108 | Mayor pro tem to sign warrants (Repealed by Ord. 1863) |
109 | Plumbing permit inspection for water connections, turnons (13.32) |
124 | Six-year street plan (12.08) |
126 | Adds Chapter 1.12, notice posting (1.12) |
127 | Adds § 9.20.050, fires (9.20) |
129 | Reward for information regarding malicious destruction of property (9.44) |
130 | Classification of streets (10.26) |
139 | Payment of percentage of liquor revenues to certain agencies (Repealed by Ord. 1923) |
144 | Use of liquor revenues (Repealed by Ord. 1923) |
170 | Excavation, grading, fill plans inspection (15.40) |
174 | Adoption of six-year street plan (12.08) |
176 | New construction plans inspection (15.40) |
184 | Adopts Shorelines Management Master Program (16.16) |
187 | Six-year street plan (12.08) |
190 | Adopts annexation procedure (1.20) |
193 | Adopts real property acquisition and relocation procedures (15.22) |
204 | Adopts six-year street plan (12.08) |
210 | Amends § 14 of Res. 193, property owner relocation (15.22) |
221 | Prohibits smoking at public meetings (7.12) |
226 | Use of council chambers (2.04) |
248 | One-way street (10.20) |
262 | Adopts six-year street plan by reference (12.08) |
280 | Policy for sewer or water main or lateral line latecomer charges (3.91, 3.92) |
285 | Adoption of six-year street plan by reference (12.08) |
287 | Adoption of emergency plan for coping with natural and manmade disasters (Repealed by Ord. 1544) |
291 | Sewer service for nonresidents (14.12) |
295 | Clarifies Res. 291, sewer service for nonresidents (14.12) |
299 | Residence restrictions for firemen (Repealed by Ord. 1868) |
338 | Appoints official newspaper (1.14) |
340 | Standard specifications for public works construction; repeals Res. 186 (15.20) |
345 | Cost assessment for administrative expense in vegetation removal (7.08) |
347 | Amends § 10.32.035, parking; repeals Res. 241 (10.32) |
355 | Designates fire department as hazardous materials incident command agency (Repealed by Ord. 1868) |
357 | Designates fire department as hazardous materials incident command agency (Repealed by Ord. 1868) |
364 | Repeals and replaces Res. 198, affirmative action (Repealed by Ord. 1713) |
371 | Public voting by city council (2.04) |
372 | Councilmembers authorized to serve as volunteer firemen (2.36) |
373 | Community room facilities (2.88) |
374 | Imprest petty cash fund established (2.64) |
375 | Amends Res. 373, community room facilities (2.88) |
377 | Purchasing procedure; repeals Res. 339 (Repealed by Ord. 1722) |
551 | Shared leave policy (Repealed by Ord. 1713) |
1016 | Allows City to reimburse previously paid capital project expenditures with bond proceeds (Special) |
1017 | Amends auto usage policy (Special) |
1018 | Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its sale (Special) |
1019 | Emphasizes certain Camas transportation projects and their importance to the economy and safety of East County residents (Special) |
1020 | Adopts utility financial policy (Special) |
1021 | Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its sale (Special) |
1022 | Amends city council rules of procedures (Special) |
1023 | Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its sale (Special) |
1024 | Supports the 2011 Washougal Farmer’s Market (Special) |
1025 | Declares Shaka the Dog as surplus and authorizes its transfer to another municipality (Special) |
1026 | C-Tran levy elections (Special) |
1027 | Citywide indexing policy (Special) |
1028 | Cannon IR550 surplus item (Special) |
1029 | Public records policy (Special) |
1030 | Surplus resolution – guns (Special) |
1031 | E Street curb cut policy (Special) |
1032 | Code of ethics for city elected and appointed officials (Special) |
1033 | Adopts six-year transportation improvement program update (Special) |
1034 | Declares city property surplus and authorizes sale (Special) |
1035 | Waives competitive bidding requirements for purchase of Physio Control monitors (Special) |
1036 | Recognizes first responders (Special) |
1037 | Adds section 2.A to personnel policy, compensation of department heads and nonrepresented employees; adds nonunion range (NU 2) (Special) |
1038 | Amends personnel policy Ch. 4, employment (Special) |
1039 | Amends personnel policy Ch. 12, shared leave policy (Special) |
1040 | Adopts revised 2011 Clark County Coordinated Water System Plan; authorizes interlocal agreements for water services and extraterritorial fire hydrant services (Special) |
1041 | Levies ad valorem taxes for year ending 12/31/12 (Special) |
1042 | Authorizes staff to apply for the CDBG for the ADA improvements to City Hall/Civic Center (Special) |
1043 | Authorizes staff to apply for the CDBG for the sidewalk improvements on Addy Street and 32nd Street (Special) |
1044 | Amending portions of compensation; increases salary schedule by one percent and adds position of police commander; amends personnel policies regarding educational programs and tuition reimbursement (Special) |
