CHAPTER 12.116


12.116.010:    Intent

12.116.020:    Definitions

12.116.030:    Prohibited Signs

12.116.040:    General Regulations Regarding Signs

12.116.050:    Requirement For Permit; Exemptions

12.116.060:    Application For Permit

12.116.070:    Criteria For Review Of Application

12.116.080:    Signs In Agricultural And Residential Districts

12.116.090:    Signs In Industrial Districts

12.116.100:    Signs In Neighborhood And Highway Commercial Districts

12.116.110:    Signs In Downtown Mixed Use District

12.116.120:    Freestanding Freeway Signs

12.116.125:    Off-Site Advertising Billboard Signs

12.116.130:    Off-Site Directional Signs

12.116.140:    Temporary Subdivision Signs

12.116.150:    Temporary Construction Signs

12.116.160:    Public Interest Signs

12.116.170:    Open House Signs In Residential Districts

12.116.180:    Temporary Political Signs

12.116.190:    Gasoline Price Signs

12.116.200:    Comprehensive Signage Program

12.116.210:    Special Permits

12.116.220:    Nonconforming Signs

12.116.230:    Violations; Removal Of Illegal Signs

12.116.010 INTENT:

In order to preserve the natural beauty of the city, to maintain the orderliness of the community’s appearance, to conserve its residential character, and to protect the public safety, the location, size, illumination, and design of signs are regulated. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)

12.116.020 DEFINITIONS:

In addition to the definitions set forth in chapter 12.08, all of which are applicable herein, for the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section, unless the context or the provision clearly requires otherwise:


An on-site or off-site freestanding sign that exceeds the size limitations of a freestanding or wall sign.


A general plan for signage, as approved by the city, pertaining to all or any portion of a site and the buildings thereon, which may include, but is not limited to, the area, dimension, color, material, design, size, and illumination of all signs to be erected or installed pursuant to the sign program.


An electronic message display with either fixed or changeable display which may be changed by electronic processes or remote control, which may include words and/or pictures and composed of a series of lights, light emitting diodes (LEDs) or liquid crystal displays (LCDs) or functionally similar signs.


A sign, located on one parcel, advertising and/or directing traffic to a business located on a different parcel within the city.


A sign, the sole purpose of which is to direct the flow of traffic, indicate entrances or exits, transmit parking information or convey similar information.


The vertical distance measured from the lowest ground level directly beneath the sign to the highest point at the top of the sign. The ground level shall be either the natural grade or finished grade, whichever is lowest.


Any lettering, symbol or other thing of visual appearance primarily used for, or having the effect of attracting attention from the street, sidewalk or other outside public arena for advertising or identification purposes. A "sign" shall not mean displays of merchandise or products for sale on the premises, or ornamentation, designs, pictures, paintings or other such art forms unless the attraction, because of location, size, use or nature thereof, has the substantial effect of attracting attention for advertising or identification purposes when viewed from an outside area.


The area of the smallest rectangle drawn to include all letters, designs, frame, and structural components which are part of the sign, but excluding any supports, uprights, posts or structures by which any sign is supported unless such supports, uprights, posts or structures are designed in such a manner as to form an integral background of the sign. In computing the area of a double-faced sign, only one face of the sign shall be included; provided, that the two (2) faces shall be approximately the same size and approximately parallel to each other and not more than two feet (2’) apart at any point.


A sign supported by one or more upright poles, columns, or braces placed in or on the ground and not attached to any building or structure.


A sign, the sole purpose of which is to identify the site or the building, use or persons occupying the site on which the sign is located.


A sign having its own immediate source of internal or external lighting.

Externally Illuminated Sign:

A sign with an immediate source of illumination that is not completely enclosed by any portion of the sign.

Internally Illuminated Sign:

A sign with an immediate source of illumination that is completely enclosed by the surface of the sign structure or the characters of the sign.


An off-site portable sign directing prospective purchasers to the location of a single-family dwelling being offered for sale and open for visitation by the public at the time the sign is displayed.


A sign that is mounted on a freestanding pole or other support so that the bottom edge of the sign face is six feet (6’) or more above grade.


A temporary sign that directly relates to a candidate for public office or to a ballot issue, in an election conducted by a governmental entity.


Any sign which is intended to be moved or capable of being moved, whether or not on wheels or other special supports, including, but not limited to, "A-frame" type signs, placards and banners.


A temporary sign advertising the sale, lease or rental of the real property, or any portion thereof, upon which the sign is located and the identification of the person handling such sale, lease or rental.


A temporary sign pertaining to events of civic, community, philanthropic, educational or religious organizations, which are not conducted in connection with the operation of a commercial enterprise.


A temporary sign advertising a subdivision and providing travel directions to single-family dwellings therein offered for sale or lease for the first time. The term "subdivision sign" also includes a model home sign on the site of a single-family dwelling within the subdivision.


A sign fastened to or painted on the wall of a building or structure in such a manner that the wall becomes the supporting structure for, or forms the background surface of, the sign and which does not project more than twelve inches (12") from such a building or structure.


A sign that is applied or attached to the exterior or interior of a window or located in such a manner within a building that it can be seen from the exterior of the structure through a window.

(Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


The following signs are prohibited:

A.    Reflective, flashing or moving signs, except for signs subject to section 12.116.125 or public service time and temperature signs which shall not be flashing, animated or revolving in nature.

