Chapter 15.12


15.12.010    Definitions.

15.12.020    Recreational vehicle use as temporary living quarters on an undeveloped, or semi-developed lot—Conditions.

15.12.025    Recreational vehicle use as temporary living quarters on a developed lot—Conditions.

15.12.030    Use as living quarters during construction.

15.12.040    Violation—Penalties.

15.12.050    Temporary structure—Residence.

15.12.010 Definitions.

A.    For the uses and purposes herein, a recreational vehicle is defined as follows:

1.    Any motorized vehicle designed primarily for camping or temporary living of any kind;

2.    Any nonmotorized vehicle or trailer which has one or more wheels and which is primarily designed for camping or other temporary living;

3.    Any camper or other unit not a vehicle or trailer itself which is primarily designed to be attached to a vehicle or trailer as described above, for camping or other temporary living purposes;

4.    The above definitions shall include but not be limited to motor homes, camping trailers, tent trailers and pickup camping units, all of which may be of any size or description.

B.    “Self-contained recreational vehicle” means any recreational vehicle described in subsection (A) of this section that has both gray and black water storage tanks.

C.    Developed, semi-developed and undeveloped lots shall be defined as follows:

1.    Developed Lot. A developed lot is a lot containing a permitted dwelling (Section 17.04.175) intended for housing but excluding nonaccessory structures (Section 17.04.371) such as sheds.

2.    Undeveloped Lot. An undeveloped lot is a lot with or without improvements such as a shed, but without a permitted dwelling (Section 17.04.175).

3.    Semi-Developed Lot. An undeveloped lot with power, water and sewer, but without a permitted dwelling.

(Ord. 1121 § 1, 2024; Ord. 940 § 1 (part), 2014: Ord. 647 § 4 (part), 1998: Ord. 150 § 1, 1974)

15.12.020 Recreational vehicle use as temporary living quarters on an undeveloped, or semi-developed lot—Conditions.

Unless otherwise authorized by this code, a recreational vehicle may be parked on an undeveloped lot for a maximum of ninety cumulative days and a semi-developed lot for a maximum of one hundred-twenty cumulative days, in any one calendar year. Regardless of the number of lots owned, the maximum of ninety cumulative days for an undeveloped lot and a maximum of one hundred twenty cumulative days for a semi-developed lot applies to the total number of lots owned, not individual lots. The above-described use may occur only under the following conditions:

A.    All zoning requirements must be met, and all recreational vehicles must be placed on the lot in accordance with R-1 zoning setback standards, and waterfront setback standards, if applicable.

B.    The recreational vehicle may only be used on property owned by the operator of the recreational vehicle, or by another person if the owner of the property has given permission for such other person’s use. Use by other persons shall count against the owner’s ninety- or one-hundred-twenty-day cumulative total. The time limits authorized by this chapter may not be increased by moving the recreational vehicle to a different lot during the same calendar year. No undeveloped or semi-developed lot may be leased or rented to another person.

C.    No recreational vehicle may be used as or rented out as an accessory dwelling structure.

D.    The operator must obtain a camping permit from the police department, on-line permitting portal, or other designated city office or officer prior to each placement. The mayor is empowered to establish rules and regulations governing the issuance of such permits and to provide for a permit fee sufficient to cover estimated expenses incurred.

E.    The recreational vehicle must be self-contained or hooked up to an approved sanitary system. Porta-potties, sani-cans or buckets do not meet this requirement.

F.    The camping permit must be posted at the street property line next to the driveway.

G.    Any time a recreational vehicle is parked on a lot after ten p.m., as permitted herein, it is presumed to be used as living quarters regardless of its occupancy, and each day shall be counted toward the maximum period authorized by this chapter.

H.    Up to two recreational vehicles may be used per undeveloped or semi-developed lot. Any recreational vehicles which exceed that number may be approved at the sole discretion of the mayor or designee, on a once-a-year basis, for a maximum period of seven days, provided the excess recreational vehicles meet R-1 zoning setback standards, and waterfront setback standards, if applicable. Upon a showing of exceptional circumstances, the mayor or designee shall also be empowered to extend the term of a camping permit.

I.    Tent camping will not be allowed, except in conjunction with a self-contained recreational vehicle, or a recreational vehicle hooked up to an approved sanitary system. Tents may not exceed one hundred square feet, and only one tent per recreational vehicle shall be allowed, not to exceed two tents per lot.

J.    Up to two recreational vehicles may be placed as noted above on private real property, not owned by the city, with or without a primary structure, for use as security quarters. This placement must be in conjunction with an approved special event. The mayor or designee must approve this placement.

K.    The mayor or designee is authorized to allow the use of recreational vehicles on real property owned by the city, at his/her sole discretion.

