Chapter 18.48


18.48.010    Intent and purpose.

18.48.020    Application.

18.48.030    General provisions.

18.48.040    Minimum parking space and lot dimensions.

18.48.050    Minimum number of spaces required.

18.48.060    Minimum loading space requirements.

18.48.070    Modified calculations for required on-site parking spaces.

18.48.080    Parking lot location, construction and design.

18.48.090    Access and driveway approach regulations from streets and alleys – Driveway entrances required – Driveway standards.

18.48.100    Parking and storage of recreational vehicles, boats and trailers on residential property.

18.48.110    Parking of commercial vehicles in residential zones.

18.48.120    Commercial storage of vehicles.


18.48.145    Repealed.

18.48.010 Intent and purpose.

The intent and purpose of these off-street parking regulations is to provide for the orderly establishment of parking opportunities within the community while maintaining the general welfare, safety and attractiveness for the residents and users of the parking facilities. For the purposes of this chapter recreational vehicle shall refer to all motor homes, campers, utility trailers, living trailers, boats and boat trailers and similar vehicles. On-street parking and the use of the public right-of-way is regulated by SMC Title 10, Vehicles and Traffic. (Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.020 Application.

A. The provision of required off-street parking spaces, covered spaces, drive-through spaces, loading spaces, handicapped-accessible spaces, bicycle spaces and parking lots constructed to the standards established by this code, except as otherwise allowed by this chapter, shall apply to the following:

1. New nonresidential land use and/or the construction of new nonresidential buildings.

2. New construction where the floor area or outdoor use area proposed for expansion of an existing nonresidential land use increases the parking demand and the required number of parking spaces.

3. A change in use of an existing residential property that results in an intensification of the land use relative to parking demand and the required number of parking spaces.

4. Establishment or construction of a new residential dwelling unit or expansion of a residential unit by more than 50 percent of the original floor area.

B. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for the use of any building or site nor a building or site improvement permit issued for the erection or alteration of any building or site unless such use or building complies with the regulations of this section. This shall not be interpreted to interfere with the continued use of a legally nonconforming site or building as provided for in this chapter.

C. Except as otherwise required by this chapter existing legal nonconforming parking facilities may remain and be maintained as established unless there is a danger to the public health, safety or welfare.

1. Except as otherwise specifically required by this chapter for legal nonconforming uses or other city permits, improvements, repair or maintenance to existing legal nonconforming parking facilities, i.e., landscaping, drainage, surface seal coat, slurry coat or asphalt overlay of existing paved portions of parking lot, and re-striping are not governed by this chapter; provided, that work neither requires nor provides for any additional access to city streets or alleys.

2. Any expansion of existing legal nonconforming parking lots shall require that the expanded portion conform to the provisions of this chapter.

3. Voluntary improvements to legal nonconforming uses and/or expansion of legal nonconforming uses shall not be required to comply with the minimum number of spaces required.

4. The application of this chapter to the expansion of spaces provided for a nonconforming use that is triggered due to a change of use shall only be to the difference between that required for the existing use and the new use.

D. Requirements for uses not specifically listed in this chapter shall be determined by the director of the department of community development, based on the requirements of comparable uses and upon the particular characteristics of the use and/or other provisions of this chapter.

E. The numbers and dimensions of parking and loading spaces required by this chapter shall be considered the minimum required, unless otherwise provided, and additional parking may be required based on the nature of the use and anticipated demand. On-street parking shall not be counted toward compliance with the minimum number of spaces required except in the town center sub-area (SMC 18.48.130). (Ord. 2011-017 § 2; Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.030 General provisions.

A. All parking spaces, loading spaces and parking lots shall be maintained and kept available for their intended use and vehicle size and shall not be discontinued, reduced, or altered in any way without approval of the department of community development and in compliance with the requirements and standards of this chapter.

B. All required guest, ADA, loading, compact, or other restricted spaces shall be designated as such and restricted to such use.

C. No repair work or servicing of vehicles shall be conducted on designated parking areas.

D. Required fractional spaces shall be counted as a space.

E. Off-street parking and parking lots constructed, even when not required by this chapter, shall be constructed and maintained in compliance with the development and use standards of this chapter.

F. No property shall be used for the sale of more than one vehicle, or the parking and/or storage of a vehicle except as in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Except as otherwise noted, all vehicles shall be provided with a parking surface in compliance with the design and development standards for parking spaces and parking lots in this chapter.