B.    Portable signs, except for open house signs, political signs, and special event signs that comply with the regulations of this section.

C.    Streamers, banners, balloons, flares, flags, pennants, twirlers and similar attention-getting devices, with the exception of the following:

1.    National, state and local governmental flags properly displayed upon flagpoles.

2.    One corporate flag displayed upon a single flagpole.

3.    Grand opening and special event displays which comply with the regulations of this section.

4.    One decorative flag per residence.

D.    Any sign affixed or attached to any vehicle or trailer, unless the vehicle or trailer is intended to be used in its normal business capacity and not for the primary purpose of advertising a use or event or attracting persons to a place of business.

E.    Signs or sign structures which by color, wording or location resemble or conflict with traffic control signs or devices.

F.    Signs that create a safety hazard by obstructing the clear view or safe movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.

G.    Signs that obstruct any door, window, fire escape or other emergency exit of any building.

H.    Posters, placards, announcements, advertising and similar signs that are erected on any fence, pole, tree, pavement, wall, bus stop, bench, or any other object in or upon a public highway, public street or public right-of-way, excepting notices posted by a public officer in the performance of a public duty, or by any person for the purpose of giving legal notice, and warning or informational signs required or authorized by governmental regulations.

I.    Billboards, excepting those that may be approved subject to sections 12.116.120 and 12.116.125.

J.    Window signs, except as provided in section 12.116.050B11, or approved as part of a sign permit pursuant to section 12.116.060. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


A.    Compliance With Section: No sign shall be erected, installed, altered, or maintained in any zoning district in the city, including public and private streets therein, except in conformity with provisions of this section.

B.    Compliance With District Regulations: All signs shall comply with the particular regulations of the district in which they are located. Additional sign height may be allowed subject to review and approval of a conditional use permit.

C.    Compatibility With Surroundings: The design, color, and location of each sign shall be compatible with the architecture of the buildings on the premises, and in harmony with the structures and other improvements on the property or in the vicinity or neighborhood where sign compatibility is a policy decision.

D.    Site Restriction: All signs shall be located on the same site as the use they identify or advertise, except off-site directional signs as described in section 12.116.130, temporary subdivision signs as described in section 12.116.140, public interest signs as described in section 12.116.160, open house signs as described in section 12.116.170, temporary political signs as described in section 12.116.180, and off-site advertising billboard signs in section 12.116.125.

E.    Sign Projection: No sign shall extend above the ridgeline of a building, nor project more than thirty inches (30") from the outside wall of a building, nor more than twelve inches (12") over any street or alley. The projection is measured on a line perpendicular to the wall. All projecting signs that project over a walkway or public right-of-way shall have a clearance of nine feet (9’) above grade. Off-site advertising billboard signs as described in section 12.116.125, not attached to a building, shall be exempt to this provision.

F.    Illumination Generally: Light produced by an off-site advertising sign should not exceed 0.3 footcandles over ambient light levels. Measurement should be taken utilizing a footcandle meter from two hundred fifty feet (250’) perpendicular to the face of the digital sign.

G.    Illumination Near Residential Districts: Illuminated signs with a brightness more than thirty (30) foot-lamberts shall not be erected nearer than fifty feet (50’) from any point in a residential district unless the face of the sign is not visible from the residential district.

H.    Size Of Letters: Unless otherwise prescribed in this chapter, no sign shall have letters greater in size than eighteen inches (18") in any dimension, except that in the I district, letters of sixty inches (60") may be permitted. Off-site advertising billboard signs are exempt from this provision.

I.    Backs And Supports: The backs and supports of all signs shall be subdued.

J.    Construction Standards: All signs shall be constructed in such a manner as to protect the public safety. Construction standards shall be as set forth in the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the city.

K.    Freestanding Signs: Except as otherwise expressly provided in this section, all signs shall be affixed to the building or structure, the use of which is being advertised or identified, and shall not be freestanding. Where freestanding signs are allowed, freestanding signs shall not exceed ten feet (10’) in height except for off-site advertising billboards and as otherwise provided in this chapter.

L.    Roof Signs: Roof signs must:

1.    Be erected only on a roof whose pitch is at least one vertical to four (4) horizontal.

2.    Have a face no more than two feet (2’) measured vertically.

3.    Be located so the face is parallel to the eaves in front of the sign.

4.    Be set no more than eight inches (8") above the roof.

5.    Be designed and erected so that no part of its face is higher than either the peak or an elevation five feet (5’) above the eaves in front of the sign.

6.    Have architecture and site approval by the planning director.

M.    Signs Suspended From Marquee: All signs suspended from a single marquee shall be uniform in size, shape, placement, and background color. Such signs shall have a clearance of at least eight feet (8’) above grade.

N.    Multiple Uses On Same Site: Where more than one use is lawfully being conducted upon the same site, the total signage for each separate use shall not exceed the sign area for such use as prescribed in this chapter. No sign area may be increased by reason of there being no signage or reduced signage for another use upon the same site.

O.    Reduction Of Sign Area: The regulations concerning sign area, as set forth in this chapter, represent the maximum size that may be permitted but do not confer upon any person the right to erect, install, or maintain a sign or signs having such maximum area. As a condition for the granting of any sign permit hereunder, the approving authority may require that the size of the sign be reduced below the maximum sign area set forth herein, based upon a finding that such reduction is necessary to satisfy the criteria set forth in section 12.116.070. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


A.    Permit Required: No person shall place, erect, install, or maintain any sign in the city without first obtaining a sign permit pursuant to this chapter, unless such sign is exempted under the provisions listed in subsection B of this section.

