40.460.590    Water Quality and Quantity

A.    The location, design, construction, and management of all shoreline uses and activities shall protect the quality and quantity of surface and groundwater adjacent to the site.

B.    All shoreline development shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters 13.26A, Water Quality, 40.386, Stormwater and Erosion Control, and 40.410, Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas.

(Amended: Ord. 2015-12-12)

C.    Best management practices (BMPs) for control of erosion and sedimentation (Chapter 40.386) and for meeting water quality standards (Chapter 13.26A) shall be implemented for all shoreline development.

(Amended: Ord. 2015-12-12)

D.    Potentially harmful materials, including but not limited to oil, chemicals, tires, or hazardous materials, shall not be allowed to enter any body of water or wetland, or to be discharged onto the land. Potentially harmful materials shall be maintained in safe and leak-proof containers.

E.    Herbicides, fungicides, fertilizers, and pesticides shall not be applied within twenty-five (25) feet of a water body, except by a qualified professional in accordance with state and federal laws. Further, pesticides subject to the final ruling in Washington Toxics Coalition, et al., v. EPA shall not be applied within sixty (60) feet for ground applications or within three hundred (300) feet for aerial applications of the subject water bodies and shall be applied by a qualified professional in accordance with state and federal law.

F.    Any structure or feature in the Aquatic shoreline designation shall be constructed and/or maintained with materials that will not adversely affect water quality or aquatic plants or animals. Materials used for decking or other structural components shall be approved by applicable state agencies for contact with water to avoid discharge of pollutants.

G.    Septic systems should be located as far landward of the shoreline and floodway as possible. Where permitted, new on-site septic systems shall be located, designed, operated, and maintained to meet all applicable water quality, utility, and health standards.

(Added: Ord. 2012-07-16)