An ordinance of the city of Gonzales fixing the time and place of meeting of the city council.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales fixing the compensation of the city clerk and treasurer and fixing the amount of their official bonds.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales providing that the duties of assessing properties and collecting taxes be performed by the county assessor and county tax collector of the county of Monterey


An interim ordinance establishing the certain temporary zoning regulations for the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance relating to public nuisances, begging, drunkenness, fighting, and loitering.


An ordinance adopting by reference those certain printed codes entitiled Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, and Uniform Electrical Code.


An ordinance providing for the establishment of an official master plan and the appointment of a planning commission.


An ordinance licensing the transaction and carrying on of certain businesses, trades, professions, calling and occupations in the city of Gonzales for the purpose of raising municipal revenue and providing a penalty for the violation thereof.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales regulating traffic upon the public streets thereof.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales regarding the keeping of dogs and restricting the running of dogs at large: and adopting Ordinance No. 4 of the county of Monterey by reference.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales relating to fire protection and fire prevention regulating the burning of brush, rubbish or other materials, for the protection of fire hose, fire apparatus and the water system of said city of Gonzales, creating the office of chief of the fire department, and repealing ordinances in conflict herewith and providing the penalty of the violation thereof.


An ordinance regulating and licensing the business of carrying passengers for hire in motor vehicles in the city of Gonzales. Taxicab.


An ordinance left out due to superstitious omen.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales, levying municipal taxes for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1947.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales. regulating the hours of pool halls and poker games and imposing age limits.


Ordinance regulating garbage and refuse, and the collection, removal, and disposal thereof.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales, California adopting a zoning or districting plan for said city by establishing various districts in said city within which certain regulations shall be in effect relating to the uses of land and buildings. Height limits of buildings and yards and other open spaces about buildings requiring that certain permits shall be secured for certain of such buildings and uses: defining certain terms used and specifying the procedure for the amendment, and prescribing ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales establishing a special gas tax street improvement fund.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales, levying municipal taxes for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1948.


An ordinance regulating subdivisions and adopting Ordinance No. 546 of the county of Monterey by reference thereto.


An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 11 of the city of Gonzales, entitled ordinance of the city of Gonzales relating to fire protection and fire prevention regulating the burning of brush, rubbish or other materials, for the protection of fire hose, fire apparatus and the water system of said city of Gonzales, creating the office of chief of the fire department, and repealing ordinances in conflict herewith and providing the penalty of the violation thereof.


An ordinance relating to and regulating the practice of entering upon private residential premises of the city of Gonzales by solicitors, peddlers and transient vendors, declaring such entry to be a nuisance unless authorized. Prescribing penalties for the violation hereof.


An ordinance creating and establishing fire zones.


An ordinance providing for the issuance, revocation, denial or suspension of permits to carry on certain businesses, professions, occupations, or callings in the city of Gonzales and providing penalties for the violation hereof. Business licenses.


An ordinance forbidding the sale and/or possession of uninspected meats.


Utility. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8 of the city of Gonzales, entitled, “An ordinance licensing the transaction and carrying on of certain businesses, trades, professions, callings and occupations in the city of Gonzales for the purpose of raising municipal revenue and providing a penalty for the violation thereof.”


Transportation. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8 of the city of Gonzales, entitled, “An ordinance licensing the transaction and carrying on of certain businesses, trades, profession, callings, and occupations in the city of Gonzales for the purpose of raising municipal revenue and providing a penalty for the violation thereof.”


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales levying municipal taxes for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1949.


Cardtables. An ordinance to amend Section 9 of Ordinance No. 8 of the city of Gonzales entitled “An ordinance licensing the transaction and carrying on of certain business, trades, professions, callings and occupations in the city of Gonzales for the purpose of raising municipal revenue and providing businesses a penalty for the violation thereof.”


An ordinance prohibiting the business, art or practice of astrology, palmistry, phrenology, life-reading, fortune-telling, cartomancy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, crystal-gazing, hypnotism, mediumship, prophecy, augury, divination, mind-reading or necromancy, and providing penalties for violation.


An ordinance granting to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, its successors and assigns, the franchise to construct, maintain and use poles, wires, conduits and appurtenance, including communication circuits, necessary or proper for transmitting and distributing electricity to the public for any and all purposes in, along, across, upon, under and over the public streets and places within the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance prohibiting minors from being present in public places in the city of Gonzales during certain hours, prohibiting the parent or guardians of such minor from allowing such minor to be in said place within said hours, providing for the penalties for violation hereof and repealing Section Four of Ordinance No. 5.


An ordinance relating to disasters.


An ordinance regulating the making and refilling of excavations in or under any street, alley, sidewalk, public way, or public place in the city of Gonzales, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance.


An ordinance granting to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, its successors and assigns, the franchise to install, maintain and use pipes and appurtenances for transmitting and distributing gas for any and all purposes under, along, across or upon the public streets and places as the same now or may hereafter exist within the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales levying municipal taxes for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1950.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales amending Ordinance No. 15 entitled “An ordinance of the city of Gonzales regulating the hours of pool halls and poker games and imposing age limits” to provide for the operation of poker tables on permit from the city council.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales providing for the auditing and payment of bills against said city.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales relating to civil defense and disasters.


An ordinance prohibiting minors from possession of alcoholic beverages on any public street sidewalk, alley or public place.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales finding and determining the amount of revenue necessary to be raised from property taxes to support departments for the fiscal year 1951-1952 and to pay the bonded indebtedness of said city.


An ordinance levying municipal taxes for the city of Gonzales for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1951.


An ordinance calling a special election in the city of Gonzales for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said city an initiative ordinance approving the development, construction acquisition of low rent housing project in the city of Gonzales for not more than fifty (50) families of low income pursuant to Article XXXLV of the Constitution of the State of California: fixing the date of said election, the manner of holding the same, establishing election precinct, and polling place for said election, and appointing a board of election therefore, and providing for notice thereof.


An ordinance call a special election in the city of Gonzales for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said city an initiative ordinance approving the development, construction and acquisition of a low rent housing project in the city of Gonzales for not more than fifty (50) families of low income pursuant to Article XXXVL of the Constitution of the State of California: fixing the date of said election, the manner of holding the same, establishing election precinct, providing for notice thereof.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales changing the time and place of the official meetings of the city council of said city.


An ordinance approving the development, construction and acquisition of a low rent housing project in the city of Gonzales for not more than fifty (50) families of low income.


An ordinance adopting by reference that certain printed code entitled “Standard Gas Code.”


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales fixing the compensation of the city clerk and the city treasurer and fixing the amount of their official bond.


An ordinance providing water rates and charges for water furnished by municipal water system of the city of Gonzales: setting forth and providing for establishment of rules and regulations for water service and connections: providing for means of collection of such charges and for enforcement measures in case of nonpayment of such charges or for certain violations: providing for appeals in certain circumstances: providing for disposition of revenues hereunder, and uses to which such revenues shall be applied: and providing for effective date of ordinance and of charges hereunder.


An ordinance levying municipal taxes for the city of Gonzales for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1952.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales establishing a city office and prescribing the duties of the city clerk.


An ordinance annexing Annexation No. I to the city of Gonzales and providing for taxation thereof.


An ordinance rezoning certain lands within the city of Gonzales and amending Ordinance No. 17.


An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 40 providing for bulk sales deliveries and standby charges.


An ordinance adopting by reference those certain printed codes entitled “Uniform Building Code,” “Uniform Plumbing Code” and “Uniform Electrical” and repealing ordinances in conflict herewith.


An ordinance regulating the use of public and private sewers and drains, private sewage disposal, the installation and connection of building sewers, and the discharge of wastes into the public system: and providing penalties for violations thereof.


An ordinance establishing house numbers in the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 23, entitled “An ordinance creating and establishing fire zones.”


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales amending Ordinance No. 8, entitled “An ordinance licensing the transaction and carrying on of certain businesses, trades, professions, callings and occupations in the city of Gonzales for the purpose of raising municipal revenue and providing a penalty for the violation thereof.”


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales fixing the compensation of the city clerk and the amount of his official bond.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales establishing the office of superintendent of streets, license collector and water superintendent, and fixing the amount of the official bond therefore, and establishing the amount of compensation thereof.


An ordinance levying municipal taxes for the city of Gonzales for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1953.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales regulating female employees in liquor establishments.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales fixing the time and place of meeting of the city council: establishing a City Hall: and repealing ordinances in conflict.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales, providing for the auditing and payment of bills against said city: establishing a payroll fund: and establishing a purchase order system in said city.


An ordinance for the city of Gonzales regulating the planting, removal and replacing of trees, bushes and shrubs.


An ordinance regulating the use of fireworks within the city of Gonzales and providing penalties for a violation thereof.


An ordinance establishing a portion of the master plan relating to and highways.


An ordinance amending Ordinances Nos. 23 and 58 entitled “An ordinance creating and establishing fire zones.”


An ordinance fixing the amount of revenue from property taxes necessary to support its departments for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1954, etc.


An ordinance levying municipal taxes for the city of Gonzales for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1954.


An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 66 regulating the planting and removal of trees, plants, and shrubs.


An ordinance amending Ordinance Number 52 and providing for the acceptance of the dedication of certain easements.