B.    Exemptions: Except in the case of illuminated signs or any signs that are subject to approval by the city under the terms of any sign program or as a condition of any building site approval, use permit, variance or other approval granted by the city, the following signs shall be exempted from the requirement of a permit:

1.    One identification sign, not exceeding ten (10) square feet in area, which is not freestanding.

2.    Not more than two (2) on-site directional signs upon a single site, each sign not exceeding three (3) square feet in area and five feet (5’) in height. Such signs may be freestanding.

3.    One national, state and local governmental flag properly displayed upon a single flagpole.

4.    Holiday decorations, in season.

5.    Open house signs that comply with the requirements of section 12.116.170.

6.    Political signs that comply with the requirements of section 12.116.180.

7.    One real estate sign, not exceeding six (6) square feet in area if located in an R-1 or R-2 district, and not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area if located in an HC, NC, MU or I district. The sign may be freestanding, but in such an event it shall not exceed four feet (4’) in height.

8.    One bulletin board, not exceeding twenty (20) square feet in area and not more than ten feet (10’) in height, on the site of a school or religious institution.

9.    Official traffic, fire, and police related signs, temporary traffic control signs used during construction, utility location and identification signs and markers required to protect such facilities, and any signs required by the city or any other public authority to be erected, installed or maintained.

10.    Notices required to be posted by law.

11.    Window signs of a temporary character presenting promotional materials such as price specials, specific merchandise or food items for sale, brand names and logos and other product information, that do not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the visible area of a window and which conform to the following standards:

a.    Window signs shall be grouped in a portion of the window so as to maintain a rectangular area of the window equal to seventy five percent (75%) of the total window area free of any such signs.

b.    Window signs shall be maintained in a clean, attractive manner. Faded, outdated, or obsolete advertising material, and unnecessary tape or adhesives should be promptly removed.

c.    Window signs shall not obstruct visibility into the store or office from the public street or sidewalk and shall be arranged so as to provide for reasonable public safety.

12.    Informational signs placed upon an entrance door or window adjacent to an entrance, of not more than two hundred eighty eight (288) square inches of decal application lettering, not to exceed four inches (4") in height, indicating hours of business, emergency telephone and other necessary information. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


A.    Action By City: Application for a sign permit hereunder shall be made to the planning director on such form as he/she may prescribe.

1.    Approval Of Sign Permits By Planning Commission: The planning commission shall consider and approve the following sign permits:

a.    Freestanding freeway signs per sections 12.116.120 and 12.116.125.

b.    Off-site directional and advertising signs per sections 12.116.125 and 12.116.130.

c.    Comprehensive signage programs per section 12.116.200.

d.    Special permits per section 12.116.210 when referred by the planning director.

e.    Any other sign applications determined by the planning director to be appropriate for planning commission consideration.

2.    Approval Of Sign Permit By Planning Director: The planning director shall consider and approve the following sign permits:

a.    Signs for a single business or several businesses in a single building.

b.    Replacement of an existing sign with a new sign or new sign copy in an existing frame or signboard.

c.    Signs or sign changes that are consistent with a comprehensive sign program previously approved by the city.

d.    Temporary real estate, construction, subdivision, special event or grand opening sign or a directional sign.

e.    Other sign approvals not reserved for the planning commission.

B.    Information Required: The application shall contain the following information:

1.    The location and size of any existing or proposed buildings and structures on the site.

2.    The location of off-street parking and loading spaces, including major points of entry and exit for motor vehicles, where on-site directional signs are proposed.

3.    The location of the proposed sign and its relationship on the site.

4.    A scale drawing showing the size, height, dimensions and content of the proposed sign or sign structure and also indicating the colors and materials thereof.

5.    The location and size of all other existing signs on the site.

6.    If the sign is to be illuminated, the method, source and intensity of illumination.

7.    Such other information as the planning director or the planning commission may require in order to determine whether the proposed sign will comply with the regulations and standards contained in this chapter. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


The following criteria shall be applied in reviewing applications for sign permits hereunder:

A.    That the sign complies with the regulations of this chapter and the regulations of the district in which it will be located;

B.    That the size, shape, color, illumination, placement and material of the sign is compatible with the building it identifies and with the visual characteristics of the neighborhood and other lawful signs in the area;

C.    That the location and design of the sign does not obscure from view or unduly detract from existing adjacent signs; and

D.    That the location and design of a sign in close proximity to any residential district will not adversely affect the quality or character of such residential area. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


No sign of any character shall be permitted in an A, R-1, or R-2 district except the following:

A.    An identification sign, not exceeding twenty four (24) square feet in area, on the site of a public building or grounds, a community facility, an institutional facility or a religious institution. Such signs may be freestanding.

B.    A bulletin board, not exceeding twenty (20) square feet in area and ten feet (10’) in height, on the site of a school or religious institution. Such bulletin board may be freestanding.

C.    An identification sign, not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in area, on the site of a multi-family dwelling. Such sign may be freestanding.

D.    A nameplate, not exceeding one square foot in area, pertaining to a home occupation.

E.    A nonilluminated real estate sign, not exceeding six (6) square feet in area. The sign may be freestanding, but in such event shall not exceed four feet (4’) in height.

