
15.05    User Guide

15.05.010    Applicable Zones

15.05.020    Common Code References Amended Ord. 4879

15.10    General Regulations

15.10.010    All Low Density Residential Zones

15.10.020    RS Zone

15.10.030    RSA Zone

15.10.040    WD II Zone

15.10.050    PLA 3C Zone

15.20    Permitted Uses

15.30    Density/Dimensions

15.40    Development Standards

15.05 User Guide

Step 1.    Check that the zone of interest is included in KZC 15.05.010, Applicable Zones. If not, select the chapter where it is located.

Step 2.    Refer to KZC 15.05.020, Common Code References, for relevant information found elsewhere in the code.

Step 3.    Refer to the General Regulations in KZC 15.10 that apply to the zones as noted.

Step 4.    Find the Use of interest in the Permitted Uses Table in KZC 15.20 and read across to the column pertaining to the zone of interest. If a Use is not listed in the table, it is not allowed. A listed use is permitted unless “NP” (Not Permitted) is noted for the table. Note the Required Review Process and Special Regulations that are applicable. There are links to the Special Regulations listed immediately following the table (PU-1, PU-2, PU-3, etc.).

Step 5.    Find the Use of interest in the Density/Dimensions Table in KZC 15.30 and read across the columns. Note the standards (Minimum Lot Size, Required Yards, Maximum Lot Coverage, and Maximum Height of Structure) and Special Regulations that are applicable. There are links to the Special Regulations listed immediately following the table (DD-1, DD-2, DD-3, etc.).

Step 6.    Find the Use of interest in the Development Standards Table in KZC 15.40 and read across the columns. Note the standards (Landscape Category, Sign Category, and Required Parking Spaces) and Special Regulations that are applicable. There are links to the Special Regulations listed immediately following the table (DS-1, DS-2, DS-3, etc.).

Note: Not all uses listed in the Density/Dimensions and Development Standards Tables are permitted in each zone addressed in this chapter. Permitted uses are determined only by the Permitted Uses Table.

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15.05.010 Applicable Zones

This chapter contains the regulations for uses in the following zones of the City: RS 35, RS 12.5, RS 8.5, RS 7.2, RS 6.3 and RS 5.0; RSX 35, RSX 12.5, RSX 8.5, RSX 7.2 and RSX 5.0 zones; RSA 1, RSA 4, RSA 6 and RSA 8 zones; WD II zones; PLA 3C, PLA 6E, and PLA 16 zones.

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15.05.020 Common Code References Amended Ord. 4879

1.    Refer to Chapter 1 KZC to determine what other provisions of this code may apply to the subject property.

2.    Public park development standards will be determined on a case-by-case basis. See KZC 45.50.

3.    For properties within the Holmes Point (HP) Overlay Zone, see Chapter 70 KZC for additional regulations.

4.    Review processes, density/dimensions and development standards for shoreline uses (RS, RSA, WD II, PLA 3C zones) can be found in Chapter 83 KZC, Shoreline Management.

5.    Chapter 115 KZC contains regulations regarding home occupations and other accessory uses, facilities and activities associated with Attached Dwelling Units in PLA 3C and Detached Dwelling Unit uses.

6.    A hazardous liquid pipeline is located near the RSX 35 zone in the Bridle Trails neighborhood along the eastern boundary of the City, and extends through or near the RSA 1, 4, 6 and 8 zones in the vicinity of 136th Avenue NE. Refer to Chapter 118 KZC for regulations pertaining to properties near hazardous liquid pipelines.

7.    Garages shall comply with the requirements of KZC 115.43.

(Ord. 4811 § 1, 2022; Ord. 4506 § 2, 2015; Ord. 4476 § 2, 2015)

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15.10 General Regulations

15.10.010 All Low Density Residential Zones

1.    Structures located within 30 feet of a parcel in a low density zone or a low density use in PLA 17 shall comply with additional limitations on structure size established by KZC 115.136, except for the following uses: KZC 15.20.060, Detached Dwelling Unit, and KZC 15.20.100, Piers, Docks, Boat Lifts and Canopies Serving Detached Dwelling Unit.

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15.10.020 RS Zone

1.    May not use lands waterward of the ordinary high water mark to determine lot size or to calculate allowable density.

