40.240.650    Review Uses – Residential Land

The following uses may be allowed on lands in the GMA zoned Gorge Residential, subject to compliance with Sections 40.240.800 through 40.240.900:

A.    One (1) single-family dwelling per legally created and existing parcel.

1.    If the subject parcel is located adjacent to lands zoned Gorge Large-Scale or Small-Scale Agriculture, the use shall comply with the buffer and notification requirements of Section 40.240.130, and the notification requirements of Section 40.240.430(A)(15)(e); and

2.    If the subject parcel is located adjacent to lands zoned Gorge Small Woodland, the use shall comply with the buffer and notification requirements of Section 40.240.140, and the notification requirements of Section 40.240.530(A), and the placement of a dwelling shall also comply with Section 40.240.540.

B.    Accessory structures for an existing or approved dwelling that are not otherwise allowed outright, eligible for the expedited development review process, or allowed in subsection (C) of this section.

C.    Accessory building(s) larger than two hundred (200) square feet in area or taller than ten (10) feet in height for a dwelling on any legal parcel are subject to the following additional standards:

1.    The combined footprints of all accessory buildings on a single parcel shall not exceed one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet in area. This combined size limit refers to all accessory buildings on a parcel, including buildings allowed without review, existing buildings and proposed buildings.

2.    The height of any individual accessory building shall not exceed twenty-four (24) feet.

D.    The temporary use of a manufactured home, tiny house on a trailer, or similar structure in the case of a family hardship, pursuant to Section 40.240.210.

E.    New cultivation, subject to compliance with Sections 40.240.820 and 40.240.840 through 40.240.870.

F.    Agricultural structures, in conjunction with agricultural use, including new cultivation.

G.    Land divisions, pursuant to Sections 40.240.370 and 40.240.680.

H.    Lot line adjustments that would result in the potential to create additional parcels through subsequent land divisions pursuant to Section 40.240.380.

I.    Resource enhancement projects for the purpose of enhancing scenic, cultural, recreation and natural resources. These projects may include new structures or activities, pursuant to Section 40.240.270.

J.    Agricultural buildings in conjunction with current agricultural use and, if applicable, proposed agricultural use that a landowner would initiate within one (1) year and complete within five (5) years, pursuant to standards in Section 40.240.200.

K.    Additions to existing buildings greater than two hundred (200) square feet in area or greater than the height of the existing building.

L.    Docks and boathouses, pursuant to Section 40.240.230.

M.    Removal/demolition of structures that are fifty (50) or more years old, including wells, septic tanks and fuel tanks.

N.    Commercial events, pursuant to Section 40.240.290.

(Amended: Ord. 2006-05-04; Ord. 2021-12-02)