F.    A permanent sign, not exceeding twenty four (24) square feet in area, identifying a subdivision, located adjoining each entrance to a subdivision.

G.    Temporary subdivision signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.140.

H.    Temporary construction signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.150.

I.    Public interest signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.160.

J.    Open house signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.170.

K.    Temporary political signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.180. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


No sign of any character shall be permitted in an I district, except the following:

A.    Identification Signs Placed Upon Or Attached To Buildings: Identification signs that comply with any one of the following standards:

1.    Allowed sign area shall be computed at one square foot of sign area for each linear foot of building frontage on a public street subject to the additional limitations below. Buildings on corner lots may count the building frontage on the street upon which the building faces and the building frontage on one side street.

Maximum sign area of any signs on the principal frontage of the building and/or on a side street frontage shall not exceed one square foot of sign area per each linear foot of building frontage, or two hundred (200) square feet, whichever is less.

2.    Any building, regardless of the length of frontage may have a sign of fifty (50) square feet in order to ensure effective identification.

3.    Where more than one business occupies a building, the maximum available sign area shall be distributed between the several tenants based upon their proportion of the building frontage, subject to the limitations on overall signage area stated above.

4.    No sign placed upon any building frontage may exceed seventy five percent (75%) of the width of the elevation, nor be placed closer than two feet (2’) to the top of a parapet, or lowest portion of a roof structure.

B.    On-Site Directional Signs: On-site directional signs, each not exceeding three (3) square feet in area and five feet (5’) in height. Such signs may be freestanding. If more than two (2) directional signs are proposed, the number and location of such signs shall be subject to approval by the planning director.

C.    Identification Signs On The Site Of Public Building: An identification sign, not exceeding twenty four (24) square feet in area, on the site of a public building or grounds, a community facility, an institutional facility, or a religious institution. Such sign may be freestanding.

D.    Multiple Buildings On A Single Site: Where multiple buildings are located upon a single site which is three (3) acres or greater in size, either or both of the following signs may be allowed in addition to all other signs permitted under this section:

1.    A freestanding site identification sign, not exceeding thirty (30) square feet in area and four feet (4’) in height.

2.    An identification sign for each building on the site, indicating the location of a building and/or identifying the occupants or use thereof, each sign not exceeding six (6) square feet in area. The signs may be freestanding, but in such event shall not exceed five feet (5’) in height. The planning commission shall have authority to modify the regulations contained in this subsection with respect to the number, size, and height of identification signs, through the granting of a use permit pursuant to chapter 12.28.

E.    Unlighted Real Estate Sign: An unlighted real estate sign, not exceeding twenty four (24) square feet in area. The sign may be freestanding, but in such event shall not exceed eight feet (8’) in height, as measured from the top of the curb line, or the pavement surface where no curb exists, of the nearest street adjacent to the sign.

F.    Temporary Construction Signs: Temporary construction signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.150.

G.    Public Interest Signs: Public interest signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.160.

H.    Temporary Political Signs: Temporary political signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.180.

I.    Gasoline Price Signs: Gasoline price signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.190.

J.    Off-Site Directional Signs: Off-site directional signs, subject to the regulations prescribed above.

K.    On-Site Advertising Signs: On-site advertising signs, subject to the regulations in section 12.116.125.

(Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


No sign of any character shall be permitted in an NC or HC district except the following:

A.    Identification Signs: Identification signs that comply with any one of the following standards:

1.    For corner lots, one-half (1/2) square foot of area for each foot of width of the front elevation of the building and side elevation of the street side of a corner lot; or

2.    One-fourth (1/4) square foot of area for each foot of street frontage of the site; or

3.    One-half (1/2) square foot of area for each foot of store frontage. The term "store frontage," as used herein, means that side or those sides of the building where the main entrance to each business establishment conducted therein is located. For the purposes of computing sign area hereunder, no single business establishment may have a main entrance on more than one side of the same building. In no event shall the aggregate area of all identification signs upon a site exceed forty (40) square feet for each use upon such site.

B.    On-Site Directional Signs: On-site directional signs, each not exceeding three (3) square feet in area and five feet (5’) in height. Such signs may be freestanding. If more than two (2) directional signs are proposed, the number and location of such signs shall be subject to approval by the planning director.

C.    Freestanding Identification Signs: A freestanding identification sign for a site containing five (5) or more separate uses, not exceeding forty (40) square feet in area. Such sign may be in addition to all other signs permitted under this section.

D.    Bulletin Boards: A bulletin board, not exceeding twenty (20) square feet in area and ten feet (10’) in height, on the site of a religious institution. Such bulletin boards may be freestanding.

E.    Identification Signs For Multi-Family Dwellings, Motels: An identification sign, not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in area, under the following circumstances:

1.    On the site of a multi-family dwelling, motel, or hotel, such sign may be freestanding. Signage for the uses referred to herein shall be regulated by this subsection and not subsection A of this section.

2.    On the site of a building that is set back from the street and whose building frontage is so blocked by surrounding physical features as determined by the planning director that building signs would not be visible in the same manner as other buildings in the two (2) districts. Such sign may be freestanding but shall not be any taller than seven feet (7’) high, and shall be regulated by this subsection as to all other standards.

F.    Real Estate Signs: An unlighted real estate sign, not exceeding twenty four (24) square feet in area. The sign may be freestanding, but in such event shall not exceed four feet (4’) in height.

