Chapter 14-18


14-18.010    General.

14-18.014    Accessory use or structure.

14-18.015    Adult bookstore.

14-18.016    Adult motion picture theater.

14-18.018    Aged guest, ambulatory.

14-18.022    Aged guest, non-ambulatory.

14-18.026    Agent of owner.

14-18.030    Agriculture.

14-18.034    Alley.

14-18.035    Alcohol-related problems.

14-18.036    Alcohol-sales establishment: on-sale and off-sale.

14-18.038    Alteration.

14-18.042    Amendment.

14-18.046    Animal.

14-18.050    Animal, domestic.

14-18.054    Animal farm.

14-18.058    Animal shelter, private.

14-18.062    Animal shelter, public.

14-18.064    Antenna.

14-18.066    Apartment.

14-18.070    Apartment, efficiency.

14-18.074    Apartment hotel.

14-18.078    Apartment house.

14-18.082    Apartment motel.

14-18.086    Art, public.

14-18.090    Auto court.

14-18.094    Automatic car wash.

14-18.098    Automobile repair, major.

14-18.102    Automobile repair, minor.

14-18.106    Automobile, or boat, or trailer sales area.

14-18.110    Automobile wrecking yard.

14-18.112    Bar (DLU 582).

14-18.113    Bar area.

14-18.114    Basement.

14-18.116    Bed and Breakfast Inn.

14-18.117    Bedroom.

14-18.118    Beginning of construction.

14-18.122    Bench.

14-18.126    Block.

14-18.130    Boarding home for the aged.

14-18.138    Borrow pit.

14-18.142    Branch bank.

14-18.144    Brewpub.

14-18.146    Building.

14-18.150    Building face.

14-18.154    Building, height of.

14-18.158    Building, main.

14-18.162    Building Official.

14-18.166    Building setback base line.

14-18.170    Building site.

14-18.174    Bulkhead.

14-18.178    Canopy.

14-18.182    Carport.

14-18.186    Caretaker residence.

14-18.190    Cellar.

14-18.194    Center line.

14-18.198    City.

14-18.202    Clear corner triangle.

14-18.206    Clear vision area.

14-18.210    Club, private.

14-18.212    Collocated site or collocated facility.

14-18.214    Commercial or C-District.

14-18.218    Commission.

14-18.222    Communication equipment building.

14-18.226    Community housing project.

14-18.230    Conditional use permit, administrative.

14-18.234    Conditional use permit, special.

14-18.238    Convalescent hospital.

14-18.240    Convenience store (DLU 541).

14-18.241    Convenience store with beer and wine sales (DLU 541).

14-18.241.1    Convenience store with liquor sales (DLU 541).

14-18.242    Council.

14-18.246    Court.

14-18.250    Coverage.

14-18.254    Crop and tree farming.

14-18.258    Child care home for children.

14-18.259    Child care homes (large family).

14-18.260    Child care homes (small family).

14-18.262    Child care nursery.

14-18.266    Distance between buildings.

14-18.270    District.

14-18.274    Dormitory.

14-18.278    Drive-in refreshment stand or eating place.

14-18.279    Drive-Through Facility.

14-18.282    Driveway.

14-18.286    Duplex.

14-18.294    Dwelling group.

14-18.298    Dwelling, multi-family.

14-18.302    Dwelling, single-family.

14-18.310    Dwelling, townhouse.

14-18.314    Dwelling, townhouse group.

14-18.322    Dwelling unit.

14-18.324    Dwelling unit, accessory (accessory dwelling unit).

14-18.325    Dwelling unit, junior accessory.

14-18.326    Dwelling unit, efficiency.

14-18.330    Easement.

14-18.331    Emergency shelter.

14-18.332    Equipment building, shelter or cabinet.

14-18.334    Erect.

14-18.338    Essential services.

14-18.342    Factory-built housing. Family.

14-18.348    Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

14-18.350    Filling station.

14-18.354    Fire escape.

14-18.358    Floor area.

14-18.362    Floor area ratio.

14-18.364    Fortified wine.

14-18.366    Foster family home.

14-18.370    Foster home for children.

14-18.374    Fourplex.

14-18.378    Freeway.

14-18.382    Frontage.

14-18.386    Garage, private.

14-18.390    Garage, public.

14-18.394    General Plan.

14-18.398    Grade (ground level).

14-18.399    Grocery store (DLU 541).

14-18.400    Grocery store with beer and wine sales (DLU 541).

14-18.401    Grocery store with liquor sales (DLU 541).

14-18.402    Group care home.

14-18.406    Group dwelling.

14-18.414    Guest ranch.

14-18.418    Guest room.

14-18.422    Helipad.

14-18.426    Heliport.

14-18.427    High-quality transit corridor.

14-18.430    Home occupation.

14-18.434    Hospital.

14-18.438    Hotel.

14-18.441    Housekeeping unit.

14-18.442    House pet.

14-18.446    Industrial or I-District.

14-18.450    Institution for the aged.

14-18.454    Institution for children.

14-18.458    Junk yard.

14-18.462    Kennel.

14-18.470    Land use classification.

14-18.474    Land Use Classification Code.

14-18.478    Land Use Classification Manual.

14-18.482    Land Use Coding System.

14-18.486    Landscaping.

14-18.488    Lattice tower.

14-18.490    Living area.

14-18.494    Lot.

14-18.498    Lot area.

14-18.500    Lot coverage.

14-18.502    Lot, exterior.

14-18.506    Lot depth.

14-18.510    Lot, interior.

14-18.514    Lot line.

14-18.518    Lot of record.

14-18.522    Lot, through.

14-18.526    Lot width.

14-18.527    Major transit stop.

14-18.530    Major utility facility.

14-18.532    Malt beverage.

14-18.534    Marquee.

14-18.538    Medical clinic.

14-18.540    Mini warehouse.

14-18.542    Mobile home.

14-18.546    Mobile home park.

14-18.547    Monitoring protocol.

14-18.548    Monopole.

14-18.550    Motel.

14-18.554    Motor court, motor hotel.

14-18.558    Multiple dwelling.

14-18.560    Nonconforming lot.

14-18.562    Nonconforming structure.

14-18.566    Nonconforming use.

14-18.567    Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation (NEIR).

14-18.570    Nursing home.

14-18.574    Occupancy.

14-18.578    Offshore.

14-18.582    Onshore.

14-18.586    Open space, usable.

14-18.587    Outdoor motor picture theater.

14-18.590    Parking area, private.

14-18.594    Parking facility, off-street.

14-18.598    Parking facility, off-street, temporary.

14-18.602    Parking space, off-street.

14-18.606    Patio shelter.

14-18.610    Performance standards.

14-18.614    Permitted use.

14-18.618    Private open space.

14-18.622    Public.

14-18.626    Publicly owned.

14-18.630    Quasi-public.

14-18.634    Recreation facility, commercial.

14-18.638    Recreation facility, private.

14-18.642    Recreation facility, public.

14-18.643    Recreation vehicle.

14-18.644    Rehabilitation facility.

14-18.645    Residential care facility.

14-18.650    Residential density.

14-18.654    Residential or R-District.

14-18.658    Rest home.

14-18.659    Restaurant (DLU 5811).

14-18.660    Restaurant with beer and wine sales (DLU 5811).

14-18.661    Restaurant with liquor sales (DLU 5811).

14-18.661.1    Restaurant with bar (DLU 5811).

14-18.662    Retirement home or center.

14-18.666    Rezoning or reclassification.

14-18.670    Right-of-way.

14-18.678    Salvage yard.

14-18.680    Sensitive use.

14-18.681    Separation requirement.

14-18.682    Service station.

14-18.686    Service station, accessory.

14-18.690    Service station, pump island.

14-18.694    Setback.

14-18.696    Shipping container.

14-18.698    Shopping center.

14-18.702    Shore line.

14-18.706    Sign.

14-18.708    Single room occupancy unit.

14-18.710    Slope.

14-18.711    Specified anatomical area.

14-18.714    Specific plan.

14-18.718    Specific Plan Line Map.

14-18.722    Specific Plan of Streets and Highways.

14-18.726    Specific Plan of Streets and Highway, unit.

14-18.727    Specified sexual activity.

14-18.730    Stable, private.

14-18.734    Stable, public or riding.

14-18.736    Stealth technology/stealth technique.

14-18.738    Story.

14-18.742    Story, half.

14-18.746    Story, first.

14-18.750    Story, mezzanine.

14-18.754    Street.

14-18.758    Street, center line of.

14-18.762    Street, collector.

14-18.766    Street, industrial.

14-18.770    Street, local.

14-18.774    Street, major arterial.

14-18.778    Street, major divided.

14-18.782    Street, private.

14-18.786    Street, public.

14-18.790    Structure.

14-18.794    Structure, temporary.

14-18.795    Supportive housing.

14-18.798    Swimming pool.

14-18.802    Swimming pool, outdoor.

14-18.802.1    Target population.

14-18.803    Telecommunications facility.

14-18.804    Telecommunications site.

14-18.805    Telecommunications tower.

14-18.806    Tideland.

14-18.810    Title.

14-18.814    Townhouse.

14-18.818    Townhouse group.

14-18.822    Trailer.

14-18.826    Trailer camp, trailer park.

14-18.828    Transitional housing and transitional housing development.

14-18.830    Triplex.

14-18.831    Two (2) unit development.

14-18.832    Unbuildable land area.

14-18.834    Underwater land.

14-18.835    Urban lot split.

14-18.838    Use, accessory.

14-18.842    Use, conditional.

14-18.846    Use, permitted.

14-18.850    Variance.

14-18.854    Veterinary clinic.

14-18.858    Veterinary hospital.

14-18.862    Waterfront land.

14-18.866    Wrecking yard.

14-18.870    Yard.

14-18.874    Yard, front.

14-18.878    Yard, rear.

14-18.882    Yard, side.

14-18.886    Yard, exterior side.

14-18.890    Young farmer project.

14-18.894    Zone of interest.

14-18.898    Zoning Map.

14-18.902    Zoning Ordinance.

