Chapter 17.24


17.24.010    V-FO – Fort Ord Visitor-Serving Commercial District

17.24.010 V-FO – Fort Ord Visitor-Serving Commercial District

A.    Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to provide consistent development guidelines for lands designated visitor-serving in the City of Seaside General Plan, Fort Ord lands, Land Use Element, to promote development of hotel and resort uses, along with associated commercial recreation uses such as golf courses and recreation-oriented residential uses.

B.    Area of jurisdiction. The regulations in this chapter are applicable to lands designated visitor-serving in the City of Seaside General Plan, Fort Ord lands, land use concept, Polygon 22.

C.    Other zoning regulations. Where not in conflict with the regulations in this chapter, the regulations of the Seaside Zoning Code shall apply to development within this district.

D.    Principal permitted uses.

1.    Hotels;

2.    Conference centers;

3.    Restaurants;

4.    Golf courses.

E.    Accessory buildings, structures and uses. Any use, building or structure which is appurtenant and incidental to a permitted use within the zone district shall conform to the provisions of Section 17.52.220 – Residential Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses.

F.    Conditional uses. The following uses are subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to the procedures in Section 17.62.070:

1.    Residential uses;

2.    Timeshare uses, as defined in Section 17.52.260;

3.    Employee housing.

G.    Use determination. Any other use determined by the Zoning Administrator to be of the same general character as the foregoing uses, which is consistent with the City of Seaside General Plan, Fort Ord lands and which will not impair the present or potential use of adjacent properties may be allowed subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit.

H.    District regulations. The following regulations shall control development in the V-FO district:

1.    Where not in conflict with this chapter, the property development standards listed in this section for commercial and transient occupancy uses development in the V-FO district shall be (a) consistent with the standards described in Chapter 17.14 (Commercial Zones); or (b) as determined by the City pursuant to its approval of a planned unit development under Section 17.62.050 for the following development standards: (1) minimum lot area, (2) minimum lot width, (3) minimum front and rear yard setbacks, (4) minimum side yard setbacks, (5) maximum lot coverage, (6) off-street parking, (7) signs, (8) landscaping and screening, and (9) minimum floor area.

2.    Total number of hotel rooms and timeshare units permitted within Polygon 22 shall not exceed 800.

3.    Hotel rooms shall be distributed in several buildings to reduce the scale of the project and the visual intrusion into the Highway 1 Scenic Corridor.

4.    Development within the district shall provide substantial landscaping, incorporating regional plant material, to minimize the visual impact of development on Highway 1 scenic views.

5.    All development within the district which is located within 500 feet of the Highway 1 right-of-way or the edge of the Highway 1 viewshed shall conform to the regulations of the Highway 1 Special Overlay Design District, Section 17.22.040.

6.    Building height shall not exceed the mature landscape height of the trees in the golf course area.

7.    Structures shall be integrated into the existing topography and landscaped setting so as to minimize grading and tree removal.

8.    Where not in conflict with this chapter, the property development standards for residential uses shall be those applicable in the RS-8 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district.

9.    The average overall density for residential uses, exclusive of golf course and commercial areas, shall not exceed 10 dwelling units per acre.