G.    Temporary Construction Signs: Temporary construction signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.150.

H.    Public Interest Signs: Public interest signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.160.

I.    Temporary Political Signs: Temporary political signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.180.

J.    Gasoline Price Signs: Gasoline price signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.190.

K.    Special Event Signs: Special event signs, not exceeding ten (10) square feet in area, may be permitted, provided such signs are posted for not more than thirty (30) days prior to the event and are removed within two (2) days after such event.

L.    Temporary Grand Opening Signs, Banners: Temporary grand opening signs or banners, not exceeding twenty (20) square feet in area, may be permitted to announce the commencement of a new business establishment. Such signs shall not be displayed more than thirty (30) days.

M.    Temporary Signs Advertising Special Promotions: Temporary signs or banners advertising special promotions or sales may be permitted, subject to approval by the planning director, as follows:

1.    Size: The maximum size of a temporary sign or banner is forty (40) square feet.

2.    Location: Temporary signs or banners shall be affixed to a principal building and shall not project above the roofline of the building.

3.    Duration: Temporary signs or banners may be displayed for a maximum of forty two (42) days within a six (6) month period.

4.    Permit Required: An administrative permit (and accompanying fee) shall be required prior to the installation and/or display of a temporary sign or banner. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


No sign of any character shall be permitted in the MU district except the following. In addition, such signs shall conform to standards in the Gonzales downtown revitalization plan.

A.    Identification Signs Placed Upon Or Attached To Buildings: Identification signs that comply with any one of the following standards:

1.    Allowed sign area shall be computed at one square foot of sign area for each linear foot of building frontage on a public street or alley subject to the additional limitations below. Buildings on corner lots or abutting a public alley may count the building frontage on the street upon which the building faces and the building frontage on one side street or upon the alley.

2.    Maximum combined area of all signs on a building shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet, regardless of the length of combined frontages.

Maximum sign area of all signs on the principal frontage of the building shall not exceed one square foot of sign area per each linear foot of building frontage, or fifty (50) square feet whichever is less. Any unused available sign area may be applied to the side street or alley frontage, or rear entry of the building subject to the limitations above.

3.    Any building, regardless of the length of frontage may have a sign of twenty (20) square feet in order to ensure effective identification.

4.    Where more than one tenant store or office occupies a building, maximum available sign area shall be distributed between the several tenants based upon their proportion of the building frontage, subject to the limitations on overall signage area stated above.

5.    No sign placed upon any building frontage may exceed seventy five percent (75%) of the width of the elevation, nor be placed closer than two feet (2’) to the top of a parapet, or lowest portion of a roof structure.

B.    On-Site Directional Signs: On-site directional signs, each not exceeding three (3) square feet in area and five feet (5’) in height. Such signs may be freestanding. If more than two (2) directional signs are proposed, the number and location of such signs shall be subject to approval by the planning director.

C.    Freestanding Identification Signs: A freestanding identification sign for a site containing five (5) or more separate uses, not exceeding forty (40) square feet in area. Such sign may be in addition to all other signs permitted under this section.

D.    Bulletin Boards: A bulletin board, not exceeding twenty (20) square feet in area and ten feet (10’) in height, on the site of a religious institution. Such bulletin boards may be freestanding.

E.    Identification Signs For Multi-Family Dwellings, Motels: An identification sign, not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in area, under the following circumstances:

1.    On the site of a multi-family dwelling, motel, or hotel, such sign may be freestanding. Signage for the uses referred to herein shall be regulated by this subsection and not subsection A of this section.

2.    On the site of a building that is set back from the street and whose building frontage is so blocked by surrounding physical features as determined by the planning director that building signs would not be visible in the same manner as other buildings in this district. Such a sign may be freestanding but shall not be any taller than seven feet (7’) high and shall be regulated by this subsection as to all other standards.

F.    Real Estate Signs: An unlighted real estate sign, not exceeding twenty four (24) square feet in area. The sign may be freestanding, but in such an event it shall not exceed four feet (4’) in height.

G.    Temporary Construction Signs: Temporary construction signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.150.

H.    Public Interest Signs: Public interest signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.160.

I.    Temporary Political Signs: Temporary political signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.180.

J.    Gasoline Price Signs: Gasoline price signs, subject to the regulations prescribed in section 12.116.190.

K.    Special Event Signs: Special event signs, not exceeding ten (10) square feet in area, may be permitted, provided such signs are posted for not more than thirty (30) days prior to the event and are removed within two (2) days after such an event.

L.    Temporary Grand Opening Signs, Banners: Temporary grand opening signs or banners, not exceeding twenty (20) square feet in area, may be permitted to announce the commencement of a new business establishment. Such signs shall not be displayed for more than thirty (30) days.

M.    Temporary Signs Advertising Special Promotions: Temporary signs or banners advertising special promotions or sales may be permitted, subject to approval by the planning director, as follows:

1.    Size: The maximum size of a temporary sign or banner is forty (40) square feet.

2.    Location: Temporary signs or banners shall be affixed to a principal building and shall not project above the roofline of the building.

3.    Duration: Temporary signs or banners may be displayed for a maximum of forty two (42) days within a six (6) month period.