14-18.906    Zoning classification, more restrictive.

14-18.010 General.

Unless the context requires otherwise, the definitions set forth in this chapter shall be used in the interpretation and construction of this title. Words used in the present tense include the future; the singular number includes the plural, the plural the singular; the word “structure” includes the word “building”; the word “used” includes arranged, designed, constructed, altered, converted, rented, leased, or intended to be used or occupied; the word “shall” is mandatory; the word “may” is permissive. Whenever any of the following terms are used, they shall mean the corresponding officer or designated representative, department, board, or commission of the City, herein referred to as the City: City Council (or Council), City Planning Department (or Commission), Director of Planning, Director of Public Works (or Building Official), Zoning Administrator (or Administrator).

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.014 Accessory use or structure.

“Accessory use or structure” shall mean a use or structure subordinate to the principal use of a lot, or of a building on the same lot, and serving a purpose clearly or customarily incidental to the principal use of the lot or of the building. Such use or structure shall not include Shipping Containers as temporary storage facilities except as provided in this Title (See “Shipping Containers” Section 14-18.696 of this chapter).

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980, as amended by § 1, Ord. 1099-01 C-M, eff. February 22, 2001)

14-18.015 Adult bookstore.

“Adult bookstore” shall mean any building, or portion thereof, used by an establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its stock-in-trade for sale to the public books, magazines, or other publications or mechanical amusement devices which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.016 Adult motion picture theater.

“Adult motion picture theater” shall mean any building, or portion thereof, or area, whether open or enclosed, regularly used for the presentation of motion pictures distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas for observation by patrons or customers.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.018 Aged guest, ambulatory.

“Aged guest, ambulatory” shall mean an aged person who does not require professional nursing services because of physical or mental conditions, other

than supervision because of infirmities of advanced age, confusion, loss of memory, or disorientation. The term shall include a person who, under emergency conditions, is able to leave a building unassisted, except when suffering from a minor or temporary illness as determined by a physician.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.022 Aged guest, non-ambulatory.

“Aged guest, non-ambulatory” shall mean an aged person who is unable to leave a building unassisted, under emergency conditions, and a person who, for any reason, requires professional nursing services. The term may include those persons who depend upon mechanical aids, such as canes, crutches, wheelchairs, and the like, and may also include those mentally handicapped persons with mild symptoms, such as confusion, loss of memory, or disorientation, as determined by the Department of Social Welfare of the County.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.026 Agent of owner.

“Agent of owner” shall mean any authorized person acting for the property owner.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.030 Agriculture.

“Agriculture” shall mean the use of the land for agricultural purposes, including farming, dairying, pasturage, agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, viticulture, apiaries, and animal farms, but not including stockyards or the commercial feeding of garbage or offal to swine or other animals.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.034 Alley.

“Alley” shall mean a public or private way which affords only secondary access to abutting property.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.035 Alcohol-related problems.

The term “alcohol-related problems” shall include, but is not limited to, unreasonable noise, littering, loitering, crimes of violence, interference with the unimpeded use of sidewalks by pedestrians, defacing or damaging property, interference with an individual’s or neighborhood’s quality of life or quiet enjoyment of property which is determined to be a detriment to the public health, safety or welfare and similar problems as set forth in Section 14-14.022.

(§ 1, Ord. 1384-19 (CM), eff. July 11, 2019)

14-18.036 Alcohol-sales establishment: on-sale and off-sale.

Any retail establishment which possesses an alcohol license defined in California Business and Professions Code Section 23958.4(c)(5).

(a)    On-Sale Alcohol-Sales Establishment. Any alcohol sales establishment where sale and consumption of alcohol is primarily limited to an on-site premises such as a restaurant, brewpub, or bar.

(b)    Off-Sale Alcohol-Sales Establishment. Any alcohol sales establishment where alcohol may be sold in closed containers for consumption elsewhere such as grocery stores, convenience stores or liquor stores.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135 02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002, as amended by § 1, Ord. 1384-19 (CM), eff. July 11, 2019)

14-18.038 Alteration.

“Alteration” shall mean any change, addition, or modification in construction.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.042 Amendment.

“Amendment” shall mean a revision, addition, or deletion in the wording of this title or a change in the zone classification or zoning district boundary upon the Zoning Map.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.046 Animal.

“Animal” shall mean an animal, poultry, bird, reptile, fish, or any other dumb creature.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.050 Animal, domestic.

“Animal, domestic” shall mean a small animal of the type generally accepted as pets, including dogs, cats, rabbits, pigeons, hens, and the like, but not including roosters, quacking ducks, geese, pea fowl, goats, sheep, hogs, or the like.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.054 Animal farm.

“Animal farm” shall mean any premises on which the primary use is the breeding, raising, or maintaining of animals for sale or where the primary income from the premises is derived from the aforesaid occupation. For the purposes of this title, “animal” shall include cattle, horses, sheep, rabbits, poultry, and the like but shall specifically exclude hogs.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.058 Animal shelter, private.

“Animal shelter, private” shall mean any structure or enclosure, including, but not limited to, barns, stables, pens, paddocks, yards, or the like, designed and intended for the keeping of animals on private property.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.062 Animal shelter, public.

“Animal shelter, public” shall mean a facility owned, maintained, and operated by a public or quasi-public body or agency for the purpose of the impounding and care of animals.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.064 Antenna.

“Antenna” shall mean any system of wires, poles, rods, reflecting discs, flat panels, dishes, whip antennae, or similar devices used for the transmission or reception of electromagnetic waves when such system is either external or attached to the exterior of a structure. Antennae shall include devices having active elements extending in any direction, and directional beam-type arrays having elements carried by and disposed from a generally horizontal boom that may be mounted upon and rotated through a vertical mast or tower interconnecting the boom and antenna support, all of which elements are deemed to be a part of the antenna. The height of the antenna shall include all array structures.

(a)    Antenna-amateur radio. A ground, building, or tower mounted antenna, or similar antenna structure, operated by a Federally licensed amateur radio operator as part of the Amateur Radio Service and as designated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

(b)    Antenna-building mounted. Any antenna, other than an antenna with its supports resting on the ground, directly attached or affixed to a building, tank, tower, or structure other than a telecommunication tower.

(c)    Antenna-Direct Broadcast Satellite Service (DBS). An antenna, usually a small home receiving dish, one meter or less in diameter or diagonal measurement designed to receive direct broadcast from a satellite.

(d)    Antenna-directional (also known as panel antenna). A device used to transmit and/or receive radio frequency signals in a directional pattern of less than three hundred and sixty degrees (360×).

(e)    Antenna-ground mounted. Any antenna with its base, single or multiple posts, placed directly on the ground.

(f)    Antenna-Multipoint Distribution Services (MDS). An antenna designed to receive video programming services via multipoint distribution services including multipoint multichannel distribution services, instructional television fixed services, and local multipoint distribution services.

(g)    Antenna-portable. Any device used to transmit and/or receive electromagnetic or radio frequency communications/signals in a specific directional pattern located on a portable or moveable base designed to be placed either for temporary or long-term use at a given site.

(h)    Antenna-Satellite Earth Station (SES). An antenna designed to receive and/or transmit radio frequency signals directly to and/or from a satellite, two (2) meters or less in diameter or in diagonal measurement.

(i)    Antenna-Television Broadcast Service (TVBS). An antenna designed to receive only television broadcast signals.

(Ord. 1153-03 C-M, eff. April 24, 2003)

14-18.066 Apartment.

(See “Dwelling unit,” Section 14-18.322 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.070 Apartment, efficiency.

(See “Dwelling unit, efficiency,” Section 14-18.326 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.074 Apartment hotel.

(See “Hotel,” Section 14-18.438 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.078 Apartment house.

(See “Dwelling, multiple,” Section 14-18.298 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.082 Apartment motel.

(See “Motel,” Section 14-18.550 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.086 Art, public.

“Art, public” shall mean art that is so located as to be visible to persons in public places, such as, but not limited to, streets, sidewalks, and parks, and which does not contain characteristics of an advertising sign or identify or draw attention to a business, profession, or industry, to the type of products sold, manufactured, or assembled, or to the type of services or entertainment offered or available on the premises or in the City.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.090 Auto court.

(See “Motel,” Section 14-18.550 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.094 Automatic car wash.

“Automatic car wash” shall mean a building or site, or portion thereof, designed and intended for washing motor vehicles, containing mechanical equipment, conveyors, blowers, and washing, rinsing, or drying facilities and the like for such purposes, whether designed as a principal or an accessory use and attended or unattended.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.098 Automobile repair, major.

“Automobile repair, major” shall mean the general repair, rebuilding, or reconditioning of engines, motor vehicles, or trailers, collision service, including body, frame, or fender repair, and overall painting.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.102 Automobile repair, minor.

“Automobile repair, minor” shall mean upholstering, replacement or adjustment of accessories and parts, and motor service to passenger cars and trucks not exceeding one and one-half (1 1/2) ton capacity, but not including other operations named under “Automobile repair, major,” or those similar thereto, as determined by the Zoning Administrator.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.106 Automobile, or boat, or trailer sales area.

“Automobile, or boat, or trailer sales area” shall mean an open area used for the display, sale, or rental of new or used motor vehicles, boats, or trailers in operable condition and where no repair work is done.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.110 Automobile wrecking yard.

(See “Junk yard,” Section 14-18.458 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.112 Bar (DLU 582).

“Bar” shall mean an alcohol-sales establishment where the primary use is the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages and where secondary uses may include food service. The premise may contain a counter upon and over which alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, and distilled spirits are served. An establishment in possession of a Type 40, 42, 47, 48, 51, or 52 Alcoholic Beverage Control License and with an excess of thirty (30%) percent

of the gross floor area devoted to the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be considered to be a bar, and subject to the provisions herein.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135 02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.113 Bar area.

“Bar area” shall mean a distinct portion of a restaurant, available to the public for the sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages, which typically contains a counter upon and over which alcoholic beverages are served. The bar area shall be the subordinate use to the primary restaurant use and not exceed thirty (30%) percent of the gross dining room floor area.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135 02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.114 Basement.