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15.10.030 RSA Zone

1.    All subdivisions and short subdivisions in the RSA 1 zone shall be clustered such that development is located away from critical areas. The open space resulting from such clustering shall be placed in a separate tract that includes at least 50 percent of the subject property. Open space tracts shall be permanent and shall be dedicated to a homeowner’s association or other suitable organization for purposes of maintenance. Passive recreation, with no development of recreational facilities, and natural-surface pedestrian and equestrian trails are acceptable uses within the open space tract. If access to the open space is provided, the access shall be located in a separate tract. A greenbelt protection or open space easement shall be dedicated to the City to protect the designated open space tract resulting from lot clustering.

2.    May not use lands waterward of the ordinary high water mark to determine lot size or to calculate allowable density.

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15.10.040 WD II Zone

1.    May not use lands waterward of the ordinary high water mark to determine lot size or to calculate allowable density.

2.    The required yard abutting an unopened right-of-way shall be a side property rather than a front property line.

3.    The required rear yard for each use shall be the same as the required rear yard for the same use in the RS zone, unless otherwise specified in KZC 30.25.010(9) and (10). (Does not apply to Piers, Docks, Boat Lifts and Canopies Serving Detached Dwelling Unit.)

4.    Residential uses abutting Lake Washington may have an associated private shoreline park that is commonly owned and used by residents and guests.

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15.10.050 PLA 3C Zone

1.    Development shall be subject to the following development standards:

a.    Structures must be clustered and located so that they will not significantly impact slope stability, drainage patterns, erosion or landslide hazards, and steep ravine areas on the subject property or adjacent property.

b.    Vegetative cover shall be retained to the maximum extent possible to stabilize slopes.

c.    Pursuant to the requirements of KZC 85.15(1) through (4), the applicant shall submit a geotechnical report prepared by a qualified geotechnical engineer evaluating the potential geologic hazard areas of the subject and adjacent properties to minimize damage to life and property. Specific structural designs and construction techniques to ensure long-term stability shall be considered as part of the analysis. The applicant’s geotechnical report and recommendations shall be reviewed by a qualified geotechnical engineer selected and retained by the City at the applicant’s expense. The applicant shall comply with the performance standards contained in KZC 85.25 and 85.45.

d.    The City may require traffic control devices, shared access points, right-of-way realignment, or limit development if necessary to further reduce traffic impacts.

e.    Development must ensure that the City has the ability to access and provide necessary emergency services.

(Ord. 4476 § 2, 2015)

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15.20 Permitted Uses Amended Ord. 4879

Permitted Uses Table – Low Density Residential Zones (RS, RSX, RSA, WD II, PLA 3C, PLA 6E, PLA 16) 

(See also KZC 15.30, Density/Dimensions Table, and KZC 15.40, Development Standards Table)


Required Review Process:

I = Process I, Chapter 145 KZC

IIA = Process IIA, Chapter 150 KZC

IIB = Process IIB, Chapter 152 KZC

None = No Required Review Process

NP = Use Not Permitted

# = Applicable Special Regulations (listed after the table)







PLA 16


Attached Dwelling Units











2, 4c

2, 4c

2, 4c, 13




2, 4c



Commercial Equestrian Facility










Commercial Recreation Area and Use










Community Facility

2, 4b

2, 4b

2, 4b








Detached Dwelling Unit




8, 9


8, 11





7, 8


Golf Course


4b, 12


4b, 12


4b, 12, 13






Government Facility

2, 4b

2, 4b

2, 4b








Mini-School or Mini-Day-Care Center


4a, 4b, 14, 15, 16, 18


4a, 4b, 14, 15, 16, 18


4a, 4b, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18



4a, 4b, 14, 15, 16, 18


15, 16, 17, 18, 19


15, 16, 17, 18, 19


Piers, Docks, Boat Lifts and Canopies Serving Detached Dwelling Unit










Public Park

Development standards will be determined on a case-by-case basis. See KZC 45.50.