4.    Permit Required: An administrative permit (and accompanying fee) shall be required prior to the installation and/or display of a temporary sign or banner. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


Within any nonresidential district, the following freestanding freeway signs are permitted and associated standards shall apply:

A.    Single Use Signs: Single use signs that do not exceed seventy two (72) square feet in area and thirty five feet (35’) in height.

B.    Shared Use Signs: Unless an off-site advertising sign subject to section 12.116.125, and under lease agreement with the City of Gonzales, shared use signs that advertise more than one business and that are within one hundred feet (100’) of Highway 101 may have the following dimensions in order to be more visible from the freeway:

1.    Height: Fifty feet (50’) for a sign of two (2) or more businesses.

2.    Area: A maximum of seventy two (72) square feet per business. All businesses advertising on one sign, combined together, may have up to two hundred eighty (280) square feet of business message sign area. No more than six (6) businesses may advertise or be identified on a single sign. In addition, up to ninety (90) square feet of sign area may be allowed for a shopping center to identify the name of the center as a whole.

3.    Eligibility: Such sign poles or pylons may only advertise businesses which are either freeway dependent such as restaurants and motels and that are on properties that are located within two hundred feet (200’) of Highway 101 right-of-way; or businesses which contain at least fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet under one roof and are located on properties zoned HC or I.

4.    Location:

a.    On-Site Signs: One pole or pylon sign per two hundred (200) square feet of property frontage for a project or development that is located in an HC district, adjacent to Highway 101.

b.    Off-Site Signs: Are not allowed except as outlined in section 12.116.125.

5.    Use Of Existing Off-Site Pole Or Pylon Shared Use Signs: A new pole or pylon sign shall only be approved when the planning director determines that no pole or pylon sign exists that could reasonably advertise the uses in that new project. The determination of reasonableness shall include the following factors:

a.    No sign exists on the same side of Highway 101 and in the vicinity of the new project that could advertise all eligible uses within the new project in addition to the existing message(s) on the sign and still adhere to the provisions of this section; and

b.    If a project or development has an off-site pole or pylon sign, businesses within that project or development may only advertise on that off-site sign;

c.    The only existing sign or signs suffer from age and economic obsolescence so that the sign or signs do not offer an equal advertising opportunity for new sign messages.

6.    All new pole or pylon signs approved pursuant to the provisions of this section shall provide for the identification of future eligible off-site businesses unless it is determined by the planning director that:

a.    There is no future need for pole or pylon signage in the vicinity;

b.    The capacity of the new sign for identification of future uses would be inadequate for any projected future off-site businesses in the vicinity; or

c.    Future businesses would not be compatible with the businesses to be advertised on the new sign.

7.    The owner of new signs that provide for identification of future businesses shall covenant with the city to develop and to offer additional panels on the sign to other eligible businesses pursuant to this section, for the purpose of establishing a shared use sign. The owner of a new pole or pylon sign may charge a proportional share of the cost of installing and maintaining the sign to any business that subsequently shares the sign. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


A.    Off-site advertising billboard signs are permitted in the industrial district only in areas visible to Highway 101 travelers, and the following standards shall apply:

1.    No new permitted off-site advertising sign may be less than three thousand feet (3,000’) from an existing permitted off-site advertising sign.

2.    New off-site advertising signs will only be allowed on property zoned industrial.

3.    No new outdoor advertising structure shall be less than five hundred feet (500’) from any existing church, park or school.

4.    Only highway facing signs will be allowed.

5.    Digital or static display is allowed.

6.    Overall height from grade must be seventy feet (70’) or less.

7.    Display sign area may be no more than six hundred seventy two (672) square feet, per face side.

8.    Digital displays shall not rotate copy more frequently than every six (6) seconds.

9.    Sign structure and final architectural design must be approved by the city planning department, and consistent with the recommendations of a design review process.

10.    Development agreement, lease agreement or other agreement with the city of Gonzales.

a.    The operations and city conditions for the use and utility of the advertising display shall be included as part of a development agreement, lease agreement or other agreement with the city of Gonzales city council.

b.    The agreement must include revenue provisions to the city that allow the city to undertake projects, programs or other activities funded by the city. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


A conditional use permit is required for all off-site directional signs. Such signs may not exceed seventy two (72) square feet in area or eight feet (8’) in height. Off-site directional signs shall be architecturally designed to complement the surroundings and reduce any potential negative visual impact that may result from erection of the sign to the greatest extent feasible. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


In an A, R-1 and R-2 district, temporary freestanding subdivision signs shall be permitted, provided they conform to the following regulations:

A.    On-Tract Signs: One sign, not exceeding twenty four (24) square feet in area, advertising a subdivision, may be erected or displayed adjoining each street on which the subdivision abuts and adjoining each entrance to the subdivision.

B.    Model Home Signs: One sign, not exceeding six (6) square feet in area, advertising a model home, may be erected or displayed on the site of each model home in a subdivision.

C.    Off-Tract Directional Signs: Not more than two (2) directional signs, each facing a different direction and each not exceeding eighteen inches by thirty inches (18" × 30") in size, may be erected or displayed adjoining the intersections of streets leading to a subdivision.

D.    Issuance, Duration And Renewal Of Sign Permit: A sign permit for temporary subdivision signs may be issued at any time after recordation of the final subdivision map, and shall be for a term not exceeding one year. The signs shall then be removed unless, prior to the expiration of one year, renewal of the permit for a period of not more than one additional year may be approved by the planning director. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


A temporary construction sign may be permitted in any district so long as it conforms to the following regulations:

A.    The sign shall be located on the same site as the construction project. A freestanding sign may be permitted.

B.    No more than one sign having an area not exceeding fifteen (15) square feet may be erected or displayed on the site. Where the development consists of a residential subdivision where a temporary construction sign is permitted, then no temporary construction sign shall be permitted.