An ordinance amending Ordinance Number 66, entitled “An ordinance for the city of Gonzales regulating the planting, removal and replacing of trees, bushes and shrubs.”


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales regulating signs, billboards, marquees, canopies and awnings.


An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8 of the city of Gonzales, entitled “An ordinance licensing the transaction and carrying on of certain businesses, trades, occupations in the city of Gonzales for the purpose of raising municipal revenue and providing a penalty for the violation thereof.”


An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 49 providing for distribution, deliveries and standby charges.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales establishing subdivision regulations in the city of Gonzales and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance.


An ordinance regulating installation, repair, and maintenance of television and radio receiving antennas.


An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 49, providing for water service deposits.


An ordinance calling a special recall election in the city of Gonzales: fixing the date of said election, the manner of holding the same, establishing. election precinct, and polling place for said election and appointing a board of election therefor, and provide for notice thereof.


An ordinance annexing Annexation No. 2 “Del Monte Fields Subdivision” to the city of Gonzales and providing for taxation thereof.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales imposing a license tax for the privilege of selling tangible property at retail, providing for permits to retailers, providing for the collecting and paying of such tax, and prescribing penalties for violations of the provisions hereof.


An ordinance establishing a portion of the master plan relating to the planting of trees on or near public streets and ways.


An ordinance fixing amount of revenue from property taxes necessary to support the departments of the city for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1955.


An ordinance levying municipal taxes for the city of Gonzales for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1955.


An ordinance providing for the licensing of all dogs within the corporate limits of the city of Gonzales, prohibiting dogs from running at large within limits, authorizing the impounding and destruction of dogs, providing a penalty, declaring certain dogs a nuisance, and repealing all ordinances conflict therewith.


An ordinance establishing a police reserve in the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance adopting by reference those certain printed codes entitled Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Electrical Code and repealing ordinances in conflict herewith.


An ordinance providing for abatement of specified types of nuisances.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales imposing a city sale and use tax, providing for the performance by the State Board of Equalization of all functions incident to the administration, operation and collection of the sales and use tax hereby imposed, suspending the provisions of existing sales and use tax ordinances and amendments thereto during such time as this ordinance is operative and providing penalties for violations thereof.


An ordinance fixing the amount of revenue from property taxes necessary support the departments of the city for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1956.


An ordinance fixing the time and place of meeting of the city council of the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance levying municipal taxes for the city of Gonzales for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1956.


An ordinance establishing and maintaining speed limits.


An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7 and permitting certain members of the planning commission to vote.


An ordinance allowing compensating days off for certain holidays on which work is performed.


An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 87 prohibiting the running at large of dogs in the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5 prohibiting intoxicated persons from diving or being in and about automobiles.


Ordinance establishing classifications and regulations for labor camps.


An ordinance defining and describing dilapidated buildings and establishing procedure for abatement of same as nuisances.


An ordinance adopting and establishing a street width map.


An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 49 establishing water rates.


An ordinance requiring curbs and GUTTERS.


An ordinance requiring maintenance of records by motels, auto courts, hotels, auto and trailer parks, rooming houses and other lodging places.


An ordinance fixing the amount of revenue from property taxes necessary to support the departments of the city for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1957.


An ordinance levying municipal taxes for the city of Gonzales for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1957.


An ordinance establishing the recreation commission and defining its duties.


An ordinance adopting gross receipts business license.


An ordinance calling a special municipal bond election in the city of Gonzales for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said city the measure of incurring a bonded indebtedness of said city for the acquisition, construction, and completion of the following municipal improvement, to wit: street improvements, declaring the estimated cost of said municipal improvement, the amount of the principal of said indebtedness to be incurred therefor, and the maximum rate of interest to be paid thereon, making provision for the levy and collection of taxes: fixing the date of said election, the manner of holding the same, providing for notice thereof, and consolidating said special municipal bond election with the general municipal election to be held on April 8, 1958.


An ordinance declaring the intention of the city of Gonzales to vacate a certain public street to wit: a portion of 7th Street and an appurtenant easement.


An ordinance annexing Annexation No. 3 to the city of Gonzales and providing for taxation thereof.


An ordinance changing awning height limits.


An ordinance adopting the municipal code by reference.


An ordinance defining public dances.


An ordinance providing for the payment of public dance permit fees.


An ordinance fixing the amount of revenue from property taxes necessary to support the departments of the city for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1958.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales amending the municipal code by inserting therein new sections establishing salary schedule for city employees.


An ordinance levying municipal taxes for the city of Gonzales for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1958.


Ordinance regulating rubbish and refuse collections.


An ordinance to provide for the licensing of dogs and animals and rabies control within the city of Gonzales, the impounding and destruction of unlicensed dogs providing a license fee, a pound fee: and providing a penalty for violations thereof.


Absence or disability of officer or employee.


An ordinance annexing Annexation No. 1959-1 to the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales amending the municipal code by inserting therein new sections authorizing the issuance of citations for violations.


An ordinance fixing the amount of revenue from property taxes necessary to support the departments of the city for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1959.


An ordinance levying municipal taxes for the city of Gonzales for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1959.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales amending the municipal code by inserting therein a new section establishing a special fund for street improvement.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales amending the municipal code by inserting therein new sections prohibiting the discharge of air contaminants, declaring the same to be a public nuisance, and providing penalties for the violation thereof.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales amending the municipal code by inserting therein a new section limiting height of fences and hedges.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales amending the municipal code by inserting therein new sections establishing garbage and refuse collection procedures and regulations.


An ordinance amending the master plan of the city of Gonzales by increasing the street width of Sixth Street.


An ordinance establishing penalties for late payment of license fees.


An ordinance changing meeting requirements - recreation commission.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales to establish landscaped freeways and providing penalties for the violation thereof.


Adopting annual budget and determining amount of revenue necessary 1960-1961.


Establishing tax rate 1960-1961.


Ordinance amending street widths.


Collection for garbage fees amending Ordinance No. 130.


Taxicab and dance permits.


An ordinance accepting the necessary requirements of Section 13522 of the Penal Code relating to training of law enforcement officers.


An ordinance establishing basic license fees for labor camps and taxes.


Deleting certain penalties for late payment of license fees.


An ordinance establishing sidewalk standards.


Annexation No. 1961-1.


AN ordinance amending municipal code in basic salary plan.


Adopting a Uniform Plumbing, Building, Electrical and Housing Code.


Adopting annual budget and determining amount of revenue necessary 1961-62.


Establishing tax rate 1961-62.


Establishing standards for retail meat markets and locker plants.


An ordinance to amend the uniform local sales and use tax ordinance.


Amending fee schedule plumbing code.


Forbidding angle parking.


Adopting annual budget and fixing amounts of revenue necessary to support the departments of the city during fiscal year 1962-63.


Establishing tax rate 1962-63.


Establishing charges for use of sewerage facilities.


An ordinance approving the annexation of certain uninhabited territory, designated 1962-1, to the city of Gonzales.


Street trees.


An ordinance approving the annexation of certain uninhabited territory, designated as 1963-1, to the city of Gonzales.


Connection charges.


Requiring sidewalks - new construction.


Adopting annual budget and fixing amounts of revenue necessary to support the department of the city during fiscal year 1963-64.


Establishing tax rate 1963-64.


Zoning — labor camps.


Establising annexation fees requiring zoning of annexations.


An ordinance empowering the city administrator to issue permits authorizing the placement of public telephones on the public sidewalks of the city of Gonzales and setting forth the terms of such licenses.


An ordinance calling a special municipal bond election in the city of Gonzales for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said city the measure of incurring a bonded indebtedness of said city for the acquisition, construction, and completion of the following municipal improvement, to wit: street improvements, declaring the estimated cost of said municipal improvement, the amount of the principal of said indebtedness to be incurred therefor, and the maximum rate of interest to be paid thereon, making provision for the levy and collection of taxes, and fixing the date of said election, the manner of holding the same, establishing one election precinct and polling place for said election, appointing election officers therefor, and providing for notice thereof.


An ordinance establishing the position of city administrator and defining responsibilities.


Changing sewer collection charges.


Ordinance amending previous municipal code amending permit fees.


Designating truck routes.


Providing for the purchase of supplies and equipment.


Ordinance creating establishing fire zones.


Adopting annual budget and fixing amounts of revenue necessary to support the departments of the city during fiscal year 1964-65.


Establishing tax rate, 1964-65.


Regulating sidewalk installations.


Water services.


Ordinance prohibiting parking on north side of 10th street.


Ordinance imposing a tax upon the privilege of transient occupancy and providing for the collection thereof.


Adopting annual budget and fixing amounts of revenue necessary to support the departments of the city during the fiscal year 1965-66.


Establishing tax rate, 1965-66.


Establishing water rates.


Amending garbage collection rates.


Establishing rates and regulations for private dumping at the city disposal area.


Amending street improvement fund section.


Adding certain sections of the municipal code.


Adopting street numbering plan.


Amending fees--animal and rabies control.


Adopting annual budget and fixing amounts of revenue necessary to support the departments of the city during fiscal year 1966-67.


Establishing tax rate, 1966-67.


Amending and changing salary plan and rules.


No record.


Underground utilities.


Amending Ordinance No. 189.


Establishing Underground Utility District No. 1 (Fourth Street from Alta Street Mall to Center Street) in the city of Gonzales and requiring therein the removal of certain poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures.