“Basement” shall mean that portion of a building between the floor and ceiling, which is partly below and partly above grade, as defined in this chapter, but so located that the vertical distance from the grade to the floor below is less than the vertical distance from the grade to the ceiling. (Also see “Story,” Section 14-18.738 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.116 Bed and Breakfast Inn.

“Bed and Breakfast Inn” shall mean a building that is used, rented, or hired out for sleeping purposes by guests, which is a locally designated historic structure and contains five (5) or more guest rooms, with at least one off-street parking space per guest room.

(§ 1, Ord. 1201-06 (CM), eff. October 26, 2006)

14-18.117 Bedroom.

“Bedroom” shall mean a designated room meeting California Building Code Standards for sleeping and having at least seventy (70) square feet with a closet. Other living areas such as living room, family room, den, and library shall not be considered a bedroom.

(§ 1, Ord. 1201-06 (CM), eff. October 26, 2006)

14-18.118 Beginning of construction.

“Beginning of construction” shall mean the incorporation of labor and material in the foundation of a structure or the demolition, elimination, and removal of an existing structure preparatory to new construction.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.122 Bench.

“Bench” shall mean a seat located upon, or adjacent to, public property for the accommodation of passersby or persons awaiting transportation.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.126 Block.

“Block” shall mean a tract of land bounded by streets, dead ends of streets, railroad rights-of-way, watercourses, City boundaries, or large tracts of land in uses such as parks and golf courses.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.130 Boarding home for the aged.

“Boarding home for the aged” shall mean a private residence providing board and room as well as twenty-four (24) hour protective and personal care and services to ambulatory aged guests, as defined in this chapter, assuming for them responsibilities which go beyond those customarily associated with a landlord-tenant relationship and where bedside care is provided only for conditions determined by a physician to be temporary and minor. Such establishments do not provide individual cooking and eating facilities for the guests. The term shall not include “nursing home” as defined in this chapter. (Also see “Foster family home,” Section 14-18.366, and “Group care home,” Section 14-18.402 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.138 Borrow pit.

“Borrow pit” shall mean an area specially designated and set aside for the removal of natural soils for use as off-site fill material.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.142 Branch bank.

“Branch bank” shall mean a banking facility generally subsidiary to a central or headquarters bank. Such branch banks may or may not offer the full range of banking services; are located primarily for service and convenience to a particular neighborhood service area; and generally contain less than 5,000 square feet of floor area.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.144 Brewpub.

“Brewpub” shall mean an eating and drinking establishment (restaurant) having a small brewery on the premises which produces beer, ale, or other malt beverage, and where the majority of the beer produced is consumed on the premises. This classification allows a brewpub to sell beer and wine at retail and/or act as wholesaler for beer of its own production for off-site consumption, with appropriate State licenses. An establishment in possession of a Type 23 Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license shall be considered a brewpub, which authorizes the sale of beer to any person holding a license authorizing the sale of beer, and to patrons for consumption on or off the premises. Without any additional ABC licenses, the establishment may sell beer and wine, regardless of source, to patrons of a restaurant on the premises or to a restaurant contiguous to the licensed premises.

(§ 1, Ord. 1370-18 (CM), eff. October 11, 2018)

14-18.146 Building.

“Building” shall mean any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls, used or intended to be used for the shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, or property.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.150 Building face.

“Building face” shall mean the general outer surface of a main exterior wall of a building. For example, a building with a rectangular plan has four (4) main exterior walls and four (4) building faces.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.154 Building, height of.

“Building, height of” shall mean the vertical distance from the grade, as defined in this chapter, to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or the deck line of a mansard roof or to the average height of the highest gable of a pitch or hip roof.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.158 Building, main.

“Building, main” shall mean a building in which is conducted the principal use of the lot or parcel on which it is situated. In any residential district, any dwelling shall be deemed to be a main building on the lot or parcel on which it is located.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.162 Building Official.

“Building Official” shall mean the officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of the Building, Housing, Plumbing, Electrical, and related Codes as set forth in Title 8 of this Code.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.166 Building setback base line.

“Building setback base line” shall mean a line parallel to the center line of an existing street, and at such specified distance therefrom as is established by this title, from which the required setbacks for any use or any zoning district are measured.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.170 Building site.

(See “Lot,” Section 14-18.494 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.174 Bulkhead.

“Bulkhead” shall mean a structure, including riprap or sheet piling constructed to separate land and water and to establish a permanent shore line.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.178 Canopy.

“Canopy” shall mean a structural, ornamental roof-like appendage, freestanding or attached to a building, including roof overhangs, but excluding awnings or metallic hoods.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.182 Carport.

(See “Garage, private,” Section 14-18.386 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.186 Caretaker residence.

“Caretaker residence” shall mean a mobile home, modular unit, or structure, which is used as a residence by a security guard or caretaker, which is located on or adjacent to the premises occupied and which is reasonably necessary to provide adequate security for the use.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.190 Cellar.

“Cellar” shall mean that portion of a building between the floor and ceiling which is wholly or partly below grade, as defined in this chapter, and so located that the vertical distance from the grade to the floor below is equal to or greater than the vertical distance from the grade to the ceiling. (Also see “Story,” Section 14-18.738 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.194 Center line.

(See “Street, center line of,” Section 14-18.758 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.198 City.

“City” shall mean the City of Watsonville.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.202 Clear corner triangle.

“Clear corner triangle” shall mean a triangular area formed by the street lot lines, as defined in this chapter, and a line connecting them at points equidistant from the intersection of said street lot lines, said distance being equal to the front yard setback required in the district in which the lot is situated.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.206 Clear vision area.

“Clear vision area” shall mean a triangular area formed by a line drawn diagonally across the corner of a property, which is adjacent to an A- or an R-District, connecting points at a distance from the property corner equal to the depth of the front or exterior side yard required for such adjacent A- or R-District.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.210 Club, private.

“Club, private” shall mean a facility owned or operated by the members of an organization for living or recreational purposes primarily for the benefit of the members or their guests. The term shall include country clubs, tennis and swim clubs, social clubs, athletic clubs, fraternal lodges, fraternity and sorority houses, and the like.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980, as amended by § 1, Ord. 1135 02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.212 Collocated site or collocated facility.

“Collocated site or facility” shall mean a telecommunications site or telecommunications facility where more than one wireless service provider share a single wireless communication site or facility, such as a telecommunications tower or on top of an existing structure. A collocated site or facility is comprised of a single tower or mast/pole that supports two (2) or more antennae, dishes, or similar wireless communication devices, that are separately owned or used by more than one public or private entity. Placing new wireless communication facilities/antennae upon existing or new PG&E or other utility towers or poles is also considered collocation. Collocation can consist of additions or extensions made to existing towers so as to provide adequate space for more than one user, or it can consist of the construction of a new replacement tower with more antenna space that supplants an older tower with less capacity.

(Ord. 1153-03 C-M, eff. April 24, 2003)

14-18.214 Commercial or C-District.

“Commercial or C-District” shall mean any zoning district classification the symbol for which has a “C” prefix.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.218 Commission.

“Commission” shall mean the City Planning Commission of the City of Watsonville, California.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.222 Communication equipment building.

“Communication equipment building” shall mean a building housing the electrical and mechanical equipment necessary for the conduct of a public communications business, with or without personnel. For the purposes of this title, such buildings shall be considered as quasi-public uses where such uses are referred to in the zoning district regulations.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.226 Community housing project.

“Community housing project” shall mean a community housing project and shall include a community apartment project, a condominium, a condominium project, a stock cooperative, or a planned development designed for or capable of being used for residential purposes. “Community housing project” shall not mean or include:

(a)    The financing or leasing of apartments, offices, stores, or store space within apartment buildings, industrial buildings, commercial buildings, mobile home parks, or trailer parks;

(b)    Mineral, oil, or gas leases; and

(c)    Land dedicated for cemetery purposes under the Health and Safety Code of the State.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.230 Conditional use permit, administrative.

“Conditional use permit, administrative” shall mean a conditional use permit which may be issued under the terms of this title by the Zoning Administrator.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.234 Conditional use permit, special.

“Conditional use permit, special” shall mean a conditional use permit which may be issued under the terms of this title by the Commission.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.238 Convalescent hospital.

“Convalescent hospital” shall mean a type of hospital which provides bed care for persons suffering chronic illness or convalescent care for patients who, by reason of illness or physical infirmity, are unable to care for themselves properly.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.240 Convenience store (DLU 541).

“Convenience store” shall mean a retail establishment selling consumer products including primarily food and household items, but excluding alcohol, ie. beverages, and having a gross sales floor area of less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet.

(Ord. 976-95 C-M, eff. August 24, 1995, as amended by § 1, Ord. 1135-02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.241 Convenience store with beer and wine sales (DLU 541).

“Convenience store with beer and wine sales” shall mean a retail establishment selling consumer products including primarily food and household items, including beer and wine, and having a gross floor area of less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet and with less than twenty (20%) percent of the gross sales floor area used to display alcoholic beverages. An establishment in possession of a Type 20 License shall be considered a convenience store with beer and wine sales and shall be subject to the provisions herein affecting such establishments.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135 02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.241.1 Convenience store with liquor sales (DLU 541).

“Convenience store with liquor sales” shall mean a retail establishment selling consumer products including primarily food and household items, including beer, wine, and distilled spirits, and having a gross sales floor area of less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet and with less than twenty (20%) percent of the gross sales floor area used to display alcoholic beverages. An establishment in possession of a Type 21 License and a gross floor area less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet shall be considered a convenience store with liquor sales and shall be subject to the provisions herein.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135 02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.242 Council.

“Council” shall mean the City Council of the City of Watsonville, California.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.246 Court.

“Court” shall mean a space, open and unobstructed to the sky, located at or above grade level on a lot, and bounded on two (2) or more sides by the walls of the building. An inner court is a court entirely within the exterior walls of a building; all other courts are outer courts.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.250 Coverage.