C.    The sign permit may be issued at any time on or after issuance of the building permit for the building or structure in question. The sign permit shall expire six (6) months following the date on which such permit was issued or upon the sooner completion of construction. The sign shall be removed on expiration of the permit unless prior to expiration the sign permit is renewed on approval of the planning director, which renewal shall in no event be for a period in excess of an additional six (6) months. The sign permit shall not thereafter be further renewed. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


A.    Both on-site and off-site directional and identification signs shall be permitted in any zoning district to advertise, identify or direct persons to public and quasi-public areas, centers and institutions, and such other areas, whether natural or artificial, which, in the opinion of the planning commission, are points of general public interest.

B.    This section shall apply to multiple signs on a single structure advertising service clubs and the chamber of commerce, but the same shall be limited to one such sign structure adjacent to an arterial street at each entrance to the city, and the total area of the sign structure shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


A.    Restrictions: Unlighted open house signs are permitted in any zoning district, subject to the following restrictions:

1.    There shall be no more than one open house sign oriented in the same direction at any intersection.

2.    The open house sign shall not exceed four (4) square feet of area and four feet (4’) in height, and shall be fixed to a single pole of wood or metal material, or shall be an "A" frame, freestanding sign.

3.    No open house signs shall be located in medians.

4.    No open house sign shall be placed upon any public property; provided, however, where the public right-of-way extends into a parkway strip or the planted area adjacent to the curb, between the street or curb and adjacent private property, an open house sign may be placed within such parkway strip upon obtaining permission from the owner of the adjacent private property. To the extent authorized by this subsection, open house signs are an exception to the prohibition set forth in section 12.116.030.

5.    No open house sign shall include balloons, ribbons, streamers, or other accessories.

6.    No open house sign shall be placed upon any private property without first obtaining permission from the owner of such property.

7.    Information shall be printed upon or affixed to every open house sign indicating the name, real estate company affiliation, address, and telephone number of the sign owner.

8.    Each real estate company shall apply and receive approval for an annual encroachment permit from the department of public works. The encroachment permit shall be valid for one year and shall be renewed annually. The encroachment permit shall be valid only for employees, independents, or affiliate members of the real estate company.

9.    The open house sign shall be removed each day after the closing of the open house for that day, and no later than six o’clock (6:00) P.M., November 1 through March 31; and eight o’clock (8:00) P.M., April 1 through October 31. Open house signs shall not be placed earlier than six o’clock (6:00) A.M. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


A.    Sign Restrictions: A temporary political sign may be erected only in accordance with the following restrictions:

1.    No temporary political sign may be illuminated in any manner other than by previously existing lighting sources normally used for illumination of the area where the sign is erected.

2.    No temporary political sign may be affixed to any pole or wire appurtenance thereof on which is attached any traffic sign, traffic signal, street sign, parking sign or other traffic control device installed by any public agency for public information purposes, nor may any temporary political sign be erected in a manner or place that will obstruct normal visibility of such traffic signs, traffic signals, street signs, parking signs or other traffic control devices.

3.    No temporary political sign may be erected upon or affixed to any sidewalk, crosswalk, police or fire alarm system, hydrant, or any public building or other public structure.

4.    No temporary political sign may be erected within or upon the right-of-way of any public highway or public street.

5.    No temporary political sign may exceed an area of sixteen (16) square feet.

6.    No temporary political sign may be erected having bracing or backing material thicker than three-fourths of an inch (3/4"), except for support for posts firmly planted in the ground.

B.    Removal: A temporary political sign shall be completely removed not later than five (5) days after the date of the election to which it relates. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


A single gasoline price sign, as required under California Business and Professions Code section 13531(a), shall be permitted on the site of a gasoline service station. Such sign may be freestanding, if necessary to comply with the requirements of said California Business and Professions Code section 13531(a) concerning visibility from the street adjacent to the site. The gasoline price sign shall comply with the following requirements:

A.    The sign shall advertise not more than the four (4) major grades of motor vehicle fuel offered for sale.

B.    The numerals designating the price of motor fuel shall not exceed six inches (6") in height. Fractions shall be considered one numeral. All other letters, figures or numerals on the sign shall not exceed two inches (2") in height, unless otherwise approved by the planning commission.

C.    The area of the sign shall not exceed ten (10) square feet unless the applicant demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the planning commission, that a greater size is needed to contain all of the numerals, words and figures required to be shown on the sign under the applicable provisions of California Business and Professions Code section 13532. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


A.    Submittal Of Program: A comprehensive signage program shall be prepared and submitted in conjunction with each use permit or site plan application for a shopping center, business park, or other similar collection of related structures on a single site. The program submitted shall address all signs to be used, including, but not limited to, signs identified in sections 12.116.090 and 12.116.100. The comprehensive signage program shall conform to all provisions of this section. For all signs, the size, placements, materials, colors, illumination, and other design characteristics not specified in this section shall be determined at time of approval of the comprehensive signage program by the planning director. The comprehensive signage program shall contain the following:

1.    A site plan and building elevations identifying the location of all signs.

2.    Design drawings for each sign or type of sign, specifying the dimensions, materials, type of construction, illumination, size of sign copy, and details necessary to determine the appropriateness of the signage.