Subdivision ordinance---underground utilities.


Limiting parking Alta and Fourth Streets.


City manager ordinance.


Annexing certain uninhabited territory of the city of Gonzales and providing for taxation thereof.


Adopting annual budget and fixing accounts of revenue necessary to support the departments of the city during fiscal year 1967-68.


Establishing tax rate, 1967-68.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales imposing a documentary stamp tax on the sale of real property.


Adopting Uniform Swimming Pool Code.


Requiring underground installation of power and communication distribution service lines.


Allowing change of zone and variance.


Establishing salary---city council.


Community antenna television system.


Charges for use of sewerage facilities.


Adopting annual budget and fixing amounts of revenue necessary to support the departments of the city during fiscal year 1968-69.


Establishing tax rate, fiscal year 1968-69.


Adopting 1967 building codes.


Amending rate for private dumping at city disposal area (Ord. 181).


Amending municipal code (subdivision ordinance).


Contract between the city of Gonzales and the administration of the California State Employees Retirement System.


Amending municipal code (dog license fees).


Amending zoning ordinance and approving variance -- Lot 15, Block 24 (Sam Yop).


Adopting annual budget and fixing amounts of revenue necessary to support the departments of the city during fiscal year 1969-70.


Establishing tax rate, fiscal year 1969-70.


Mobile homes and mobilehome parks.


Amending sewer charges.


Adopting annual budget and fixing amounts of revenue necessary to support the departments of the city during fiscal year 1970-71.


Establishing tax rate, fiscal year 1970-71.


Amending regulations as to dogs and animal and rabies control.


Establishing Underground Utility District No. 70-1 (Alta Street Mall from Third Street to the north side of the alley between Fourth and Fifth Streets) in the city of Gonzales and requiring therein the removal of certain poles, overhead wires, and associated overhead structures.


Amendment to traffic ordinance.


Repealing Section 7-602 of the municipal code.


Adopting amended building inspection and permit fee schedule.


Changing fire zone in “M” district.


Amending holidays.


Annexing the First Street annexation to the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance adopting an annual budget and fixing amounts of revenue necessary to support the departments of the city during the fiscal year 1971-72.


An ordinance levying a tax for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1971, upon all taxable property within the city of Gonzales, and fixing the rate thereof.


Repealing two-hour parking limit on Alta Street.


An ordinance providing for the abatement and removal as public nuisances of abandoned, wrecked, dismantled or inoperative vehicles or parts thereof from private property or public property not including highways, and recovery of costs of administration thereof as authorized by Section 22660 Vehicle Code.


An ordinance providing for city assumption of responsibility for enforcement of the employee housing act and establishing fees.


Annexing the Mission Foods Corporation annexation to the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance adopting the municipal budget of the city of Gonzales for the 1972-73 fiscal year commencing July 1, 1972, and fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to operate the various city departments and to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1972-73.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city Of Gonzales for the 1972-73 fiscal year and fixing the rate thereof.


An ordinance amending the municipal code of the city of Gonzales by creating new funds for budgetary and accounting purposes.


An ordinance providing for the definitions applicable generally to ordinances of the city of Gonzales, California and providing for rules of construction for the city of Gonzales, California.


An ordinance repealing certain ordinances and sections of ordinances and sections of the 1966 Municipal Code.


An ordinance amending certain ordinances and sections of the 1966 Gonzales Municipal Code relating to procedures and administration.


An ordinance granting a right of entry to authorized officials for the inspection of buildings and premises for the enforcement of the provisions of ordinances.


An ordinance establishing a planning program for the city of Gonzales by creating a planning agency and establishing its duties; by providing for the preparation, adoption, and implementation of a general plan; and by repealing Sections 11-101 and 11-102 and amending Sections 11-206 (d), 11-211, 11-303, and 11-304 of the 1966 Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance repealing Section 7-407 of the 1966 Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance amending section 3-201 of the 1966 Gonzales Municipal Code by creating a “Federal Revenue Sharing Fund.”


An ordinance adopting the “Gonzales Municipal Code,” a codification of the permanent and general ordinances of the city of Gonzales, California together with those secondary codes adopted by reference as authorized by the general laws of the state of California, save and except those portions of the secondary codes as are deleted or modified by the provisions of this code.


An ordinance licensing the transaction and carrying on of businesses in the city of Gonzales for the purpose of raising municipal revenue and providing a penalty for the violation thereof.


An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 244 by amending Section 5.04.230 of the Gonzales Municipal Code creating a classification including automobile dealers for business license tax purposes.


An ordinance amending Title 16 of the Gonzales Municipal Code by amending “planning commission” to read “advisory agency.”


Annexing the Monterey Vintners annexation to the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance creating and establishing a budget and finance system for the city of Gonzales by providing for the preparation of an annual budget, the fixing of the property tax rate and the payment of claims.


An ordinance amending Section 17.040.040 of the Gonzales Municipal Code by reducing the membership of the planning commission from nine members to seven members.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to operate the various city departments and to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1973-74.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1973-74 fiscal year and fixing the rate therefore.


An ordinance providing for the licensing and regulations of bicycles.


An ordinance creating a police reserve and establishing its duties.


An ordinance amending Section 2.04.080 of the Gonzales Municipal Code by changing the order of business for city council meetings.


An ordinance amending Section 7.04.030, Section 7.04.070 and Section 7.04.090; and repealing Subsection C of 7.04.010 and repealing Section 7.04.020 relating to dogs and animals and rabies control.


An ordinance amending Sections 8.16.010 through 8.16.100 and repealing Section 8.16.110 and Section 8.16.120 of the Gonzales Municipal Code by providing for the safe, sanitary storage, collection, and disposal of garbage rubbish, and garden refuse.


An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 91 entitled the uniform local sales and use tax ordinance.


An ordinance creating a comprehensive personnel system for the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales declaring the need for a redevelopment agency.


An ordinance declaring the city council of the city of Gonzales as the redevelopment agency of the city.


An ordinance adopting a new swimming pool code for the city of Gonzales and repealing Chapter 14.40 of the city code and all other conflicting ordinances.


An ordinance adopting a new plumbing code for the city of Gonzales and repealing Chapter 14.12 of the city code and all other conflicting ordinances.


An ordinance establishing a Uniform Mechanical Code for the city of Gonzales, adding a new Chapter 14.06 to the city code, and repealing all conflicting ordinances.


An ordinance adopting a new housing code for the city of Gonzales and repealing Chapter 14.16 of the city code and all other conflicting ordinances.


An ordinance establishing a Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings for the city of Gonzales and repealing Chapter 14.24 of the city code and all other conflicting ordinances.


An ordinance adopting a new fire code for the city of Gonzales and repealing Chapter 9.18 and Section 9.20.060 of Chapter 9.20 of the city code and all other conflicting ordinances.


An ordinance adopting a new building code and a new building standards code for the city of Gonzales and repealing Chapter 14.04 of the city code and all other conflicting ordinances.


An ordinance amending Sections 17.24.020 Through 17.24.080 and altering the regulations governing development in R-2 districts.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to operate the various city departments and to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1974-75.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1974-75 fiscal year and fixing the rate therefore.


An ordinance deleting and adding certain funds for budgetary purposes.


An ordinance amending Section 5.20.030 of the Gonzales City Code relating to permit fees for the operation of labor camps.


An ordinance relating to emergency organization and functions.


An ordinance amending Chapter 13.04 of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance providing for the operation of a city sewerage system and the regulation of waste water generation and disposal.


An ordinance repealing Sections 2.40.050 and 2.40.060 of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance amending Section 5.04.010 of the Gonzales Municipal Code by adding the definition for the term “builder” and adding Section 5.04.255 of the Gonzales Municipal Code by providing for a business license tax for the classification “builder.”


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1975-76 fiscal year and fixing the rate therefore.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to operate the various city departments and to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1975-76.


An ordinance amending Section 2.04.250 of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance amending Title 16 of the Gonzales City Code relating to the regulation and control of subdivisions.


An ordinance amending Chapter 17.28 of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance amending Chapter 17.32 of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance amending Chapter 9.24 of the Gonzales City Code relating to public dance.


Ordinance adding Section 17.48.035 to the Gonzales Municipal Code.


Ordinance amending water service charges.


An ordinance amending Title 10 of the city code relating to vehicles and traffic.


An ordinance repealing Chapter 2.40 of the Gonzales Municipal Code and adding Title 6, Chapter 6.04, Parks and Recreation.


An ordinance amending Chapters 1.12 and 7.04 of the Gonzales City Code by reducing violations thereof relating to animal control regulations from misdemeanors to infractions.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to operate the various city departments and to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1976-77.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1976-77 fiscal year and fixing the rate therefore.


An ordinance amending Chapter 10.20 of Title 10 of the Gonzales City Code by adding provisions establishing certain 15 m.p.h. speed zones.


An ordinance adding Chapter 9.48 to the Gonzales Municipal Code relating to bingo.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales adding Section 10.44.075 to the Gonzales City Code relating to vehicles and parking.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales adding Section 9.34.030 to the Gonzales City Code relating to loitering in parks.