Public Utility

2, 4b

2, 4b

2, 4b








School or Day-Care Center

2, 4, 14, 16, 18, 20

2, 4, 14, 16, 18, 20

2, 4, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20



4, 14, 16, 18, 20

2, 4, 14, 16, 18, 20


16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Permitted Uses (PU) Special Regulations:

PU-1.     a.    No more than two units may be attached to each other.

b.    Attached dwelling units must be designed to look like a detached single-family house using such techniques as limiting the points of entry on each facade, providing pitched roofs and covered porches. Back to Table

PU-2.     The required review process is as follows:

a.    If the subject property, including all contiguous property owned by the applicant and held by others for future use by the applicant, is less than five acres, the required review process is Process IIA, Chapter 150 KZC.

b.    If the subject property, including all contiguous property owned by the applicant and held by others for future use by the applicant, is five or more acres, a Master Plan, approved through Process IIB, Chapter 152 KZC, is required. The Master Plan must show building placement, building dimensions, roadways, utility locations, land uses within the Master Plan area, parking location, buffering, and landscaping. Back to Table

PU-3.     Reserved. Back to Table

PU-4.     May locate on the subject property only if:

a.    It will not be materially detrimental to the character of the neighborhood in which it is located.

b.    Site and building design minimizes adverse impacts on surrounding residential neighborhoods.

c.    The property is served by a collector or arterial street (does not apply to existing school sites). Back to Table

PU-5.     a.    This use may include arenas, stables, roaming and grazing areas, club house and ancillary equestrian facilities.

b.    This use must comply with KZC 80.30 through 80.45.

c.    An improved public equestrian access trail through the subject property and appropriate public signing must be provided. The trail must be located and designed to allow for an eventual connection between NE 60th Street and Bridle Trails State and King County Parks. Back to Table

PU-6.     a.    This use may include activities such as: indoor and outdoor tennis courts, club house, swimming pool, other sport court games and ancillary commercial recreation activities.

b.    Hours of operation may be limited by the City to reduce impacts on residential uses.

c.    Vehicular and pedestrian circulation to and from the property shall be coordinated with the other properties in the vicinity to the maximum extent possible. Back to Table

PU-7.     If lot size is less than 35,000 square feet, then Process IIB, Chapter 152 KZC. Back to Table

PU-8.     For this use, only one dwelling unit may be on each lot regardless of the size of the lot, unless the lot is being developed pursuant to the cottage, carriage, or two/three-unit homes regulations in Chapter 113 KZC. Back to Table

PU-9.     Residential uses abutting Lake Washington may have an associated private shoreline park that is commonly or individually owned and used by residents and guests. Back to Table

PU-10.    See Chapter 141 KZC for additional procedural requirements in addition to those in Chapter 145 KZC. Back to Table

PU-11.    At the northern terminus of the 5th Avenue West vehicular access easement, the average parcel depth shall be measured from the ordinary high water mark to the public pedestrian access easement providing access to Waverly Beach Park. Back to Table

PU-12.    a.    May not include miniature golf.

b.    The following accessory uses are specifically permitted as part of this use:

1)    Equipment storage facilities.

2)    Retail sales and rental of golf equipment and accessories.

3)    A restaurant. Back to Table

PU-13.    This use is not permitted on properties within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act. Back to Table

PU-14.    Hours of operation and maximum number of attendees may be limited by the City to reduce impacts on nearby residential uses. Back to Table

PU-15.    Structured play areas must be set back from all property lines by five feet. Back to Table

PU-16.    May include accessory living facilities for staff persons. Back to Table

PU-17.    May locate on the subject property if:

a.    It will serve the immediate neighborhood in which it is located; or

b.    It will not be materially detrimental to the character of the neighborhood in which it is located. Back to Table

PU-18.    A six-foot-high fence is required along the property lines adjacent to the outside play areas. Back to Table

PU-19.    Hours of operation may be limited by the City to reduce impacts on nearby residential uses. Back to Table

PU-20.    Structured play areas must be set back from all property lines as follows:

a.    Twenty feet if this use can accommodate 50 or more students or children.

b.    Ten feet if this use can accommodate 13 to 49 students or children. Back to Table

(Ord. 4811 § 1, 2022; Ord. 4749 § 1, 2021; Ord. 4506 § 2, 2015; Ord. 4476 § 2, 2015)

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15.30 Density/Dimensions

Density/Dimensions Table – Low Density Residential Zones (RS, RSX, RSA, WD II, PLA 3C, PLA 6E, PLA 16) 

(Refer to KZC 15.20, Permitted Uses Table, to determine if a use is allowed in the zone; see also KZC 15.40, Development Standards Table)


Minimum Lot Size


(See Ch. 115 KZC)

Maximum Lot Coverage

Maximum Height of Structure

ABE = Average Building Elevation





Attached Dwelling Units

2, 3





25' above ABE.




