Chapter 2.01


2.01.010    Applicability of chapter.

2.01.015    Council advisory committee member appointment and confirmation process.

2.01.020    Grounds for removal of members of citizen advisory committees.

2.01.030    Grounds for demotion of chairs of citizen advisory committees.

2.01.040    Resignations and automatic vacancies.

2.01.010 Applicability of chapter.

A. The provisions of this chapter apply to each citizen advisory board, commission, committee, or task force created by the city council, except as otherwise provided by this chapter or where in conflict with state law.

B. For purposes of this chapter, the terms “board,” “commission,” “committee,” and “task force” have identical meanings and shall collectively be referred to as a “committee.” (Ord. 2019-01 § 1, 2019)

2.01.015 Council advisory committee member appointment and confirmation process.

A. Recommendations of appointments of members to city advisory committees, with the exception of the planning commission, shall be provided by a member selection panel composed of two or three council members, including the council liaison(s), with the chair from the subject advisory committees, if applicable, serving in an advisory role in the member selection process.

B. Recommendations of appointments of members to the planning commission shall be provided by a member selection panel composed of two or three council members, including the council liaison(s), one or two planning commission members, including the chair, and one member or delegate from the race equity advisory committee, as available.

C. The recommendations from the selection panel shall be forwarded to the city council, and council confirmation shall require a majority plus one vote of the entire membership of the council.

D. For city advisory committees in which state law requires appointment by the mayor (e.g., planning commission), the selection panel shall first forward their recommendation to the mayor, and if the mayor consents to the panel’s recommendation, the mayor shall then forward the recommendation to the council. (Ord. 2024-03 § 1, 2024; Ord. 2021-16 § 1, 2021)

2.01.020 Grounds for removal of members of citizen advisory committees.

A. The mayor may remove a member of a citizen advisory committee for one or more of the following reasons:

1. Good cause, which shall be as determined solely by the mayor and shall be stated with each removal action.

2. A confirmed appointee to a citizen advisory committee fails to qualify and assume the duties of a member of the committee within 30 calendar days of confirmation by the city council.

3. A member of a citizen advisory committee is absent from three consecutive regular meetings of the citizen advisory committee and such absences have not been excused by a majority vote of the citizen advisory committee.

4. A member of a citizen advisory committee is absent from 50 percent of all meetings of the citizen advisory committee in any six-month period; provided, that a member of a citizen advisory committee may request a leave of absence, which must first be approved by the mayor.

5. A member of a citizen advisory committee ceases to have the qualifications prescribed for the members of the committee by state law or by ordinance of the city council.

6. A member of a citizen advisory committee is convicted of a gross misdemeanor or felony while serving on the committee.

B. At the next regularly scheduled meeting of the city council following a removal under this section, the mayor shall notify the city council of such removal. A majority of the full city council may reverse the mayor’s decision to remove within 30 days of the mayor’s notice to the city council of the removal, after which time the mayor’s decision to remove is final.

C. This section shall not apply to members of the following citizen advisory committees: the ethics board, created under Chapter 2.07 BIMC; the civil service commission, created under Chapter 2.28 BIMC; the LEOFF disability board, created under Chapter 2.45 BIMC; the salary commission, created under Chapter 2.74 BIMC; and the lodging tax advisory committee, created under BIMC 3.65.040. (Ord. 2019-01 § 1, 2019)

2.01.030 Grounds for demotion of chairs of citizen advisory committees.

A. The mayor may demote the chair of a citizen advisory committee for good cause, which shall be as determined solely by the mayor and shall be stated with each demotion.

B. At the next regularly scheduled meeting of the city council following a demotion under this section, the mayor shall notify the city council of such demotion. A majority of the full city council may reverse the mayor’s decision to demote within 30 days of the mayor’s notice to the city council of the demotion, after which time the mayor’s decision to demote is final.

C. A member of a citizen advisory committee that has been demoted from the position of chair of the committee may continue to serve on the committee for the remainder of his or her term and any future terms that she or he may be eligible to be appointed to.

D. A member of a citizen advisory committee that has been demoted from the position of chair of the committee may not again serve as chair of the committee without city council approval.

E. This section shall not apply to the chairs of the following citizen advisory committees: the civil service commission, created under Chapter 2.28 BIMC; the cultural funding advisory committee, created under Chapter 2.43 BIMC; the LEOFF disability board, created under Chapter 2.45 BIMC; and the lodging tax advisory committee, created under BIMC 3.65.040. (Ord. 2019-01 § 1, 2019)

2.01.040 Resignations and automatic vacancies.

A. A member of a citizen advisory committee may voluntarily resign from her or his position on the committee by submitting her or his written resignation to the mayor.

B. A vacancy caused by resignation shall be deemed to occur upon the effective date of the resignation. If no effective date is specified in the resignation, the resignation will be deemed to be effective immediately.

C. A position on a citizen advisory committee shall automatically become vacant upon the death of the individual appointed to that position. (Ord. 2019-01 § 1, 2019)