Chapter 19.48
Airport Industrial Design Standards

19.48.010    User Guide

19.48.020    General

19.48.030    Site Planning and Design.

19.48.040    Pedestrian and Non-Motorized Circulation.

19.48.050    Vehicular Access and Parking.

19.48.060    Building Design.

19.48.070    Surface Water.

19.48.010 User Guide

This chapter establishes design standards for properties zoned Airport Industrial (AI). If you are interested in developing or making changes to property with an AI zone designation, you should read this chapter. Also, refer to BMC 19.15.070 which contains additional regulations relating to uses and other standards for AI zoned properties. [Ord. 529, 2009, Ord. 479 § 1, 2007, Ord. 396 § 1, 2003]

19.48.020 General

1. Purpose and Intent. These standards are intended to direct the design of buildings and sites within the Airport Industrial (AI) zone, in compliance with the City’s Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan. The standards will promote quality development and reinforce the opportunity for economic development in areas affected by aircraft noise from SeaTac International Airport. Allowed uses within the AI zone are intended to develop as a coordinated, well-landscaped business park, with substantial buffers along the perimeter where residential uses will continue to be allowed. The standards are not intended to slow or restrict development, but rather to add consistency and predictability to the permit review process.

2. Compliance with Design Standards. There are two types of design standards below. Mandatory standards contain the word “shall.” All other standards must be complied with, unless the project design demonstrates a better means for achieving the standard. [Ord. 529, 2009, Ord. 479 § 1, 2007, Ord. 396 § 1, 2003]

19.48.030 Site Planning and Design.

1. Coordinate proposed site development with planned development on adjacent properties.

2. Screen activities that produce glare from adjacent rights-of-way and residential uses.

3. Landscaping.

A. Landscaping should comply with BMC 19.25.

B. Landscaping along the Miller Creek Corridor shall include native plants that contribute to the overall health of the creek. There shall be an emphasis on trees and shade cover for landscaping along Miller Creek.

C. Encourage use of drought-tolerant or indigenous plants to minimize the amount of water required for irrigation.

D. Encourage use of “gray water” for irrigation.

4. Mechanical equipment. Screen mechanical equipment with landscaping or attractive architectural features integrated into the structure itself.

5. Fencing. Screen chain link fences by a Type I landscape “full screen” as described in BMC 19.25, or a dark colored coating approved by the Director.

6. Outdoor service, storage and loading areas.

A. Loading areas shall not be oriented towards or be visible from rights-of-way.

B. Locate service areas, incidental outside storage, construction storage and other areas which tend to be unsightly away from residential uses, rights-of-way and vehicular tracts and easements.

C. Screen such areas from view by either:

i. Use of building design and layout to provide the required screening, or

ii. Installation of a minimum six foot high solid fence or enclosure using materials (such as wood or concrete) in the same architectural style of the building on the property, or

iii. Installation of a minimum ten foot wide Type I landscape buffer.

7. Biofiltration swales. Integrate bio-filtration swales into the site landscape concept. The Director may waive or modify required landscaping widths, types or materials to accommodate an integrated bio-filtration swale.

8. Site lighting.

A. Provide adequate lighting levels in all areas used by pedestrians and vehicles, especially at building entrances and walkways.

B. Use light sources, lighting levels and fixture designs that minimize spillage of light off-site.

C. Direct lighting toward the interior of the project and away from rights-of-way and existing or planned residential uses. [Ord. 529, 2009, Ord. 396 § 1, 2003]

19.48.040 Pedestrian and Non-Motorized Circulation.

1. Pedestrian and non-motorized access should comply with BMC 19.20.090.

2. Provide facilities for pedestrian and non-motorized access in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and when adopted, the non-motorized pedestrian and bicycle facilities plan. Special consideration shall be given to developing a complete non-motorized network, including development of a trail system along Miller Creek and connections to such system.

3. Provide a trail along Miller Creek. The exact location, width and design of the trail should comply with the Burien Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities Plan.

