Chapter 17.36


17.36.010    Description, purpose and application.

17.36.020    Permitted buildings and uses.

17.36.030    Buildings and uses permitted conditionally.

17.36.040    Yard regulations.

17.36.050    Building or structural height limitations.

17.36.060    Lot regulations.

17.36.070    Development standards.

17.36.080    Occupancy of mobile homes outside the park.

17.36.090    Occupancy of mobile home parks.

17.36.010 Description, purpose and application.

The MHP mobile home park overlay district’s purpose is to provide for areas which have a stable, healthful environment, together with the full range of urban services for those residents choosing to reside in mobile homes located on rented lands. This chapter has also been developed to encourage the creation of mobile home neighborhoods and discourage the scattering of mobile homes on individual lots in zones other than MHP or MHS overlay districts. The minimum district size is to be no less than two acres. An additional purpose is to establish minimum standards for the use of real property which will provide protection for the residents of mobile homes and the general public, to ensure fire protection for residents and in general promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the city. Removing the wheels of a mobile home or trailer or setting the mobile home or trailer on posts, footings or foundations shall not make the mobile home or trailer exempt from the requirements of this district.

These MHP district provisions apply to any base zone which is designated MHP on the city zoning map.

The provisions and requirements of the mobile home park overlay district apply in addition to the provisions and requirements of the basic district.

In those instances where there is a conflict between the provisions and requirements in the overlay district with the provisions and requirements of the basic district, the provisions and requirements of the overlay district supersede those of the basic district only when the lot land use is for a use provided for in the mobile home park overlay district. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.150), 1980].

17.36.020 Permitted buildings and uses.

A. Mobile homes in mobile home parks on leased spaces. (Each mobile home shall contain at least 600 square feet, meeting standards of construction established by the state of Oregon and the United States of America.)

B. Parks, playgrounds, golf courses, community centers or swimming pools.

C. Accessory buildings and structures are permitted. Accessory buildings other than garages, carports, patios and porches which are not part of the main building shall be separated from the main building by at least four feet. There shall not be more than two accessory buildings allowed for each mobile home dwelling.

D. Recreational vehicle park. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-59 § 1 (Exh. § (B)(6)), 1981; Ord. 9-55 § 1 (Exh. A § 6), 1981; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.151), 1980].

17.36.030 Buildings and uses permitted conditionally.

The planning commission may grant a conditional use permit in accordance with the standards and procedure set forth in Chapter 17.84 EPMC and the general provisions for each type use in Chapter 17.52 EPMC and for the following uses:

A. Group care or group living homes, including homes for socially and mentally handicapped.

B. Homes for the aged and infirmed.

C. Nursing homes.

D. Day care centers, provided they meet requirements of the R-1 district.

E. Day nurseries and child care centers, provided they meet requirements of the R-1 district.

F. Planned unit developments for mobile home parks subject to the planned unit development procedure set forth in Chapter 17.76 EPMC. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-55 § 1 (Exh. A § 6), 1981; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.152), 1980].

17.36.040 Yard regulations.

In the MHP overlay district, each lot shall have yards of not less than the following size unless otherwise provided for in Chapter 17.52, 17.56 or 17.60 EPMC:

A. Front yard setback: 15 feet from public streets and front yards. Exception: garages, carports, other accessory buildings or structures and parking spaces taking access on the front of the property shall be set back 20 feet.

B. Side yard setback: 15 feet from public streets and side property lines. Garages and carports exception:

1. Street side yard setbacks shall be 20 feet.

2. Two-hour masonry firewall installed at the property line setback may be zero feet.

C. Rear yard setback: 15 feet from public streets and rear property lines. Exception: zero feet are permitted where a two-hour masonry firewall is installed at the property line.

D. Swimming pools shall conform to dwelling setback requirements.

E. Distance between mobile homes: 15 feet.

F. Distance from all access ways: five feet. [Ord. 9-66 § 1 (Exh. A), 1984; Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.153), 1980].