1045 | Authorizes mayor to develop plan for Regional Fire Protection Service Authority with Camas (Special) |
1046 | Endorses successful use of E-Verify in the city of Washougal (Special) |
1047 | Amends Res. 984, E-Verify program (Special) |
1048 | Expresses concern regarding the impact of increased rail traffic (Special) |
1049 | Authorizes Mayor to sign development agreement with Killian Pacific LLC (Special) |
1050 | Authorizes development agreement with Port of Camas/Washougal (Special) |
1051 | Amends Resos. 984 and 1047, E-Verify program (Special) |
1052 | Expresses concern regarding Bonneville Power Administration I-5 corridor reinforcement project (Special) |
1053 | Contract and agreement thresholds and procurement policies (Special) |
1054 | Amends city council rules of procedures Sections 2.2, special meetings, 5, consensus and motions, and 8, filling council vacancy (Special) |
1055 | Amends council rules of procedures authorizing the mayor to cancel meeting (Special) |
1056 | Recognizes first responders and acknowledges 9-11 (Special) |
1057 | Post issuance bond compliance policy (Special) |
1058 | Ad valorem taxes for general fund for fiscal year ending 12/31/13 (Special) |
1059 | Ad valorem taxes for obligations of emergency medical services for fiscal year ending 12/31/13 (Special) |
1060 | Community development block grant application for sidewalk improvement on I, H, WRR and 20th Street (Special) |
1061 | Authorizes mayor to sign the CWCOG and interlocal for Kaiser pooling (Special) |
1062 | Amends city’s personnel policy manual regarding comp time banking and usage and one percent salary increase (Special) |
1063 | Adopts Strategic Plan Roadmap, Appendix and photo credits (Special) |
1064 | Amends council rules of procedures, workshops and council meetings (Special) |
1065 | Amends Personnel Policy Manual, Chapter 2A, adding the IT network and systems administrator positions (Special) |
1066 | Columbia River Crossing (CRC) locally preferred alternative (Special) |
1067 | Petition of vacation of 1st Street, Adams/Front Street, Columbia Street, unnamed Street and Washington Street (Special) |
1068 | Declares city property surplus and authorizes sale of the property (Special) |
1069 | Amends city council rules of procedures establishing remote participation through technology (Special) |
1070 | Places proposition for changing form of government from mayor-council to council-manager on November 5, 2013, ballot (Special) |
1071 | Establishes six-year transportation improvement plan (Special) |
1072 | Establishes low income assistance plan (Special) |
1073 | Updates Personnel Policies FMLA, EEO, longevity, sick, vacation, and benefits (Special) |
1074 | Recognizes and acknowledges first responder emergency personnel (Special) |
1075 | Authorizes mayor to sign development agreement with Schmid CR, LLC and Emma Schmid (Special) |
1076 | Amends Res. 1053, contract and agreement thresholds and procurement policies (Special) |
1077 | Approves interlocal agreement with Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Trust regarding self-insured health care programs (Special) |
1078 | Authorizes City to apply for CDBG for sidewalk and utility improvements along J Street between 32nd and 34th (Special) |
1079 | Levies ad valorem taxes for obligations of general fund for fiscal year ending 12/31/14 (Special) |
1080 | Levies ad valorem taxes for obligations of the emergency medical service for fiscal year ending 12/31/14 (Special) |
1081 | Amends §§ 2A.05 and 9.02 of personnel policy manual adjusting medical and dental benefits and salary schedule for nonrepresented (Special) |
1082 | Amends council rules of procedures removing § 2.7, town hall meetings (Special) |
1083 | Declaring the OCE 9476 Plotter copier as surplus and authorizing its sale (Special) |
1084 | Franchise agreement with Comcast of Washington LLC (Special) |
1085 | Amending WMC 2.88.110 to allow beer and wine to be served in the Community Center (2.88) |
1086 | Authorizes investing city funds in the local government investment pool (Special) |
1087 | Eliminates petty cash per transaction limit (Special) |
1088 | Amends city council rules of procedures regarding excused absences for councilmembers (Special) |
1089 | Local agency Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program authorizing resolution (Special) |
1090 | Supports PSU Waterfront Vision Plan (Special) |
1091 | Rescinds Resos. 933 and 937 (Repealer) |
1092 | Places proposition on fire and emergency medical services property tax levy on November 4, 2014, ballot (Special) |
1093 | Places proposition on public safety services property tax levy on November 4, 2014, ballot (Special) |
1195 | Amends fingerprinting and concealed weapon carry permit fees (Special) |