the building or site.

4. Provide the opportunity for upper floor residential over ground floor commercial uses.

5. Encourage mixed-use development that could minimize vehicle use. [Ord. 544 § 3, 2023; Ord. 543 § 3, 2023; Ord. 515 § 2, 2018; Ord. 451 § 2 (Exh. B), 2009; ZO § 15.100.]

Sec. 13-15.200 Review of Plans and General Conditions.

Plans for all new and expanded development and uses shall be submitted to the Community Development Director as per Section 13-40.300. The following general conditions shall apply to all areas designated PC-R planned commercial residential.

1. All new and expanded development shall be subject to Chapter 13-42, Design Review, and Chapter 13-48, Planned Development Plans.

2. All new and expanded uses shall be consistent with an adopted planned development plan for the property and shall require an administrative or conditional use permit. Subdivision or partial development of any properties within this district shall not be approved until a planned development plan for full development of the property has been reviewed and approved.

3. Commercial structures and uses are to be located and designed as a unified development, which may resemble a shopping center, a shopping mall, or a traditional downtown shopping street (“Main Street”).

4. Development is to be carefully planned to ensure that benefits of mixed-use development are fully realized and the potential negative impacts of one use on another are minimized.

5. As an incentive to develop commercial and residential uses within the same building or site, the allowed residential development density of 40 units per acre may be added to the allowed nonresidential density of 0.20 to 4.0 FAR.

6. A mixed-use commercial and residential development is to provide a balance of open space, landscaping, recreation, and transit access.

7. Adequate parking shall be provided on site that takes into account the different peak parking demand periods of residential and employment activities.

8. The facility should be designed to use parking areas, garages and landscaping as buffers for noise, light and glare. [Ord. 544 § 3, 2023; Ord. 543 § 3, 2023; Ord. 515 § 2, 2018; Ord. 451 § 2 (Exh. B), 2009; ZO § 15.200.]

Sec. 13-15.300 Performance Standards.

The standard performance standards for development specified in Chapter 13-31 shall be met. In addition, the following specific performance standards shall be met:

1. Live-Work Area. A minimum of 600 square feet of living area including bathroom, kitchen and sleeping area is to be provided within each live-work unit.

2. Usable Open Space. A minimum of 50 square feet of private or common usable open space shall be provided for every live-work unit. A minimum of 100 square feet of private or common usable open space shall be provided for every residential unit. This may be provided on outdoor landscaped areas open to private or common access, or as decks, balconies, porches, recreation facilities, or rooftop open space. The open spaces shall be designed and oriented to minimize wind exposure and maximize sun exposure.

3. Ventilation. Live-work units are to have an adequate ventilation system to serve the range of uses that could be allowed. Each live-work unit is to have at least 1 standard size window that can be opened to the outside.

4. Noise Insulation. Residential and live-work units are to have adequate noise insulation and are to attenuate noise levels to 50 dBA or better within the living area of the unit from the noise levels generated by the range of uses that could be allowed in adjacent units and buildings.

5. Light and Glare. Night lighting shall be located and designed to minimize glare on the residential uses within and adjacent to the site. [Ord. 544 § 3, 2023; Ord. 543 § 3, 2023; Ord. 515 § 2, 2018; Ord. 451 § 2 (Exh. B), 2009; ZO § 15.300.]

Sec. 13-15.400 Land Use Regulations.

All new and expanded development and uses that are allowed in PC-R planned commercial residential mixed-use district are identified in Table 13-15.1. These uses may be subject to compliance with Chapter 13-49 and approval by the Community Development Director.

Other uses of a commercial nature that can benefit from a live-work arrangement, or that can be shown to be compatible with the commercial and residential uses, and commercial uses that provide needed goods and services to nearby residential uses and that can be shown to be compatible with the residential uses in close proximity, or contribute to creating a functional residential neighborhood that has convenient access to commercial facilities, may be allowed pending approval of a conditional use permit. [Ord. 544 § 3, 2023; Ord. 543 § 3, 2023; Ord. 515 § 2, 2018; Ord. 451 § 2 (Exh. B), 2009; ZO § 15.400.]

Sec. 13-15.500 Property Development Regulations. Amended Ord. 549

The property development regulations presented in Table 13-15.2 establish basic site and design requirements for the PC-R planned commercial residential mixed-use district. All regulation standards are minimum amounts unless otherwise stated.

Table 13-15.1 Land Use Regulations: PC-R Planned Commercial Residential Mixed-Use District



See Also


Commercial Uses




Home Occupation



Recreation and Entertainment



Retail Sales




Outdoor Sales




Retail Stores





2,000 sq ft or less





More than 2,000 sq ft




Restaurants and Delicatessens





With Liquor Service





Shopping Centers



Services and Offices




Athletic Clubs




Business Services








Offices and Banks




Personal Services




Residential Uses

Accessory Dwelling Unit


Section 13-35.320

Caretaker, Manager and Employee Housing



Family Daycare Home (14 or fewer children)



Live-Work Units



Multifamily Dwellings






Planned Unit Development



Supportive Housing (Apartment Type)



Transitional Housing (Apartment Type)




Public and Quasi-Public Uses

Daycare Facilities (for employees and visitors)



Government Offices



Libraries, Museums and Galleries



Public Safety Facilities



Urgent Medical Care



Utility Facilities




Accessory Uses and Structures




Key to Land Use Regulations



Administrative Use Permit Required



Conditional Use Permit Required



Permitted Use



Facility or use is directly related to the primary use of site.


Table 13-15.2 Property Development Regulations: PC-R Planned Commercial Residential Mixed-Use District




See Also


Site Area (sf)



Density (FAR)(1)






0.20 to 4.0








Density (du/ac)




Lot Size (sq ft)




Lot Frontage (ft)




Lot Depth (ft)









Front (ft)





Rear (ft)





Side (ft)





Corner Side (ft)




Maximum Site Coverage




Landscaping Minimum




Usable Open Space (sq ft/unit)


Section 13-15.300


Building Height (ft)






Chapter 13-32




Chapter 13-34



Key to Land Use Regulations


FAR does not apply to residential development.


Lesser setbacks may be accepted in an approved planned development plan.


50 square feet/unit for live-work, 100 square feet/unit for residential.


50 feet height allowed for combined commercial and residential uses within a structure; for major frontages along Sycamore Avenue and San Pablo Avenue, a maximum height of 65 feet is allowed only if approved in a PDP adopted pursuant to Chapter 13-48.


A maximum density of 80 units per acre is permitted for the Town Centrale project on Sycamore Avenue as an approved planned development plan.


As per an approved planned development plan.

[Ord. 544 § 3, 2023; Ord. 543 § 3, 2023; Ord. 515 § 2, 2018; Ord. 506 § 5, 2018; Ord. 484 § 6, 2015; Ord. 472 § 1 (Att. 1), 2012; Ord. 451 § 2 (Exh. B), 2009; ZO § 15.500.]