Title 18


18.04    General Provisions

18.08    Definitions

18.12    Establishment of Zones, Boundaries

18.16    Exclusive Farm Use Zones, EFU-1 (Post-Paulina Area), EFU-2 (Prineville Valley-Lone Pine Areas), and EFU-3 (Powell Butte Area)

18.20    Repealed

18.24    Repealed

18.28    Forest Zone, F-1

18.32    Rural Service Center Zone, RSC

18.36    Park Reserve Zone, P-R

18.40    Recreation Residential Mobile Zone, RR(M)-5

18.44    Recreation Residential Zone, RR-1 and RR-5

18.48    Suburban Residential Zone, SR-1

18.52    Suburban Residential Mobile Zone, SR(M)-1

18.56    Limited Commercial Zone, L-C

18.60    Neighborhood Commercial Zone, N-C

18.64    Recreation Commercial Zone, R-C

18.68    Light Industrial Zone, L-M

18.72    Heavy Industrial Zone, H-M

18.76    Rural Industrial Zone, R-M

18.80    Rural Aviation Community Zone, RAC

18.84    Flood Plain Combining Zone, FP

18.88    Rural Residential Zone, R-5

18.92    Rural Residential Zone, R-10

18.96    Forest Recreation, FR-10

18.100    Residential Woodlot, RW-40

18.104    Airport Obstruction Overlay Zone, AO

18.108    Powell Butte Rural Residential Zone, PBR-20

18.112    Exclusive Farm Use Zone, EFU-JA (Juniper Acres)

18.116    Destination Resort Overlay

18.120    Sensitive Bird Habitat Area

18.124    Supplementary Provisions

18.126    Outdoor Lighting

18.128    Off-Street Parking

18.132    Manufactured Dwellings

18.136    Historic Buildings and Sites Protection

18.140    Transfer of Development Credits Option – TDC

18.144    Aggregate Resource Sites

18.148    Resource Use Protection

18.152    Recreational Vehicle Park

18.156    Exceptions

18.160    Conditional Uses

18.161    Commercial Power Generating Facilities

18.162    Noncommercial Energy Systems

18.164    Variances

18.168    Legislative Amendments

18.170    Quasi-Judicial Amendments

18.172    Administration Provisions

18.174    Declaratory Ruling

18.176    Access Management Standards

18.180    Transportation Impact Analysis

18.184    Pedestrian and Transit Improvements


Code reviser’s note: Ord. 18 was formally adopted in its current form by Ord. 145, passed September 3, 2003. All prior amendments to Ord. 18 have been incorporated but are not specified in the section history notes.