Chapter 17.124


Article I. General Requirements

17.124.010    Requirement for certificate of occupancy.

17.124.020    Provision by individual or by public action.

17.124.030    Proximity to use served.

17.124.040    Residential provision.

17.124.050    Change of designated parking area to other use.

17.124.060    Mutual use.

17.124.070    Joint use parking.

17.124.080    Number of spaces required.

17.124.090    Space dimensions.

17.124.100    Compact car spaces.

Article II. Commercial, Manufacturing and Multifamily

17.124.110    Commercial, manufacturing and multifamily requirements.

17.124.115    Minimum parking requirements in the Central Business District.

17.124.117    Parking requirements in the planned commercial zoning district.

17.124.120    Plans.

17.124.130    Parking lot dimensions and layout standards.

17.124.140    Ingress and egress.

17.124.150    Construction and design generally.

17.124.160    Setbacks and buffer strips.

17.124.170    Sidewalks in parking lots.

17.124.180    Loading space requirements.

Article III. Recreation

17.124.200    Marine planned recreation zoning district exceptions.

17.124.210    Appeals.

Article I. General Requirements

17.124.010 Requirement for certificate of occupancy.

Off-street parking in conjunction with all land and building uses established after the enactment of the ordinance codified in this division shall be provided prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy as prescribed in this chapter. (Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.020 Provision by individual or by public action.

The off-street parking may be provided either by an individual action or by a parking program carried out through public action, whether by special assessment district or otherwise. (Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.030 Proximity to use served.

Off-street parking for other than residential uses shall be either on the same lot or within 200 feet of the building it is intended to serve; except that for those cases where city parking plans have been developed for a specific area, this distance may be extended on approval of the reviewing authority to a maximum distance of 500 feet. (Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.040 Residential provision.

Residential off-street parking spaces shall consist of a parking strip or driveway or garage or a combination thereof, and shall be located on the lot they are intended to serve. (Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.050 Change of designated parking area to other use.

Any area once designated as required off-street parking shall not be changed to any other use unless and until equal parking spaces which conform to the requirements of this chapter are provided elsewhere, or until council has agreed to accept an in-lieu payment under provisions of BMC 17.124.070(C)(2). (Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.060 Mutual use.

Two or more buildings or uses operating during the same hours may collectively provide the required off-street parking, in which case the required number of parking spaces shall not be less than the sum of the requirements for the several individual uses computed separately. Legally binding documents shall be reviewed for adequacy by the city attorney and recorded with the county auditor at the expense of the applicant(s). (Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.070 Joint use parking.

A. The zoning administrator shall review applications for joint use parking and make a recommendation to the review authority based on the following criteria:

1. Residential. Joint use agreements may not be used to meet residential parking requirements.

2. Nighttime Uses. Up to 50 percent of the off-street parking required by this chapter for primarily nighttime uses such as theaters, bowling alleys and bars may be supplied by parking serving primarily daytime uses such as banks, offices, retail stores, personal service shops and manufacturing and wholesale uses. For purposes of this section, “primarily nighttime” means opening at or about 5:00 p.m., or doing the majority of business after 5:00 p.m. and before 8:00 a.m.

3. Daytime Uses. Up to 50 percent of the off-street parking required by this chapter for primarily daytime uses may be supplied by parking serving primarily nighttime uses. For purposes of this section, “primarily daytime” uses means opening at or about 8:00 a.m. and closing at or about 6:00 p.m., or doing the majority of business during that period.

4. Churches and Schools. Up to 100 percent of the off-street parking required by this chapter for a church or an auditorium incidental to a public or parochial school may be supplied by parking serving primarily daytime uses.

5. No Conflict. There may be no substantial conflict between the operating hours of the uses for which joint use of parking is proposed. “Substantial,” for purposes of this provision, means more than four hours during which both activities are conducted at the same time.

6. Establishments contributing parking to another use through participation in a joint use parking agreement shall not commit more than 25 percent of their own required off-street parking to the other use.