PLA 3C: 12,500 sq. ft.

PLA 6E: 7,200 sq. ft.

PLA 16: 35,000 sq. ft.





RSA: 70%6

PLA 3C: 50%

RS, PLA 3C, PLA 6E: 25' above ABE.

RSX, RSA, PLA 16: 30' above ABE.


Commercial Equestrian Facility

3 acres







Commercial Recreation Area and Use

1 acre





38' above ABE.8a, b


Community Facility







RSA: 70%6

PLA 3C: 50%

RS, WD II, PLA 3C, PLA 6E: 25' above ABE.

RSA, RSX, PLA 16: 30' above ABE.

WD II: 10


Detached Dwelling Unit

RS, RSX: 11, 12, 13

RSA: 11, 17, 18, 19

WD II: 12,500 sq. ft.

PLA 3C: 12,500 sq. ft.2, 27

PLA 6E: 5,000 sq. ft.28

PLA 16: 35,000 sq. ft.13, 29, 30

RS: 20'14, 16

RSX: 20'15, 16

RSA: 20'15, 16, 20

WD II: 14, 22, 32

PLA 3C, PLA 6E, PLA 16: 20'4


RSX: 5'15

RSA: 5'

WD II: 23, 24


RS, RSX: 10'16


RSA: 50%6

RS, PLA 3C, PLA 6E: 25' above ABE.

RSX, PLA 16: 30' above ABE.

RSA: 30' above ABE.21

WD II: 25' above ABE.25, 26


Golf Course

1 acre





RSA: 50%6

RS: 25' above ABE.

RSA, RSX: 30' above ABE.


Government Facility




WD II: 5'/15'9



RSA: 70%6

PLA 3C: 50%

RS, WD II, PLA 3C, PLA 6E: 25' above ABE.

RSA, RSX, PLA 16: 30' above ABE.

WD II: 10


Mini-School or Mini-Day-Care Center


PLA 3C: 12,500 sq. ft.

PLA 6E: 3,600 sq. ft.

PLA 16: 35,000 sq. ft.




PLA 3C: 20'


RSA: 50%6

PLA 6E: 60%

RS, PLA 3C, PLA 6E: 25' above ABE.

RSX, RSA, PLA 16: 30' above ABE.


Piers, Docks, Boat Lifts and Canopies Serving Detached Dwelling Unit


See Chapter 83 KZC.

See Chapter 83 KZC.


Public Park

Development standards will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


Public Utility




WD II: 5'/15'9



RSA: 70%6

PLA 3C: 50%

RS, WD II, PLA 3C, PLA 6E: 25' above ABE.

RSA, RSX, PLA 16: 30' above ABE.

WD II: 10


School or Day-Care Center


PLA 3C: 12,500 sq. ft.

PLA 6E: 7,200 sq. ft.

PLA 16: 35,000 sq. ft.

If this use can accommodate 50 or more students or children, then:


RSA: 70%6

PLA 3C: 50%

RS: 25' above ABE.31

RSX, RSA, PLA 16: 30' above ABE.31

PLA 3C: 25' above ABE.6

PLA 6E: 25' above ABE.31




If this use can accommodate 13 to 49 students or children, then:




Density/Dimensions (DD) Special Regulations:

DD-1.     In the WD II zone, for shoreline setbacks see Chapter 83 KZC. Back to Table

DD-2.     a.    Maximum dwelling units per acre is six dwelling units. Not more than one dwelling unit may be on each lot regardless of the size of the lot.

b.    Within a subdivision or short plat the minimum lot size is 5,000 square feet.

c.    Road dedication and vehicular access easements or tracts may not be included in the density calculation or in the minimum lot size per dwelling unit. Back to Table

DD-3.     For lots containing less than 7,200 square feet, the floor area ratio (F.A.R.) requirements of KZC 115.42 shall apply. The maximum floor area ratio is 50 percent of the lot size; provided, that F.A.R. may be increased to 60 percent if, with the exception of accessory features, all roof forms consist of ridgelines peaked near the center of the structure, with a minimum pitch of four feet vertical to 12 feet horizontal. Back to Table

See KZC 115.42, Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) Calculation for Detached Dwelling Units in Low Density Residential Zones, for additional information.