G. All parking lot construction/improvements/expansions, drainage, landscaping and striping plans of existing parking lots shall be approved by the department of community development and public works department for compliance with the requirements of this chapter and title.

H. Grading and paving of parking lots shall be in compliance with the permits and standards required in SMC Title 15, Buildings and Construction, and with the stormwater management requirements of the city of Sequim. All associated construction within a public right-of-way, including driveway approach construction and landscaping, requires the approval of an encroachment and access permit from the public works department, with associated bonding or other surety for completion of the work and compliance with all adopted traffic control and safety regulations and procedures. (Ord. 2011-017 § 1; Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.040 Minimum parking space and lot dimensions.


A. Parking Stall Size:


1. Residential

9 feet by 19 feet.

2. Commercial

9 feet by 19 feet.

3. Compact

8 feet by 15 feet.

4. *ADA Accessible

Van: 8 feet by 19 feet plus 8-foot unloading area.

Car: 8 feet by 19 feet plus 5-foot unloading area.

5. RV

10 feet by 30 feet.

6. Parallel

8 feet by 23 feet.

7. Drive-through

8 feet by 20 feet.

8. Diagonal

30, 45 and 60-degree parking space sizes are identified in SMC 18.48.040(B).

*    Dimensions may not be less than state-adopted standards. ADA spaces shall be provided at one space/25 spaces. Unloading area may be on either side of parking stall.

B. Table for standard size parking angles (does not include two-foot allowance for overhang or interlock reduction).































A = Parking angle

B = Stall width

C = Stall depth from curb to drive aisle

D = Width at curb

E = Aisle width, one-way

C. Backup space shall be 24 feet except for diagonal spaces accessed by a one-way drive aisle.

D. Drive aisles from which no parking is directly accessed shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width for two-way and 12 feet in width for one-way.

E. There shall be a two-foot overhang allowance into landscaping, hardscape buffers or sidewalk areas; provided, that the sidewalk maintains a width of no less than five feet. (Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.050 Minimum number of spaces required.

A. Off-street parking ratios expressed as the number of spaces per square feet means net square footage. Net square footage is calculated as 85 percent of the gross square footage of the structure. Public parking spaces, either on street or in public parking lots, shall not be included in parking calculations. The applicability of parking on private streets shall be determined during project approval.

B. The required number of parking spaces for each type of land use must be as stipulated below, except as the requirements may be modified or installation phased by other sections of this chapter including SMC 18.48.070, Modified calculations for required on-site parking spaces, and for uses within the town center sub-area:

1. Residential:

a. Single-family detached/attached, duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes: two spaces/unit.

b. Multifamily (five or more units): one and one-half spaces/unit.

c. Mobile home parks: two spaces/unit.

d. Group facilities: one space/three beds.

2. Commercial (except for properties located in the downtown sub-area):

a. Retail: one space/250 square feet minimum.

b. Restaurants: one space/table; plus one space/four stools; plus one space/ employee based on largest shift.

c. Bank and professional office (except medical): one space/300 square feet.

d. Medical office: one space/200 square feet.

e. Gyms/fitness centers: one space/200 square feet.

f. Health club: one space/200 square feet.

g. Hotels and motels: one space/unit plus one employee space for each employee working more than six hours per day per 10 units, plus one-half of the parking required for accessory uses by type.

h. Outdoor product display areas: one space/1,000 square feet of display or sales area. Will require temporary use permit.

i. Electric vehicle infrastructure – battery exchange station and rapid charging station only: one parking space per employee and 0.65 spaces per rapid charging station space (for customers waiting to use rapid charging station [required only if the use is the primary use on the property]).

3. Industrial:

a. Manufacturing: one space/750 square feet.

b. Warehousing: one space/1,500 square feet up to 10,000 square feet and one space/2,000 square feet over 10,000 square feet.

c. Research and development: one space/500 square feet.

d. In addition to above industrial uses, employed drivers taking vehicles off site for delivery or construction shall provide one space/driver.

e. Office space in industrial uses: one space/250 square feet.