7. Distance. The off-street parking facilities to be used jointly shall be located within 200 feet of the uses which they serve, except that on good cause shown, this distance may be increased to 500 feet if approved by the review authority.

B. Recorded Agreement. If joint use parking is approved, the applicant shall provide to the zoning administrator a legal instrument conveying a parking easement or covenant to the city if only one parcel of property is involved. After the city attorney has reviewed the agreement, the zoning administrator shall record it with the county auditor at the applicant’s expense and retain a copy in the application file.

C. Loss of Joint Use.

1. Alternate Sites. In the event the applicant should, for reasons beyond his/her control, lose the required rights of joint use, he/she shall have 90 days to secure on-site parking to conform to the parking requirements of this code, or secure another site for joint use under the terms of this section.

2. In-Lieu Payment. In the event the applicant is unable to secure an alternate site which conforms to on-site regulations or is approved for joint use under subsection (C)(1) of this section, the applicant shall discontinue the use, or that portion of the use causing the parking deficiency, within 90 days of the loss of required parking. (Ord. 2673 § 2, 2007; Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.080 Number of spaces required.

The minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be determined in accordance with the table appended to the end of this chapter and labeled Appendix B, which is made a part of this section. (Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.090 Space dimensions.

Each regular parking space for full-sized cars shall be at least eight and one-half feet wide and 19 feet long as measured for perpendicular spaces. Spaces for compact cars shall be at least eight feet wide and 16 feet long. Spaces required to be accessible under the International Building Code shall comply with the current edition of the International Building Code adopted within BMC Title 15. (Ord. 2900 § 1 (Exh. A), 2017; Ord. 2811 § 2 (Exh. A), 2012; Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.100 Compact car spaces.

For parking lots serving nonresidential projects, 20 percent of total spaces required may be for compact cars only. For multifamily residential parking lots, one-third of the total spaces required may be for compact cars only. These spaces must be so designated. (Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

Article II. Commercial, Manufacturing and Multifamily

17.124.110 Commercial, manufacturing and multifamily requirements.

Off-street parking layout for commercial, manufacturing and multifamily (more than two units) areas, and construction and maintenance of such parking, shall be as provided in this article. (Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.115 Minimum parking requirements in the Central Business District.

A. Off-street parking requirements for customer and employee use in the Central Business District shall be suspended until such time that the city has adopted a parking plan which allows for the provision of required parking on site or in close proximity; by mutual and joint use agreements; and/or through public action such as a special assessment district. Once adopted, all businesses and residents shall be subject to the provisions of the parking plan. Current on-site parking space and recorded off-site parking fees shall be incorporated into a pro rata and equitable cost-sharing parking program.

B. In conformance with the purpose of maintaining and encouraging a pedestrian-oriented commercial environment, parking requirements for the Central Business District are to be less stringent than for other commercial areas.

C. On-Street Parking in the Central Business District.

1. On-street customer parking for commercial use is allowed on city streets except in areas specifically signed and marked to provide for orderly and safe movement and operation of automobiles.

2. The city may designate certain areas for long-term or employee parking and reserve areas near and adjacent to retail and service businesses for short-term or customer parking.

3. The city may, if necessary, establish on-street parking time limits in selected areas in the Central Business District.

D. Off-Street Residential Parking in the Central Business District.

1. Residential parking shall be provided at a rate of one space per studio or one-bedroom unit, and one and one-half spaces per two-bedroom and larger unit.

2. Residential parking for senior housing shall be provided at one-half space per studio or one-bedroom unit, and one space per two-bedroom and larger unit. Senior housing shall be limited to residence occupancy by persons 55 and older as restricted by CC&Rs. City shall be a party to CC&Rs regarding age limits to ensure the age restriction and shall have authority through CC&Rs to prevent waiving, amending or eliminating age restriction.