DD-4.     On corner lots with two required front yards, one may be reduced to the average of the front yards for the two adjoining properties fronting the same street as the front yard to be reduced. The applicant may select which front yard will be reduced (see Plate 24). Back to Table

DD-5.     The side or rear yard may be reduced to zero feet if the side or rear of the dwelling unit is attached to a dwelling unit on an adjoining lot within the short plat or subdivision. Back to Table

DD-6.     Except 30 percent for RSA 1 zone. See RSA General Regulation 1 (KZC 15.10.030(1)) and KZC 15.05.020(3). Back to Table

DD-7.     As established on the Zoning Map. Minimum lot size is as follows:

a.    In RS 35 and RSX 35 zones, the minimum lot size is 35,000 square feet.

b.    In RS 12.5 and RSX 12.5 zones, the minimum lot size is 12,500 square feet.

c.    In RS 8.5 and RSX 8.5 zones, the minimum lot size is 8,500 square feet.

d.    In RS 7.2 and RSX 7.2 zones, the minimum lot size is 7,200 square feet.

e.    In RS 6.3 zones, the minimum lot size is 6,300 square feet.

f.    In RS 5.0 and RSX 5.0 zones, the minimum lot size is 5,000 square feet.

g.    In RSA 1 zones, newly platted lots shall be clustered and configured in a manner to provide generally equal sized lots outside of the required open space area.

h.    In RSA 4 zones, the minimum lot size is 7,600 square feet.

i.    In RSA 6 zones, the minimum lot size is 5,100 square feet.

j.    In RSA 8 zones, the minimum lot size is 3,800 square feet. Back to Table

DD-8.     a.    Structures exceeding 25 feet above average building elevation must have the ground floor placed below existing grade to the extent possible and screened by a vegetative earthen berm.

b.    Structures can be placed at existing grade if the structures are located on lower ground than adjacent properties and if the adjacent properties are developed and do not contain residential use. Back to Table

DD-9.     Five feet, but two side yards must equal at least 15 feet. Back to Table

DD-10.    The dimension of any required yard, other than as specifically listed, will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The City will use the setback for this use in RS zones as a guide. Back to Table

DD-11.    As established on the Zoning Map. Minimum lot size per dwelling unit is as follows:

a.    In RS 35 and RSX 35 zones, the minimum lot size is 35,000 square feet.

b.    In RS 12.5 zones, the minimum lot size is 12,500 square feet.

c.    In RS 8.5 and RSX 8.5 zones, the minimum lot size is 8,500 square feet.

d.    In RS 7.2 and RSX 7.2 zones, the minimum lot size is 7,200 square feet.

e.    In RS 6.3 zones, the minimum lot size is 6,300 square feet.

f.    In RS 5.0 and RSX 5.0 zones, the minimum lot size is 5,000 square feet.

g.    In RS 35, RSX 35, RS 12.5, RS 8.5, RSX 8.5, RS 7.2, RSX 7.2, RS 6.3, RS 5.0 and RSX 5.0 zones, not more than one dwelling unit may be on each lot, regardless of the size of each lot.

h.    In RSA 1 zones, newly platted lots shall be clustered and configured in a manner to provide generally equal sized lots outside of the required open space area.

i.    In RSA 4 zones, the minimum lot size is 7,600 square feet.

j.    In RSA 6 zones, the minimum lot size is 5,100 square feet.

k.    In RSA 8 zones, the minimum lot size is 3,800 square feet. Back to Table

DD-12.    Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) allowed for the subject property is as follows:

a.    In RS 35 and RSX 35 zones, F.A.R. is 20 percent of lot size.

b.    In RS 12.5 and RSX 12.5 zones, F.A.R. is 35 percent of lot size.

c.    In RS 8.5 and RSX 8.5 zones, F.A.R. is 50 percent of lot size.

d.    In RS 7.2 and RSX 7.2 zones, F.A.R. is 50 percent of lot size.

e.    In RS 6.3 zones, F.A.R. is 50 percent of lot size.

f.    In RS 5.0 and RSX 5.0 zones, F.A.R. is 50 percent of lot size; provided, that F.A.R. may be increased up to 60 percent of lot size for the first 5,000 square feet of lot area if the following criteria are met:

1)    With the exception of accessory features, all roof forms consist of ridgelines peaked near the center of the structure, with a minimum pitch of four feet vertical to 12 feet horizontal; and

2)    A setback of at least 7.5 feet is provided along each side yard. Back to Table

See KZC 115.42, Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) Calculation for Detached Dwelling Units in Low Density Residential Zones, for additional information.