17.36.050 Building or structural height limitations.

In the MHP district, the maximum building or structural height of a recreation or group use building shall be two and one-half stories or 25 feet, whichever is the lesser. All mobile homes shall be a maximum height of two stories or 25 feet, whichever is lesser. Accessory buildings on the MHP district are limited to one story. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.154), 1980].

17.36.060 Lot regulations.

A. Area and Dimension. In the MHP overlay district, the minimum lot area for mobile home units shall be established by yard regulations and site development standards.

B. Coverage and Density. In the MHP overlay district, the maximum density by mobile home units shall not be more than 10 mobile home spaces per acre for singles and six mobile home spaces for doubles. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-59 § 1 (Exh. § (B)(5)), 1981; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.155), 1980].

17.36.070 Development standards.

A. State Law. All mobile home parks shall be constructed to the requirements of Oregon state law.

B. Minimum Size of Mobile Home Parks. All mobile home parks allowed under provisions of this title shall be at least two acres in size, unless the mobile home park abuts an existing mobile home subdivision or mobile home park overlay district.

C. Site Plan Requirements. Each project developed under provisions of the MHP overlay district shall meet the requirements of Chapter 17.60 EPMC, Site Plan and Landscape Approval.

As a minimum, before a building permit is issued by the city building inspector, three copies of the following plans at a scale of not less than one inch to 40 feet and information shall be submitted and approved:

1. General site plans indicating:

a. Boundaries and dimensions of the mobile home park.

b. Location of existing and proposed buildings.

c. Location and dimension of mobile home spaces.

d. Location and width of walkways.

e. Location and types of lighting.

f. Location of recreation areas and buildings.

g. Location and type of fences, walls, screening materials and plantings.

h. Location of public telephone service for the park.

i. Enlarged site plan of a typical mobile home space showing the location of the stand, patio, storage space, parking, sidewalk, utility connections and landscaping.

j. Vicinity map showing relationship of the mobile home park to adjacent properties.

2. Landscape plan indicating spacing, size, heights and botanical names of plants.

3. Engineering and improvement drawings for:

a. Water and sewer systems (i.e., fire hydrants, etc.).

b. Electrical systems.

c. New structures.

d. Roads, access ways, sidewalks, patios and mobile home stand construction details.

e. Underground drainage systems.

f. Recreational area.

g. Finished topography.

h. Swimming pools.

4. Other Plans. The site plan committee may require additional plans for improvements as required by the terms of Chapter 17.60 EPMC to protect the occupants or public health, safety or general welfare.

D. Site Requirements. Improvement requirements prior to occupancy for mobile home parks or expansion of an existing park shall be as follows:

1. Access to Public Streets. A mobile home park shall not have access on a public street if the paving width of said street is less than 40 feet in width.

2. Water Supply. Every mobile home park shall have a water system connected to the city water system. The distribution system within the park, including the connection facilities, shall comply with the city plumbing code and all other applicable laws and regulations. The water system shall have sufficient capacity to maintain fire flow requirements. Existing water supply systems may remain in use as long as they are functional and do not pose a danger to the health and safety of the occupants or the mobile home park and adjacent properties or to the municipal water system of the city.

3. Sewage Disposal. Every mobile home park shall be connected to the public sewer system of the city in a manner and to such facilities which comply with the city plumbing code and all other applicable laws and regulations.

4. Drainage System. Every mobile home park shall develop and construct a drainage system acceptable to the city.

5. Streets or Roadways. All streets and roadways shall be paved with crushed rock base and asphaltic or concrete surfacing in accordance with structural specifications prescribed by the city engineer.

The minimum surfaced width of the roadway within a mobile home park shall be as follows:

a. For a roadway with no parking and two-way traffic: 20 feet;

b. For a roadway with parking on one side only and one-way traffic: 20 feet;

c. For a roadway with parking on one side only and two-way traffic: 24 feet;

d. For a roadway with parking on both sides and one-way traffic: 24 feet;

e. For a roadway with parking on both sides and two-way traffic: 30 feet.