“Coverage” shall mean the percent of the total site area covered by structures, other than those excepted in this title.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.254 Crop and tree farming.

“Crop and tree farming” shall mean the raising for commercial purposes of any truck, or field, or orchard crops, or wholesale nursery or greenhouses, including the necessary buildings incidental to such crops.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.258 Child care home for children.

“Child care home for children” shall mean a private family home in which is provided daytime care (including the furnishing of supervision, recreation, food, and rest) for not more than six (6) children, including children of the proprietary family.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.259 Child care homes (large family).

“Child care homes (large family)” shall mean a home which provides family day care to seven (7) to twelve (12) children, including children who reside at the home.

(§ 1, Ord. 991-96 C-M, eff. February 8, 1996)

14-18.260 Child care homes (small family).

“Child care homes (small family)” shall mean a home which provides family day care to six (6) or fewer children, including children who reside at the home.

(§ 1, Ord. 991-96 C-M, eff. February 8, 1996)

14-18.262 Child care nursery.

“Child care nursery” shall mean a facility for child care, including the furnishing of supervision, instruction, recreation, food, and rest, for more than six (6) children, or one that is so organized and administered that its service is essentially institutional in character, regardless of the number of children for whom care is to be furnished.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.266 Distance between buildings.

“Distance between buildings” shall mean the shortest horizontal distance between the vertical walls of two (2) structures.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.270 District.

“District” shall mean a portion of the territory of the City within which certain uniform regulations and requirements, or various combinations thereof, apply under the provisions of this title and shall include zoning district and zone.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.274 Dormitory.

“Dormitory” shall mean a residential facility with three (3) or more sleeping accommodations for individuals or groups, with or without meals, by the week or by the month, for rent paid in money, foods, labor, or otherwise, and providing communal kitchen and dining facilities. Dormitories may allow individuals rooms to be occupied by no more than two (2) paying guests per room.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980, as amended by § 1, Ord. 1201-06 (CM), eff. October 26, 2006)

14-18.278 Drive-in refreshment stand or eating place.

“Drive-in refreshment stand or eating place” shall mean a facility offering food and/or non-alcoholic beverages at which persons may expect to be served and/or eat or drink in their automobiles.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.279 Drive-Through Facility.

“Drive-Through Facility” shall mean any commercial use that conducts business in whole or part with a person or persons who enters a commercial property in a motor vehicle and transacts business from said motor vehicle from any location on such property that is not a designated parking space. Drive-Through Facility does not, however, include Service Stations as defined in Section 14-18.682 of this Code.

(§ 1, Ord. 1099-01 C-M, eff. February 22, 2001)

14-18.282 Driveway.

“Driveway” shall mean a private vehicular access, the use of which is limited to persons residing, employed, or otherwise using or visiting the premises on which it is located.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.286 Duplex.

“Duplex” shall mean a building designed as a single structure, containing two (2) separate living units, each of which is designed to be occupied as a separate permanent residence for one housekeeping unit.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980, as amended by § 1, Ord. 1201-06 (CM), eff. October 26, 2006)

14-18.294 Dwelling group.

“Dwelling group” shall mean a group of two (2) or more detached or semi-detached buildings, each of which contains one or more dwelling units, located on a parcel of land in one ownership.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.298 Dwelling, multi-family.

“Dwelling, multi-family” shall mean any building, with three (3) or more individual dwellings with separate cooking, sleeping, and bathroom facilities for each dwelling. The term shall include flats and apartments.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980, as amended by § 1, Ord. 1201-06 (CM), eff. October 26, 2006)

14-18.302 Dwelling, single-family.

“Dwelling, single-family” shall mean one detached dwelling per legal lot of record designed with a kitchen, bedroom(s) and bathroom(s), used exclusively for residential purposes by one housekeeping unit.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980, as amended by § 1, Ord. 1201-06 (CM), eff. October 26, 2006)

14-18.310 Dwelling, townhouse.

“Dwelling, townhouse” shall mean a single dwelling unit in a townhouse group, located or capable of being located on a separate lot, and being separated from the adjoining dwelling unit by an approved wall extending from the foundation through the roof and structurally independent of the corresponding wall of the adjoining unit.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.314 Dwelling, townhouse group.

“Dwelling, townhouse group” shall mean a group of not fewer than two (2) townhouse units arranged side-by-side and separated from any other townhouse group by a yard area.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980, as amended by § 12, Ord. 659-84 C-M, eff. December 27, 1984)

14-18.322 Dwelling unit.

“Dwelling unit” shall mean one or more habitable rooms which are occupied, or which are intended or designed to be occupied, by one housekeeping unit, with a living area(s), bedroom(s), bathroom(s), a kitchen, and a dining area.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980, as amended by § 1, Ord. 1201-06 (CM), eff. October 26, 2006)

14-18.324 Dwelling unit, accessory (accessory dwelling unit).

An “accessory dwelling unit (ADU)” shall mean an attached or a detached accessory residential dwelling unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one (1) or more persons and is located on a lot with a proposed or existing primary residence/residences. It shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as the single-family dwelling or multifamily dwelling is or will be situated. An accessory dwelling unit also includes the following:

(a)    An efficiency unit, as defined in Section 17958.1 of the Health and Safety Code.

(b)    A manufactured home, as defined in Section 18007 of the Health and Safety Code.

(§ 1, Ord. 1413-20 (CM), eff. November 26, 2020)

14-18.325 Dwelling unit, junior accessory.

A “junior accessory dwelling unit (JADU)” shall mean a unit that is no more than five hundred (500) square feet in size and contained within an existing or proposed single-family dwelling. A JADU shall include an efficiency kitchen and may include separate sanitation facilities, or may share sanitation facilities with the existing single-family dwelling. A JADU shall have its own exterior access for ingress/egress separate from the existing or proposed single-family dwelling.

(§ 1, Ord. 1413-20 (CM), eff. November 26, 2020)

14-18.326 Dwelling unit, efficiency.

“Dwelling unit, efficiency” shall have the same meaning specified in Section 17958.1 of the Health and Safety Code.

(§ 1, Ord. 1413-20 (CM), eff. November 26, 2020)

14-18.330 Easement.

“Easement” shall mean a limited right of use of property by a person or persons other than the owner, which right is generally described specifically as to location and kind of usage.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.331 Emergency shelter.

“Emergency shelter” shall mean housing with minimal supportive services for homeless persons that is limited to occupancy of six (6) months or less by a homeless person. No individual or household may be denied emergency shelter because of an inability to pay.

(§ 1, Ord. 1374-18 (CM), eff. October 11, 2018)

14-18.332 Equipment building, shelter or cabinet.

“Equipment building, shelter or cabinet” shall mean a cabinet or building used by telecommunications providers to house equipment at a site or facility.

(Ord. 1153-03 C-M, eff. April 24, 2003)

14-18.334 Erect.

“Erect” shall mean and include erect, construct, place, relocate, enlarge, substantially alter, attach, suspend, paint, post, or display. Normal maintenance, including refinishing, shall not be included in this definition.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.338 Essential services.

“Essential services” shall mean the erection, construction, installation, alteration, or maintenance by public utilities or municipal or other governmental agencies of gas, electrical, steam, or water transmission or distribution systems, including transformers, wires, mains, drains, sewers, pipes, conduits, cables, fire alarm boxes, police call boxes, traffic signals, hydrants, and other similar equipment and accessories in connection therewith, reasonably necessary for the furnishing of adequate service by such utilities and municipal or other governmental agencies or for the public health or safety or general community welfare. The term shall not include any buildings, electrical substations, or transmission lines of fifty (50) KV or greater capacity.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.342 Factory-built housing.

“Factory-built housing” shall mean a residential building, dwelling unit, or habitable room thereof which is either wholly manufactured or is in substantial part manufactured at an off-site location to be wholly or partially assembled on the site in accordance with regulations adopted by the Commission of Housing and Community Development of the State pursuant to Sections 19990 et seq. of the Health and Safety Code of the State.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.348 Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

“Federal Telecommunications Commission” (FCC) shall mean the governmental agency responsible for regulating telecommunications in the United States.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.350 Filling station.

(See “Service station,” Section 14-18.682 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.354 Fire escape.

“Fire escape” shall mean a structure, facility, or apparatus designed and intended to be used exclusively for escape from a burning building, such as a metal stairway down an outside wall. The term may include doorways, corridors, ramps, horizontal exits, exit courts and exit yards, and smoke-proof enclosures.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.358 Floor area.

“Floor area” shall mean the total gross floor area of the building or structure, but not including any area within the building utilized for the required off-street parking spaces.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.362 Floor area ratio.

“Floor area ratio” shall mean the total floor area of a building on a lot, divided by the total area of the lot.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.364 Fortified wine.

“Fortified wine” shall mean, for the purpose of this Code, any wine to which wine spirits have been added and with an alcohol content in excess of thirteen point five (13.5%) percent and less than twenty-four (24%) percent by volume, except dessert wines commonly referred to and accepted in the marketplace such as vermouth, port, or sherry.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135-02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.366 Foster family home.

“Foster family home” shall mean a boarding home for not more than six (6) aged ambulatory guests as licensed by the Department of Social Welfare of the County.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.370 Foster home for children.

“Foster home for children” shall mean a private family home for foster children in which is provided full-time care for not more than six (6) children, including children of the proprietary family, and in which such foster children are resident on a more or less permanent basis and participate in a normal family relationship with the proprietary family.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.374 Fourplex.

(See “Dwelling, four-family (fourplex),” Section 14.18.290 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.378 Freeway.

“Freeway” shall mean a highway or expressway in respect to which the owners of abutting lands have no right or easement of access to or from their abutting lands or in respect to which such owners have only limited or restricted right or easement of access.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.382 Frontage.

“Frontage” shall mean frontage on a public street, place, or way.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.386 Garage, private.

“Garage, private” shall mean a building, or a portion thereof, in which motor vehicles used by the tenants of the buildings on the premises are stored or kept.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.390 Garage, public.