An ordinance adopting a new plumbing code for the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance adopting a new housing code for the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance adopting a new fire code for the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance adopting a new National Electrical Code for the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance adopting a new building code and a new building standards code for the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance adopting a new Uniform Mechanical Code for the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales adding Section 2.44.025 to the Gonzales City Code relating to ineligibility for employment for criminal conduct and authorizing the use of criminal history information related thereto.


An ordinance amending Chapter 13.04.060 Title 14 of the Gonzales City Code relating to deposit for water service.


An ordinance amending Chapter 2.40 of the Gonzales City Code relating to permits for park use.


An ordinance amending Section 5.04.230 of the Gonzales City Code relating to business license tax and classification.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to operate the various city departments and to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1977.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1977-78 fiscal year and fixing the rate therefore.


An ordinance amending Section 2.16.010 of the Gonzales City Code relating to fees.


An ordinance amending sections 14.04.010, 14.06.010 and 14.12.010 of the Gonzales City Code relating to fees.


An ordinance providing for the issuance of $160,000 sewer revenue bonds of 1977, Series A, fixing the form of bonds and providing covenants for their protection sewer revenue bonds of 1977.


An ordinance amending Chapter 13.04 of the Gonzales Municipal Code relating to the water works system.


An ordinance amending Section 14.36.070 of the Gonzales City Code relating to fees.


An ordinance adding Section 2.04.145 to the Gonzales City Code relating to voting.


An ordinance amending Sections 12.12.080 and 13.12.090 of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance amending Section 13.04.070 Water Charge of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance amending Sections 2.2, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10 and 4.11 of Ordinance 309, an ordinance providing for the issuance of $160,000.00 sewer revenue bonds of 1977, Series A, fixing the form of bonds and providing covenants for their protection.


An ordinance adding Chapter 3.30 to the Gonzales City Code relating to the disposition of property.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales repealing Ordinance No. 315.


An ordinance amending Sections 5.04.200 and 5.04.250 of the Gonzales City Code relating to business licenses.


An ordinance amending Section 3.12.020 of the Gonzales City Code relating to transient occupancy tax.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1979.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1978-79 fiscal year and fixing the rate thereof.


An ordinance amending Section 13.12.90 of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance amending Section 10.32.020 of the Gonzales Municipal Code relating to commercial vehicles restrictions.


An ordinance adding Section 10.32.025 of the Gonzales Municipal Code relating to commercial vehicle restrictions.


An ordinance adding Section 10.44.105 to the Gonzales Municipal Code relating to parking.


An ordinance prohibiting the use of certain devices in demonstrations, rallies, picket lines and public assemblies.


An ordinance amending Title 17 of the Gonzales Municipal Code relating to zoning.


An ordinance amending Section 2.04.250 Council Salary of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1980.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1979-80 fiscal year and fixing the rate thereof.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales, county of Monterey, state of California, making it unlawful for any person to drink alcoholic beverages on public streets, public property or on private property open to public view.


An ordinance amending Chapter 5.20 of the Gonzales Municipal Code relating to labor camps.


An ordinance amending Title 17 of the Gonzales Municipal Code relating to zoning.


An ordinance amending Title 10 of the Gonzales Municipal Code relating to parking.


An ordinance amending Section 17.16.040 of the Gonzales City Code, entitled, “Zoning Map,” by adding Paragraph 801 to said section.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1981.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1980-81 fiscal year and fixing the rate thereof.


An ordinance amending Section 9.38.040 of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


A heritage preservation ordinance.


An ordinance amending Chapter 5.40 relating to cable TV systems.


An ordinance amending Chapter 6.04 to provide for appointment of an alternate member on the recreation commission.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1982.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1981-82 fiscal year and fixing the rate thereof.


An ordinance amending the Gonzales City Code to provide for a change in the recreation commission and to require that members of boards and commissions be city residents.


An ordinance to prevent flood damage.


An ordinance establishing a statute of limitations on actions pursuant to the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance consolidating the general municipal election with the statewide general election in November of even-numbered years.


An ordinance amending the Gonzales City Code relating to traffic regulations.


An ordinance amending the subdivision ordinance to make the city council the approving authority for proposed tentative maps and to specify notice and public hearing requirements.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1983.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1982-83 fiscal year and fixing the rate thereof.


An ordinance amending Section 9.38.030 of the Gonzales Municipal Code relating to drinking in certain places prohibited.


An ordinance amending Section 13.04.100 of the Gonzales Municipal Code pertaining to failure to pay water charges.


An ordinance adding Section 8.16.110 and amending Section 13.04.100 and 13.12.090 of the Gonzales Municipal Code pertaining to garbage, water and sewer service charges.


An ordinance amending Section 10.44.050 to the Gonzales Municipal Code pertaining to no parking in designated areas.


An ordinance adding Chapter 17.50 to the Gonzales Municipal Code pertaining to game machines and game arcades.


An ordinance repealing Chapter 5.28 and adding a new Chapter 5.28 to the Gonzales Municipal Code pertaining to private patrol services.


An ordinance providing for the issuance of $380,000 sewer revenue bonds of 1977, Series B, fixing the form of bonds and providing covenants for their protection sewer revenue bonds of 1977.


An ordinance amending Chapter 13.04 of the Gonzales Municipal Code pertaining to the waterworks system.


An ordinance adding Chapter 9.56 to the Gonzales Municipal Code pertaining to watercourses.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1984.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1983-84 fiscal year and fixing the rate thereof.


An ordinance amending Chapter 13.04 and Chapter 13.12 of the Gonzales Municipal Code pertaining to water service and sewer service, respectively.


An ordinance amending Section 17.16.040 of the Gonzales City Code, entitled “Zoning Map,” by adding Paragraph 802 to said section.


An ordinance amending Chapter 9.28 of the Gonzales Municipal Code pertaining to cardrooms and poolhalls.


An ordinance amending Chapter 3.08 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, pertaining to sales and use taxes.


An ordinance adding Chapter 8.28 to the Gonzales Municipal Code relating to hazardous materials storage and registration.


An ordinance amending Chapter 3.28 of the Gonzales Municipal Code pertaining to purchasing.


An ordinance amending Section 5.20.030 of the Gonzales Municipal Code relating to labor camps.


An ordinance providing rules for operation of alarm systems.


An ordinance amending Chapter 13.12 of the Gonzales Municipal Code pertaining to sewer service.


Ordinance prezoning property in the proposed Elliot Avenue annexation to the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance amending Section 10.44.050 of the Municipal Code, relating to parking regulations.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1985.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1984-85 fiscal year and fixing the rate thereof.


An ordinance amending Chapter 8.28 of the municipal code, relating to hazardous materials storage and registration.


An ordinance amending Chapter 17.52 of the municipal code and repealing Chapters 17.56 and 17.60 of said code.


An ordinance amending Chapter 14.04 of Title 14 of the municipal code, relating to the adoption of reference of the following construction codes: the “Uniform Administrative Code, 1982 Edition,” the “Uniform Building Code, 1982 Edition,” the “Uniform Mechanical Code, 1982 Edition,” the “Uniform Housing Code, 1982 Edition,” the “Uniform Building Security Code, 1982 Edition,” the “Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1982 Edition,” the “Uniform Sign Code, 1982 Edition,” the “Uniform Plumbing Code, 1982 Edition,” the “Uniform Swimming Pool Code, 1982 Edition,” the “Uniform Solar Energy Code, 1982 Edition,” the “National Electrical Code, 1984 Edition,” and the “Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition,” and repealing Chapters 14.06, 14.08, 14.12, 14.16 and 14.24 of Said Title 14.


An ordinance imposing interim controls on uses in C-1 highway commercial districts pending amendment of the zoning ordinance.


An ordinance amending certain sections of the zoning ordinance (Title 17 of the municipal code) relating to zoning permit applications, zoning amendments, and annexations, to provide for the fixing of fees by resolution of the city council.


An ordinance extending interim controls on uses in C-1 highway commercial districts pending amendment of the zoning ordinance.


No ordinance.


An ordinance amending the zoning ordinance relating to uses permitted in a C-1 highway commercial district.


An ordinance amending Section 13.04.040 of the municipal code, requiring the use of water from the municipal water system.


An ordinance amending Section 2.04.250 of the municipal code, relating to the salary of a councilmember.


An ordinance adding Chapter 10.34 to the municipal code, relating to terminal and route designation for interstate trucks.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1986.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1985-1986 fiscal year and fixing the rate thereof.


An ordinance adding Title 16-A to the municipal code, entitled “Vesting Tentative Maps for Residential Subdivisions”.


An ordinance amending Sections 16.16.120 and 16.16.130 of the subdivision ordinance, relating to the expiration of a tentative subdivision map, and Section 16.24.010 of said ordinance, relating to the time of filing a final subdivision map.


An ordinance adding to the municipal code a new chapter, designated Chapter 14.10, entitled “Mandatory Inspection of Vacated Dwelling Units.”


An ordinance amending Sections 14.50.410, 14.50.420, 14.50.430, 14.50.510, 14.50.610 and 14.50.620 of Chapter 14.50 of the municipal code, relating to flood damage prevention, and adding new Sections 14.50.440, 14.50.450, 14.50.460,14.50.470, 14.50.620, 14.50.630, 14.50.640, 14.50.650, 14.50.660, 14.50.670 and14.50.680 to said chapter.


An ordinance adding Chapter 16.13A to the municipal code, entitled “merger of parcels of land under common ownership without reversion to acreage or resubdivision.”