4. Develop an internal circulation plan to facilitate pedestrian and non-motorized access between major project phases and adjacent developments. The City may require recording of cross-easements and/or right-of-way dedication to achieve the objective of a coordinated, internal access system within the AI zone. [Ord. 529, 2009, Ord. 396 § 1, 2003]

19.48.050 Vehicular Access and Parking.

1. Vehicular access and parking should comply with BMC 19.20 and the City of Burien’s adopted road standards (BMC 12.05).

2. Street system. Developments shall be designed to accommodate the planned internal street system shown conceptually on Figure 19.48-1.

3. Vehicle entrances and driveways.

A. Encourage shared vehicular access to reduce impervious surfaces and minimize the number of access points.

B. Limit vehicular access from the right-of-way to each property to no more than two locations. The City may allow additional access points upon review of site and traffic conditions, and on-site traffic patterns.

C. Design access points to direct traffic to a limited number of access points onto Des Moines Memorial Drive, So. 140th St. or So. 144th/So. 146th St., as shown conceptually on Figure 19.48-1.

D. Prohibit truck access onto 8th Avenue So. except for deliveries to properties accessed solely from 8th Avenue So. The City may allow truck access where necessary due to natural constraints (such as topography), or for required emergency access. [Ord. 529, 2009, Ord. 396 § 1, 2003]

19.48.060 Building Design.

1. General.

A. Design buildings to provide a sense of quality and permanence.

B. Multiple structures within a development should share common design elements.

C. Design or screen rear building elevations to avoid or substantially minimize negative visual impacts facing Des Moines Memorial Drive or 8th Ave. South.

D. Photo-simulations of the completed development as viewed from adjacent hillsides, roadways and residential areas may be required.

2. Building facade. A building facade that exceeds 100 feet in length that is visible from a right-of-way or the shared internal street system shown conceptually on Figure 19.48-1 should be treated by one or more of the following methods:

A. Facade offset or modulation. The minimum offset or modulation depth should be 3 feet; minimum length should be 8 feet, minimum height should be 8 feet. The maximum wall length without offset or modulation should be 30 feet.

B. Material, color and texture variation. Use variation in building materials, colors and/or textures to minimize the visual effect of building scale.

3. Building colors. Use natural and earth tones on the major portions of the building facade. Accent colors are permitted on the minor portions of the facade.

4. Building materials.

A. Limit the percentage of wall area covered by reflective glass. The applicant may be required to provide documentation verifying reflective characteristics of glass proposed for structures. Provide awnings or other solar shading devices as needed to minimize sunlight reflection off of the glass.

B. The following materials shall not be used in visible locations unless an exception is granted by the City based on the integration of the material into the overall design of the structure.

i. Corrugated or beveled metal siding.

ii. Vinyl or plywood siding.

iii. Corrugated fiberglass.

iv. Crushed colored rock or crushed tumbled glass.

5. Building roof treatment.

A. Design and/or screen rooftop vents, air conditioning units, mechanical, electrical and other rooftop equipment to avoid unsightly appearance as viewed from surrounding properties. The building roof design and covering/screening materials shall be described in detail, and it shall be demonstrated how these items will mitigate the visual impact of the equipment.

B. Use non-reflective roofing materials in black, natural or earth tones.

C. Encourage the use of green roof technology to minimize the need for engineered storm water controls.

6. Water conservation. Encourage use of water conserving plumbing fixtures and other building conservation measures to minimize water consumption. [Ord. 396 § 1, 2003]

19.48.070 Surface Water.

1. Review proposed developments to ensure installation of proper drainage controls to prevent significant impacts to the storm drainage system, including Miller Creek.

2. Retain or slow release site-generated runoff using detention ponds, vegetated drainage swales, etc.

3. Encourage “zero” off-site release of on-site storm drainage runoff. [Ord. 396 § 1, 2003]

Map 19.48-1 Planned Internal Streets