“Garage, public” shall mean a structure, or portion thereof, other than a private garage, used for the storage, sale, care, repair, or refinishing of motor vehicles or trailers.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.394 General Plan.

“General Plan” shall mean the “General Plan for the Future Development of the City of Watsonville, California,” as adopted by the Council and as amended from time to time.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.398 Grade (ground level).

“Grade (ground level)” shall mean the average of the finished ground level at the center of all walls of a building. In cases where one or more walls are parallel to and within five (5') feet of a sidewalk, alley, or other public way, the grade shall be measured at the elevation of the sidewalk, alley, or public way.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.399 Grocery store (DLU 541).

“Grocery store” shall mean any retail establishment selling consumer products including primarily food and household items, having a gross floor area greater than 10,000 square feet and not selling or displaying alcoholic beverages.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135-02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.400 Grocery store with beer and wine sales (DLU 541).

“Grocery store with beer and wine sales” shall mean any retail establishment selling consumer products including primarily food and household items, having a gross floor area greater than 10,000 square feet and selling beer and wine products. An establishment in possession of a Type 20 License and in excess of 10,000 square feet shall be considered a grocery store with beer and wine sales and shall be subject to the provisions herein affecting such establishments.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135-02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.401 Grocery store with liquor sales (DLU 541).

“Grocery store with liquor sales” shall mean any retail establishment selling consumer products, including primarily food and household items, having a gross floor area greater than 10,000 square feet and selling beer or displaying, wine and distilled spirits. An establishment in possession of a Type 21 License and in excess of 10,000 square feet shall be considered a grocery store with liquor sales and shall be subject to the provisions herein affecting such establishments.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135-02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.402 Group care home.

“Group care home” shall mean a boarding home for seven (7) to fifteen (15) aged ambulatory guests as licensed by the Department of Social Welfare of the County.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.406 Group dwelling.

(See “Dwelling group,” Section 14-18.294 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.414 Guest ranch.

“Guest ranch” shall mean a vacation resort, generally a farm or ranch, which derives all or part of its income from the use of its facilities by paying visitors or guests and provides food, lodging, and entertainment.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.418 Guest room.

“Guest room” shall mean any room or rooms used, or intended to be used, by a guest for sleeping purposes without kitchen or cooking facilities as a function of a transient accommodation such as a hotel or motel.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980, § 1, Ord. 1162-03 C-M, eff. October 23, 2003)

14-18.422 Helipad.

“Helipad” shall mean a landing area for helicopters on public or private lands or buildings for the picking up and discharging of passengers or freight.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.426 Heliport.

“Heliport” shall mean a landing area for helicopters on public or private lands providing facilities for fueling, minor maintenance, washing, and storage (tie-down areas or hangars) and which may provide improved terminal facilities.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.427 High-quality transit corridor.

“High-quality transit corridor” shall mean a corridor with fixed route bus service with service intervals no longer than fifteen (15) minutes during peak commute hours, as defined in subdivision (B) of Section 21155 of the Public Resources Code.

(§ 1, Ord. 1441-22 (CM), eff. November 24, 2022)

14-18.430 Home occupation.

“Home occupation” shall mean an occupation conducted entirely within the dwelling unit by the occupants thereof, which occupation is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for residential purposes.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.434 Hospital.

“Hospital” shall mean an institution in which patients are given medical or surgical care and which is licensed by the State to use the title “hospital” without a qualifying descriptive word.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.438 Hotel.

“Hotel” shall mean any building containing six (6) or more guest rooms intended or designed to be used, or which are used, rented, or hired out to be occupied or which are occupied for sleeping purposes by guests and with access to units primarily from interior lobbies, courts, or halls. (Also see “Motel,” Section 14-18.550 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.441 Housekeeping unit.

“Housekeeping unit” shall mean a reasonable number of persons who occupy a single unit for housekeeping purposes as a relatively permanent household.

(§ 1, Ord. 1201-06 (CM), eff. October 26, 2006)

14-18.442 House pet.

(See “Animal, domestic,” Section 14-18.050 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.446 Industrial or I-District.

“Industrial or I-District” shall mean any zoning district classification the symbol for which has an “I” prefix.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.450 Institution for the aged.

“Institution for the aged” shall mean a boarding home for sixteen (16) or more ambulatory aged guests, or which is so organized or administered that its service is essentially institutional in character, regardless of the number of persons to whom care is offered. Such institutions do not provide bed care, medical treatment, or care and treatment of mental illness.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.454 Institution for children.

“Institution for children” shall mean a facility providing fulltime care for sixteen (16) or more children, or which is so organized and administered that its service is essentially institutional in character, regardless of the number of children for whom care is provided.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.458 Junk yard.

“Junk yard” shall mean a place where waste, discharged, or salvaged materials are bought, sold, exchanged, baled, packed, disassembled, or handled. The term shall include vehicle wrecking and salvage yards, house wrecking yards, used lumber yards, and places or yards for the storage of salvaged house wrecking and structural steel materials and equipment but shall not include places where such uses are conducted entirely within a completely enclosed building. The term shall not include pawnshops and establishments for the sale, purchase, or storage of used furniture and household equipment (when conducted within a completely enclosed building), or for the sale of used cars in operable condition, or salvaged materials incidental to manufacturing operations, nor the holding of damaged or wrecked motor vehicles pending investigation and disposition by any law enforcement agency, court, or insurance adjustor.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.462 Kennel.

“Kennel” shall mean any premises, except where accessory to an agricultural use, where more than three (3) dogs ten (10) weeks in age or older are kept.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.470 Land use classification.

“Land use classification” shall mean the systematic grouping of related land uses (activities on land) to facilitate the collection, tabulation, analysis, and presentation of land use data.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.474 Land Use Classification Code.

“Land Use Classification Code” shall mean the substitution of numerical values for written land use descriptions to facilitate map preparation, zoning district uses, and the electronic data processing of the land use data.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.478 Land Use Classification Manual.

“Land Use Classification Manual” shall mean the written document in booklet form adopted by resolution of the Council which contains the complete and comprehensive grouping of land use classification.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.482 Land Use Coding System.

“Land Use Coding System” shall mean land classifications structured in three (3) categories, major land use (MLU) using one digit, generalized land use (GLU) using two (2) digits, and detailed land use (DLU) using three (3) or more digits, which system provides a comprehensive range of land uses to provide absolute control within various use parameters. The numerical code for MLU is as follows:






Industrial; Retail, Wholesale, Dealers, Warehousing, Research



Industrial; Manufacturing



Industrial; Manufacturing



Transportation; Communications and Utilities









Public and Quasi-Public Buildings



Public and Quasi-Public Open Uses



Agricultural; Extra-Active and Non-Urban Open Land

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.486 Landscaping.

“Landscaping” shall mean an area developed primarily with lawns, floral beds, ornamental trees, shrubbery, fountains, benches, decorative walls or fences, arches, and the like.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.487 Lattice tower.

“Lattice tower” shall mean a self-supporting support structure, erected on the ground, which consists of metal crossed strips or bars to support antennas and related equipment.

(Ord. 1153-03 C-M, eff. April 24, 2003)

14-18.488 Liquor store (DLU 592).

“Liquor store” shall mean any retail establishment selling primarily products containing alcohol, including beer, wine, and distilled spirits, and having a gross floor area of less than 10,000 square feet. An establishment in possession of a Type 21 License, a gross floor area less than 10,000 square feet and which the display of alcohol for sale is greater than twenty (20%) percent of the sales floor area shall be considered a liquor store and subject to the provisions herein affecting such establishments.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135-02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.490 Living area.

“Living area” shall mean the interior habitable area of a dwelling unit, including basements and attics, but does not include a garage or any attached accessory structure.

(§ 1, Ord. 1413-20 (CM), eff. November 26, 2020)

14-18.494 Lot.

“Lot” shall mean a piece or parcel of land, occupied or intended to be occupied, or capable of being occupied, by a permitted principal building or a group of such buildings and accessory buildings, or utilized for a principal use and uses accessory thereto, together with such open spaces as are required by this title, and having frontage on a dedicated, accepted, and improved public street or on a private street which has been approved by the Council, or on a publicly owned plaza, mall, wharf, or parking facility.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.498 Lot area.

“Lot area” shall mean the computed area contained within the lot lines.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.500 Lot coverage.

(See “Coverage,” Section 14.18.250 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.502 Lot, exterior.

“Lot, exterior” shall mean a lot abutting upon two (2) or more streets at their intersection, or upon two (2) parts of the same street, such streets or parts of the same street forming an interior angle or less than 135 degrees.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.506 Lot depth.

“Lot depth” shall mean the average horizontal distance between the front and the rear lot lines or between the front lot line and the intersection of the two (2) side lot lines if there should be no rear lot line.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.510 Lot, interior.

“Lot, interior” shall mean a lot other than an exterior lot.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.514 Lot line.

“Lot line” shall mean the property line bounding the lot.

(a)    “Lot line, front” shall mean the line separating the lot from the street or the line separating the principal access to the lot from a publicly owned plaza, mall, or parking facility. In the case of an exterior lot, the front line is the shorter of any two (2) adjacent street lot lines.

(b)    “Lot line, rear” shall mean the line opposite to, and most distant from, the front lot line, other than a side lot line.

(c)    “Lot line, side” shall mean any lot line, other than a front or rear lot line, which intersects a front lot line.

(d)    “Lot line, street or alley” shall mean a lot line separating the lot from a street or alley.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.518 Lot of record.

“Lot of record” shall mean a lot or parcel of land held in a separate ownership, as shown on the records of the County Recorder on January 1, 1956, or a lot legally created and recorded subsequent to such date.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.522 Lot, through.

“Lot, through” shall mean a lot having a frontage on two (2) parallel, or approximately parallel, streets.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.526 Lot width.

“Lot width” shall mean the horizontal distance between the side lot lines, measured at right angles to the lot depth at a point midway between the front and the rear lot lines.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.527 Major transit stop.

“Major transit stop” is defined as in Section 21064.3 of the Government Resources Code and means a site containing any of the following:

(a)    An existing rail or bus rapid transit station.