An ordinance adding Section 16.04.075 to the subdivision ordinance of the city, requiring grading plans for subdivisions.


An ordinance amending the zoning ordinance relating to Section 17.24.020 of Title 17.


An ordinance amending the zoning ordinance relating to Section 17.36.140 of Title 17.


An ordinance amending Subdivision 5 of Section 305(e), and Section 3070 of the Uniform Building Code, relating to final inspections of buildings and structures and to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy after final inspection of the same.


An ordinance repealing certain sections of Ordinance No. 380, entitled “An ordinance amending certain sections of the zoning ordinance (Title 17 of the Municipal Code) relating to zoning permit applications, zoning amendments, and annexations, to provide for the fixing of fees by resolution of the city council,” relating to variance applications and use permit applications.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales, California approving a certain lease transaction for the lease by the city as lessee of certain public facilities and approving and authorizing the execution of certain leases and other related financing documents in connection with the Gonzales Public Facilities Project No. 1.


An ordinance amending Section 5.04.230 of the Municipal Code, relating to business license taxes and classifications.


An ordinance amending Section 3.12.020 of the Municipal Code, relating to transient occupancy tax.


An ordinance amending Chapter 2.16 of the Municipal Code, relating to city fees and charges.


An ordinance amending Sections 7.04.030 and 7.04.070 of the municipal code, relating to license fees for dogs and other animals.


An ordinance amending Sections 10.52.030 and 10.52.060 of the municipal code, relating to the issuance of bicycle licenses.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1987.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1986-1987 fiscal year and fixing the rate thereof.


An ordinance amending Section 5.04.230 of the municipal code, relating to business license taxes and classifications.


An ordinance amending Section 13.040.020 of the municipal code, relating to water connection charges, and repealing Chapter 13.08 of the municipal code, entitled “Water Well Discharge.”


An ordinance amending Sections 13.04.050 and 13.04.060 of the municipal code, relating to water service applications and deposits.


An ordinance amending Section 13.04.070 of the Municipal Code, relating to water service charges.


An ordinance amending Section 13.12.080 of the municipal code, relating to sewer connection charges, amending Section 13.12.090 of the municipal code, relating to sewer service charges, and amending subsection “B” of Section 13.12.070, relating to sewer permit and inspection fee.


An ordinance amending Section 14.36.080 of the municipal code, relating to annual inspection of signs and inspection fee.


An ordinance prezoning property in the proposed Arroyo Estates reorganization of the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance amending Chapter 10.48 of the municipal code, relating to the repair of vehicles on streets and the storage of disabled vehicles.


An ordinance amending the zoning ordinance by rezoning certain property from R-1 to R-2, as recommended in planning commission Resolution No. 86-09.


An ordinance adding chapter 9.34 to the municipal code, entitled “Display of Adult Materials.”


An ordinance amending the zoning ordinance relating to nonconforming uses.


An ordinance approving a development agreement between the city of Gonzales and Orchard Park Properties, Inc.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales establishing cable television franchise regulations.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales granting Falcon Cable Systems Company a nonexclusive right, privilege and franchise to install and operate a cable television system within the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance amending Section 10.40.030 of the municipal code, entitled “Curb Markings to Indicate No Stopping and Parking Regulations.”


An ordinance adding to Title 10 of the municipal code a new chapter, designated Chapter 10.54, entitled “Skateboards and Other Human-Powered Vehicles.”


An ordinance amending Section 10.52.130 of the municipal code, relating to the operation of bicycles on sidewalks.


An ordinance adding a new chapter To Title 13 of the municipal code, designated as Chapter 13.16 and entitled “Underground Utilities.”


An ordinance amending Title 7 of the municipal code, entitled “Animals.”


An ordinance establishing a special assessment connection charge 1986 sanitary sewer improvement project.


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1988.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1987-1988 fiscal year and fixing the rate thereof.


An ordinance amending the zoning ordinance relating to uses permitted in an R-1 district.


An ordinance amending Chapter 14.04 of Title 14 of the municipal code, relating to the adoption by reference of the following construction codes: the “Uniform Administrative Code, 1985 Edition,” the “Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition,” the “Uniform Mechanical Code, 1985 Edition,” the “Uniform Housing Code, 1985 Edition,” the “Uniform Building Security Code, 1985 Edition,” the “Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1985 Edition,” the “Uniform Plumbing code, 1985 Edition,” the “Uniform Swimming Pool Code, 1985 Edition,” the “Uniform Solar Energy Code, 1985 Edition,” the “National Electrical Code, 1984 Edition,” and the “Uniform Fire Code, 1985 Edition.”


An ordinance amending the zoning ordinance relating to prezoning designation “M” for three acres of property located south of River Road.


An ordinance amending Chapter 14 of the municipal code, relating to prevention of flood damage.


An ordinance amending Sections 13.12.100 and 13.12.110 of the municipal code, relating to sewage disposal.


An ordinance amending Section 2.14.020 of the municipal code, relating to residency requirements for members of the planning commission and the recreation commission, and amending Section 6.04.030 of the municipal code, relating to recreation commission membership.


An ordinance amending Section 17.44.010 of the municipal code, entitled “Sidewalk Standards.”


An ordinance amending Section 17.48.035 of the municipal code, relating to locations in which the use and occupancy of mobile homes, trailers, etc., are permitted.


An ordinance adding to Title 8 of the municipal code a new chapter, designated Chapter 8.32, entitled “Regulation of Water System Cross-Connections.”


An ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the city as a revenue to pay city indebtedness for fiscal year 1989.


An ordinance levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Gonzales for the 1988-1989 fiscal year and fixing the rate thereof.


An ordinance amending Section 12.12.090 of the municipal code, specifying types of trees approved for planting on city streets.


An ordinance amending Section 13.04.040 of the municipal code, entitled “Use of Water Service Required.”


An ordinance adding to Title 9 of the municipal code a new chapter, designated Chapter 9.19, entitled “Outdoor Fires.”


An ordinance providing for the establishment of an area of benefit (the “Arroyo Estates Fee Benefit Area”) and for the assessment and collection of fees within said area to defray the cost of freeway bridge additions and improvements, adopted pursuant to Government Code Sections 66484 and 66489.


An ordinance amending Section 2.14.020 and Section 6.04.030 of the municipal code, relating to membership of the recreation commission.


An ordinance repealing Section 8.20.140 and amending Section 8.20.150 of the municipal code, relating to the throwing and depositing of handbills on private premises in the city of Gonzales.


An ordinance repealing Chapter 14.40 of the Municipal Code, entitled “Swimming Pool Code.”


An ordinance amending subsection B4 of Section 17.36.150 of the municipal code pertaining to parking requirements for single-family homes.


An ordinance adding Chapter 14.20 to Title 14 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, entitled “Building Earthquake Safety.”


An ordinance adding Title 18 to the Municipal Code, entitled “Impact Mitigation Fees.”


An ordinance adding Chapter 18.08, entitled “Water Facilities Mitigation Fees,” and Chapter 18.10 entitled “Sanitary Sewer Facilities Mitigation Fees” to the municipal code.


An ordinance amending Chapter 14.04 of Title 14 of the municipal code, relating to the adoption by reference of the following construction codes: the “Uniform Administrative Code, 1988 Edition,” the “Uniform Building Code, 1988 Edition,” the “Uniform Mechanical Code, 1988 Edition,” the “Uniform Housing Code, 1988 Edition,” the “Uniform Building Security Code, 1988 Edition,” the “Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1988 Edition,” the “Uniform Sign Code, 1988 Edition,” the “Uniform Plumbing Code, 1988 Edition,” the “Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code, 1988 Edition”, the “Uniform Solar Energy Code, 1988 Edition,” the “National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition,” the “Uniform Fire Code, 1988 Edition,” and the “Uniform Code for Building Conservation.”


An ordinance amending Chapter 16.04 and Chapter 16-A.08 of the municipal code to require reimbursement of city expenses by subdividers.


An ordinance amending Section 10.20.020 of the municipal code, relating to speed limits on certain city streets, and amending Section 10.44.050 of said code, designating no parking areas.


An ordinance adding Chapter 5.48 to Title 5 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, entitled “garage sales.”


An ordinance amending Section 18.04.040 of Chapter 18.04 of the municipal code, relating to the deposit and use of police capital facilities mitigation fees.


An ordinance amending Section 18.06.040 of Chapter 18.06 of the municipal code, relating to the deposit and use of fire capital facilities mitigation fees.


An ordinance amending parking space requirements for certain categories of uses as set forth in Section 17.36.150 of the municipal code.


An ordinance amending Chapter 17.50 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, entitled “Game Machines and Game Arcades.”


An ordinance adding to Title 8 of the municipal code a new chapter, designated Chapter 8.30 and entitled “Hazardous Waste Management Plan.”


An ordinance amending Sections 10.44.030 and 10.44.050 of the municipal code, adopting parking regulations and providing for preferential parking privileges under Section 22507 of the California Vehicle Code.


An ordinance amending Sections 3.28.050 and 3.28.080 and repealing Section 3.28.090 of Chapter 3.28 of the municipal code, entitled “Purchasing.”


An ordinance amending Chapter 10.32 of the municipal code, entitled “Truck Routes.“


An ordinance amending Section 17.34.020 and repealing Section 17.34.030 of Chapter 17.34 of the municipal code, pertaining to conditional uses permitted in “ML districts.”


