20D.120.10 Outdoor Storage.

20D.120.10-010 Purpose.

The purpose of this section is to create an attractive and economically healthy community. In Community Business and Downtown zones, the requirements are designed to create safe and attractive walkways, promote a concentrated development pattern, restrict outdoor storage to the minimum amount necessary to allow some retail flexibility, and to control uses which are typically unattractive or may create a nuisance and would discourage quality development. (Ord. 2302. Formerly 20C.20.140(05))

20D.120.10-020 Storage of Materials and Products.

Unless expressly prohibited, the outdoor storage of any material or product used in production, kept for sale on the premises or awaiting shipment, and any production waste shall be allowed only when such storage complies with the requirements set forth in the chart entitled “Requirements for Outdoor Storage.”

Requirements for Outdoor Storage 


Permitted Storage





Public Street Furniture

Sidewalk Restaurants

Seasonal Items

Special Public Event

Auto and Boat Sales Display

Per RCDG 20D.170.20


Per RCDG 20D.170.20





Bulk Storage of more than 3 days with approval by Technical Committee except Vehicle Storage in DT

Maximum height and width of four feet

Nonbulk must be stored less than 24 hours

As defined in RCDG 20D.120.10-070

May be required by Technical Committee

(nonbulk exempt)

Nonbulk Storage


Convenience Commercial Cluster

Public Street Furniture

Sidewalk Restaurants

Seasonal Items

Special Public Events




Bulk Storage of more than 3 days with approval by Technical Committee including Vehicle Storage

Maximum height 10 feet

Nonbulk must be stored less than 24 hours


Required as specified in RCDG 20D.120.10-040 and from streets and parks

(nonbulk exempt)

Nonbulk Storage

A, UR, RA, BP, OBAT, MP and I

All types

Maximum height 20 feet


Required as in RCDG 20D.120.10-040

NC and R

Recreational vehicles as provided in RCDG 20D.130.10-050, Parking and Storage of Recreational Vehicles



Required as specified in RCDG 20D.130.10-050

(Ord. 2385; Ord. 2302; Ord. 2149; Ord. 2105; Ord. 1756. Formerly 20C.20.140(10))

20D.120.10-030 Vehicle Storage.

Where permitted, the outdoor storage of automobiles, trucks, farm implements, construction and rental equipment, trailers, boats, campers, recreation vehicles, mobile homes and other vehicles for sale, rent or shipment shall comply with this section. (Formerly 20C.20.140(15))

20D.120.10-040 Screening.

Screening shall be placed on all sides of storage areas other than where a building wall would act as a screen. Screening shall be adequate to provide a solid barrier at least six feet in height. It may include fences, walls, earth berms, vegetation or other materials. (Formerly 20C.20.140(20))

20D.120.10-050 Prohibited Locations for Outdoor Storage.

Outdoor storage is prohibited as follows:

(1)    In floodways;

(2)    Lots used as home businesses;

(3)    Within waterfront building setbacks indicated in RCDG 20C.60.25, Site Requirements, and stream buffers as identified in RCDG 20D.140.20-020, Stream Buffers;

(4)    On slopes greater than 15 percent;

(5)    In all residential districts except when the items stored are customarily associated with the use of the dwelling;

(6)    In industrial and business park areas which adjoin residential districts;

(7)    In designated parking stalls;

(8)    In areas where outdoor storage or display causes traffic or pedestrian circulation problems as determined by the Code Administrator or where a minimum five-foot-width of walkway does not remain clear and free of obstructions;

(9)    Any materials that attract animals, birds or vermin; and

(10)    In fire lanes. (Ord. 1693. Formerly 20C.20.140(25))

20D.120.10-060 Exemptions.

The following are exempt from this division:

(1)    Items stored on a site during construction;

(2)    RCDG 20D.120.10-030, Vehicle Storage, does not apply to parking lots. (Formerly 20C.20.140(30))

20D.120.10-070 Standards for Outdoor Storage.

Retail items such as appliances, furniture, wood, and other nonpedestrian portable items upon approval of the Technical Committee and meeting the following criteria:

(1)    The stored materials shall have a maximum height and width of four feet;

(2)    The total area allowed for outdoor storage shall be the lesser of 10 percent of the length of the primary store front or one percent of the total square footage of said store but in any event 32 square feet may be permitted;

(3)    It can be reasonably demonstrated that storage will be attractively displayed, be located adjacent to a wall or walls and remain in the area specified for its display;

(4)    The stored materials shall not be located within the public right-of-way without the permission of the Public Works Director. (Formerly 20C.20.140(35))

20D.120.10-080 Exterior Storage in a Transition Overlay.

Standards for properties in Transition Overlay Areas can be found in Chapter 20D.230 RCDG, Transition Overlay Areas. (Ord. 2390; Ord. 2027)