Title 8


Division 1. Animal Control

8.04    General Provisions

8.08    Definitions

8.12    Department of Animal Care and Control

8.16    Department of Animal Care and Control Volunteer Program

8.20    Dogs

8.24    Cats

8.28    Licenses for Other Animals

8.32    Animals Running at Large

8.36    Impoundment

8.37    Dangerous Dogs

8.39    Rodeos

8.40    General Requirements

8.44    Livestock Fund

Division 2. Animal Health

8.48    Definitions and General Provisions

8.52    Stockyards and Hog Ranches

8.56    Importing of Animals

8.60    Tuberculosis Control

8.64    Quarantines

8.68    Sanitation and Other Requirements

Division 3. Miscellaneous Regulations

8.72    Animal Disease Reports

8.76    Apiaries

8.80    Dogs in Open Vehicles

8.84    Feeding of Certain Predator Animals

8.86    Interference with Police Dogs

8.90    Fee Schedule