Chapter 17.44


17.44.010    Description, purpose and application.

17.44.020    Permitted buildings and uses.

17.44.030    Buildings and uses permitted conditionally.

17.44.040    Yard regulations.

17.44.050    Building or structural height limitations.

17.44.060    Lot regulations.

17.44.070    Parking requirements.

17.44.080    Development standards and standards for approval.

17.44.090    Submission requirements.

17.44.100    Review and approval procedure.

17.44.110    Hardship.

17.44.010 Description, purpose and application.

The HD historic overlay district’s purpose is to provide for areas suitable for promotion of the historic, educational, cultural, economic and general welfare needs through the preservation, restoration, protection and construction of buildings, structures, and appurtenances, sites and places of historic interest within the city of Eagle Point, Oregon.

The historic overlay district is intended to establish procedures and criteria for the recognition of historic buildings, to provide restrictions upon exterior alteration, moving or demolition of historic buildings, and to establish procedures and criteria controlling their renovation, maintenance and consideration of appropriate physical characteristics of the site following application of the district classification.

The historic overlay district is also intended to provide guidelines for new construction to assure its integration with older structures in the historic district.

The provisions and requirements of the historic overlay district apply in addition to the provisions and requirements of the basic district.

These historic district provisions apply to any land area and in any zone which the city council designates to receive an HD historic district designation. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.190), 1980].

17.44.020 Permitted buildings and uses.

A. All buildings and uses which are permitted buildings and uses in the basic district zone.

B. Buildings and uses approved by the site plan committee established under Chapter 17.60 EPMC or city council based on the submission of approved site plans, and EPMC 17.44.080, Development standards and standards for approval. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.191), 1980].

17.44.030 Buildings and uses permitted conditionally.

The planning commission may grant a conditional use permit in accordance with the standards and procedures set forth in Chapter 17.84 EPMC and which meet the purposes of this district. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.192), 1980].

17.44.040 Yard regulations.

The yard regulations in the basic zone apply in circumstances where existing and proposed land uses permit. The site plan committee may approve lesser setback standards based on submitted plans when the site plan committee determines the lesser standard will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare as provided for in Chapter 17.56 or 17.60 EPMC, and which meet the standards of approval in EPMC 17.88.050. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.193), 1980].

17.44.050 Building or structural height limitations.

The height limitations in the basic zone apply. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.194), 1980].

17.44.060 Lot regulations.

The lot regulations in the basic zone apply in circumstances where existing and proposed land uses permit. The site plan committee may approve lesser lot standards based on submitted plans when the site plan committee determines the lesser standard will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or general welfare, and which meet the standards of approval in EPMC 17.88.050. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.195), 1980].

17.44.070 Parking requirements.

The parking and loading space requirements of the basic zone apply in circumstances where existing and proposed land uses permit. The site plan committee may approve lesser parking and loading standards based on submitted plans when the site plan committee determines the lesser standard will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare, and which meet the standards of approval in EPMC 17.88.050. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.196), 1980].

17.44.080 Development standards and standards for approval.

In the historic district, the following development standards and approvals are required. These items are required for structural alterations of new buildings, historic buildings or construction of new structures.

A. Building Design. An 1870 to 1910 era design in the style of exterior construction of buildings, fixtures and appurtenances, including structure details, scale, color and texture arrangements.

B. Site Improvements. Sidewalks, streets, street lights, signs, fences, utilities, fountains, trash receptacles, benches and other exterior structures and fixtures shall be constructed in an 1870 to 1910 era effect.

C. Building Finishes. Building materials and finishes shall reflect this same 1870 to 1910 era effect.

D. Landscaping and Fencing. Landscaping and fence screening shall be constructed in a manner to obscure automobile parking and solid waste disposal.

E. Plan Approval. Site plan approval as provided in Chapter 17.60 EPMC is required for all uses, buildings, signs and structures.

F. Demolition Approval. Demolition of a portion or all of any building or structure shall require site plan approval as provided in Chapter 17.60 EPMC. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.197), 1980].

17.44.090 Submission requirements.

An applicant seeking a permit to construct or remodel a structure in the historic district area shall submit the following information:

A. Application. The application shall contain the names, mailing addresses and phone numbers of the owners and developers, along with other information as required by the city and shall be filed with the city of Eagle Point on a form available through the city.

B. Site Plans. Site plans shall be prepared and submitted for approval as required in Chapter 17.60 EPMC, Site Plan and Landscape Approval.

C. Photographs. Photographs showing existing structures and sites which are a part of the application shall be submitted.

D. Architectural Plans. Plans or consultants for plans shall be prepared by a person qualified in designing structures of this historic era. Plans shall be drawn to scale and the scale indicated showing:

1. Floor plans.

2. Elevations.

3. Exterior surface materials or specifications.

4. Exterior lighting location and type.

5. Signing location and type. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.198), 1980].

17.44.100 Review and approval procedure.

Before a building permit or demolition permit may be issued for the construction or remodeling or demolition of any building, structure or appurtenance in an area designated as a historic district, the required application, site plans, photographs and architectural plans shall be prepared and submitted to the city for review and approval under the site plan approval provisions of Chapter 17.60 EPMC. The site plan committee may obtain the services of a historic architecture consultant to assist in reviewing the application. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.199), 1980].

17.44.110 Hardship.

The site plan committee or city council need not disapprove an application for permit to carry out any proposed work in a historic district. If the applicant presents clear and convincing evidence of facts demonstrating to the satisfaction of the site plan committee or city council that such disapproval will work immediate and substantial hardship on the applicant because of conditions peculiar to the person seeking to carry out the proposed work, whether this be property owner, tenant or resident, or because of conditions peculiar to the particular improvement, building or structure or other feature involved. Failure to disapprove the application will be consistent with the purposes of this district. If a hardship is found to exist under this section, the site plan committee or city council shall make a written finding to that effect, and shall specify the facts and reasons relied upon in making such finding. The applicant shall be required to meet the standards of approval in EPMC 17.88.050. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.199.5), 1980].