Chapter 2

Article I. In General

2-1—2-30.    Reserved.

Article II. Council

2-31.    Investigative powers; subpoenas.

2-32.    Manner of service of subpoena.

2-33.    Failure to comply with subpoena.

2-34.    Conduct of hearings.

2-35.    President of council to administer oath.

2-36.    Perjury.

2-37.    Witness fees.

2-38.    Right of involved parties to witnesses.

2-39.    Testimony; oath required; writing.

2-40—2-70.    Reserved.

Article III. Departments

Division 1. Office of the Mayor

2-71.    Established; responsibilities generally.

2-72.    Office assistants.

2-73—2-85.    Reserved.

Division 2. Department of Finance

2-86.    Established; responsibilities generally.

2-87.    Functions and duties.

2-88.    Director.

2-89.    City Treasurer.

2-90.    Purchasing Agent/Fiscal Analyst.

2-91.    Payables and Receivables Manager.

2-92.    Human Resources Specialist.

2-93.    Deputy Finance Director.

2-94.    Deputy City Treasurer.

2-95.    Income Tax Director.

2-96—2-110.    Reserved.

Division 3. Office of the City Clerk

2-111.    Created; functions and duties.

2-112.    City Clerk.

2-113.    Deputy City Clerk.

2-114—2-140.    Reserved.

Division 4. Department of Community Development

2-141.    Created; functions and duties.

2-142.    Director.

2-143.    Deputy Director.

2-144.    Cable Director.

2-145—2-165.    Reserved.

Division 5. External Auditor

2-166.    External auditor.

2-167—2-190.    Reserved.

Division 6. Department of Public Works

2-191.    Created; functions and duties.

2-192.    Director.

2-193.    Deputy Director.

2-194.    City Engineer.

2-195—2-315.    Reserved.

Article IV. Employee Benefits

Division 1. Generally

2-316—2-330.    Reserved.

Division 2. Unemployment Compensation

2-331.    State employment security act adopted; exception.

2-332.    Period of coverage; effective date.

2-333.    Reports and notices.

2-334.    Payments to state commission.

2-335—2-355.    Reserved.

Article V. Boards and Commissions

Division 1. Generally

2-356—2-370.    Reserved.

Division 2. Planning Commission

2-371    Scope, purpose and intent.

2-372    Composition; terms.

2-373    Officers’ election; meeting.

2-374    Removal of city planning commission member vacancy.

2-375    City liability limited; expenditures.

2-376.    Additional duties.

2-377.    State regulations applicable.

2-378—2-390.    Reserved.

Division 3. Local Officers Compensation Commission

2-391.    Creation; membership; terms; vacancies.

2-392.    Determination of salaries; expense allowances or reimbursements.

2-393.    Meetings; quorum; concurrence of majority; chairman; session days; compensation.

2-394.    Implementation; changes in procedure for establishing compensation.

2-395—2-425.    Reserved.

Division 4. Arts Commission

2-426.    Created; composition.

2-427.    Terms of members; compensation.

2-428.    Election of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary; terms.

2-429—2-445.    Reserved.

Division 5. Library Advisory Commission

2-446—2-459.    Reserved.

Division 6. Youth Advisory Commission

2-460—2-484.    Reserved.

Article VI. Finance

Division 1. Generally

2-485.    Employment contracts and agreements.

2-486.    Payment of city funds into treasury.

2-487.    Accounts required; statement; receipt.

2-488.    Forms and reports.

2-489.    Daily deposits.

2-490.    Payroll.

2-491.    Payment of invoices.

2-492—2-515.    Reserved.

Division 2. Purchasing

2-516.    Legislative purpose.

2-517.    Definitions.

2-518.    Centralized purchasing authority; use of purchase orders; change orders.

2-519.    Duties of purchasing agent.

2-520.    Disposition of excess or obsolete property.

2-521.    Professional service contracts.

2-522.    Other powers of purchasing agent.

2-523.    Cooperative purchasing participation.

2-524.    Disposition of unique and rare items.

2-525.    Security.

2-526.    Specifications, contracts and bid documents for construction contracts and purchases.

2-527.    Requirement for tax or appropriation; payment for goods and services.

2-528.    Contractors or vendors in default to city.

2-529.    Violations and penalties.

2-530.    Conflict of interest.

Division 3. Executive Balanced Budget Ordinance

2-531—2-536.    Reserved.


Cross reference—Businesses, ch. 26; cable communications, ch. 30; community development, ch. 42; consumer protection, ch. 46; elections, ch. 50; environment, ch. 58; fire prevention and protection, ch. 62; floods, ch. 66; flood damage prevention administration, § 66-41 et seq.; historical preservation, ch. 74; human relations, ch. 78; law enforcement, ch. 82; offenses and miscellaneous provisions, ch. 86; special assessments, ch. 98; subdivisions, ch. 106; utilities, ch. 118; sewers administration and enforcement, § 118-236 et seq.; vehicles for hire, ch. 126.

State law reference—Home rule cities generally, MCL 117.1 et seq.; standards of conduct and ethics, MCL 15.341 et seq.; Open Meetings Act, MCL 15.261 et seq.; Freedom of Information Act, MCL 15.231 et seq.