Title 17


Division I. General Provisions

17.04    Title, Components, and Purposes

17.08    Organization, Applicability, and Interpretation

17.12    Definitions

17.16    Use Classifications

17.20    (Reserved)

Division II. Base District Regulations

17.24    Residential Districts

17.26    Mixed Use Districts

17.28    C Commercial Districts

17.32    Industrial Districts

17.36    OS Open Space District

17.40    PS Public and Semipublic District

17.44    PD Planned Development District

17.46    Repealed

17.48    Repealed

Division III. Overlay Zoning Districts

17.50    HD Hillside Development Overlay District

17.54    H Historic Overlay District

17.58    S Shoreline Protection Overlay District

17.62    NC Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District

17.64    Housing Opportunity Sites Overlay District

17.66    IS Interim Study Overlay District

17.68    MP Master Plan Overlay District

Division IV. Regulations Applying in All or Several Districts

17.70    General Regulations

17.74    Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations

17.78    Signs

17.82    Repealed

17.84    Cannabis

17.86    Wind Energy Conversion Systems

17.90    Condominium Conversions

17.94    Mobile Home Park Conversions

17.98    Nonconforming Uses and Structures

Division V. Administration

17.100    Zoning Permits – Environmental Review – Fees and Deposits

17.102    Adult Businesses: Zoning

17.104    Use Permits and Variances

17.108    Design Review

17.112    Development Plan Review

17.116    Development Agreements

17.120    Amendments

17.124    Appeals and Calls for Review

17.128    Enforcement

17.132    Reasonable Accommodation


    For statutory provisions pertaining to planning in general, see Government Code § 65000 et seq.; for provisions authorizing cities to regulate the use of land and buildings, see Government Code § 65850 et seq.

    Prior ordinance history: Prior code §1-305, Ord. 1253 M.C., Ord. 1253-A M.C., Ord. 1261 M.C., 1261-J M.C., 72-2 N.S., 73-2 N.S., 73-4 N.S., 73-11 N.S., 73-18 N.S., 74-13 N.S., 75-14 N.S., 76-12 N.S., 76-19 N.S., 76-25 N.S., 76-26 N.S., 77-6 N.S., 77-7 N.S., 77-21 N.S., 79-12 N.S., 79-13 N.S., 80-2 N.S., 80-6 N.S., 81-2 N.S., 81-4 N.S., 81-11 N.S., 82-2 N.S., 82-7 N.S., 82-10 N.S., 82-12 N.S., 82-14 N.S., 82-17 N.S., 83-6 N.S., 83-10 N.S., 85-5 N.S., 85-6 N.S., 85-7 N.S. and 85-11 N.S.