(b)    A ferry terminal served by either a bus or a rail transit service.

(c)    The intersection of two (2) or more major bus routes with a frequency of service interval of fifteen (15) minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute period.

(§ 1, Ord. 1441-22 (CM), eff. November 24, 2022)

14-18.530 Major utility facility.

“Major utility facility” shall mean water treatment plants, pumps for water or sewage, tanks for the storage of water or gas, gas regulating stations, communication equipment buildings, electrical generating plants, electrical distribution and transmission stations, and electric transmission lines with a capacity of more than thirty-four thousand five hundred (34,500) volts.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.532 Malt beverage.

“Malt beverage,” for the purpose of this Code, shall mean any malt beverage product, labeled or, marketed as a malt beverage with an alcohol content greater than five (5%) percent by volume is subject to this Code, except those beverages labeled and accepted in the market place as pilsners, lager beer, ales (all styles), porters, stouts and/or micro-brewed products.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135-02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.534 Marquee.

“Marquee” shall mean a structural flat roof structure attached to and supported by a building and projecting over public property.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.538 Medical clinic.

“Medical clinic” shall mean an establishment where patients are studied or treated by physicians specializing in various ailments and practicing as a group; also, a dispensary or out-patient department of a hospital.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.540 Mini warehouse.

“Mini warehouse” shall mean a building or group of buildings in a controlled-access and fenced compound that contains varying sizes of individual, compartmentalized, and controlled-access stalls or lockers for the dead storage of customers’ goods or wares.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.542 Mobile home.

“Mobile home” shall mean a vehicle constructed in such a manner as to permit occupancy thereof as a dwelling unit and so designed that it is or may be mounted on wheels for conveyance over streets and highways. Mobile homes are considered dwelling units for the purpose of this title only when they are located in mobile home parks.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.546 Mobile home park.

“Mobile home park” shall mean any parcel of land, or portion thereof, which is used or offered for use as a location for one or more mobile homes.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.547 Monitoring protocol.

“Monitoring protocol” shall mean an industry accepted radio-frequency (RF) radiation measurement protocol used to determine compliance with FCC RF radiation exposure standards in accordance with the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Reports 86 and 119 and consistent with the RF radiation modeling specifications of OET Bulletin 65 (or any superceding reports/standards) which is to be used to measure the emissions and determine radio-frequency radiation exposure levels from existing and new tele-communications facilities.

(Ord. 1153-03 C-M, eff. April 24, 2003)

14-18.548 Monopole.

“Monopole” shall mean a wireless communication facility or site which consists of a single-pole structure, erected on the ground or on top of a structure, to support wireless communication antennas and connecting appurtenances.

(Ord. 1153-03 C-M, eff. April 24, 2003)

14-18.550 Motel.

“Motel” shall mean a building or a group of buildings designed to provide individual sleeping or living units for transient guests, not more than one-half (1/2) of which such units contain cooking or other kitchen facilities, and with access to the units primarily from exterior courts, malls, balconies, parking areas, or grounds.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.554 Motor court, motor hotel.

(See “Motel,” Section 14-18.550 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.558 Multiple dwelling.

(See “Dwelling, multiple,” Section 14-18.298 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.560 Nonconforming lot.

“Nonconforming lot” shall mean a lot lawfully created before adoption of this Title but which no longer satisfies any one or more of the minimum width, depth or area standards for the district in which it is located.

(Ord. 1137-02 C-M, eff. September 24, 2002)

14-18.562 Nonconforming structure.

“Nonconforming structure” shall mean a structure lawfully erected before adoption of this Title but which no longer satisfies any one or more of the coverage, yard, structure height, or distance between structures standards of the district in which it is located.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980, as amended by Ord. 1137-02 C-M, eff. September 24, 2002)

14-18.566 Nonconforming use.

“Nonconforming use” shall mean the use of a structure or land lawfully established and maintained before the adoption of this Title but which is no longer a permitted use of the district or is a residential use which does not meet the minimum standards of land-area-per-dwelling-unit for the district in which it is located.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980, as amended by Ord. 1137-02 C-M, eff. September 24, 2002)

14-18.567 Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation (NEIR).

“Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation” (NEIR) shall mean radiation from the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum with frequencies of insufficient energy to break chemical bonds, including all frequencies below the ultraviolet range such as visible light and radio frequency radiation.

(Ord. 1153-03 C-M, eff. April 24, 2003)

14-18.570 Nursing home.

“Nursing home” shall mean any premises with sleeping rooms where persons are lodged and furnished with meals and nursing care.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.574 Occupancy.

“Occupancy” shall mean the purpose for which a building is used or intended to be used. The term shall also include the building or room housing such use. Change of occupancy is not intended to include change of tenants or proprietors.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.578 Offshore.

“Offshore” shall mean land below “mean higher high water” as defined by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.582 Onshore.

“Onshore” shall mean land above “mean higher high water” as defined by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.586 Open space, usable.

“Open space, usable” shall mean outdoor area on the ground, roof, balcony, deck, or porch which is designed and used for outdoor living, recreation, pedestrian access, or landscaping. The term shall not include off-street parking or driveway areas, nor shall more than twenty-five (25%) percent of the required open space be assigned to roof or private balcony areas, nor shall such area have a slope greater than ten (10%) percent or any dimension of less than ten (10') feet. The term may include private balconies if their least dimension is four (4') feet or more.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.587 Outdoor motor picture theater.

“Outdoor motor picture theater” shall mean any unenclosed land or premises if each of the following conditions exists:

(a)    A stage or screen is located thereon which is used for the presentation or exhibition of motion pictures;

(b)    Such stage or screen is visible from any public street or highway, public place, or private residential dwelling; and

(c)    The premises on which the stage or screen is located are open to the public upon the payment of a fee or admission charge.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.590 Parking area, private.

“Parking area, private” shall mean an open area for the same use as a private garage.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.594 Parking facility, off-street.

“Parking facility, off-street” shall mean a site, or a portion of a site, devoted to the off-street parking of vehicles, including parking spaces, aisles, access drives, and landscaped areas, and providing vehicular access to a public street.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.598 Parking facility, off-street, temporary.

“Parking facility, off-street, temporary” shall mean an off-street parking facility intended for use during a limited period of time not to exceed one year.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.602 Parking space, off-street.

“Parking space, off-street” shall mean a permanently surfaced area for vehicle parking, measuring not less than nine (9') feet in width by nineteen (19') feet in depth at any point, either within a structure or in the open, and excluding aisles, driveways, and access drives, and connected to a public street, alley, or other public way by a permanently surfaced driveway or access drive.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.606 Patio shelter.

“Patio shelter” shall mean a roof or approved translucent material, or combination of noncombustible opaque and translucent material, supported upon posts and open on two (2) or more sides.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.610 Performance standards.

“Performance standards” shall mean regulations for the control of the output of dangerous or objectionable elements.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980, as amended by § 9, Ord. 557-82 C-M, eff. July 22, 1982)

14-18.614 Permitted use.

For the purposes of this title, a permitted use in any district shall mean and include any use listed as a principal permitted use or as an accessory use. The term further includes a conditional use, as listed for the particular district, provided a conditional use permit is obtained.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.618 Private open space.

“Private open space” shall mean an outdoor area either at ground level or on a balcony which is appurtenant to a dwelling unit and designed for the exclusive use of the occupants of that dwelling unit.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.622 Public.

“Public” shall mean a land use or a building open to the public, whether free or upon a fee basis.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.626 Publicly owned.

“Publicly owned” shall mean land or buildings owned or operated by a governmental or other public agency.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.630 Quasi-public.

“Quasi-public” shall mean owned privately but open for the use of the public.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.634 Recreation facility, commercial.

“Recreation facility, commercial” shall mean recreation facilities operated as a business and open to the general public for a fee.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.638 Recreation facility, private.

“Recreation facility, private” shall mean clubs or noncommercial recreation facilities which are operated by a nonprofit organization and open to bona fide members and guests of such nonprofit organizations.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.642 Recreation facility, public.

“Recreation facility, public” shall mean publicly owned or operated recreation facilities.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.643 Recreation vehicle.

“Recreation vehicle” shall mean a motor home, travel trailer, truck camper, or camping trailer, with or without motive power, designed for human habitation for recreation or emergency occupancy, with a living area less than 220 square feet, excluding built-in equipment, such as wardrobes, closets, kitchen units or fixtures, and bath and toilet rooms.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.644 Rehabilitation facility.

“Rehabilitation facility” shall mean a facility operated for the primary purpose of assisting in the rehabilitation of disabled persons through an integrated program of medical, psychological, social, and vocational evaluation and services under professional supervision.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.645 Residential care facility.

“Residential care facility” shall mean any family home, group care facility, or similar facility determined by the State Department of Social Services, that is maintained and operated to provide nonmedical residential care services for children, adults, or children and adults, including, but not limited to, the physically handicapped, mentally impaired, incompetent persons, and abused or neglected children, and provides twenty-four (24) hour nonmedical care of persons in need of personal services, supervision, or assistance essential for sustaining the activities of daily living or for the protection of the individual. (California Health and Safety Code Section 1502.)

(§ 1, Ord. 1374-18 (CM), eff. October 11, 2018)

14-18.650 Residential density.

“Residential density” shall mean the average number of families living on one acre of land in a given area. Net residential density is determined by dividing the total number of families in a defined area by the total acreage of all parcels of land within the area that are used for residential purposes. Gross residential density is obtained by dividing the total number of families in a defined area by the total acreage of all land within the area used for residences, streets, local schools, local parks, and local shopping facilities.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.654 Residential or R-District.

“Residential or R-District” shall mean any district classification the symbol for which has an “R” prefix.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.658 Rest home.

(See “Boarding home for the aged,” Section 14-18.130 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.659 Restaurant (DLU 5811).

“Restaurant” shall mean an establishment for the sale and consumption of food and beverages on the premises, which may include drive-through or off-site catering services, but shall not display or offer alcohol for sale or possess a valid liquor license.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135-02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.660 Restaurant with beer and wine sales (DLU 5811).

