Chapter 18.28A


18.28A.010    Golf course zone – Intent.

18.28A.020    Golf course zone – Use allowances.

18.28A.030    Accessory uses.

18.28A.040    Golf course zone – Development standards.

18.28A.050    Golf course zone – Additional development standards.

18.28A.055    Wireless communication facilities.

18.28A.060    Golf course zone – Site plan review process.

18.28A.070    Golf course zone – Rezone criteria.

18.28A.010 Golf course zone – Intent.

The golf course zone provides for golf course activities and the protection and preservation of open space qualities of lands that are developed for golf course uses. The district allows for a mix of active golf-related recreational facilities and supporting infrastructure. Master plans are encouraged for recreational uses. The golf course zone is applied to lands used for golf course related purposes and designated as public and private facilities on the comprehensive plan land use map. [Ord. 11-0329 § 3 (Exh. 1).]

18.28A.020 Golf course zone – Use allowances.

A. The following uses listed in Table A are identified as permitted, conditionally permitted, or prohibited uses in the golf course zone:


Table A. Golf Course Zone Use Allowances




Arts, entertainment, indoor

Arts, entertainment, outdoor

Cannabis business



Cannabis cooperative

Recreational facility, indoor


Multiple-family dwelling

Recreational facility, outdoor


Single detached dwelling unit

Utility facility



B. Classified land uses not listed or prohibited in Table A may be allowed through completion of a site plan review process pursuant to KMC 18.28A.060 and Chapter 18.105 KMC. [Ord. 24-0607 § 2 (Exh. A(XXI)); Ord. 17-0438 § 2 (Att. A); Ord. 16-0426 § 5 (Att. C); Ord. 16-0421 § 2 (Att. A); Ord. 14-0384 § 5; Ord. 11-0329 § 3 (Exh. 1).]

18.28A.030 Accessory uses.

Accessory uses, when consistent with the definition in Chapter 18.20 KMC, are allowed as determined by the city manager. [Ord. 17-0438 § 2 (Att. A); Ord. 11-0329 § 3 (Exh. 1).]

18.28A.040 Golf course zone – Development standards.

A. Specific zone-based development standards for the golf course zone in Table B shall apply to the golf course zone as follows:

Table B. Golf Course Zone Development Standards 



Maximum Density: Dwelling Units/Gross Acre


Minimum Lot Size

4,500 sq. ft.2

Minimum Lot Width

35 ft.

Minimum Street Setback

20 ft. or 30 ft.3

Minimum Interior Setback

10 ft. or 20 ft.3

Base Height

35 ft.4

Maximum Impervious Surface: Percentage


1 Dwelling unit, single detached uses: limited to one single detached dwelling unit per existing legal lot as of December 16, 2008.

2 The minimum lot size may be reduced if the city manager determines use on the site is compatible with adjoining property, does not impair development of adjoining property and does not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare.

3    a. Street setbacks: the minimum street setback varies depending on the adjacent zoning:

(1) Thirty feet if adjacent zoning is R-1 to R-6.

(2) Twenty feet in all other cases.

b. Interior setbacks: 20 feet if adjacent zoning is R-1 to R-6; 10 feet in all other cases.

c. Netting or fencing and support structures for the netting or fencing used to contain golf balls in the operation of golf courses or golf driving ranges are exempt from the interior setback requirements; provided, that the maximum height shall not exceed 75 feet.

4 Height limits may be increased when portions of the building which exceed the base height limit provide one additional foot of street and interior setback for each foot above the base height limit, provided the maximum height does not exceed 75 feet.

5    a. Measures to reduce impervious surfaces and to promote low impact development shall be employed unless infeasible, consistent with adopted Kenmore stormwater management standards.

B. Standards may be varied through a variance process pursuant to Chapter 19.25 KMC and KMC 18.115.030, or through a site plan review process in KMC 18.28A.060. [Ord. 16-0428 § 13 (Att. I); Ord. 11-0329 § 3 (Exh. 1).]

18.28A.050 Golf course zone – Additional development standards.

A. Where the golf course zone abuts a residential zone, the city manager may require a landscaping screen pursuant to Chapter 18.35 KMC in order to screen views of parking lots, accessory buildings, or other features within the golf course zone. Aesthetic, safety, security, and maintenance factors shall be considered when considering the type of screen to be employed. Native vegetation is preferred for these screening treatments.

B. Accessory buildings and other structures shall be clustered together to the greatest extent feasible in order to reduce lengthy buildings and impervious surfaces. Measures to reduce impervious surfaces and to promote low impact development shall be employed where feasible, consistent with adopted Kenmore stormwater management standards.

C. Lighting shall be provided for safety of traffic and pedestrian circulation on the site. It shall be designed to minimize direct illumination of abutting properties and adjacent streets. The lighting standards of KMC 18.52.140 shall be met. The city manager shall have the authority to waive the requirement to provide lighting. [Ord. 16-0428 § 13 (Att. I); Ord. 11-0329 § 3 (Exh. 1).]

18.28A.055 Wireless communication facilities.

Use allowances and development regulations for wireless communication facilities are located in Chapter 18.60 KMC. [Ord. 16-0426 § 6 (Att. D).]

18.28A.060 Golf course zone – Site plan review process.

Project sponsors in the golf course zone shall undergo site plan review for purposes of establishing classified land uses or activities not otherwise established in KMC 18.28A.020 as permitted or conditionally permitted, in accordance with Chapter 18.105 KMC. Site plan review shall not be used to establish prohibited uses listed in KMC 18.28A.020. A site plan review shall be processed consistent with Chapter 18.105 KMC. [Ord. 11-0329 § 3 (Exh. 1).]

18.28A.070 Golf course zone – Rezone criteria.

A. The golf course zone may be established by a Type 4 land use decision per Chapter 19.25 KMC, where the zone reclassification implements the public and private facilities comprehensive plan designation.

B. If a comprehensive plan amendment is required to establish the public and private facilities land use designation, and is proposed to be implemented by the golf course zone, such comprehensive plan and zoning amendments shall be processed in accordance with Chapters 19.20 and 19.25 KMC. [Ord. 11-0329 § 3 (Exh. 1).]