Division 13-10-001


13-10-001-0001    General

13-10-001-0001 General

The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade, and location of streets shall conform to these standards and/or the approved preliminary plat if there is one. Due consideration shall be given to their relation to existing and planned streets, topographical conditions, excessive cuts and fills, drainage, public convenience and safety, and to the proposed uses of land to be served by the streets. Rules as may be established by the Arizona Department of Transportation relating to entrance upon and departure from State Highways, shall also apply.

The design of all new or reconstructed streets and alleys shall be based on the facility’s functional classification and the volume and character of the projected traffic, except for thoroughfares in traditional neighborhoods districts as described in Division 13-10-012. The City Engineer shall approve all such design.

Functional classifications are defined in Division 13-10-014. Alignments for existing and future arterial and collector streets are further designated in that document. Design traffic volumes on a given street segment are those projected for the then-current planning horizon year. Additional traffic factors to be considered in design include the following: nature of the predominant vehicle trips (i.e., mobility vs. access); the percentages of local delivery vehicles; through heavy vehicles; the number and types of pedestrians and cyclists; and the presence of multi-use trails. Special design conditions also apply to streets identified as truck routes in Division 13-10-014.

Divisions 13-10-001 through 13-10-011 generally apply only to conventional suburban developments. Streets (i.e., thoroughfares) in traditional neighborhood developments as approved by the City Council and subject to the provisions of Title 10, Flagstaff Zoning Code, shall be designed in accordance with the provisions of Division 13-10-012. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)