A reduced F.A.R. may be required pursuant to subdivision design requirements in Chapter 22.28 KMC.

DD-13.    Residential lots in the RS 35, RSX 35 and PLA 16 zones within the Bridle Trails neighborhood north and northeast of Bridle Trails State Park must contain a minimum area of 10,000 permeable square feet, and shall comply with regulations for horses in KZC 115.20(5). Back to Table

DD-14.    On corner lots with two required front yards, one may be reduced to the average of the front yards for the two adjoining properties fronting the same street as the front yard to be reduced. The applicant may select which front yard will be reduced (see Plate 24). Back to Table

DD-15.    On corner lots, only one front yard must be a minimum of 20 feet. All other front yards shall be regulated as a side yard (minimum five-foot yard). The applicant may select which front yard shall meet the 20-foot requirement. Back to Table

DD-16.    On lots with two front yards that are essentially parallel to one another, only one front yard must be a minimum of 20 feet. The other will be regulated as a rear yard (minimum 10 feet). The front yard shall be the yard adjacent to the front facade of the dwelling unit. Back to Table

DD-17.    Maximum units per acre is as follows:

a.    In RSA 1 zones, the maximum units per acre is one dwelling unit.

b.    In RSA 4 zones, the maximum units per acre is four dwelling units.

c.    In RSA 6 zones, the maximum units per acre is six dwelling units.

d.    In RSA 8 zones, the maximum units per acre is eight dwelling units.

Where the maximum number of units results in a fraction, the number shall be rounded up if the fraction is 0.50 or greater. In RSA 1, 4, 6 and 8 zones, not more than one dwelling unit may be on each lot, regardless of the size of the lot. Back to Table

DD-18.    Road dedication and vehicular access easements or tracts may be included in the density calculation, but not in the minimum lot size per dwelling unit. Back to Table

DD-19.    Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) allowed for the subject property is as follows:

a.    In RSA 1 zones, F.A.R. is 20 percent of lot size.

b.    In RSA 4 zones, F.A.R. is 50 percent of lot size.

c.    In RSA 6 zones, F.A.R. is 50 percent of lot size.

d.    In RSA 8 zones, F.A.R. is 50 percent of lot size; provided, that F.A.R. may be increased up to 60 percent of lot size for the first 5,000 square feet of lot area if, with the exception of accessory features, all roof forms consist of ridgelines peaked near the center of the structure, with a minimum pitch of four feet vertical to 12 feet horizontal. Back to Table

F.A.R. is not applicable for properties located within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act regulated under Chapter 83 KZC.

See KZC 115.42, Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) Calculation for Detached Dwelling Units in Low Density Residential Zones, for additional information.

DD-20.    For properties within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act that have a shoreline setback requirement as established in Chapter 83 KZC and the setback requirement is met, the minimum required front yard is either: 10 feet or the average of the existing front yards on the properties abutting each side of the subject property. For the reduction in front yard, the shoreline setback is considered conforming if a reduction in the required shoreline setback is approved through KZC 83.380. Back to Table

DD-21.    Maximum height of structure for properties located within the Juanita Beach Camps Plat (Volume 32, Page 25 of King County Records) or the Carr’s Park Plat (Unrecorded) shall be 35 feet above average building elevation. Back to Table

DD-22.    a.    For properties located south of the Lake Avenue West Street End Park, the required front yard may be decreased to the average of the existing front yards on the properties abutting the subject property to the north and south.

b.    The front required yard provisions shall not apply to public street ends located west of Waverly Way, but the required yard shall be regulated as a side yard.

c.    The required yard along the east side of the vehicular access easements known as 5th Avenue West or Lake Avenue West is zero feet.

d.    The required yard along the west side of the vehicular access easements known as 5th Avenue West or Lake Avenue West is either five feet or the average of the existing rear yards on the properties abutting the subject property to the north and south. The garage shall be located to comply with the provisions for parking pads contained in KZC 105.47. Back to Table

DD-23.    Five feet, but two side yards must equal at least 15 feet or five feet each if Special Regulation DD-24 is met. Back to Table

DD-24.    The gross floor area of any floor above the first story at street or vehicular access easement level shall be reduced by a minimum of 15 percent of the floor area of the first story, subject to the following conditions:

a.    The structure must conform to the standard shoreline setback requirements established in Chapter 83 KZC, or as otherwise approved under the shoreline setback reduction provisions established in KZC 83.380.

