Chapter 8.24


8.24.010    Underground gasoline storage required.

8.24.020    Underground tanks—Clear area requirements.

8.24.030    Elevated tanks—Permitted when.

8.24.040    Elevated tanks—Clear area and label requirements.

8.24.050    Exemptions to chapter requirements.

8.24.060    Violation—Penalty.

8.24.010 Underground gasoline storage required.

It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep or store within the county any gasoline other than in tanks, barrels, or other containers which shall be buried at least three feet under the ground, except as provided below. (Ord. 528 §1 (part), 1991: Ord. 221 § 1, 1961)

8.24.020 Underground tanks

Clear area requirements.

Any person, firm or corporation who shall maintain any underground tank shall keep and maintain the surface of the ground over and for an area extending three feet beyond the exterior boundary of the tank free from rubbish, weeds, trash or other inflammable substances. (Ord. 221 §2, 1961)

8.24.030 Elevated tanks—Permitted when.

A. This chapter shall in no case apply to the storage of any gasoline in containers of five hundred gallons or less, maintained on structures above the ground, which such structures elevate the tanks not less than three feet above the ground, and where such above storage is provided, not closer than twenty-five feet from any dwelling or other building.

B. Motor Fuels.

1. Scope. This subsection regulates the storage and dispensing of motor fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles from above ground tanks outside buildings, or as approved by the building department. All installation shall be done in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Fire Code, National Electrical Code and the National Fire Code.

2. Installation of Tanks. Tanks shall be installed in accordance with Article 79, of the Uniform Fire Code, Division V, and shall be installed in a special enclosure constructed in accordance with Section 79.902(c) or a listed approved tank enclosure or material providing fire protection of not less than two hours. The following additional criteria shall apply:

a. Guard posts or other means shall be provided to protect the area where tanks are installed. The design shall be in accordance with UFC Section 80.301(w).

b. Each tank and each special enclosure shall be surrounded by a clear space of not less than three feet to allow for maintenance and inspection.

c. Warning signs and identification signs shall be installed to clearly identify hazards. The design shall be in accordance with UFC Sections 79.108, 79.109, 79.806(c) and 79.902(h). Conspicuous signs prohibiting simultaneous tank filling and fuel dispensing shall be posted.

d. Tanks containing motor fuels shall not exceed six thousand gallons individual or eighteen thousand gallons aggregate capacity. Installations having the maximum allowable aggregate capacity shall be separate from such other installations by not less than one hundred feet.

e. Tanks shall be provided with automatic fuel shut-off devices capable of stopping the delivery of fuel at ninety percent tank capacity.

3. Installation of Dispensing Devices. Dispensing systems shall be installed in accordance with UFC Article 79, Division VII and IX, except, as follows:

a. Motor fuels shall be transferred from tanks by means of fixed pumps so designed and equipped to allow control of the flow and to prevent leakage or accidental discharge.

b. Tank and tank enclosure openings shall be through the top only. Approved anti-siphon devices shall be installed at each connection of piping to a tank when such piping extends below the level of the top of such tank.

c. Dispensing devices are allowed to be installed on the top of special enclosures.

4. Plans. Plans shall be submitted with each permit application. The plans shall include the method of:

a. Storage and dispensing quantities and the type of liquids to be stored;

b. Distances from tank dispensers to property lines, buildings, utilities (electrical, plumbing), including any site storm drains, rivers, streams, creeks and vehicle access;

c. Fire department access (twenty-foot width minimum);

d. Height restriction (thirteen and onehalf-foot clearance minimum);

e. Fire appliances;

f. Collision barriers design;

g. Construction of tanks and tank supports;

h. Seismic design of tank supports;

i. Secondary containment tank venting and secondary containment vapor-recovery provision;

j. Emergency controls;

k. Any additional information required by the building department;

1. Four sets of plans are required to be submitted for the review.

5. Permits and Inspections. A permit must be obtained from the county building department with appropriate authorization from health and fire departments. The building department review will include, but not be limited to:

The requirements for electrical, mechanical, plumbing, site plans and structural soundness of the pad (not to exceed one thousand pounds per square foot without a soil compaction report).

6. Maintenance. Tanks, special enclosures and dispensing systems shall be maintained in proper condition. Any damage shall be reported immediately to the fire department and building department. Repairs shall be made immediately with materials having equal or greater strength and fire resistance.

7. Specifications for Aboveground Fuel Storage Vaults.

a. Storage vaults shall have a steel tank and a secondary containment and be en cased in six inches of three thousand PSI reinforced concrete.

b. Steel tanks shall be manufactured in accordance with U.L. 142.

c. Steel tanks shall have a six-inch emergency vent as required by N.F.P.A. 30.

d. Steel tank openings shall be threaded, except for detector tube.

e. Steel tanks shall be rectangular in shape and have continuous welds on all sides, inside as well as outside.

f. Steel tanks shall be pressure tested at five pounds PSI for twenty-four hours.

g. Tanks shall be tested in accordance with U.L. Standard 1709 and shown to have a two-hour fire wall mandated by the Uniform Fire Code.

h. Vaults shall have capability of physical monitoring between primary and secondary containment.

i. Secondary containment shall consist of a 30 mil. polygeothermal membrane.

j. Vaults shall have the same number of openings as shown on appurtenance drawings.

k. Tanks shall have warning signs. L U.L. listed seven-gallon overfill.

m. Vaults shall be of a monolithic pour and contain no cold joints or heat sinks on bottom and sides.

n. Vaults shall be placed on six-inch-thick reinforced concrete pad.

o. Vaults shall have exterior protective epoxy coating.

p. Earthquake restraints shall be installed. (Ord. 528 §1 (part), 1991; Ord. 221 §3, 1961)

8.24.040 Elevated tanks—Clear area and label requirements.

Any person, firm or corporation maintaining an elevated tank, as provided in Section 8.24.030, shall keep and maintain an area immediately below the tank and within ten feet of the exterior boundary of the tank and elevated structure free from rubbish, weeds, trash or other inflammable substances, and shall label the tank with the word "Flammable" in letters not less than three inches in height. (Ord. 221 §4, 1961)

8.24.050 Exemptions to chapter requirements.

This chapter shall in no case apply to the storage of gasoline in containers with a capacity of five gallons or less; provided, however, that not more than one such five-gallon container shall be permitted on one lot or other premises owned by any person, group of persons, firm or corporation. (Ord. 221 §5, 1961)

8.24.060 Violation—Penalty.

It is unlawful for any person to violate any provision or to fail to comply with any of the requirements of this chapter. Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each day during any portion of which any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter is committed, continued or permitted by such person, and shall be punishable therefor as provided for in this chapter. (Ord. 221 § 6, 1961)