6. Mobile Home Spaces. The minimum space requirement for a new mobile home park or expansion of an existing mobile home park shall be as follows:

a. The spaces for double-wides shall be at least 40 feet by 100 feet.

b. The spaces for single-wides shall be at least 30 feet by 85 feet.

c. The average minimum width of any mobile home space shall be 35 feet.

d. Each such space shall have at least 1,600 square feet.

e. Each mobile home space shall be provided with a patio having a minimum area of 150 square feet. The patio shall have a minimum width of seven feet and a minimum length of 20 feet.

f. Structures located in a mobile home space shall be limited to a storage building and a carport. The storage building and the carport may be combined as one structure.

7. Mobile Home Stands. All mobile home stands shall be constructed with a minimum of four-inch aggregate base material and shall be paved with asphalt or cement concrete surfacing not less than four inches thick.

All mobile home stands shall cover an area equal to or greater than the dimensions of the mobile home located on the stand.

8. Sidewalks, Walkways and Driveways. All sidewalks and walkways shall have a minimum width of three feet and shall connect each mobile home space to storage buildings, laundry facilities, service facilities, recreation facilities and streets or roadways. All driveways shall be constructed to the streets and roadway standards (subsection (D)(5) of this section).

9. Utilities. All utilities shall be underground.

10. Telephone Service. Public telephone service shall be provided in all mobile home parks.

11. Lighting. Access ways and walkways shall be lighted at intervals of not more than 100 feet.

12. Parking. In the MHP overlay district, two off-street parking spaces are required for each mobile home unit. An exception may be made by the planning commission for those projects which are developed for the elderly and which it is shown there is no need for more than one car, and which limit, through deed restrictions, the number of cars each owner of the project property can park in the area. Chapter 17.72 EPMC provides additional information concerning parking space requirements.

Parking spaces and driveways shall be paved according to standards approved by the city. Required setbacks shall not be used for parking. Parking spaces shall not be used for recreational vehicle storage.

13. Storage and Storage Sheds. All outside storage for a mobile home space shall be in an enclosed building. Each mobile home shall be provided a storage shed at least 36 square feet in size.

14. Carports or Garages. Each mobile home space shall be provided with a carport or garage.

15. Garbage and Refuse Disposal. Each mobile home park shall provide a garbage and refuse disposal system acceptable to the city for each mobile home unit.

16. Mobile Home Attachments. No indoor living addition shall be built onto or become a part of any mobile home, nor shall any mobile home be attached or made a part of any adjacent building except the construction of an awning, patio, patio cover, porches, porch covers or storage facilities adjacent to a mobile home as permitted by the building code then in effect and as approved by the city.

17. Skirting Requirements. Each structure or mobile home constructed in the mobile home park shall have masonry, metal or wood skirts or coverings installed on all exposed sides from the lower edge of such mobile home structure, deck, patio or porch to ground level within 60 days of the installation of a mobile home unit.

18. Washing Facilities. Each mobile home park shall provide and maintain for the use of all mobile home park residents one clothes washing machine for each 10 mobile home spaces. Clothes dryers shall be provided appropriate to the number of washing machines installed.

19. Recreation Building. Each mobile home park shall have not less than one recreational building maintained in a good, safe and attractive condition and available for recreation purposes or entertainment of occupants of the park. The building shall have an area of not less than 50 square feet per mobile home space for the first 100 spaces and 35 square feet for each additional space.

20. Landscaping and Maintenance. Each mobile home space shall be provided with one shade tree of a species and size adaptable to the area and approved by the site plan committee. Where landscaping plans are established for boundary screening purposes, such plants shall be of a size, spacing and species to provide a continuous mass of foliage to a minimum height of 15 feet within a period of three years. Landscaped areas shall be provided with a suitable, fixed and permanent method for watering or sprinkling. Such watering system shall consist of underground water lines terminating in an appropriate number of sprinklers and hose bibs to ensure a sufficient amount of water for plants within the landscaped area. All landscaping shall be maintained in safe and attractive condition. In addition, each mobile home space shall be maintained in safe and attractive condition. In addition, each mobile home space shall have two hose bibs for maintenance and watering purposes.