3. Residential parking may be reduced to a rate of 0.5 stalls for each studio unit, 0.75 stalls for each one-bedroom unit, 1.0 stall for each two- or three-bedroom unit, and 0.5 additional stalls for each bedroom over three bedrooms; provided, that a parking in-lieu fee is paid for the total number of stalls that is less than the number of stalls that would be required in subsection (D)(1) of this section (the difference). When calculating this number of stalls, the final total shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. The parking in-lieu fee shall be established by city council on a per stall basis.

4. The Central Business District off-street parking relief established above in subsection (D)(3) of this section shall result in no more than 120 parking stalls provided.

5. Parking stalls reduced through this program shall be counted at the time of determination of completeness for a site plan review application.

6. A parking in-lieu fee shall be established through the city’s unified fee schedule and will be paid at the time of building permit issuance, unless authorized elsewhere in the municipal code. (Ord. 3014 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024; Ord. 2865 § 1 (Exh. A), 2015; Ord. 2728 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009)

17.124.117 Parking requirements in the planned commercial zoning district.

A. Off-street parking spaces available shall be five spaces per 1,000 square feet of permitted use businesses or any recommendations or alterations established through site plan review for planned commercial developments.

B. Off-street parking spaces available for conditional uses and existing uses not part of a planned commercial development shall be determined by the review authority with consideration of this chapter. (Ord. 2728 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009)

17.124.120 Plans.

The party developing an off-street parking area shall submit to the director and public works director a plan of the parking area showing adjacent streets, proposed circulation of traffic, proposed drainage, lighting and landscaping, fencing and screening. The building official shall not issue a building permit or certificate of occupancy for any project for which the required off-street parking plan has not been approved. (Ord. 2728 § 2 (Exh. A), 2009; Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.130 Parking lot dimensions and layout standards.

Off-street parking layout shall be guided by the design standards approved by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and other design standards currently in use by the city. (Ord. 3014 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024; Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.140 Ingress and egress.

Ingress to and egress from the parking lot or area shall be provided at locations approved by the public works director. In no case shall improved roadways in districts other than the manufacturing district be used for backing into or out of the off-street parking area. In the manufacturing district, the public works director may approve such provisions with or without conditions if he/she determines through site plan review that the street design is adequate and safe for such maneuvering. (Ord. 2673 § 2, 2007; Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.150 Construction and design generally.

All required off-street parking areas shall be graded and surfaced to the required standards before an occupancy permit is issued. All traffic control devices such as parking strips, designated car stalls, directional arrows or signs, bull rails, curbs and other developments shall be installed and completed as shown on the approved plans. Hard-surfaced parking areas shall use paint or similar devices to delineate car stalls and direction of traffic. (Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.160 Setbacks and buffer strips.

A landscaped buffer shall be provided for parking lots serving commercial, manufacturing or multifamily uses where the property abutting or across the alley is used or zoned for low-density (single-family or duplex) residential uses only. The buffer strip must meet standards provided at BMC 17.24.100. (Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.170 Sidewalks in parking lots.

Within off-street parking lots, a sidewalk with a minimum unobstructed width of four feet adjoining the building, curbed or raised six inches above the driveway surface, shall be provided. (Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.180 Loading space requirements.

For any structure constructed or enlarged after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, an off-street loading space adjacent to the building and having access to a public street or alley must be provided. The loading space as approved by the city’s traffic engineer must be adequately designed to accommodate deliveries and/or shipments associated with the use. No part of the delivery truck or van shall extend into the public right-of-way when using the loading space. (Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

Article III. Recreation

17.124.200 Marine planned recreation zoning district exceptions.

Within the marine planned recreation district, the parking requirements within the district should be kept at the minimum necessary to serve the normal operation of approved activities. Consideration should be made of the following in determining the allowed parking:

A. Efficiency gained by the mix of uses;

B. Provision of extra parking to serve employees and peak periods in adjacent residential districts;

C. Provision of shuttle service connecting activities in this district with related parking, shopping, county park and recreation activities in the residential recreation or residential planned recreation district;

D. Preparation of a traffic/parking management plan;

E. Financial and/or operational participation with Whatcom County parks, city of Blaine, port of Bellingham and downtown Blaine businessmen in provision of a cross-water pedestrian connection;

F. Preservation of historic resources. (Ord. 2673 § 2, 2007; Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)

17.124.210 Appeals.

Appeals of a final decision shall be submitted pursuant to BMC 17.06.180, Appeals. (Ord. 2673 § 2, 2007)

Appendix B


Note: The right column indicates the number of spaces required per unit of floor area. Floor space is to be measured as gross area. Each fraction is to be counted as one space.


