Title 19


19.02    Critical Areas Regulations

19.04    Repealed

19.06    Recycling Collection Point

19.08    Landscape Regulations

19.10    Sign Code

19.12    Design Regulations

19.14    Off-Street Parking

19.16    Loading Areas

19.18    Repealed

19.20    Dedication of Streets and Highways

19.22    Performance Standards

19.24    Impact Fees

19.25    Transportation Impact Analysis and Concurrency Management

19.26    Wireless Communications Facilities (WCFs)

19.27    Small Cell Deployment – Franchise and Small Cell Permits

19.28    Quarrying, Mining, Excavating, Processing and Stockpiling

19.30    Recreational Vehicle Parks

19.31    Essential Public Facilities

19.32    Miscellaneous Use Regulations

19.34    Accessory Dwelling Units

19.36    Home Occupations

19.38    Mixed Use Development and Design Standards

19.40    Multifamily Development and Design Standards

19.42    Protection and Preservation of Landmarks, Landmark Sites and Districts

19.44    Mowing and Debris

19.48    Compost Usage, Procurement, and Reporting


All figures referenced within this title are available for public inspection in the City Hall.