21. Recreation Area. In a mobile home park, a minimum of 100 square feet of recreation area shall be provided for each mobile home space. The recreation area may be in one or more locations. Each such area shall have a minimum size of 2,500 square feet and a minimum width of 25 feet. No recreation facility created within a mobile home park wholly to satisfy the requirements of this section shall be open to, or offered in itself to, the general public.

22. Open Area Landscaping and Maintenance. All open areas in the parks not otherwise used shall be landscaped and maintained as approved by the site plan committee.

23. Boundary Screening – Requirements. The front, side and rear boundaries of mobile home parks shall be enclosed with an ornamental solid fence, plant material, foliage or solid wall, or a combination of any of these, as approved by the site plan committee, with necessary openings provided for personal and vehicular travel at appropriate locations. Fences or walls in the front boundary lines shall be three and one-half feet high and fences or walls on side and rear boundaries shall be at least six feet high. All fences and walls shall be maintained in good, safe and attractive condition.

24. Boundary Screening – Along Drainage Ditches or Highways. The boundaries of a mobile home park that are contiguous with drainage ditches, freeways, main arterial streets or other hazardous or unsightly conditions shall be screened with trees, shrubs or continuous foliage as approved by the site plan committee.

25. Fire Protection. Every mobile home park shall be equipped at all times with fire extinguishing equipment of such design and location within the park as may be prescribed by the city engineer, which design and location shall take into consideration comparable protection afforded areas of like use and density elsewhere in the city. The water service to the park shall include fire hydrants in locations selected by the city engineer and installed as part of the required initial improvements of the mobile home park, and located, in any event, so that no stand shall be more than 400 feet from a fire hydrant.

26. Swimming Pools.

a. Swimming pools may be constructed in mobile home parks only upon the filing with the city building department of an approved permit for construction of a public swimming pool under the provisions of ORS 448.005 to 448.100 and two copies of the plans approved by the State Board of Health.

b. Each swimming pool located in a mobile home park shall be enclosed by a fence of not less than six feet high. Such fence shall completely enclose the swimming pool and shall have openings not more than four inches wide, and all gates and openings to the pool shall be self-closing and provided with a self-locking latch.

27. Overnight Trailer Spaces. If overnight trailer spaces are provided in connection with a mobile home park, such spaces shall be separated from mobile home spaces used for the purposes of continuing residents. Overnight spaces for trailers, motor homes and campers shall be not less than 10 feet by 32 feet. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.156), 1980].

17.36.080 Occupancy of mobile homes outside the park.

No person shall use or occupy a mobile home as a dwelling unit, or rent or offer for rent the occupancy or use of a mobile home at any location outside a mobile home park except as provided in EPMC 17.20.090 and 17.52.210. Mobile homes and mobile home parks continuously and legally used or occupied on property at the time of this title or mobile homes used or occupied on property at the time of the property’s annexation to the city are exempt from this provision. [Ord. 9-100 § 1, 1991; Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.157), 1980].

Mobile Home Park “Grandfather” Regulations

Mobile home space size

Not less than

30 feet width

40 feet length

Park boundary line abutting upon a street or highway

Not less than

5 feet

Between a mobile home and property line

Not less than

5 feet

Between a mobile home and a building

Not less than

10 feet

Between a mobile home and an awning, carport, cabana or ramada of an adjacent space

Not less than

10 feet

Side to side and end to end between mobile homes

Not less than

15 feet

17.36.090 Occupancy of mobile home parks.

The city building inspector may withhold occupancy permits for any mobile home unit which is located in a mobile home park built under but not meeting the minimum requirements of this title. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.158), 1980].