40.260.050    Bed and Breakfast Establishments

A.    Purpose.

    This section provides standards for the establishment of bed and breakfast facilities. The regulations are intended to allow for a more efficient use of large, older houses for a purpose which has been found to be compatible with residential uses. These regulations enable owners to protect and maintain large residential structures in a manner which keeps them primarily in residential uses. The proprietor can take advantage of the scale and often the architectural and historical significance of a residence. The regulations also provide an alternative form of lodging for visitors who prefer a residential setting.

(Amended: Ord. 2017-07-04)

B.    Use-Related Regulations.

1.    A bed and breakfast establishment must be accessory to a household living on the site. This means that an individual or family who operates the establishment must own and occupy the house as their primary residence. The house must have been used as a residence for at least a total of five (5) years prior to filing the application for a bed and breakfast establishment.

2.    Banquets, parties, weddings or meetings for guests or other non-family members are prohibited. Services may only be provided to overnight patrons of the facility.

3.    Establishments containing three (3) to six (6) bedrooms for guests must meet the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) bed and breakfast guidelines administered by DSHS.

4.    Bed and breakfast establishments are only allowed on resource lands (FR-80, FR-40, AG-20, and AG-WL) when they do not diminish the primary use of the land for long-term commercial production of agriculture or forest products and other natural resources.

(Amended: Ord. 2004-06-10; Ord. 2010-08-06; Ord. 2016-06-12; Ord. 2017-07-04)

C.    Site-Related Standards.

1.    Appearance. Residential structures may be remodeled for the development of bed and breakfast establishments, but not enlarged except for minor expansions to accommodate additional kitchen or bathroom needs. Internal structural alterations or minor expansions may not be made which prevent the structure being used as a home in the future.

2.    Parking. A minimum of two (2) off-street parking spaces, plus one (1) off-street parking space for each bedroom to be rented, are required. Any additional parking needed to accommodate the use shall be screened from abutting property by a minimum five (5) foot tall solid fence or hedge. Hedge shall be installed immediately and provide a six (6) foot solid screen within one (1) year of approval.

3.    Signs. Signs shall conform to Chapter 40.310, including obtaining a sign permit pursuant to Section 40.310.010(E).

(Amended: Ord. 2010-08-06)

D.    Approval Process.

    Bed and breakfast establishments may be permitted in all zoning districts except IL and IH. Applications for bed and breakfasts shall be reviewed as follows:

1.    For renting of up to two (2) bedrooms, a Type I process will be used. The applicant shall submit a site plan application including a site plan showing the location of off-street guest parking and a narrative addressing how the proposal meets the criteria in this section.

2.    For renting of three (3) to six (6) bedrooms, a Type II-A process will be used pursuant to Section 40.510.025. The applicant shall submit conditional use and site plan review applications with a statement indicating the potential traffic and land use impacts of the proposal on adjacent streets and properties. Requests must conform to all relevant county and state codes including fire, building, road and health standards.

3.    Bed and breakfast establishments in RC-1 and RC-2.5 districts shall meet the requirements of Section 40.260.050(D)(1).

(Amended: Ord. 2010-08-06; Ord. 2011-03-09; Ord. 2012-12-14)