4. Public and semi-public uses including public schools, parks and athletic facilities: While the exact number of spaces shall be determined through the special use permit process, the following minimums shall apply:

a. Hospitals and convalescent care facilities: one space/longer-term care bed and one space for each 200 square feet of outpatient area.

b. Schools: one space/classroom; plus one space/250 square feet of office area; plus one space/100 square feet of kitchen area; plus one guest space/five required spaces; plus 10 spaces/classroom for high schools and colleges.

c. Churches: one space/three seats in the largest assembly area.

d. Theaters: one space/three seats.

e. Library: one space/300 square feet.

f. Museum and art gallery: one space/500 square feet.

g. Clubs and lodges: one space/two seats.

h. Sports facilities/stadiums: one space/three seats.

i. Technical school: one space/100 square feet.

j. Auditoriums: one space/three seats.

k. Community and recreation centers: one space/200 square feet.

5. For unnamed uses, the number of spaces required may be based on a similar listed use or on a study provided by a recognized professional in the area of parking and trip demand.

6. For projects that combine a mix of uses, the requirement shall be calculated by the addition of the total required for each use area by square footage; the provisions for shared parking in this chapter may be applied.

7. Compact spaces:

a. Up to 20 percent of the number of required spaces over 20 may be compact.

b. Compact spaces shall be clearly designated. (Ord. 2021-012 § 1 (Exh. B); Ord. 2018-006 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 2014-011 § 2 (Exh. B); Ord. 2012-002 § 2 (Exh. B); Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.060 Minimum loading space requirements.

A. Size. Loading space sizes shall be dimensioned to accommodate the type of vehicle intended for use; however, the following minimums shall apply where loading spaces are required:

1. Type A Space equals 10 feet by 30 feet with 15 feet vertical clearance.

2. Type B Space equals 12 feet by 40 feet with 15 feet vertical clearance.

B. Location. Loading spaces shall be adjacent to the doors they serve and be separated from parking spaces and not interfere with parking and pedestrian circulation.

C. Numbers. In addition to the minimums listed below, each loading door shall have an associated loading space. All loading spaces shall be designated with striping.

Type of use

Floor area

Number of spaces required


0 – 10,000


10,001 – 20,000

Over 20,000

Not required

1 Type A

1 Type B


0 – 5,000

5,001 – 15,000

15,001 – 50,000

Over 50,000

1 Type A

1 Type B

2 Type B

3 Type B


As required by use permit.

(Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.070 Modified calculations for required on-site parking spaces.

In addition to the following, see SMC 18.48.080(B), Parking lot location, regarding the use of off-site parking.

A. Common Use of Facilities. Common parking areas may be shared for independent uses where the total number of spaces provided equals the sum of that required for the individual uses. Where there is assurance, such as a document recorded to run with the land, the parking will always be accessible to all parties. ADA accessible parking requirements shall be based on the total number of spaces provided.

B. Joint Use of Facilities. A minor conditional use permit may be issued for joint use of parking facilities, i.e., where the same parking spaces are used by different uses at different times, under the following conditions:

1. Up to 50 percent of the parking required for a use that normally operates in the daytime may be credited to a use that normally operates at night or vice versa.

2. Up to 100 percent of the parking required for a church or school may be credited to another use during periods when the church or school is not active.

3. The use for which the joint use is requested must be located within 600 feet of the parking facility.

4. The applicant shall provide evidence that such joint use will not create a conflict or overlapping use of the parking facility.

5. A written agreement shall be recorded with the Clallam County auditor to run with the land that ensures the parking facility will be available for as long as the joint use is required.

C. Parking Studies. An applicant may request a modification, to be allowed by the approval body, to the minimum number of parking or loading spaces required, by providing a study from a qualified professional that substantiates that parking demand can be met with a reduced requirement due to such factors as drive-by trip capture, hours of operation, or alternative transportation availability for the customer base.

D. Transit-Oriented Development. Transit-oriented developments, approved as a planned unit development, or commercial uses, approved under the provisions of a binding site plan, may propose reduced parking requirements in lieu of provisions for alternate modes of transportation. (Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.080 Parking lot location, construction and design.

A. General Criteria. All parking lots and spaces constructed shall comply with the following unless specifically altered by some other provision of the Sequim Municipal Code, design guidelines or as modified where allowed in approval of a use permit.

1. Parking lots and spaces shall be constructed of either asphalt concrete (AC) or Portland cement concrete (PCC) or low impact development strategies where feasible and practicable.

2. Comply with the city of Sequim requirements for grading, drainage and stormwater management.

3. Provide adequate directional signs.

4. Provide for safe pedestrian access to building and public sidewalks.

5. Provide for through circulation, limiting the need for backup maneuvers.

6. Drive-through queues shall be designed so that overflow will not interfere with public streets or main drive aisles in shopping centers.