An ordinance amending Chapter 9.50 of the Gonzales Municipal Code entitled “Curfew.”


An ordinance amending Chapters 9.16.030 and 9.16.050 of the municipal code, entitled “Fireworks.”


Ordinance establishing Underground Utility District No. 4 (on Alta Street between Third Street and Gonzales River Road) on the city of Gonzales and requiring therein the removal of certain poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures.


An ordinance amending Chapter 17.44 of the municipal code, entitled “Sidewalks.”


An ordinance amending Chapter 9.38 of the municipal code, entitled “Drinking In Public.”


An ordinance amending Chapter 9.24 of the municipal code, entitled “Public Dances.”


An ordinance amending Chapter 10.20.010 of the Municipal Code, entitled “Speed Limits.”


An ordinance adding Chapter 5.52, entitled “Dance Halls,” to Title 5 of the municipal code, entitled “Business Licensing and Regulations.”


An ordinance amending Chapter 1.08 of the municipal code, entitled “Right of Entry.”


An ordinance amending Chapter 7.04 of the municipal code, entitled “General Provisions.”


An ordinance amending Chapter 8.20 of the municipal code, entitled “Litter.”


An ordinance amending Chapter 9.22 of the municipal code, entitled “Inoperative Vehicles.”


An ordinance approving a prezoning and zoning map amendment for the Mission Meadows Subdivision.


An ordinance deleting Sections 14.04.010 through 14.04.130 and adding Sections 14.04.010 through 14.04.130 of Chapter 14.04 of Title 14 of the municipal code relating to adoption by reference of the following construction codes: the “Uniform Administrative Code, 1991 Edition,” the “Uniform Building Code, 1991 Edition,” the “Uniform Mechanical Code, 1991 Edition,” the “Uniform Housing Code, 1991 Edition,” the “Uniform Building Security Code, 1991 Edition,” the “Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1991 Edition,” the “Uniform Sign Code, 1991 Edition,” the “Uniform Plumbing Code, 1991 Edition,” the “Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code, 1991 Edition,” the “Uniform Solar Energy Code, 1991 Edition,” the “National Electrical Code, 1990 Edition,” the “Uniform Fire Code, 1991 Edition,” and the “Uniform Code for Building Conservation.”


An ordinance amending Chapters 7.04, 7.08, and 7.20 of Title 7 of the municipal code entitled “Animals.”


Ordinance repealing Sections 17.24.030, 17.28.030, 17.30.040, 17.32.030, 17.36.030, 17.36.050, 17.52.010, amending Sections 17.24.060, 17.28.020, 17.28.060, 17.30.090, 17.32.020, 17.36.090, 17.36.140, 17.52.060, and adding Sections to Title 17 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, entitled “Zoning.”


An ordinance amending Sections 2.04.010 and 2.04.030 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, entitled “City Council.”


An ordinance repealing Sections 5.16.030, 5.16.040, 5.16.050, 5.16.080, amending Sections 5.16.101, 5.16.060, 5.16.100, 5.16.110, 5.16.120, 5.16.150, 516.160, and adding Sections 5.16.021, 5.16.022, 5.16.055, 5.15.121 and 5.16.122 to Chapter 5.16 of the Gonzales Municipal Code entitled, “Peddlers.”


An ordinance adding Chapter 14.06, entitled “Notice of Construction Code Violation” to Title 14, entitled “Buildings and Construction” of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance amending Sections 9.22.010, 9.22.020, 9.22.050, 9.22.070, 9.22.080, and adding Sections 9.22.065, 9.22.066, and 9.22.145 to Chapter 9.22, entitled “Inoperative Vehicles,” of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance rescinding Chapter 14.10, entitled “Mandatory Inspection of Vacated Dwelling Units,” of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance adding Chapter 9.13, entitled “Public Nuisances,” to Title 9 of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales providing a utility users tax for electrical, gas and telephone service and declaring this ordinance to be an urgency measure to take effect immediately because it relates to taxes for the usual and current expense of this city.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales repealing Sections 16.08.020, 16.08.030, 16.24.030, Amending Sections 14.36.060, 14.50.610, 16.04.030, 16.04.070, 16.04.080, 16.08.010, 16.08.055, 16.08.060, 16.08.075, 16.08.090, 16.12.020, 16.13.020, 1613.040, 16.13A.040, 16.13A.050, 16.13A.060, 16.14.090, 16.14.100, 16.19.020, 16.20.020, 16.20.080, 16.20.090, 16.20.100, 16.20.130,16.24.010, 16.24.070, 16.28.040, 16.28.140, 16.36.010, 16.36.020, 16.36.030, 17.20.080,17.26.090, 17.26.100, 17.30.020, 17.34.020, 17.36.150B, 17.44.010, 17.48.050, 17.48.070, and adding Section 16.13A.070 to Titles 14, entitled Buildings and Construction, Title 16, entitled Subdivisions, and Title 17, entitled Zoning, of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance amending Sections 8.20.010, 8.20.070, 8.20.110, 8.20.120, 8.20.130, 8.20.150 and 8.20.160 and adding Sections 8.20.111, 8.20.151, 8.20.152, and.


An ordinance adding Chapter 9.19 “Recovery of Public Safety Service Costs” to Title 9 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, entitled “Public Peace, Safety and Morals.”


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales adding Section 13.04.035 to Chapter 13.04 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, entitled “Waterworks System,” concerning the establishment of a water connection charge for the Westside water main extension.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales adding Chapter 10.58 to Title 10 – Vehicles and Traffic of the Gonzales Municipal Code, entitled “Trip Reduction.”


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales amending Section 6.04.030 – Recreation Commission of Chapter 6.04 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, entitled “Parks and Recreation Administration,” and declaring this ordinance to be an urgency measure.


An urgency ordinance of the city of Gonzales amending Section 2.14.010 of Chapter 2.14 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, entitled “Boards and Commissions”; repealing Section 17.04.040 from, and adding Sections 17.04.035, 17.04.036, 17.04.037, 17.04.038, 17.04.039, 17.04.040, and 17.04.041 to Chapter 17.04 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, entitled “Planning Program”; and deleting Section 17.64.030, adding Sections 17.064.011, 17.64.055, and amending Sections 17.64.010 and 17.64.020 of Chapter 17.64 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, Entitled “amendments.”


An ordinance adding Section 13.09 to Title 13 of the Gonzales Municipal Code entitled “Mandatory Water Conservation Regulations.”


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adding Sections 18.04.025 and 18.06.025, and amending Sections 18.08.030 and 18.10.030 to and of Chapters 18.04, 18.06, 18.08 and 18.10 of Title 18 Impact Mitigation Fees, of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Sections 13.04.090, 13.04.100 and 13.12.090 of Chapters 13.04 and 13.12 of Title 13 – Public Utilities, of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of Gonzales adding Chapter 14.05, entitled “Adoption of Standards and Specifications” to Title 14 – Buildings and Construction; and amending Sections 12.04.010 and 12.04.060 of Chapter 12.04, Section 13.04.030 of Chapter 13.04, Section 13.12.070 of Chapter 13.12, Section 14.04.020 of Chapter 14.04, Section 14.20.020 of Chapter 14.20, and Section 16.28.040 of Chapter 16.28, all of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Title 12-Streets and Sidewalks and Title 17-Zoning of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance deleting Sections 14.04.010 through 14.04.130 and adding Sections 14.04.010 through 14.04.130 of Chapter 14.04 of Title 14 of the municipal code relating to the adoption by reference of the following construction codes: the “Uniform Administrative Code, 1994 Edition,” the “Uniform Building Code, 1994 Edition,” the “Uniform Mechanical Code, 1994 Edition,” the “Uniform Housing Code, 1994 Edition,” the “Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1994 Edition,” the “Uniform Building Security Code, 1994 Edition,” the “Uniform Sign Code, 1994 Edition,” the “Uniform Plumbing Code, 1994 Edition,” the “Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code, 1994 Edition,” the “California Energy Code, 1995 Edition,” the “National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition,” the “Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition,” and the “Uniform Code for Building Conservation.”


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales repealing Chapter 17.24, entitled “R-2 District,” and adding new Chapter 17.22, entitled “R-2 District (Multiple-Family Residential District),” to Title 17, entitled “Zoning,” of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales amending Chapter 10,58 of Title 10 – Vehicles and Traffic of the Gonzales Municipal Code, entitled “Trip Reduction.”


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Section 2.04.010, entitled “Regular Meetings (City Council),” of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Sections 1.12.010, through 1.12.040 of Title 1, Chapter 1.12 entitled “Violations,” of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An urgency ordinance of the city of Gonzales prohibiting the installation of wireless telecommunication facilities in the city of Gonzales pending the establishment of policies to protect community character.


An urgency ordinance of the city of Gonzales extending the force and effect of Gonzales Urgency Ordinance No. 503 prohibiting the installation of wireless telecommunication facilities in the city of Gonzales pending the establishment of policies to protect community character.


