40.630.040 Collection of Impact Fee

A.    The impact fee imposed under this chapter shall be due and payable at the time of issuance of a building permit (or site plan approval when no building permit is required) for the development.*

B.    For the transportation impact fee, the developer has the option to pay in a lump sum, without interest, or by installment with reasonable interest over a period of five years. The county will require security for the obligation to pay the transportation impact fee, in the form of a recorded agreement and lien, a deed of trust, a letter of credit, or other instrument determined satisfactory by the development approval authority.

(Amended: Res. 2009-06-07; Ord. 2012-05-25)

*    Code reviser’s note: Sections 2 and 3 of Resolution 2009-06-07 provide:

    “Section 2. Developers of plats meeting the conditions in Section 1 of Resolution No. 2009-04-11, adopted on April 28th, 2009, developing in every school district except the Vancouver School District, may pay the school impact fees in accordance with Section 3 of this Resolution, instead of paying the entire recalculated school impact fees prior to the issuance of building permits as is otherwise required under CCC 40.630.040. Developers in the Vancouver School District shall pay school impact fees prior to the issuance of a building permit.

    Section 3. School impact fees may be paid in two installments, provided the developer signs and records a school impact fee assessment in a form that is acceptable to the county and school district attorneys prior to making the first installment payment. The first installment payment shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit and shall consist of no less than the school impact fee amount that was calculated at the time of preliminary plat, short plat or site plan approval. The second installment (or all installments if the parcel is sold prior to building permit issuance) shall be paid prior to transferring title to the property (at closing), as reflected in the recorded school impact fee assessment. The person signing the school impact fee assessment is ultimately responsible for ensuring the total impact fee is paid.”