b.    The required floor area reductions shall be incorporated along the entire length of the facade of one or both facades facing the side property lines in order to provide separation between neighboring residences.

c.    Uncovered decks with solid railings located along the side property lines on the upper floors and covered decks shall be included in gross floor area calculation.

d.    This provision shall only apply if a residence has more than one story above the street or vehicular access easement level, as measured at the midpoint of the frontage of the subject property on the abutting right-of-way (Plate 36). Back to Table

DD-25.    For properties with a minimum of 45 feet of frontage along Lake Washington, 30 feet above average building elevation. Back to Table

DD-26.    For the increase in height from 25 feet to 30 feet above average building elevation, the structure must conform to the standard shoreline setback requirements established in Chapter 83 KZC, or as otherwise approved under the shoreline setback provisions established in KZC 83.380. Back to Table

DD-27.    Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) requirements of KZC 115.42 shall apply. The maximum Floor Area Ratio is 50 percent of the lot size; provided, that on lots containing less than 7,200 square feet, F.A.R. may be increased to 60 percent if:

a.    With the exception of accessory features, all roof forms consist of ridgelines peaked near the center of the structure, with a minimum pitch of four feet vertical to 12 feet horizontal; and

b.    A setback of at least 7.5 feet is provided along each side yard. Back to Table

See KZC 115.42, Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) calculation for Detached Dwelling Units in Low Density Residential Zones, for additional information.

DD-28.    Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) allowed for the subject property is 60 percent of lot size. Back to Table

See KZC 115.42, Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) Calculation for Detached Dwelling Units in Low Density Residential Zones, for additional information.

DD-29.    Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) allowed for the subject property is 20 percent of lot size. Back to Table

See KZC 115.42, Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) Calculation for Detached Dwelling Units in Low Density Residential Zones, for additional information.

DD-30.    If a Master Plan is approved for the property, this use may have a lot size of less than 35,000 square feet and must meet the following standards:

a.    The property must contain at least 16 contiguous acres.

b.    Residential lots must contain a minimum area of 14,500 square feet capable of being used as a horse paddock area, which shall comply with KZC 115.20(5) for keeping of horses.

c.    The minimum lot size allowed on the property shall be determined and approved as part of the Master Plan. In no case shall the minimum lot size be less than 26,000 square feet.

d.    A commercial equestrian facility, including an arena, stables and paddock areas, must be provided on the property. The facility must be available to the public and not exclusively for the residences within the Master Plan. The facility must meet requirements and special regulations as established for the use listing in this zone entitled “Commercial Equestrian Facility.”

e.    An improved public equestrian access trail and appropriate public signing must be provided. The trail must be located and designed so as to allow for an eventual connection between NE 60th Street and the Bridle Trails State and King County Parks.

f.    A coordinated vehicular and pedestrian circulation system for the property as well as other properties in the vicinity shall be provided as part of the Master Site Plan. Back to Table

DD-31.    For school use, structure height may be increased, up to 35 feet, if:

a.    The school can accommodate 200 or more students; and

b.    The required side and rear yards for the portions of the structure exceeding the basic maximum structure height are increased by one foot for each additional one foot of structure height; and

c.    The increased height is not specifically inconsistent with the applicable neighborhood plan provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; and

d.    The increased height will not result in a structure that is incompatible with surrounding uses or improvements. Back to Table

DD-32.    For those properties that conform to the standard shoreline setback requirements established in Chapter 83 KZC, either:

a.    Ten feet; or

b.    The average of the existing front yards on the properties abutting the subject property to the north and south. Otherwise, 20 feet. Back to Table

(Ord. 4844 § 1, 2023; Ord. 4811 § 1, 2022; Ord. 4703 § 1, 2019; Ord. 4506 § 2, 2015; Ord. 4476 § 2, 2015)

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15.40 Development Standards

Development Standards Table – Low Density Residential Zones (RS, RSX, RSA, WD II, PLA 3C, PLA 6E, PLA 16) 

(Refer to KZC 15.20, Permitted Uses Table, to determine if a use is allowed in the zone; see also KZC 15.30, Density/Dimensions Table)


Landscape Category

(Chapter 95 KZC)

Sign Category

(Chapter 100 KZC)

Required Parking Spaces

(Chapter 105 KZC)


Attached Dwelling Units



2.0 per dwelling unit.