An urgency ordinance of the city of Gonzales establishing standards for the development and installation of telecommunications facilities and antennas.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales approving prezoning and a zoning map amendment for the Blomquist annexation, prezoning, and subdivision project.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Chapter 16.24 of Title 16, entitled “Subdivisions,” of the Gonzales Municipal Code to permit lots without frontage on nonresidential streets.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Sections 8.16.010, 8.16.020, 8.16.040, 8.16.060,8.16.070, 8.16.080, 8.16.090, 8.16.100, 8.16.110, adding Section 8.16.075 and deleting Sections 8.16.030, 8.16.050, 8.16.130, 8.16.140, 8.16.150, 8.16.160 and 8.16.170 of Title 8, Chapter 8.16 entitled “Garbage,” of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales deleting Chapter 14.50 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, entitled “Flood Damage Prevention,” and adding new Chapter 14.51, entitled “Floodplain Management.”


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Chapter 9.50 entitled “Curfew” of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales approving prezoning and a zoning map amendment for the Canyon Creek subdivision project.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales approving prezoning and a zoning map amendment for the Seminis property.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adopting density bonus provisions and procedures.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Chapter 2.08 City Manager and adding new Chapter 2.11 City Clerk to the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city of Gonzales repealing and rescinding Title 14 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, titled “Building and Construction”; adopting new Title 14, titled “Building Regulations”; and by reference adopting the 1998 Editions of the California Uniform Building Code, Plumbing Code, Electrical Code, Fire Code, Mechanical Code, the 1997 Edition Uniform Housing Code, and the Abatement of Dangerous Building Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales authorizing an amendment to the contract between the city council of the city of Gonzales and the board of administrators of the California Public Employee's Retirement System.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales approving the zoning of property and a zoning map amendment for property located at South Alta Street and Gonzales River Road.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Chapter 9.13 - Nuisances of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Section 9.16.050 of Chapter 9.16 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, entitled “Fireworks.”




An urgency ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adding new Chapter 3.44 - First Responder Enhanced Emergency Medical Services Special Tax to Title 3 - Revenue and Finance of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales approving and adopting the redevelopment plan for the Gonzales redevelopment project.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Chapter 6.04 - Parks and Recreation Administration of Title 6 - Recreation and Social Services of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales repealing and rescinding Title 17 of the Gonzales Municipal Code, Titled “Zoning”; and adopting a new Title 17, titled “Zoning.”


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales authorizing an amendment to the contract between the city council of the city of Gonzales and the board of administrators of the California Public Employee’s Retirement System.


An interim urgency ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales providing an exemption from code compliance for subdivisions of 200 or more units for which a tentative map was approved prior to August, 2000.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Title 17 - Zoning of the Gonzales Municipal Code - Considerations of zoning code compliance exemptions for subdivisions of 200 or more units for which a tentative map was approved prior to August, 2000.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adding new Chapter 18.12 - Public Facilities Impact Mitigation Fees to Title 18 -Impact Mitigation Fees of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Chapter 2.04 - City Council of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales approving the zoning of property and a zoning map amendment for property located adjacent to 146 " A Street.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales deleting and replacing Section 3.40.160 - “Refunds” of Chapter 3.4 - Utility Users Tax of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales increasing water facilities mitigation fees by Amending Chapter 18-08 - Water Facilities Mitigation Fees of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales increasing sanitary sewer facilities mitigation fees by amending Chapter 18-10 - Sanitary Sewer Facilities Mitigation Fees of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Title 17 - Zoning of the Gonzales Municipal Code by establishing a new table of permitted and conditional uses and making modifications attendant thereto; creating a new low density residential downtown zoning district; and modifying various provisions of Title 17, including sections pertaining to secondary dwelling units, accessory structures and uses, required yards, homes occupations, trash, garbage, and recycling container enclosures, general regulations regarding signs, assignment of duties, permit application submittals and definitions.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales granting a one year extension to the non-exclusive cable franchise granted to Charter Communication, Inc.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Chapter 6.04 - Parks and Recreation Administration of Title 6 - Recreation and Social Services of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Chapter 17 - Zoning of the Gonzales Municipal Code to add new Chapter 17.01.150 - “Planning Commission.”


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adopting new Chapter “6.08 Skateboard Park” of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adding new Chapter 18.14 - Circulation System Impact Mitigation Fees to Title 18-Impact Mitigation Fees of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adding new Chapter 18.16 - Storm Drain Facilities Impact Mitigation Fees to Title 18 - Impact Mitigation Fees of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending the Gonzales Municipal Code effecting a zone change from “I (Industrial)” to “R-1: PUD (Low Density Residential - Planned Unit Development)” for property located at Centennial Drive.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales approving and authorizing execution of a development agreement between the city of Gonzales and Cosentino Investment Company, LP.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales approving and adopting the proposed amendment to the redevelopment plan for the Gonzales Redevelopment Project.


Ordinance dropped by council. No action taken.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adding new Chapter 5.40 - “cable communication franchise procedures, terms and enforcement measures” to the Gonzales municipal code and rescinding existing Chapter 5.40 - “cable television franchise regulations.”


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Chapter 10.44 - parking of the Gonzales Municipal Code to create new regulated parking areas and establish standardized parking time limits in the central traffic and other business districts.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adopting the re-codified “Gonzales Municipal Code.”


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales announcing findings and amending various sections of Title 12-zoning regulations of the Gonzales Municipal Code in order to bring Title 12 into compliance with state laws and to assist in implementation of the 2002-2007 housing element of the Gonzales General Plan.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales announcing findings and amending various sections of Title 12 of the Gonzales Municipal Code Chapter 12.112, Section 12.112.040 J. to increase the allowed height of fence, walls, and hedges in front and street yard areas of residential zones.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adding new Section 11.40.122 to Chapter 11.40-building earthquake safety of the Gonzales City Code, relating to placards used to denote conditions relating to continued occupancy of buildings.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales announcing findings and amending Title 12 of the Gonzales Municipal Code (zoning ordinance) in order to establish regulations for window signs in the commercial areas of the city (Repealed by 2024-143)


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Section 11.08.020 - “additions, deletions and amendments” of Chapter 11.08-“building code” of the Gonzales City Code, modifying city fire sprinkler requirements.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Section 4.08.100-service fee of Chapter 4.08-alarm systems of the Gonzales City Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Section 12.128.030-“minor exception” of title 12-“zoning” of the Gonzales City Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales announcing findings and amending Title 12 of the Gonzales Municipal Code (zoning ordinance) in order to modify standards for temporary political campaign signs.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales approving and authorizing execution of a development agreement between the city of Gonzales, American Cooling, Inc. and Herbert G. Meyer concerning development of the Vista de Santa Lucia industrial subdivision and making findings related thereto.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales announcing findings and amending Title 12, Chapter 12.56.040 and Chapter 12.88.040 to apply the requirements for conditional use permits to additional classes of uses.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales announcing findings and amending Title 12, Chapter 12.56.030 “locations and boundaries: map” to apply a pre-zoning designation of “public facility” (PF) to approximately 52 acres of property adjacent to the city of Gonzales sewer treatment plant.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Chapter 1.48-“impact mitigation fees” of the Gonzales City Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales announcing findings and amending the Gonzales City Code chapter 12.132 (nonconforming uses) to allow reconstruction of residences in the public facilities zoning district.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Gonzales Municipal Code Title 12, Chapter 12.56, Section 12.56.030 (official zoning map) to change the zoning designation of 21,000 square foot APN 020-073-008 from “low density residential-downtown” to “downtown mixed use.”


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adding Chapter 11.48-“deconstruction, demolition, and construction material recovery and diversion from landfills” to title 11-“building regulations” of the Gonzales City Code (Repealed by 2022-135)


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adopting a program for the use of eminent domain by the city of Gonzales redevelopment agency for the Gonzales redevelopment project pursuant to SB53.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adding new Chapter 5.48-smoking in recreational areas to title 5-Public Health and Safety of the Gonzales City Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Gonzales City Code Title 12, Chapter 12.56.030 (official zoning map) to change the zoning designation of five parcels.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adding a new Chapter 5.22-“graffiti abatement and charges” to Title 5- “Public Health and Safety” of the Gonzales City Code.




An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Title 11 of the Gonzales City Code titled “building regulations” by deletion of Chapters 11.08, 11.12, 11.16, 11.20, 11.24,11.24, 11.28, and 11.32, adoption of new Chapter 11.08 entitled “adoption of California Building code,” and adoption by reference, with exceptions and amendments, of the “1997 Uniform Administrative Code, “2007 California building Code Volumes 1 and 2,” “2007 California electrical code,” “2007 California mechanical code,” “2007 California plumbing code,” “2007 California energy code,” “2007 California building standards code parts 7, 8, 10, and 12,” “2007 California fire code,” “2007 California referenced standards code,” “1997 uniform housing code,” and “1997 uniform code for the abatement of dangerous buildings” (Repealed by 2022-135)


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Chapter 2.20-recreation agency of Title 2-boards and commissions of the Gonzales City Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adding Chapter 1.52 to the Gonzales City code establishing a regional development impact fee.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Gonzales Municipal Code Title 12, Chapter 12.120 to establish additional regulations for presidential driveway additions.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales, California, amending Title 5 (Public Health and Safety) of the city of Gonzales City Code by adding Chapter 5.52 regulating abandoned and distressed residential properties within the city and establishing a registration program.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Title 14 of the Gonzales City Code titled “Flood Control” by deletion of Chapter 14.04 Flood Damage Prevention and adoption of new Chapter 14.04 entitled “Floodplain Management.”