“Restaurant with beer and wine sales” shall mean an establishment for the sale and consumption of food and beverages on the premises, which excludes drive-through services, and does not contain a distinct or separate bar area, or a counter, but offers beer and wine sales when accompanied by regular food service. An establishment in possession of a Type 41 license shall be considered to be a restaurant with beer and wine sales and shall be subject to the provisions herein affecting such establishments.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135-02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.661 Restaurant with liquor sales (DLU 5811).

“Restaurant with liquor sales” shall mean an establishment for the sale and consumption of food and beverages on the premises, which excludes drive-through services, and does not contain a distinct or separate bar area, or a counter, but offers beer, wine and distilled spirits sales when accompanied by regular food service. An establishment in possession of a Type 47 license and without a separate bar area shall be considered to be a restaurant with liquor sales and shall be subject to the provisions herein affecting such establishments.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135-02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.661.1 Restaurant with bar (DLU 5811).

“Restaurant with bar” shall mean an establishment for the sale and consumption of food and beverages on the premises, which excludes drive-through services, and contains a counter upon and over which alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, and distilled spirits, are served, or a distinct or separate bar area comprising no more than thirty (30%) percent of the ground floor dining area. An establishment in possession of a Type 47, license shall be considered to be a restaurant with a bar and shall be subject to the provisions herein affecting such establishments.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135-02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.662 Retirement home or center.

“Retirement home or center” shall mean multiple dwelling units containing not less than four (4) dwelling units which are designated and intended to provide suitable living quarters and specialized services to elderly, or retired, ambulatory persons. Such units shall be designed to serve elderly persons and may include such special facilities and services as, but not limited to, communal cooking and eating areas, special dietary programs, wheelchair ramps, hallway handrails, and other special features and programs intended to serve the needs of elderly, retired persons.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.666 Rezoning or reclassification.

(See “Amendment,” Section 14-18.042 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.670 Right-of-way.

“Right-of-way” shall mean the whole or any part of the width of a road, street, or highway, whether or not such entire area is actually used for road, street, or highway purposes.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.678 Salvage yard.

(See “Junk yard,” Section 14-18.458 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.680 Sensitive use.

“Sensitive use” shall mean an activity or use of a property which, by its nature, may be adversely affected by adjacent location of an alcohol-sales establishment. This includes public parks, public or private schools, any house of worship, public recreational facilities, civic facilities, hospitals, or licensed day care or child care facilities.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135-02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.681 Separation requirement.

“Separation requirement” shall mean the required distance as set forth in Table 1 of Section 14-25.030 between an alcohol-sales establishment and another alcohol-sales establishment or a sensitive use, taken as a linear measurement from the closest public entrance of the alcohol-sales establishment(s) to the exterior boundary of the parcel upon which the sensitive use is located.

(§ 1, Ord. 1135-02 C-M, eff. September 10, 2002)

14-18.682 Service station.

“Service station” shall mean a parcel of land, or any portion of a parcel of land, developed exclusively for the purpose of, and with facilities for, the sale of motor vehicle fuels and which may also provide lubricants, tires, batteries, accessory items, and other customary services for motor vehicles, the delivery of which is made directly to the vehicle. The servicing of motor vehicles shall be generally limited to lubrication, nonmechanical washing, the replacement of spark plugs, lamps, fan belts, and batteries, the repair or replacement of tires and tubes, and minor engine and body repair. Major engine, differential, and transmission repair shall not be permitted. For the purposes of this title, the term shall also include accessory service stations.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.686 Service station, accessory.

“Service station, accessory” shall mean a facility incidental and secondary to the primary land use and offering motor vehicle fuels for sale. The delivery of such fuel may be made directly to the vehicle by its operator.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.690 Service station, pump island.

“Service station, pump island” shall mean a facility, generally a raised concrete apron, designed primarily to hold motor vehicle fuel dispensing devices and separated from other pump islands by sufficient space for the maneuvering of an automobile. No pump island shall be designed to contain more than three (3) dual outlet dispensing units or a total of six (6) hose outlets.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.694 Setback.

“Setback” shall mean the distance by which any use is required under the provisions of this title to be removed from a property line, street or alley, right-of-way line, building setback base line, mean high tide line, or the like.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.696 Shipping container.

“Shipping container” shall mean any enclosed container constructed of metal, wood, or other material which container was designed or patterned after structures used in containerized shipping operations.

(§ 1, Ord. 1099-01 C-M, eff. February 22, 2001)

14-18.698 Shopping center.

A “shopping center” shall mean a retail center located outside of the Central Business District that includes:

(a)    At least ten (10) separately owned and operated retail businesses; and

(b)    Located on a single or commonly owned parcel of land or multiple parcels, that collectively comprise at least two and one-half (2.5) acres; and

(c)    Has at least one (1) anchor tenant having a gross floor area greater than ten thousand (10,000) square feet.

(§ 1, Ord. 1384-19 (CM), eff. July 11, 2019)

14-18.702 Shore line.

“Shore line” shall mean the boundary between the land above and land below “mean higher high water,” as defined by the latest United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.706 Sign.

(See “Signs,” Chapter 6 of Title 8 of this Code.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.708 Single room occupancy unit.

“Single room occupancy (SRO) unit” shall mean a single room separately rented or leased within a residential hotel building containing six (6) or more rooms in accordance with the provisions in the SRO development Standards in Section 14-48.050 of this title.

(§ 1, Ord. 1201-06 (CM), eff. October 26, 2006)

14-18.710 Slope.

“Slope” shall mean an inclined ground surface, the inclination of which is expressed as a ratio of horizontal distance to vertical distance.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)


14-18.711 Specified anatomical area.

“Specified anatomical area” shall mean any of the following areas:

(a)    Less than completely and opaqued covered human genitals; or

(b)    Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.714 Specific plan.

“Specific plan” shall mean a compilation of all ordinances, maps, regulations, documents, or other descriptive material, based on the General Plan, setting forth in detail a plan or program for the effectuation of a particular element, or portion of an element, of the General Plan.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.718 Specific Plan Line Map.

“Specific Plan Line Map” shall mean an illustration accurately indicating the precise location of a right-of-way, including any proposed street and the future right-of-way of an existing street as it is proposed to be widened, and including all lands necessary for the building, widening, or maintenance of any road, street, or highway, including collector streets, local streets, or other types of public way, which planned right-of-way is based upon the intent of the General Plan.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.722 Specific Plan of Streets and Highways.

“Specific Plan of Streets and Highways” shall mean that certain appropriately titled compilation of ordinances, maps, documents, indexes, and other descriptive material which shall set forth in detail all features necessary to assure compliance with the provisions and requirements of this title.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.726 Specific Plan of Streets and Highway, unit.

“Specific Plan of Streets and Highway, unit” shall mean any ordinance amending a map or regulation adopted by ordinance and made a part of the Specific Plan of Streets and Highways.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.727 Specified sexual activity.

“Specified sexual activity” shall mean any of the following activities:

(a)    Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal;

(b)    Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse, sodomy, or bestiality; or

(c)    Fondling or other erotic handling of human genitals.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.730 Stable, private.

“Stable, private” shall mean any building, barn, corral, or paddock used or designed to shelter or keep livestock as regulated by this title.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.734 Stable, public or riding.

“Stable, public or riding” shall mean an establishment where livestock is kept, boarded, groomed, or trained for a fee, rented for riding, or bred for sale.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.736 Stealth technology/stealth technique.

“Stealth technology/stealth technique” shall mean camouflaging methods applied to wireless communication towers, antennae and/or other sites/facilities which render them visually inconspicuous.

(Ord. 1153-03 C-M, eff. April 24, 2003)

14-18.738 Story.

“Story” shall mean that portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above, except that the topmost story shall be that portion of a building included between the upper surface of the topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above. If the finished floor level directly above a basement or cellar is more than six (6') feet above grade, as defined in this chapter, such basement or cellar shall be considered a story.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.742 Story, half.

“Story, half” shall mean a partial story under a gable, hip, or gambrel roof, of which the wall plates of two (2) opposite exterior walls are not more than four (4') feet above the floor. Any partial story used for residence purposes shall be deemed a full story.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.746 Story, first.

“Story, first” shall mean the lowest or the ground story of any building, the floor of which is not more than twelve (12") inches below the average contact ground level at the exterior walls of the building, except that any basement or cellar used for residential purposes shall be deemed the first story.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.750 Story, mezzanine.

“Story, mezzanine” shall mean an intermediate floor placed in any story or room. When the total area of any such mezzanine exceeds thirty-three and one-third (33- 1/3%) percent of the total floor area in that room, it shall be considered as constituting an additional story.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.754 Street.

“Street” shall mean a way, the entire width of which is within a publicly owned right-of-way and which contains pedestrian, vehicular, and utility improvements, facilities, and appurtenances. The term shall include avenue, drive, road, circle, parkway, boulevard, highway, thoroughfare, or any other similar term.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.758 Street, center line of.

“Street, center line of” shall mean the line drawn at points midway between the face of curbs of an improved street or as determined by the City Engineer, in the case of unimproved or partially improved streets.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.762 Street, collector.

“Street, collector” shall mean a street which provides access from local streets to major-arterial streets.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.766 Street, industrial.

“Street, industrial” shall mean a street which serves an area primarily developed or intended to be developed in industrial uses.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.770 Street, local.

“Street, local” shall mean a street which provides direct access to abutting properties, primarily in residential districts.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.774 Street, major arterial.

“Street, major arterial” shall mean a street designed to serve high volume inter and intra-City traffic and to act as a distributor between freeways,

and other thoroughfares, and major traffic generators.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.778 Street, major divided.

“Street, major divided” shall mean a major street developed in such a way that opposing lanes of traffic are separated from each other by a median barrier or strip.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.782 Street, private.

“Street, private” shall mean a right-of-way or easement in private ownership, not dedicated or maintained as a public street, and not an alley, and which affords the principal means of access to two (2) or more sites.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.786 Street, public.

“Street, public” shall mean any dedicated street accepted by the City for maintenance.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.790 Structure.