1 for every 4 people based on maximum occupancy load of any area of worship.1


Commercial Equestrian Facility



See KZC 105.25.


Commercial Recreation Area and Use

C2, 3


See KZC 105.25.


Community Facility



See KZC 105.25.


Detached Dwelling Unit



2.0 per dwelling unit.


Golf Course



See KZC 105.25.


Government Facility



RSX, RSA: B5, 9

See KZC 105.25.


Mini-School or Mini-Day-Care Center



PLA 16: B

See KZC 105.25.7, 8


Piers, Docks, Boat Lifts and Canopies Serving Detached Dwelling Unit



Public Park

Development standards will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


Public Utility



See KZC 105.25.


School or Day-Care Center



RS, RSX, RSA: B5, 10

PLA 3C, PLA 6E: B11

See KZC 105.25.8, 12

PLA 3C: 13

Development Standards (DS) Special Regulations:

DS-1.     No parking is required for day-care or school ancillary to the use. Back to Table

DS-2.     Existing natural vegetation must be maintained to the greatest extent possible. Back to Table

DS-3.     A 20-foot-wide sight-obscuring landscape buffer must be provided along the west and south perimeter of the property. Back to Table

DS-4.     Landscape Category A or B may be required depending on the type of use on the subject property and the impacts associated with the use on the nearby uses. Back to Table

DS-5.     One pedestal sign with a readerboard having electronic programming is allowed only if:

a.    It is a pedestal sign (see Plate 12) having a maximum of 40 square feet of sign area per sign face;

b.    The electronic readerboard is no more than 50 percent of the sign area;

c.    Moving graphics and text or video are not part of the sign;

d.    The electronic readerboard does not change text and/or images at a rate less than one every seven seconds and shall be readily legible given the text size and the speed limit of the adjacent right-of-way;

e.    The intensity of the display shall not produce glare that extends to adjacent properties and the signs shall be equipped with a device which automatically dims the intensity of the lights during hours of darkness. Back to Table

DS-6.     Electrical signs shall not be permitted. Size of signs may be limited to be compatible with nearby residential uses. Back to Table

DS-7.     An on-site passenger loading area may be required depending on the number of attendees and the extent of the abutting right-of-way improvements. Back to Table

DS-8.     The location of parking and passenger loading areas shall be designed to reduce impacts on nearby residential uses. Back to Table

DS-9.     One pedestal sign with a readerboard having electronic programming is allowed at a fire station only if:

a.    The electronic readerboard displays messages regarding public service announcements or City events only;

b.    The electronic readerboard is turned off between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. except during emergencies;

c.    It is located to have the least impact on surrounding residential properties.

If it is determined that the electronic readerboard constitutes a traffic hazard for any reason, the Planning and Building Director may impose additional conditions. Back to Table

DS-10.    Electrical signs shall be permitted at junior high/middle schools and high schools. One pedestal sign with a readerboard having electronic programming is allowed per site only if:

a.    The electronic readerboard displays messages regarding public service announcements or school events only;

b.    The electronic readerboard is turned off between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.;

c.    The school is located on a collector or arterial street.

The City shall review and approve the location of the sign on the site. The sign shall be located to have the least impact on surrounding residential properties. If it is determined that a proposed electronic readerboard would constitute a traffic hazard the Planning and Building Director may impose restrictions or deny the readerboard. Back to Table

DS-11.    Electrical signs shall not be permitted. Back to Table

DS-12.    An on-site passenger loading area must be provided. The City shall determine the appropriate size of the loading area on a case-by-case basis, depending on the number of attendees and the extent of the abutting right-of-way improvements. Carpooling, staggered loading/unloading time, right-of-way improvements or other means may be required to reduce traffic impacts on nearby residential uses. Back to Table

DS-13.    An on-site passenger loading area must be provided. The City shall determine the appropriate size of the loading area on a case-by-case basis, depending on the number of attendees and the extent of the abutting right-of-way improvements. The location of parking and passenger loading areas shall be designed to reduce impacts on nearby residential uses. Back to Table

DS-14.    See RSA General Regulation 1 (KZC 15.10.030(1)) and KZC 15.05.020(3). Back to Table

(Ord. 4506 § 2, 2015; Ord. 4476 § 2, 2015)

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