7. All parking lots shall comply with Washington State regulations relative to access by persons with disabilities.

8. No parking space shall obstruct a doorway or exit from a structure.

9. Parking stalls shall be clear of all obstructions that limit the use thereof.

10. A parking space shall not be located so as to cause a visual obstruction.

11. Loading spaces shall not obstruct pedestrian or vehicle circulation.

12. Wheel stops shall be provided in the form of continuous curbs or sidewalk edges. Freestanding wheel stops shall not be permitted except with the approval of the director of the department of community development.

13. Water drainage to and from the parking lot shall not cross sidewalks.

14. Parking lots shall be designed to permit on-site turn-around and to permit vehicles to enter and exit the site in a forward motion.

15. All fire lanes, compact parking spaces, ADA accessible spaces, and loading areas and turn-around areas shall be appropriately marked.

16. Drive-Through Lanes. Drive-through queuing lanes shall accommodate a minimum of four passenger vehicles and shall not obstruct the free flow of vehicle circulation loading areas or pedestrian access. They shall be a minimum of 10 feet in width.

B. Location.

1. Required parking spaces may be located off site with concurrence of the body approving the parking lot if a document is recorded to ensure the continued availability of the spaces for the life of the use or until such time as other spaces are made available, they comply with the development standards of this code and do not reduce the required number of spaces available for the use located on the off-site property.

2. The location requirements for this section may be altered through approval of a use permit or binding site plan where the intention of the code for user convenience is met and safe and direct pedestrian pathways are provided from parking to the use.

C. Landscaping.

1. Parking spaces shall be separated from public sidewalks with landscaped planters that shall be a minimum of 10 feet when associated with a parking lot of 50 spaces or greater.

2. A minimum five-foot-wide planter or raised PCC or AC buffer shall separate parking spaces from on-site sidewalks, poles, signs, fences, and buildings.

3. For every 30 adjacent parking spaces, landscape areas shall be provided. These areas may be coordinated with parking lot illumination, stormwater conveyance areas, or other amenities.

4. Landscaped areas shall be separated from paving by a raised concrete curb. Curb cuts are permitted when associated with stormwater conveyance.

5. There shall be one tree for each 10 parking spaces in a lot.

6. Parking lot landscape areas shall comply with any adopted city landscape and irrigation regulations.

7. Separate parking lots with landscape and/or hardscape buffers from public sidewalks and buildings. Buffers should be a minimum of five feet in width. Buffers adjacent to the public right-of-way, except for alleys, shall be landscaped and have 10 feet minimum width for parking lots with more than 50 spaces.

8. Landscaping shall not exceed three feet in height within an intersection view triangle.

9. At the discretion of the director of the department of community development, incorporation of low impact development strategies may substitute for required spaces. This shall not be in lieu of required landscaping.

D. Lighting.

1. Provide adequate lighting for both vehicle and pedestrian circulation and public safety.

2. Freestanding parking lot luminaires shall be located in landscaped islands or otherwise separated from parked or moving vehicles at a maximum height of 25 feet and shall not allow direct light or glare onto adjacent properties. For those parking lots that are adjacent to residentially zoned property, the maximum height of light posts shall not exceed 18 feet.

3. Wall and canopy lighting shall be screened to keep direct light and glare from spilling off the site.

4. All lighting shall meet Washington State Energy Codes.

E. Striping.

1. Non-single-family, duplex and triplex parking spaces shall be designated by a four-inch-wide white painted stripe.

2. Directional arrows shall be provided on all drive aisles.

3. Fire lanes and no-parking areas shall be clearly designated.

F. Deviations to City of Sequim Standards for Design of Parking Facilities. Administrative approval may be given for deviations to application of the standards of this section for the expansion or improvement of existing parking lots where there is no threat to public safety. (Ord. 2012-012 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 2011-017 § 2; Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.090 Access and driveway approach regulations from streets and alleys – Driveway entrances required – Driveway standards.

The number, size, and location of driveway points of access to public streets and alleys are limited as follows:

A. General.

1. Minimum 30-foot separation from back of curb return at intersections.

2. In lieu of the standards below, major development may use divided driveways or curb returns in lieu of driveway approaches as necessary to accommodate traffic and turning movements.

3. Driveway approach must be clearly defined through use of landscaping.

4. Driveways into commercial, industrial, or multifamily residential projects must be aligned with existing or future driveways on the opposite side of the street where left turns are allowed. They may be minimally offset where no left turn conflict is created; otherwise there must be a minimum of 200 feet of separation to allow for opposing left turn lanes.