B.    Conformance Required: Once a comprehensive signage program is approved, all signs in that center, complex, or project shall conform to the program.

C.    Waiver Of Limitations: Specific dimensional limitations specified in this chapter may be waived upon determination by the planning director that the submitted sign(s) meet the intent of the standards and guidelines and result in both a functionally and aesthetically superior design. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


Nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit the planning commission or planning director from granting a temporary special permit or otherwise permitting, on such terms as it deems proper, signs, banners or other advertising pertaining to any civic, patriotic or special event of general public interest. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


A.    Intent: The intent of this section is to regulate the use and removal of nonconforming, unlawful, and abandoned signs.

B.    Modifications: The following modifications to nonconforming signs are allowed:

1.    Changes in sign copy.

2.    Modifications that reduce the extent to which the sign does not comply with this chapter.

3.    No modification of a nonconforming sign shall have any effect on the length of the amortization period for the sign.

C.    Record Of Nonconforming Signs: The planning director shall prepare a list of all signs in the city, which are nonconforming signs.

D.    Mailing Of Notices: The planning director shall mail a notice by certified return receipt mail to the occupant business, if known, and to the owner (as shown on the last equalized assessment roll) of the land where each nonconforming sign is located. The notice shall contain:

1.    A description of the land where the sign is located and a description of the sign, both in terms reasonably sufficient for the owner to identify the sign.

2.    A statement that the sign is a nonconforming sign.

3.    The applicable date for removal of the sign under the provisions of subsection F of this section.

Information concerning more than one sign, and information concerning separate amortization dates for different characteristics of one or more single signs, separately stated, may be included in a single notice. If the planning director subsequently learns that for any reason notice has not been given in a timely manner, or that notice given is defective in any way, the planning director shall promptly mail a proper notice to the occupant and owner, even if the regular time for notification has expired. Notice mailed after the time required by this subsection meets the requirements of subsection E of this section and is effective to start the time period provided in subsection F of this section.

E.    Effect Of Mailing Of Notices: Notice mailed as provided in subsection D of this section is deemed to be notice to the owners of nonconforming signs and to all persons having any right, title, or interest therein. The mailing of notices is intended as a convenience to sign owners. However, no failure to give notice shall invalidate any proceeding to enforce this chapter, to abate any sign, or to punish any sign violation.

F.    Duration Of Nonconforming Signs: A sign that becomes nonconforming shall be a nonconforming sign for five (5) years and then must be removed. Billboards that become nonconforming shall be nonconforming for fifteen (15) years and then must be removed. Off-site advertising billboard signs subject to an adopted lease agreement with the city, shall be governed by the provisions for removal and nonconformity contained therein.

G.    Procedures Concerning Subsequent Nonconforming Signs: Within six (6) months of the date when a sign becomes a nonconforming sign, the planning director shall add the sign to the list of nonconforming signs and mail notices in the manner specified in subsection D of this section and such notices shall have the same effect as the notices provided for other nonconforming signs.

H.    Removal Of Unlawful Signs: Any sign erected or maintained contrary to the provisions of this chapter or any other ordinance of the city, including unlawfully erected signs, and formerly nonconforming signs whose nonconforming status has terminated, is in its entirety an unlawful sign and shall be removed.

I.    Abandoned Signs: The owner must have all copy removed from an abandoned sign and the sign shall remain blank until a new entity has occupied the premises. Further, if any sign has been abandoned for a period of one year, the owner shall remove the sign and any appurtenant structures.

J.    Maintenance: All signs shall be maintained and kept in repair and shall be painted and repainted at reasonable intervals. If the owner fails to comply, after ten (10) days’ written notice by the planning director, or duly appointed deputy, to so maintain such signs, the planning director shall have the sign removed at the owner’s expense. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)


A.    Each Sign A Separate Violation: Each sign found to be in violation of any provision of this chapter shall constitute a separate violation of this code.

B.    Sign Removal Authorized: The planning director or his/her representative may remove any sign located upon or affixed to any public property in violation of the provisions of this chapter.

C.    Notice To Owner: The planning director shall promptly thereafter give notice of the removal to the sign owner, if such owner can be ascertained or found, stating the location of the sign and the procedure for retrieval thereof by the sign owner.

D.    Retrieving Sign; Payment Of Fees; Request Hearing: Any unlawful sign removed by the planning director pursuant to this chapter shall be retained by him/her for a period of at least ten (10) days, during which the sign owner may retrieve the sign upon payment of all removal costs or an administrative fine in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00), whichever is greater. Any person desiring to contest such payment may request a hearing before the city manager, who is authorized to waive the payment if he/she determines that the sign did not violate any provisions of this chapter. The decision of the city manager shall be final.

E.    Destruction Of Abandoned Sign: Any sign not retrieved within the ten (10) day period specified in subsection D of this section shall conclusively be deemed to have been abandoned by the owner thereof and may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the planning director. The city shall have the right to recover from the owner of such sign all removal and destruction costs.

F.    Enforcement: The enforcement of sign regulations pursuant to this chapter shall be in addition to any other rights and remedies available to the city under chapter 5.20, Public Nuisances, by reason of the same violation. (Ord. 2024-143, 5-20-2024)