Chapter 12.20


12.20.010    House numbering required.

12.20.020    Map.

12.20.030    Numbers on houses.

12.20.040    Penalties.

12.20.010 House numbering required.

A. All lots, buildings and structures in the city of Eagle Point (hereinafter referred to as “the city”) shall be numbered in accordance with the following plan:

1. The dividing line for north and south numbers shall be Stevens Road, Main Street and Elm Way, with the dividing line for east and west numbers being Little Butte Creek.

2. Going in any compass direction away from the intersection of Main Street and Little Butte Creek (i.e., at the Main Street Bridge), even numbers shall be on the right side of the street and odd numbers shall be on the left side of the street.

3. One house number shall be assigned to every 10 feet of street frontage, as measured from the intersection of that street with a bisecting street, and numbers in each successive block away from the point of commencement shall be greater by 100 than in the preceding block.

B. Existing buildings and structures must be numbered in accordance with this plan. The proper street number for any new building or structure in the city shall be assigned by the planning department prior to the issuance of any building permit, or any other necessary approval if no building permit is required. [Ord. 11-24 § 1, 1981].

12.20.020 Map.

The city shall keep a map at the City Hall showing the proper street number of every lot in the city, which map shall be open to inspection by anyone interested. [Ord. 11-24 § 2, 1981].

12.20.030 Numbers on houses.

It shall be the duty of the owners and occupants of every house and other building in the city to have placed thereon, in a place visible from the street, figures at least two and one-half inches high showing the correct number of the house, as determined in accordance with EPMC 12.20.010 and as listed on the map required by EPMC 12.20.020. [Ord. 11-24 § 3, 1981].

12.20.040 Penalties.

Any person found guilty of violating the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to any/all applicable penalties as specified in Chapter 1.20 EPMC. [Ord. 2000-15 § 2; Ord. 11-24 § 4, 1981].