5. Service, one-way restricted, or other special situation drive approaches must be clearly designated.

B. Commercial and Industrial Developments.

1. Limit width to 30 feet or one-half width of frontage, whichever is less.

2. Use a four-foot-wide flare approach.

3. Design approach for weight of trucks.

4. Avoid cross traffic near entrance.

5. Allow vehicles to fully enter site before potential obstruction from cross traffic or backups.

6. Define location with landscaping.

7. Provide for safe pedestrian crossing of driveways.

C. Residential.

1. Single-Family/Duplex/Triplex.

a. Limit to one access frontage.

b. Limit driveway access to arterials or major collectors.

c. Maximum 20-foot width or one-half of lot width, whichever is less.

d. Use two-foot flares at approach.

2. Multifamily.

a. No access to spaces directly from street.

b. Access must be to lowest street category for corner lots.

D. Driveway Entrances Required. Where it becomes necessary for access across any sidewalk, whether existing or proposed, with any vehicle, a driveway must be constructed. Driveway aprons, where they cross public sidewalks constructed of concrete, must be constructed of concrete. Where no public sidewalks have been constructed, driveway aprons may be constructed of asphalt.

E. Driveway Standards. All driveways on public property must be cement concrete driveways as specified and approved by the city engineer in subsection D of this section. The width of driveways must be a minimum of nine feet up to a maximum of 30 feet. Existing curbs and sidewalks over which a driveway is to be placed must be neatly cut and removed. Driveways on private property must be constructed of concrete or asphalt. (Ord. 2024-023 § 1 (Exh. B); Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.100 Parking and storage of recreational vehicles, boats and trailers on residential property.

See also Chapters 10.12, 10.13 and 10.14 SMC. Noncommercial recreational vehicles, trailers and boats and trailers may be parked and stored on residential property only in conformance with the following conditions:

A. May not be utilized as a residence unless a permit has been obtained for a period of not to exceed seven calendar days. A maximum of four permits may be obtained in any calendar year.

B. In mobile home parks, planned unit developments and apartment complexes:

1. Recreational vehicles may not be parked in spaces provided for passenger vehicle parking.

2. Recreational vehicles, trailers and boats and trailers shall be parked and/or stored as provided for in the development approval of the project.

C. For single-family detached houses, duplexes and triplexes, off-street parking is allowed so long as they do not block pedestrian traffic on the sidewalks and only as set forth in this subsection.

1. Front yard: No such vehicle shall be parked in the front of a residence except in a driveway for a period not to exceed 24 hours.

2. Side yard: No such vehicle shall be parked on the side yard except on a driveway or pad, provided the recreational vehicle is not extended beyond the front of the house.

3. Rear yard: A vehicle may be parked or stored in the rear yard; provided, that it be placed on a pad and placed so as not to obstruct the sight distance in alleyways and not in the alley right-of-way. (Ord. 2005-014; Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.110 Parking of commercial vehicles in residential zones.

Commercial vehicles greater than 12,000 pounds (gross vehicle weight), other than those allowed through a home occupation permit per Chapter 18.67 SMC, may not be parked or stored in residential zones except for the period of time required to make legitimate deliveries or pickups. (Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.120 Commercial storage of vehicles.

A. Commercial vehicles shall be stored in approved designated locations and shall not obstruct the use or access to parking spaces.

B. Striping is not required in vehicle storage areas; however, required drive aisles and fire lanes must be designated and be kept clear of obstructions.

C. Alternative all-weather surfaces may be permitted for storage of nonmotorized vehicles and trailers where there is no significant danger from leakage of fuel or lubricants. (Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.130 Town center sub-area parking space requirements.

Repealed by Ord. 2018-006. (Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.131 Application (sub-area).

Repealed by Ord. 2018-006. (Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.132 Off-street parking and loading space requirements (sub-area).

Repealed by Ord. 2018-006. (Ord. 2011-017 § 2; Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.133 Use of public parking (sub-area).

Repealed by Ord. 2018-006. (Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.134 Alternative means of meeting on-site parking requirements (sub-area).

Repealed by Ord. 2018-006. (Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.135 Access and design (sub-area).

Repealed by Ord. 2018-006. (Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.140 Special assessment area for maintenance and parking development.

Repealed by Ord. 2018-006. (Ord. 2003-017 § 1)

18.48.145 Variances.

Repealed by Ord. 2018-006. (Ord. 2003-017 § 1)