52.05 User Guide – JBD 1 zones.

The charts in KZC 52.12 contain the basic zoning regulations that apply in the JBD 1 zones of the City. Use these charts by reading down the left hand column entitled Use. Once you locate the use in which you are interested, read across to find the regulations that apply to that use.

Section 52.10


The following regulations apply to all uses in this zone unless otherwise noted:

1.     Refer to Chapter 1 KZC to determine what other provisions of this code may apply to the subject property.

2.    Building height and placement and other site design features should seek to provide for a view corridor from 98th Avenue NE through the subject property towards Lake Washington.


3.    See Chapters 100 and 162 KZC for information about nonconforming signs. KZC 162.35 describes when nonconforming signs must be brought into conformance or removed (does not apply to Public Parks uses).


4.    The applicant shall install a through-block pathway extending from the north end to the south end of JBD 1 of the Juanita Business District. Two through-block pathways, spaced far enough apart to provide maximum accessibility for the whole block, will also extend from the east side to the west side of JBD 1 (see Plate 34I in Chapter 180 KZC). See KZC 105.19 for through-block pathway standards.

    The alignment of these pathways shall take into account proposed and existing buildings and, to the extent possible, shall extend along building fronts or property lines. The applicant must install pathways that run generally north-south (or diagonally northeast/southwest) and east/west on the subject property. The pathways shall be located to provide a direct continuation of the existing or future through-block pathway on adjacent properties. When possible, the pathways shall be located to create view corridors and reinforce connections to Lake Washington. During the Design Review process, the City may determine that a through-block pathway is not required if a suitable through-block pathway exists on adjacent properties.

link to Section 52.12 table