(Ord. 1121 § 1, 2024; Ord. 1101, 2023; Ord. 940 § 1 (part), 2014: Ord. 691 § 1, 2000: Ord. 647 § 4 (part), 1998: Ord. 515 § 1, 1991; Ord. 510 § 1, 1990: Ord. 150 § 2, 1974)

15.12.025 Recreational vehicle use as temporary living quarters on a developed lot—Conditions.

The intent of this code is to manage the use of recreational vehicle camping on developed lots within the city limits zoned for residential (R-zones). Outdoor storage of recreational vehicles in association with residential use is identified in Section 17.50.200. Unless otherwise authorized by this code, a recreational vehicle may only be used as temporary living quarters on a developed lot (regardless of the number of lots owned) for a maximum of ten consecutive days and thirty cumulative days in any one calendar year. The above-described use may occur only under the following conditions:

A.    All zoning requirements must be met, and all recreational vehicles must be placed on the lot in accordance with R-1 zoning setback standards, and waterfront setback standards, if applicable.

B.    The recreational vehicle may only be used on property owned by the operator of the recreational vehicle, or by another person if the owner of the property has given written permission for such other person’s use. Use by other persons shall count against the owner’s thirty-day cumulative total. The time limits authorized by this chapter may not be increased by moving the recreational vehicle to a different lot during the same calendar year.

C.    No recreational vehicle on a developed lot may be leased or rented to another person.

D.    The operator must obtain a camping permit from the police department or other designated city officer prior to each placement. The mayor is empowered to establish rules and regulations governing the issuance of such permits and to provide for a permit fee sufficient to cover estimated expenses incurred.

E.    The recreational vehicle must be self-contained or hooked up to an approved sanitary system. Porta-potties do not meet this requirement.

F.    During the time a recreational vehicle is being occupied as temporary living quarters, the camping permit must be posted at the street property line next to the driveway.

G.    Two recreational vehicles may be used per developed lot at any one time regardless of zoning designation or multifamily complex. Additional recreational vehicles may be approved at the sole discretion of the mayor or designee, on a once-a-year basis, for a maximum period of ten days, provided the excess recreational vehicles meet R-1 zoning setback standards, and waterfront setback standards, if applicable. Upon a showing of exceptional circumstances, the mayor or designee shall also be empowered to extend the term of a camping permit.

H.    Tent camping will not be allowed, except in conjunction with a self-contained recreational vehicle, or a recreational vehicle hooked up to an approved sanitary system. Tents may not exceed one hundred square feet, and only one tent per recreational vehicle shall be allowed.

I.    A property owner may use a personal recreational vehicle on their property during emergency conditions as temporary living quarters for a maximum of thirty days without counting against the normal thirty days. All other conditions apply and a permit is required.

(Ord. 1121 § 1, 2024; Ord. 940 § 1 (part), 2014)

15.12.030 Use as living quarters during construction.

The mayor or designee shall be authorized to issue permits for the occupancy of a recreational vehicle as temporary living quarters for a period up to six months under the following conditions:

A.    All of the conditions of Section 15.12.020, not in conflict herewith, have been satisfied;

B.    The applicant has obtained an Ocean Shores building permit to construct a residence on the lot where the recreational vehicle is to be located;

C.    The intent of the permit is to allow the applicant to reside in the recreational vehicle pending the completion of his residence and no longer;

D.    Any permit granted pursuant to this section may be revoked by the mayor or designee whenever it appears that substantial progress is not being made in the construction of the residence; and

E.    Under no circumstances shall more than one permit under this section be given to any party.

(Ord. 1121 § 1, 2024; Ord. 940 § 1 (part), 2014: Ord. 647 § 4 (part), 1998: Ord. 510 § 2, 1990: Ord. 150 § 3, 1974)

15.12.040 Violation—Penalties.

Any violation of Sections 15.12.010 through 15.12.030 shall be a civil infraction. Each day the violation continues shall be a separate infraction.

A.    The first violation of Sections 15.12.010 through 15.12.030 is a Class 3 civil infraction.

B.    The second violation of Sections 15.12.010 through 15.12.030 is a Class 2 civil infraction.

C.    The third violation of Sections 15.12.010 through 15.12.030 is a Class 1 civil infraction.

D.    Any and all subsequent violations of Sections 15.12.010 through 15.12.030 shall be treated as Class B offenses as defined in Section 7.01.050 of this code.

(Ord. 1121 § 1, 2024; Ord. 940 § 1 (part), 2014: Ord. 763 § 9, 2003: Ord. 691 § 2, 2000: Ord. 647 § 4 (part), 1998: Ord. 150 § 4, 1974)

15.12.050 Temporary structure—Residence.

No structure of a temporary character, nor any trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or any other outbuilding shall be used on any lot at any time as a permanent residence, except under a temporary written permit, for more than one year when granted by the building division. (Ord. 1121 § 1, 2024; Ord. 940 § 1 (part), 2014: Ord. 647 § 4 (part), 1998: Ord. 70 § 13, 1972)