“Structure” shall mean anything which is built or constructed or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts jointed in some definite manner. (Also see “Building”, Section 14-18.146 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.794 Structure, temporary.

“Structure, temporary” shall mean a structure designed and intended to be located on a site for a period not to exceed one year, subject to the renewal of the permit therefor; not affixed to a permanent foundation; and capable of being easily and readily moved or transported from location to location. A “permanent foundation” is the supporting part of a structure intended to last indefinitely without change to either the foundation or structure.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.795 Supportive housing.

“Supportive housing” shall mean housing with no limit on length of stay, that is occupied by the target population as defined in Section 14-18.802.1, and that is linked to on-site or off-site services that assist the supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving his or her health status, and maximizing his or her ability to live and, when possible, work in the community.

(§ 1, Ord. 1374-18 (CM), eff. October 11, 2018)

14-18.798 Swimming pool.

“Swimming pool” shall mean every outdoor pool, lake, or other natural or artificial body of water designed, constructed, or used for swimming, dipping, or immersion purposes and having a depth in excess of twenty-four (24") inches or with a surface area exceeding 100 square feet.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.802 Swimming pool, outdoor.

“Swimming pool, outdoor” shall mean any swimming pool which it open on any one side or at the top.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.802.1 Target population.

“Target population” shall mean adults with low income having one (1) or more disabilities including mental illness, HIV or AIDS, substance abuse, or other chronic health conditions, or individuals eligible for services provided under the Lanterman Development Disabilities Services Act (Division 4.5, commencing with Section 4500 of the Welfare and Institutions Code) and may, among other populations, include families with children, elderly persons, young adults aging out of the foster care system, individuals exiting from institutional settings, veterans, or homeless people.

(§ 1, Ord. 1374-18 (CM), eff. October 11, 2018)

14-18.803 Telecommunications facility.

“Telecommunications facility” shall mean a stand-alone facility located on a legal parcel, vacant or otherwise, or an easement that transmits and/or receives electromagnetic or electro-optic signals and which may include accessory equipment and equipment shelters. This use does not include any other use listed in this code that is not used for communication, or radio frequency machines which have an effective radiated power of one hundred (100) watts or less. 14.1 8.804.

(Ord. 1153-03 C-M, eff. April 24, 2003)

14-18.804 Telecommunications site.

“Telecommunications site” shall mean an ancillary facility that transmits and/or receives electromagnetic or electrooptic signals, which is placed on an existing structure or is collocated on an existing tele-communications structure. This may also include accessory equipment and equipment shelters. This use does not include any other use listed in this code that is not used for communication, or radio frequency machines which have an effective radiated power of one hundred (100) watts or less. The height of the telecommunications site includes all antenna array structures.

(Ord. 1153-03 C-M, eff. April 24, 2003)

14-18.805 Telecommunications tower.

“Telecommunications tower” shall mean a mast, pole, monopole, guyed tower, lattice tower, free-standing tower, or other structure designed and primarily used to support antennas. A ground or building mounted mast greater than ten feet (10') tall and six inches (6") in diameter supporting one or more antenna, dishes, arrays, etc. shall be considered a telecommunications tower.

(Ord. 1153-03 C-M, eff. April 24, 2003)

14-18.806 Tideland.

“Tideland” shall mean land between “mean higher high water” and “mean lower low water” as defined by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.810 Title.

As used in this title, “title” shall mean and refer to Title 14 of this Code.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.814 Townhouse.

(See “Dwelling, townhouse”, Section 14-18.310 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.818 Townhouse group.

(See “Dwelling, townhouse group”, Section 14-18.314 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.822 Trailer.

“Trailer” shall mean any vehicle constructed in such a manner as to permit the occupancy thereof as living or sleeping quarters, or the conduct of any business, trade, or occupation, or the use as a selling or advertising device, or its use for storage or conveyance for tools, equipment, or machinery and so designed that it is, or may be, mounted on wheels and may be used as a conveyance on highways and streets, propelled or drawn by other than a self-contained source of motive power.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.826 Trailer camp, trailer park.

“Trailer camp, trailer park” shall mean any parcel of land, or portion thereof, which is used or offered for use as a location for one or more trailers used by any of the residential purposes set forth in this title.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.828 Transitional housing and transitional housing development.

“Transitional housing and transitional housing development” shall mean temporary housing provided to individuals or families recovering from the effects of economic dislocation or emotional/mental problems and/or substance abuse. Housing involving on-site therapy and supervision in the manner of a halfway house is subject to the same regulations as a group care home. “Transitional housing and transitional housing development” shall also mean buildings configured as rental housing developments, but operated under program requirements that call for the termination of assistance and recirculation of the assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at some predetermined future point in time, which shall be no less than six (6) months.

(§ 2, Ord. 846-90 C-M, eff. July 26, 1990, as amended by § 1, Ord. 1374-18 (CM), eff. October 11, 2018)

14-18.830 Triplex.

(See “Dwelling, three-family (triplex)”, Section 14-18.306 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.831 Two (2) unit development.

A “two (2) unit development” is defined as two (2) primary dwelling units with minimum living space of eight hundred (800) square feet. The two (2) unit development may be in the form of a duplex, or two (2) detached units. A two (2) unit development must also comply with all Watsonville Municipal Code requirements and is limited to the R-1 zoning district.

(§ 1, Ord. 1441-22 (CM), eff. November 24, 2022)

14-18.832 Unbuildable land area.

“Unbuildable land area” shall mean any land area which comes within one or more of the following:

(a)    Sloughs and other areas subject to inundation on a regular basis as determined by the City and other agencies having jurisdiction;

(b)    Areas subject to active seismic faulting as defined by State law;

(c)    Slopes with grades in excess of thirty (30%) percent;

(d)    Areas subject to high liquefaction probability, based on detailed site investigations by a registered soils engineer;

(e)    Areas subject to landside or unstable soil conditions such that improvements would be likely to sustain damage or loss, including potential hazard to occupants, based on detailed site investigations and the recommendations of a registered soils engineer; and

(f)    Class I and Class II soils capable of being used for agricultural purposes when zoned as A-1 Exclusive Agricultural District.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.834 Underwater land.

“Underwater land” shall mean land below “mean lower low water” as defined by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.835 Urban lot split.

An “urban lot split” is defined as a subdivision of an existing parcel to create no more than two (2) new parcels of approximately equal lot area; provided, that one (1) parcel shall not be smaller than forty (40%) percent of lot area of the original parcel proposed for subdivision. Urban lot splits are limited to the R-1 zoning district and shall comply with all Watsonville Municipal Code requirements.

(§ 1, Ord. 1441-22 (CM), eff. November 24, 2022)

14-18.838 Use, accessory.

(See “Accessory use or structure”, Section 14-18.014 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.842 Use, conditional.

(See “Permitted use”, Section 14-18.614, “Conditional use permit, administrative”, Section 14-18.230, and “Conditional use permit, special”, Section 14-18.234 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.846 Use, permitted.

(See “Permitted use”, Section 14-18.614 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.850 Variance.

“Variance” shall mean the term applied to the procedure whereby the strict application of the provisions of this title relating to height, area, yard requirements, and the like may be modified in a particular instance. The term “variance” shall not apply to a use modification.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.854 Veterinary clinic.

“Veterinary clinic” shall mean an infirmary for the treatment of animals, not including overnight care.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.858 Veterinary hospital.

“Veterinary hospital” shall mean an establishment for the care and treatment of the diseases and injuries of animals and where animals may be boarded during their convalescence.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.862 Waterfront land.

“Waterfront land” shall mean any lot above “mean higher high water”, as defined by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and having frontage directly upon the shore line as defined in this chapter.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.866 Wrecking yard.

(See “Junk yard”, Section 14-18.458 of this chapter.)

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.870 Yard.

“Yard” shall mean an open space, other than a court, on the same lot with a building, which open space is unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground to the sky, except for such encroachments as are specifically permitted by this title.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.874 Yard, front.

“Yard, front” shall mean an open space extending the full width of the lot, measured between the building closest to the front lot line and said front lot line.

“Front yard, least depth” shall mean the shortest horizontal distance between any part of a building and the front lot line, or any official setback line, or any adopted plan line, whichever is applicable.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.878 Yard, rear.

“Yard, rear” shall mean an open space measured between the main building and the rear lot line or the center line of an abutting street or alley.

“Rear yard, least depth” shall mean the shortest horizontal distance between any part of the main building and the rear lot line.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.882 Yard, side.

“Yard, side” shall mean an open space extending from the front yard to the rear yard between a building and the adjacent side lot line.

“Side yard, least width” shall mean the shortest horizontal distance between any part of a building and the adjacent side lot line.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.886 Yard, exterior side.

“Yard, exterior side” shall mean a side yard adjacent to a street, alley, court, or other required open space.

“Exterior side yard, least width” shall mean the shortest horizontal distance between any part of a building and the adjacent street, alley, court, or other required open space, or any official setback line, or any adopted plan line, whichever is applicable.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.890 Young farmer project.

“Young farmer project” shall mean an agriculture education endeavor undertaken by a child between the ages of ten (10) and eighteen (18), inclusive, for a limited period of time, and as part of the activities of an organized group dedicated to furthering agriculture and agricultural interests of children.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.894 Zone of interest.

“Zone of interest” shall mean all of the area within a distance of 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the parcel to which a structure is proposed to be moved or constructed.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.898 Zoning Map.

“Zoning Map” shall mean the officially adopted Zoning Map or Maps of the City, together with all amendments subsequently adopted.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.902 Zoning Ordinance.

“Zoning Ordinance” shall mean Title 14 of this Code consisting of the officially adopted Zoning Map and text.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)

14-18.906 Zoning classification, more restrictive.

“Zoning classification, more restrictive” shall mean a zoning district in which the regulations allow uses of lesser intensity or fewer types, under more restrictive regulations, relating to yards, height of building, lot coverage, and the like, than those of another district.

(Ord. 506-80 C-M, eff. September 11, 1980)