Number of Spaces Required

Accessory dwelling units

1 space per bedroom

Automobile sales and repair

2-1/2 per employee and a minimum of 4 spaces

Banks, business and professional offices

1 space for each 300 square feet

Medical and dental clinics

1 space for each 200 square feet plus 1 for each 2 employees

Boat moorage, boat landing (public, private or pleasure)

.39 parking spaces per moorage slip with not less than 10 percent of the total parking area to be dedicated to landscaping and the installation of trees

Bowling alleys

4 for each alley or lane plus 1 additional space for each 100 square feet of the area used for restaurant, cocktail lounge or similar use

Churches, mortuaries, funeral homes

1 for each 4 seats in chapel or nave, plus 1 for each 100 square feet of nonchapel area

Dance or exhibition halls or places of public assembly

1 per each 75 square feet

Day care or preschool

1 per employee and 1 loading or unloading zone

Food stores, markets and shopping centers with not more than 2,000 square feet

1 space for each 250 square feet

Food stores, markets and shopping centers with more than 2,000 square feet but not more than 5,000 square feet

1 space for each 300 square feet

Food stores, markets and shopping centers with more than 5,000 square feet

1 space for each 350 square feet

Hotels and motels

1 for each room or suite plus 1 for each 2 employees

Hospitals, sanitariums, convents or homes for the aged

1 for each 5 beds, and 1 for each 4 employees, plus 1 for each 6 staff physicians

Manufacturing uses, including research and testing laboratories, food-processing plants and printing and engraving, or workshops

1 for each employee on the largest shift for which the building is designed and 1 for each motor vehicle maintained on the premises

Mobile home parks

2 spaces per unit

Multifamily housing for senior citizens (age 62 or older) and/or disabled individuals where rent payments are partially or wholly paid by federal or state assistance programs for low income residents, and where the dwelling units have no more than one bedroom

One parking space for each dwelling unit

Other retail establishments, such as furniture, appliance, hardware, equipment service shops, clothing or shoe repair or service shops

1 for each 400 square feet of floor area of the building up to 2,000 square feet; 1 per each 500 square feet of floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet

Outdoor sports or parks without fixed seats

To be determined by review authority recommendation to the city council

Residential (see also multifamily housing for senior citizens)

2 per unit

Restaurants, taverns and any establishments for the sale and consumption of food, alcoholic beverages or refreshments (see also take-out food services)

1 for each 100 square feet

Retail stores except as otherwise specified herein

1 space for each 400 square feet up to 1,000 square feet; 1 space for each 500 square feet in excess of 1,000 square feet

Rooming houses and lodging houses

1 for each roomer or boarder

Schools, elementary and junior high

1 space for each teacher, employee and/or administrator

Schools, high (public, private, parochial)

1 space for each teacher, employee and/or administrator and 1 for each 10 students

Skating rinks and other commercial recreation places

1 space for each 100 square feet

Stadiums, sports arenas, auditoriums and other places of assembly with fixed seats

1 space for each 4 seats

Take-out food services, with or without seating, but without table service, where the food is intended primarily to be consumed off-premises

1 for each 100 square feet for seating area, plus 1 for each 250 square feet for take-out service area

Any use not included above

To be determined by review authority recommendation to the city council

(Ord. 2784 § 2 (Att. A), 2011; Ord. 2673 § 2, 2007; Ord. 2554 § 3, 2003)