Chapter 10.12


10.12.010    Scope.

10.12.020    Parking during snow removal—General restrictions.

10.12.030    Montgomery Street restrictions.

10.12.040    Bear Valley community.

10.12.050    Bear Valley area highway closure and use restrictions.

10.12.060    Signs and curb markings.

10.12.070    Enforcement—Vehicle removal procedures.

10.12.080    Violation—Penalty.

10.12.010 Scope.

The purpose of this chapter is to enact regulations to protect the public health, safety and welfare concerning vehicle traffic patterns, parking, standing and loading of vehicles during snow and snow removal conditions in Alpine County. (Ord. 591 (part), 1996)

10.12.020 Parking during snow removal—General restrictions.

Except as otherwise provided in this chapter by specific designation, the parking or standing of vehicles within five feet of the edge of the roadway pavement on any county road during snow conditions and/or during snow-clearing conditions, conducted by or on behalf of the county is prohibited. “Snow conditions and/or during snow clearing conditions” shall be deemed to be ongoing whenever snow is present on the right-of-way of a county road. (Ord. 591 § 2, 1996)

10.12.030 Montgomery Street restrictions.

On Tuesday and Fridays during snow conditions and/or snow clearing conditions, the parking or standing of vehicles is prohibited on Montgomery Street in Markleeville, from the intersection of Highway 89 (Main Street) to the intersection of Laramie Street, from the hours of eight a.m. to twelve noon. (Ord. 591 § 3, 1996)

10.12.040 Bear Valley community.

(Ord. 591 § 4, 1996)

10.12.050 Bear Valley area highway closure and use restrictions.

The county director of public works is authorized, on behalf of the board of supervisors, to close portions of county highways in Bear Valley in accordance with Section 942.5 of the California Streets and Highway Code during snow conditions or snow clearing conditions. During the closure of the upper portion of Bear Valley subdivision roads for snow or snowstorm conditions, the following conditions and restrictions shall be in effect:

A. One-way traffic only is authorized on the following roads and parking lots in the following directions:

Beginning at the intersection of Bear Valley Road and Creekside Drive, then westerly and northerly on Bear Valley Road, beginning in a clockwise loop of the Bear Valley commercial area, then easterly on No Name Road, then southerly and westerly along Creekside Drive to the point of beginning.

B. Parking Lots.

1. Parking Lot A is located south of No Name Road and is east of Creekside Drive. Traffic shall be one-way entering off Creekside Drive at the north end of the lot and exiting the lot at the south end back onto Creekside Drive. Parking Lot A shall be designated for the parking of recreational vehicles (RV), buses and snowmobile trailers.

2. Parking Lot B shall be entered and exited from the southeast corner of the cul-de-sac for Eberhardt Circle. Traffic flow through this lot shall be one-way in a counterclockwise direction.

3. Parking Lot C, located between No Name Road and Quaking Aspen Road, westerly off of Bear Valley Road, shall be two-way traffic onto Bear Valley Road, as shown on Exhibit A, attached to the ordinance codified in this section and on file in the office of the county clerk.

C. Parking Restrictions. The parking or standing of vehicles shall be prohibited and/or restricted at all times as follows:

1. Prohibited on both sides of Bear Valley Road from the intersection of State Highway 4 to the lower intersection of Quaking Aspen Road and Creekside Drive;

2. Prohibited on both sides of Quaking Aspen Road from Bear Valley Road to the seasonal road closure; however, parking shall be permitted in those parking spaces provided adjacent to the Bear Valley Transportation Center;

3. Prohibited on the left (westerly) side of Bear Valley Road from the intersection of Quaking Aspen Road to the intersection of No Name Road; however, parking shall be permitted in those spaces provided adjacent to the Bear Valley Transportation Center;

4. Prohibited on the right (easterly) side of Bear Valley Road from a point one hundred feet north of the intersection of Creekside Drive, thence northerly a distance of sixty feet. Said area shall be reserved for the purpose of loading and unloading passengers or freight only for a maximum permitted time of fifteen minutes;

5. Handicap only parking is permitted on the right (easterly) side of Bear Valley Road from sixty feet south of the northerly driveway entrance to the Bear Valley Lodge northerly to said driveway;

6. Prohibited on both sides of Bear Valley Road from the intersection of No Name Road northerly to the seasonal road closure except that the parking or standing of vehicles for the sole purpose of loading or unloading passengers or freight is permitted for a maximum permitted time of fifteen minutes and with the requirement that no vehicle shall be left unattended. A twenty-foot-wide emergency travelway down the middle of the road shall be maintained at all times;

7. Prohibited on the right (easterly) side of Bear Valley Road at the intersection with No Name Road, northerly of the Bear Valley Lodge driveway entrance, continuing along the right side of Bear Valley Road and then around the corner to the right onto No Name Road a curb distance of twenty feet on No Name Road;

8. Prohibited on both sides of Eberhardt Circle, except for the northerly portion of the cul-de-sac, as shown on Exhibit A attached to the ordinance codified in this section and on file in the office of the county clerk, which shall be reserved for the “Condo Bear” permit parking only as was established by the Final Map for Bear Valley Condominium Number One recorded in Book 1 at Page 69-30 of Official Maps for Alpine County;

9. The southeasterly most one hundred feet along the edge of C Lot being adjacent to the “new” Bear Valley Transportation Center shall be restricted to the loading and unloading of passengers and freight only. The parking or standing of vehicles in this area shall be limited to fifteen minutes maximum;