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales, California, adding property management to Section 4.04.01 (Definitions) of Title 4 (Business and License Regulation).


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adding Chapter 11.52, Residential Rental Unit Inspection Program, to Title 11 of the Gonzales Municipal Code.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adding Section 11.08.130 – “Green Building Regulations” to Title 11 – “Building Regulations of the Gonzales City Code” by adoption and referenced amendments to the “2008 California Green Building Standards Code.”


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Gonzales City Code Title 12, Chapter 12.56, Section 12.56.030 (Official Zoning Map) to change the zoning designation on three parcels.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending: Title 1, Administration; Title 2, Boards and Commissions; Title 3, Revenue and Finance; Title 4, Business and License Registration; Title 5, Public Health and Safety; Title 6, Police Regulations; Title 7, animals; Title 8, Motor Vehicles and Traffic; Title 9, Public Ways and Property; and Title 11, Building Regulation of the Gonzales City Code.


An urgency interim ordinance of the city of Gonzales making findings and establishing a city-wide moratorium on the issuance of use permits and building permits for medical marijuana dispensaries pending analysis and a potential zoning ordinance amendment.


An urgency ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales making findings and extending a city-wide moratorium on the issuance of use permits and building permits for medical marijuana dispensaries pending analysis and a potential zoning ordinance amendment.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Gonzales City Code Title 12, Chapter 12.116 (Signs) to modify the approval authority for signs and to create new standards for signs in the mixed use and industrial zoning districts (Repealed by 2024-143)


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adopting an ordinance relating to bid cost thresholds and bidding procedures for public construction projects.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales adopting Zoning Ordinance Amendment ZOA 2010-03 amending Gonzales City Code Title 12, Chapter 12.56, Chapter 12.84 and adding new Chapter 12.86 to establish modified land use regulations and a new zoning district within the existing downtown mixed use zone area.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales approving ZOA 2010-04 and amending Gonzales City Code Title 12, Chapter 12.56.040 to implement various programs of the Gonzales housing element.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales approving ZOA 2010-05 and amending Gonzales City Code Title 12, Chapter 12.112.110 to provide for installation or repair of street improvements by abutting property owners.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales approving ZOA 2010-06 and amending Gonzales City Code Title 12, Chapter 12.112.020 B. 4 to eliminate the requirement that a property owner requesting to construct a secondary dwelling unit must reside on the property.


An ordinance of the city council of the city of Gonzales amending Title 11 of the Gonzales City Code titled “Building Regulations” by adoption and referenced amendments to: “1997 Uniform Administrative Code,” “2010 California Building Code,” Title 24, Part 2 Volumes 1 and 2, “2010 California Residential Code,” Title 24, Part 2.5, “2010 California Electrical Code,” Title 24, Part 3, “2010 California Mechanical Code,” Title 24, Part 4, “2010 California Plumbing Code,” Title 24, Part 5, “2010 California Energy Code,” Title 24, Part 6, “2010 California Fire Code,” Title 24, Part 9, “2010 California Green Building Standards Code,” Title 24, Part 11, “2010 California Referenced Standards Code,” Title 24, Part 12, “1997 Uniform Housing Code,” “1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings” (Repealed by 2022-135)


Amends § 11.08.090, fire code (Repealed by 2014-76)


Adds § 12.60.060, zoning; amends zoning map (12.60)


Participation in voluntary alternative redevelopment program (2.12)


Extends development agreement (Superseded by 2015-89)


Amends §§ 10.16.020, 10.16.030 and 10.16.110, sewage disposal (10.16)


Deletes and replaces §§ 11.06.020, 11.08.030, 11.08.040, 11.08.050, 11.08.060, 11.08.070, 11.08.090 and 11.08.100, building codes (Repealed by 2016-97)


Repeals and replaces Ch. 12.48, density bonus (12.48)


Amends § 3.16.050, bidding, purchasing procedures (3.16)


Adds Chs. 5.54 and 5.56, reusable bag regulations, prohibited disposable food service ware (5.54, 5.56)


Adds § 10.04.170; amends §§ 10.04.010, 10.04.110, 10.04.120, 10.04.140 and 10.04.150; repeals § 10.04.050, waterworks system (10.04)


Adds Ch. 3.29, temporary transactions and use tax (3.29)


Amends § 12.56.040, medical office use in PF zone (12.56)


Adds Chs. 10.24 and 10.28; amends Chs. 9.16, 12.124 and § 14.04.140, landscaping and storm water management (9.16, 10.24, 10.28, 12.124, 14.04)


Adds Ch. 5.60, psychoactive bath salts, psychoactive herbal incense, and other synthetic drugs (5.60)


Adds § 10.08.040S, mandatory restrictions on water waste (10.08)


Adds § 11.08.140, small residential rooftop solar systems (Repealed by 2022-135)


Adds Ch. 5.64, electronic smoking devices (5.64)


Amends § 3.16.085C, bidding procedures for public construction projects (3.16)


Amends and extends development agreement; supersedes Ord. 2011-74 (Special)


Adds Ch. 12.140, medical marijuana dispensaries (12.140)


Adds Ch. 12.144, cultivation of medical marijuana (12.144)


Adds Ch. 1.56 and § 10.16.130; amends §§ 10.04.130, 12.08.020 and 12.56.040, housing (1.56, 10.04, 10.16, 12.08, 12.56)


Adds § 1.28.060(B)(14), city manager powers and duties (1.28)


Amends Ch. 12.144, cultivation and manufacturing of medical marijuana (12.144)


Adds Ch. 4.64, commercial cannabis tax (4.64)


(Not adopted)


Repeals and replaces §§ 11.06.020, 11.08.030, 11.08.040, 11.08.050, 11.08.060, 11.08.070, 11.08.090, 11.08.100 and 11.08.130; repeals § 11.08.080, building codes (Repealed by 2019-114)


Interim urgency provisions regulating the cultivation and distribution of nonmedical marijuana (Not codified)


Amends § 2.20.030, recreation commission (2.20)


Extends interim urgency provisions regulating the cultivation, distribution and use of nonmedical marijuana (Not codified)


Authorizes implementation of community choice aggregation program (Not codified)


Adds Ch. 5.52 [5.68], social host accountability (5.68)


Amends § 12.144.040, indoor cultivation and manufacturing of marijuana (12.144)


Approves development agreement (Special)


Approves development agreement (Special)


Approves development agreement (Special)


Extends interim urgency provisions regulating the cultivation, distribution and use of nonmedical marijuana (Not codified)


Amends § 12.144.040(A)(7), indoor cultivation and manufacturing of marijuana (12.144)


Amends §§ 3.29.050, 3.29.070 and 3.29.160, temporary transactions and use tax (Did not pass)


Amends § 8.12.010, speed limits (8.12)


Adds Ch. 5.72, nonmedical marijuana regulations (5.72)


Amends § 3.16.085(C), bidding procedures for public construction projects (3.16)


Amends § 8.28.020(A), truck routes (8.28)


Repeals and replaces §§ 11.06.020, 11.08.030, 11.08.040, 11.08.050, 11.08.060, 11.08.070, 11.08.090, 11.08.100 and 11.08.130, building regulations (Repealed by 2022-135)


Adds Ch. 4.70, tobacco licensing (4.70)


Amends §§ 10.04.120(C) and 10.04.160(A), waterworks system (10.04)


(Number not used)


Adds Ch. 4.18, sidewalk vending (4.18)


Adds Ch. 4.22, storage containers (4.22)


Amends Table 1 of § 12.56.040, permitted and conditionally permitted uses (12.56)


Amends § 12.112.020, accessory dwelling units (12.112)


Amends Ch. 12.08, definitions (12.08)


Urgency ordinance enacting temporary prohibition on COVID-19 pandemic related commercial evictions (Special)


Extends Ord. 2020-123 prohibiting evictions (Special)


Amends §§ 3.29.050, 3.29.070 and 3.29.160, temporary transactions and use tax (3.29)


Amends § 12.68.040, R-2 medium density residential district (Died – lack of motion)


Amends Ch. 10.28, storm water quality management and discharge control (10.28)


Amends § 12.112.020, accessory dwelling units (12.112)


Adds Ch. 5.30, organic waste disposal reduction, recycling and solid waste collection (5.30)


Amends § 12.68.040, development standards in the R-2 district (12.68)


Approves police department policy manual (Not codified)


Adds Ch. 3.30, Community Center temporary special transactions and use tax (Did not pass)


Amends Ch. 1.48, impact mitigation fees (1.48)


Amends § 3.29.160, temporary transactions and use tax (Did not pass)


Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.04; repeals Chs. 11.06, 11.08 and 11.48, building codes (11.04)


Adds Ch. 12.150, agricultural resource mitigation (12.150)


Prezoning (Special)


Amends Ch. 1.28, city manager (1.28)


Adds §§ 1.20.100, 1.20.110 and 1.20.120, by-district council elections (1.20)


Adds Ch. 11.56, streamlined permitting process for electric vehicle charging stations (11.56)


Authorizes purchase and use of unmanned aerial system (Special)


Amends § 4.56.020, taxicab owner and driver permits required (4.56)


Repeals and replaces Ch. 12.116, signs (12.116)


Amends Ch. 5.40, fireworks (5.40)