10. Parallel parking only is permitted on the right (southerly) side of the No Name Road from subsection (C)(6) of this section to a point sixty feet westerly of the east entrance to the Bear Valley Commercial Center. Parking in this area shall be limited to one hour maximum between the hours of eight a.m. and eight p.m. Parking in this area shall be prohibited from two a.m. to six a.m.;

11. A curb distance of sixty feet along the south side of No Name Road and west of the east entrance to the Bear Valley Commercial Area shall be reserved for the purposes of loading and unloading commercial vehicles only which are serving the businesses in the commercial area, during the hours of eight a.m. to eight p.m. The parking or standing of other vehicles during this time is prohibited;

12. At no time, nor for any reason, may any vehicle be parked blocking or in front of the east entrance to the Bear Valley Commercial Area. This area must be kept clear for emergency access;

13. Parking on the left (northerly) side of No Name Road shall be permitted only in the diagonal parking spaces provided. Parking in these spaces shall be limited to one hour maximum between the hours of eight a.m. and eight p.m. Between eight p.m. and eight a.m. there shall be no limit;

14. Prohibited on the left (northerly) side of No Name Road from the diagonal parking spaces to the unnamed road to the “old” transportation center;

15. Diagonal parking shall be permitted on No Name Road on the right (southerly) side easterly from the east entrance to the Bear Valley Commercial Area to the area known as the “North Parking Lot.” Parking in these spaces shall be limited to one hour maximum between the hours of eight a.m. and eight p.m. Between eight p.m. and eight a.m. there shall be no limit;

16. Prohibited on the right (easterly) side of the unnamed road from No Name Road north to the “old” transportation center;

17. Prohibited on the right (easterly) side of Creekside Drive from No Name Road north to the Bear Valley School driveway, except for the parking area for the Bear Valley Water District Office. Parallel parking only is permitted on the left (westerly) side of Creekside Drive from No Name Road north to the Bear Valley School driveway. This area shall be designated for the parking of recreational vehicles (RV), buses, snowmobile trailers and vehicles over twenty-four feet in length;

18. Prohibited on the left (easterly) side of Creekside Drive, except for the Bear Valley Community Services Building parking area, from No Name Road to the South Parking Lot. Parking is permitted only on the right (westerly and northerly) side of Creekside Drive from the North Parking Lot to the South Parking Lot and shall be diagonal parking only.

D. For the purposes of this chapter, on-street parking in Bear Valley shall be divided into two distinct areas: Area No. 1 being from the south side of Eberhardt Circle at its intersection with Bear Valley Road, and thence southerly along Bear Valley Road to Creekside Drive, thence easterly on Creekside Drive to the crossing where Creekside Drive crosses over Bear Valley Creek, which is the end of Area No. 1; Area No. 2 being from the crossing of Creekside Drive over Bear Valley Creek easterly and northerly to the intersection of Creekside Drive with No Name Road, thence westerly along No Name Road to Bear Valley Road, and thence southerly along Bear Valley Road to the southerly line of Eberhardt Circle at the intersection with Bear Valley Road, being the end of Area No. 2. On-street parking is prohibited in Area No. 1 from the hours of nine a.m. to twelve noon, Tuesdays and Fridays. On-street parking is prohibited in Area No. 2 from the hours of nine a.m. to twelve noon Mondays and Thursdays.

E. Parking of vehicles is prohibited in Parking Lots A and B from nine a.m. to four p.m., Tuesdays and Fridays, and in Parking Lot C from nine a.m., Mondays and Thursdays.

F. Parking of motor vehicles in the Station House Road parking area during the winter months is restricted to residents of the Old Bear Valley Subdivision only. The parking or standing of vehicles is prohibited on Station House Road No. 185, and at its intersection with State Highway 4, from twelve noon to four p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays.

G. The county or its authorized representative may erect a semaphore(s) to indicate whether it is a snow removal day and that the conditions of this chapter will or will not be enforced. In the event that no semaphore is present, this chapter shall be in effect.

H. Parking of vehicles in excess of twenty-four feet and the parking of any type of trailer whether attached or unattached to a vehicle is restricted to that area north of No Name Road on the westerly side of Creekside Drive and in the “A” Parking Lot, specifically cleared and signed for the parking of such vehicles and as permitted in subsection (C)(17) of this section. (Ord. 672 §§ 1(A), 1(B), 2006; Ord. 611 § 1, 1998; Ord. 599 § 1, 1997; Ord. 591 § 5, 1996)

10.12.060 Signs and curb markings.

The county director of public works is authorized and directed to place signs and curb markings required by the State Vehicle Code in accordance with the terms of this chapter. (Ord. 672 § 1(C), 2006: Ord. 591 § 7, 1996)

10.12.070 Enforcement—Vehicle removal procedures.

A. Any member of the California Highway Patrol and any regularly employed and salaried deputy of the sheriff’s office in the county, or the snow control officer, will have the authority to remove, or cause to be removed, any vehicle parked or left standing in violation of this chapter, either by having the vehicle towed or by requiring the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle to move the same to the nearest available position off the roadway or to the nearest parking location.

B. Vehicles so towed away pursuant to this chapter shall be removed to the nearest facility for storage of vehicles. Vehicles removed pursuant to this chapter shall be charged such reasonable charges as may be approved by the board of supervisors from time to time by motion or resolution. (Ord. 591 § 8, 1996)

10.12.080 Violation—Penalty.

Any person violating the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of an infraction and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more than fifty dollars for a first such conviction, by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars for a second such conviction, and by a fine of not more than one hundred fifty dollars for a third such conviction. The increase maximum for a second or third such conviction may be imposed only when such second or third conviction occurs within twelve months of another such conviction or convictions, respectively. (Ord. 591 § 9, 1996)